2016-11-09 19:52:50

I'm not sure if in mission 6 I have to take passengers or to fly without any. Any tips?

2016-11-09 21:10:35

is there knolege as to when the translantion will be done?

Blindness isn't a disability, but a diffrent way of seeing things

2016-11-09 22:40:40

it won't get done unless people record flight attendants.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2016-11-09 23:47:59

For those who are having trouble with mission 6:
Do not take any passengers! The same for mission 7

2016-11-09 23:58:41

How are you guis playing the game? is there a way to translate it with nvda?
If not, how do you guis understand what to do?

Cloud Gaming makes me part of this new generation.

2016-11-10 00:31:26

Hi Douglas. Yes, you can translate and play it using nvda. To do this, you need to follow those steps. First, you need to install the clip copy addon for nvda, second you need to install q translate and third the game. The idea is simple. Copy the mission objective and paste it in q translate.

2016-11-10 10:11:09

but how to know mission objective? And please someone answer my previews question

2016-11-10 10:37:24

Hi. To know the mission objective, press the letter A. When nvda tells you it, press f12 if you have installed the clip copy addon. When you pres f12 you will hear a beep, that means that the text is copied in your clipboard. Paste it in q translate and translate from Slovak to English.

2016-11-10 11:50:12

hi. what do you mean by mission 6? is that mission 6 after 10 flight test or what

2016-11-10 16:19:47

Mission 6 is just mission 6, and nothing else.

2016-11-11 01:04:15

I'm really excited!
I'm guessing I'll be able to understand hopefully 20% of the game, since I took 6 levels of Russian at university. I hope I can understand some smile
Second, I'm a native English speaker, with some translation experience, so if there is anything I can do to help, let me know. I'll record some flight attendant voices at least.

skype name: techluver
Feel free to add me.

2016-11-11 07:17:37

hi I have a suggestion for the developer and translating team. why don't you try to use the voices that you have used in the main version as atc or flight attendants. well they can say the lines in English to. I think. well it is just a suggestion.
best regards omid

regards ***omid***

2016-11-11 10:03:36

is there any chance of even seeing a prototype out the english version?

2016-11-11 10:14:14

To be honest, for me it's no problem, I've learned to play it completely in Czech / Slovak.
But it would be nice if for  flight attendands or ATC, in the English version, we could find a few of the original voices.
I know some of the  people who recorded the voices in person, and some of them knows english very well.
Nonnative speakers would make the game more realistic. If I'm not wrong, even tFS Passengers, the addon for Microsoft flight simulator, didn't have a  native speaker for flight attendands. FOr me the accent haven't seemed to be american or English.

2016-11-11 12:06:29

Btw I'am in task 1.1 now wich I should bring passanger and with aircraaft category 2, but why this category aircraft don't show up in free flight? how to unlocked, please someone answer this

2016-11-11 12:45:26

Rio_unesa, I believe you have to complete the task successfully first. :-)

I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2016-11-11 14:57:24

True. Complete the task, or even two with the category 2 planes and you will have them completely available in the free flights, along with the flight attendants. As for the mission objectives, there is a trick. Press shift+a and you will get a list. Where it says start, it is the airport you are going from. Cil, or something like that, is the airport you are going to, your final destination. Mezdupristavse, or something like that, is an airport where you have to land in between if there is any in the mission. Zakazanye stati, countries you must avoid, if any. Every item is under the options I just wrote here, although incorrectly. For example, start, and if you go once with the down arrow and hear "Slovensko Bratislava", it means that your starting position is the airport you've just been red. Hope that clears some things... smile

2016-11-11 15:07:32

I am not there yet, but better to ask earlier than never: How to avoid the restricted countries? I can control which countries to cross?

2016-11-11 16:08:02

I hate to ask the same old question, but in a different way.
But would it possible to release just the docs in English, if they have been translated? I think that alone would help a lot of people who like me can understand a little but not everything. And it might calm some people down before the English release.
(and my guess as to how much I'd understand was totally over, I only understand about 10% lol)

skype name: techluver
Feel free to add me.

2016-11-11 22:37:23

Never mind. It's too tricky without translation.
Just to hopefully help, I recorded both tower and flight voices. The tower I did in U.S. English, the flight attendant in English from South Africa so hopefully it doesn't sound like the same person. Anyway, here you go.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/323 … flight.zip

skype name: techluver
Feel free to add me.

2016-11-13 07:43:39 (edited by mike-tan 2016-11-13 08:04:35)

hi. I found something in my mind. This of course the airport. I'm from Malaysia and you guys put kuala lumpur international airport. There are cupple of airports that you guys don't put in yet in this game. There are, Pulau langkawi international airport, Kuching international airport, penang international airpot,  senai international airport and kotakinabalu international airport. Thatss all for now the list of airports. so, if you guys need the latitude and longitude for those airports, I will search it for you. thank you

2016-11-13 09:49:51

@harrylst: is that for the translator or... could I use it? , where should I paste it?

2016-11-13 12:28:49

Hello guys,
I have not checked this topic in last days, and now I see, that here are some important questions, so I will try to answer them.
At errors on windows 10 systems, we have not seen them yet, try to install and run game as administrator, and if It will not help, write to us.

Someone asked here, how to take a concrete amount of passengers to the plane. The answer is, that this is inpossible, amount of passengers to take is not specified in missions, you can fly with random amount of passengers, only requirement can be to have or do not have them.

I think that someone asked here how to change track and I dont know, if there was answer, so I will try to do It. For changing runway, you need to know slovak numbers. If you already know It, on the airport press f1 to take take off agreement. If you get It, at the end should be something like:
Použite dráhu a1.
In translation that means:
Use runway a1.
Ofcourse, on big airports is bigger amount of runways, concretely you can take off from:
a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, b1, b2, b3, b4 and b5.
So when you know runway from which you must to start, accelerate to speed about 60 km/h, and listen. After some time of driving, you will hear beep sound from left or right, and voice saying runway number. If this is not your, ignore It, beeping will get closer and closer to you, and after you go around, It will go to the far behind you. Othervise, if It is your runway, you must to turn on It. You can do it manually by holding left/right arrow keys and checking course with s key, or you can simple press ctrl+arrow left/right, based on beeping direction. But in this case you also need to check course with s, because the plane is turning Itself slow. If you are turned, s should say to you západ or východ, west our east in translation based on runway direction, the main corridor is going to north ofcourse. After successfull turning, you can normall take off.

2016-11-13 12:48:54

And now answer to the main question, I gave it to the separated post because I think, that previous post started to be bit long.
Phase of the translation process.
I want to thank to people who already recorded theyr recordings, we have one already processed tower, and one already processed steward, I will look to harrylst's recordings too and add them, but by the any way, we have already minimal amount of needed recordings. It do not means, that you can not make new, only that translation now can be released. Someone asked here, if we can not release documentation to make people calm. Heh, probably no, because documentation is our main problem in text to text translation, bigger than translating missions. smile
It is 6 pages large, and that is only part. Our translators are too busy with theyr lives, so it is going infront so slow. For that reason, I decided to join to the translation myself, I do not speak english very well, but I hope that better like Google or Bing translator, and correctors can fix my mistakes. So only that can I say you is to wait, we have ready game strings and tower / steward,, I can ask our team for release prototype, if you wish.


2016-11-13 13:55:12

wow... no problems, I could try to use google translate to translate the manual until the translated manual out... what I need is just the  audio files...