2016-10-01 17:19:49

well just wait for it. hope everything goes well, and hope that the game will have lots and lots of replay values when the full version comes out

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2016-10-01 17:27:40

Yeah, well, it was originally announced to be released in October 2015... so, secret twitter or not, any release date should be taken with a grain of salt. but I do hope to see this released, eventually.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-10-31 00:49:15

Hi, thanks for the well wishes hanif! I've put quite a lot of secrets and choices in the game to improve replay value, awesome.
I'm really sorry the game took so long, but yes indeed it's helped with the quality to ensure it is a good experience. Thanks again
for your patience and support. This is a great time of year. People were asking which week the game release is on, it's officially this week, same as the week Halloween is on. I hope to get it out in the next couple days, but sometime this week I want to get it to everyone who has purchased it, along with some special goodies included. Thanks again!

2016-10-31 01:05:34

Oh awesome. I'm one of the ones who pre-ordered it.

2016-10-31 04:58:06

good news

2016-10-31 06:53:12

hmmmm could have swarm the release date to this game was 04/01/17, good news to see that it was only a myth, well so we hope.....keep your fingers toes and eyes crossed guys

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2016-10-31 19:10:55

that's great, hope to get the game in my inbox soon.

bokura no daibouken 2 by yukionozawa. installer:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/897 … _setup.exe
bokura no daiboukenn 3 by yukionozawa. download page:

2016-11-01 23:17:18

If this game really has things like multiple endings to discover, or even a secret ending, or most importantly, hidden areas to explore or any other things, i will gladly play this one

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2016-11-02 08:28:08

That is, if it ever comes out. I don't trust anything until the full version, which I payed for long time ago, is installed on my computer.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-11-08 13:01:11

sow where is the game?

2016-11-08 18:36:41

Hey, what's the plot and mechanics of this game?

I'll code it myself.

I'm not gonna do that actually, but someone should because I don't think that Giro is. (it's Monday, release week has gone, and... no release). Seriously though. Cast aside the fact that perhaps Giro has a life, because so do Aprone and Sam Tupy and heck, even so did David Greenwood of GMA games when he and the team busted out all those good games.
  So honestly I think there is no excuse for this. Pre orders are okay, mainstream developers do that too. But pre orders for a game that it takes 6 months to fix a bug or 2? smh

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2016-11-08 21:20:51

Hello. I am very sad to write this about Jyro, but I do not understand more his behavior. I have always supported him from the earliest times. I had pre-ordered Airik 1, 2 and 3. After many years I wanted a refund for Airik 2 and 3, which have never been released. In July, he told me that he would send me a refund, but it never arrived despite many written email. I never thought it was a thief, however what I tell you is true, and I gave Jyro many possibilities. Another reason that pushes me to seek reimbursement is the awareness that Jyro is not able to make a game for the blind at a high level. But above all, the refund is motivated by the fact that i am tired of waiting and waiting for a game that will never go out. I'd like to end this situation, but unfortunately it is still suspended.
What can I do?

2016-11-09 06:58:11

I love how people still give this guy money even though he's proven time and time again how unrelyable he is. A fool and his money soon parted.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2016-11-09 08:40:04

Guys, what do you expect? Jyro have disappointed us so many times in this topic, so I wander why you still even care about this game. Yes, a lot of us have preordered the game, and I tell you, those money are just thrown out of the window. We will not get any game for our preorder. I don't think we'll get any game until the game is installed on my system, and works as expected.
Why all those excuses and promices, if there actually is a game? It looks like the money we have spend on preordering this title has been used to make the two newest sidescrollers, which I don't remember what's called.
Long time ago, I desited never to order something from this developer again. Never...
Have an awesome day while playing other games... big_smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-11-09 15:41:52

I agree, this is getting out of hand. I know I've defended Jyro several times in the past, but there's no reason for this. All I can say is, be happy it was only $15, and not 30 or 40. I'm totally with you guys, though. How long have we been waiting for this game? Like over a year?

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2016-11-09 16:12:01

I agre Staindaddit, and the preorder of Airik 2 and 3 was in July 2011, so more than 5 years!

2016-11-09 17:15:52

i know I make a lot of sarcastic jokes about this game coming out, but I really feel bad for you guys. I hate lyers and deceivers. im going to try and talk to some people to see if we can take legal action against this guy. I know its only 15bucks, but hey its the principal. if he can't finish the product for what ever reason, he needs to just refund everyone there money back, simple. and this is a lesson learned to everyone that pre ordered this game, never and I mean never, pre order a game ever again no matter how good it sounds, or how good the demo plays, because you are bound to run into issues like this. wait until the game has officially came out, so you can listen to a podcast about the complete version, or read some reviews on it, before purchasing it. main stream games are pre ordered all the time, but that's only so you can have it on the first day before it sells out, so you won't be stuck waiting days and months for it. in the audio game community, you don't have to worry about a game selling out, its going to be there. and if you absolutely want to support a game before its release, only do so through go fund me or kick starter. by going through these avenues, it will assure that you will get your money back if the game happens to fall through for some reason.

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2016-11-09 17:58:21

Yeah, guys. I agree. It just delays and delays and never comes out. No matter what i told before, that's the true.

Hail, Daughter of Hatred. Creator of Sanctuary. Hail...Lilith.

2016-11-10 00:02:39

I went to post the beta announcement before, but the audio games site was down.
There are multiple options here to make this a good experience... we're running testing sessions tonight, if you would like to join, send an email to [email protected], then we'll follow up with version 1.0 game release, this is the time of year it is meant to release since it's kind of a between fall and winter game. Rest assured. Number 1, I have released five audio titles before. Number 2, games like Griff were not given a release date responsibly and specifically to avoid lateness issues. I reassured people it would be out within a few weeks. The few rude people I always see on this forum still called it late immediately despite it not even having a release date, they were still claiming it was fake, then behold, it actually did release a couple weeks later. If I made such a correction with that game, and they were still acting that way then it says something about some members of this forum (which are always the same people) who give good members a bad name and cause companies to leave audio games (which has happened before), then I certainly would only announce this one as being near the week of Halloween if it were true. Which it is. Griff 2 released immediately without any wait time at all. so please allow us to finish this last bit of testing and we'll release 1.0 of the full game. I sincerely apologize for past delay, but on another positive note, I we'll be releasing a full, high quality action adventure game with no lateness at all. This game will be completely free for anyone who has purchased Edge of Winter. Developer friends are working on this title so it doesn't affect the games in progress. We'll release Airik 2 and the Steampunk games next. Despite the bumps in the road, we always finish and we're innovative with making audio games feel like video games. Thanks for believing in us as we released games in the past and for your patience and support while we finish this good game.


2016-11-10 00:11:37

I would believe this post, except for the claim about no lateness kind of invalidating it... this game is at least a year late.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-11-10 00:19:11

hi, i've already purchased edge of winter last year, so it is great to know that i'll be geting another game for free just for preordering.
lets see how this beta thing works, i'll send an e-mail after posting this.
to break the ice, somewhat..... i must say.
what happened to ghost mode?. it is not pressent anymore?. if it is the case, that's unfortunate, cause i named that glitch 'ghost mode, and then everyone used it hahahaha. i want my dear ghost mode back!. na, just kidding haha.

bokura no daibouken 2 by yukionozawa. installer:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/897 … _setup.exe
bokura no daiboukenn 3 by yukionozawa. download page:

2016-11-10 00:38:04

@post 619 Man, if only I had that menny excuses for why my homework was late in school. Sorry teacher, i'm getting it done tomorrow, rest assured its all brailed up but I wanna add a little contraction of the letter c and make sure its the best, yes I know the do date was a weak ago. OK, all joking aside, we're not idiots. Your dealing with money. Money that people have given you. Money that people have worked for. Money that they have payed out of their pocket because you've prommissed a game to them. Now, correct me if i'm rong, but the simple factor of biznis is, you prommiss, people pay, you deliver. You don't deliver, you get complaints. And not just from the blind community, but from the mainstreem community. It doesn't matter weather we're entitled to a game or not. It doesn't matter if we should be grateful just because someone is developing for us, or not. The simple fact of the matter is, you prommissed. Now your stuck to that delivery date and if you miss that delivery date, we are with in our rights, blind or not to wine, moan, and complain about it, weather you like it or not is erellivant. Now, lets brush up on a few things. You say you were going to post the beta but the audiogames.net site was down. Understandable, but I have a very very quick question, surely this won't take more than 20 seconds to answer. Why couldn't you have just posted it in your last post then. And you've never announced release dates for games like gryff? Yes, when my cat figures out she can talk, walk on 2 legs and is on a human level of behayvure equal to that of sheldon cooper. I can name quite a few instances where, for example, in your first post you've told us that gryff was ready to go and people could start ordering. They ordered, and you told them you had to wait a few hours, that got pushed to a few days, and at last after the complaints roled in you at last announced no release date set, which, by the way, did not undo the damage you've already done. And news flash, people are with in their rights to file a lawsuit if you continue this kind of behayvure, weather you have a reel life and personal life matters is erellivant in that kind of situation. Now, let me speak for those who ordered and for those who are waiting for this game. We want no more excuses, and for the people who pre ordered, they want what they payed for, a game, and because you told them it'd be out by such and such date, they want it out by that date. They don't want your tardyness in the same way a teacher doesn't cair a student is late, and they defanatly don't want your excuses. And if you can't handle it, please, kindly supply us with nothing and refund those who have baught the game. As to outside people like me, your already a lost developer and i'm not intrested in ordering any titles from you until you get your act together and I can be reassured that i'm getting what I payed for. Thank you, and good night.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2016-11-10 00:52:19

well, this is not the time for starting another flame war, just calm down a bit, everyone.
i understand you, i've complained it myself, but the good news for me at least is, i already joyned the betatesting, so i'll be able to tell you if everything is going right.
if there are bugs, i'll inform here, and most important, i'll be able to try to reproduce them, if there are any. and if the game runs fine, i'll post here as well. i'll keep you up to date.

bokura no daibouken 2 by yukionozawa. installer:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/897 … _setup.exe
bokura no daiboukenn 3 by yukionozawa. download page:

2016-11-10 01:12:14

No, that's quite wrong, actually. Next week, today, tomorrow, in a couple weeks, this month, are all release dates, Gyro. And if you don't have the game out in that time frame, it's... late!
  See, I go to school still. And a while back, a teacher told me to turn an assignment within the week. I turned that assignment in 4 weeks later, and guess what? I got a zero. Why? Well, just because that teacher didn't specify an mm/dd/yy date, she said specifically, this week. So Gyro, if you say "this week" to paying customers, you release it this week. No one cares about your "oh but"s, or your "I just have to"s, because those should've been done before, you, specified, a, release, date.
  Rude people, Gyro? Rude people are those when, say, they order their food from a fast food restaurant and if the food isn't there in 15 seconds, scream through the speaker, "Hurry up you @#%$! fools!". Rude people are not those who pull up to the drive through, order, pay up, and are still sitting there 25 minutes later with the person who took their order popping their head out from time to time going, "Yoour food will be out in just a second"... wait 5 minutes... "your food will be out in just a second, sorry for the wait"... wait 5 minutes... "We're almost done cooking the fries. Your food will be out in just a second..." you get the picture, and then that customer says "you know what? Forget this. give me my money back, I'm taking my business elsewhere".
  No, Gyro, you're actually lucky you haven't been sued already. So please, I ask you, count that a ferm blessing. You could've been sued, in all respects, 6 months ago. But because these "rude" people stuck it out for a year before asking for their money back, you weren't. So leave if you want to leave, honestly I don't think I'm the only one who could do without someone who procrastinates profusely bribing people into giving money based on a few released games and the promise of a new one. Traitors are people who were loyal in the past, but turned bad in the end. Slackers are people who did good in the beginning, and then just stopped and started being lazy further down the road. Are you a traitor? Are you a slacker? Are you turning scam? If not, I ask with all the respect in the world...
Get Your Crap Together And Stop! Trying to make fools out of paying customers! Nobody wants that bs anymore!

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2016-11-10 01:53:35

Wow. Ok... calm down, people. I don't like this situation any more than the rest of you... but taking time out of your day to write long rants like a couple of the last few posts have been isn't going to be any more productive than it was the last four times. And to those who talk of preordering and money... partof the responsibility of that is on you to make sure the person you are giving that money to can be trusted with it. Just saying.

Discord: clemchowder633