2016-11-02 16:40:26

So first, no, I don't plan on allowing people to host servers. It would not only make it rtrv2 ware there is no one to play with, but also it would make it so that I could not push updates and add new features quickly like I can now.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-11-02 16:42:19

Also with the stw story and speaker tests, those are from sound libraries. I didn't make the sounds for those, that's almost impossible unless ya got the right stuff. Thus I need to purchase more sound libraries to add new items to the game. I have plenty of sounds this may be true, but it doesn't mean I have the sound that I need.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-11-03 01:14:42

I'm not sure why I have to keep repeating this point, but RTR's server hosting is not a good argument against hosting your own servers. Ghorthalon should've allowed people to search for and connect to active servers, instead of updating a static server list. This is done in Top Speed 3 and most mainstream first person shooters. All Sam would have to do is implement a similar method of connecting to active servers; however, that's probably not going to happen.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2016-11-03 02:45:12

I weirdly feel like Sam will just make the game payed, and this is more of an announcement rather than a request for opinions. Or maybe I'm paranoid big_smile.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2016-11-03 03:36:21 (edited by JasonBlaze 2016-11-03 03:49:17)

just ahem, buddy ,
we will see about it big_smile
I got that feeling too but ah well same here, maybe I just paranoid tongue
oh yeah, how about stw store? , don't you got a lots of dollars from there? it should be enough for server payment and sounds librarys  , right? , peapol still buying stuffs from there, I think?.  I mean, if you make this one payed what's the point? if it's just 1 time payment?
really, I am so sorry for this post, I just curious that's all
I just check stw store, and well, yeah, maybe it's not enough, accept if someone buy the drugs packs, dream packs and others expensift stuff.
how mutch you should pay for a server per month? , anyways?

2016-11-03 04:13:29 (edited by Slender 2016-11-03 08:49:59)

Also Sam, I understand that you feel like you need the money for sound effects and such, however, if you think the pressure is on you now, just wait for when people pay for the game and something or another breaks or goes down. Not to mention, you are very difficult to get in touch with, and you often never respond to people if they try to contact you. Now, I understand that you are human, and you're probably not on the computer all day, and I am not! saying that you should be. However, when people pay for a game, you are obligated to provide updates, and there is a lot more pressure on you to keep things running smoothly, because people don't want to feel like they threw their hard earned money away. You already probably have to deal with a lot of crap from players, however when you make a payed game, the pressure will rise, especially given Redspot's online nature, and that you, at the moment, have no offline version. In summary: I don't think you should make the game payed, since it will probably blow up in your face.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2016-11-18 19:51:23

Slender, I got that same feeling, too. Let's wait, no harm comes from hoping.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2016-11-19 13:20:37

Hi sam!
so basically you want money.
I know that this is not an advertising forum and I don't want to ban from this forum.
but I can solve your money problem easily
and without any difficulty it will work.
come to the Skype and I'll chat about that.

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!

2016-11-20 06:42:53

So I just got done playing the game for a few hours today, and I'd like to throw my observations out there.
First off, I had a ton of fun with it - once I figured out what certain things did, of course.
I'm going to throw my below observations in because I love the game, however....
So, first off, I know you say this is going to be completely different. Can you expand on that? What is going to be different? What will be changed? How will it be different and what will we, as players, see?
And now for my general observations so far:
1. Things are just way insanely powerful. When I get hit by a bomb and lose 2000 of my hp it just kinda seems pointless to pay for that. Don't get me wrong, I had fun learning, but it took a long time.
2. If I'm going to be paying for this, I want it to be at least similar to swamp - medical centers, med kits, armor (or something approximating that to protect against some of a bombs attacks). If I'm going to be spauning over and over again with no items paying just seems boring at this point.
3. I asked several times on the chat today what different items did/the point of them/different in depth questions about them. Each time I was ignored (however I loved the snide comments that were made acting as if I were a total newb). Despite said items not being listed in the read me (that needs a major update, too if people are going to pay).
As an addendum to that, and I really could care less if anyone takes offense to this, when you're about to die please be honorable and stop logging off like a fing coward. That was one of the biggest turnoffs to me personally. Purposely logging off so you'd spaun elsewhere. I mean come on guys.

After all that, keep in mind I loved every second of those 4 hours. This game, for what it is, is super fun and is definitely a learning experience. I just think some of the players could be a little more courteous to the new guy and give a little more sense of welcome. I managed to find one person who actually was willing to talk to me about what the different weapons were good for, all the different bombs, etc. It was refreshing after having lmao and lol being my every response for 3 hours previous. To me, right now, there just seems to be a huge click of players that know each other and everyone else is an outsider. Hopefully making this paid would change that, at least a little because it has quite a bit of potential but right now the players seem to be their own worst enemy.
Maybe I'm thinking too deeply into this, and if I am please do let me know.
Anyway just my thoughts so far.

Something something something insert canine related comment here

2016-11-20 08:22:18

@timberwolf1991, I'm extremely sorry that nobody was willing to help you, and I certenly would have if I was online. There is also a article in articles room about redspot, that you can read here:
It lists most, if not all items and weapons. And I agree, the readme should be updated, or at least have the link to the article in it.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2016-11-20 17:03:52

The cowards. I'm fed up of them too. The ones who always, and always jump every single time annoy me too.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2016-11-20 17:35:07

Unfortunately, that's pretty much all you can do. There aren't many strategies.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2016-11-20 17:36:16

actually there are some. If someone's following you and you're tired of getting chased, the best choice is to detonate a cyanide canister. They'll probably run right into it.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2016-11-20 18:35:04

A time bomb is a good choice, too. They're there to be used.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2016-11-20 22:47:30

That link is highly appreciated. I think my biggest overall problem is the lack of balance. As a developer, things need to be set in stone and not force me as a player to have to go read tons of topics in a forum to get info on something that comes with the game (i.e. not unlockable, etc).
I don't understand teams, either. Regardless, if anyone sees me online and is willing to work with me a little, do let me know. I'm wolfman1360.
Going to get on for a while right now, actually.

Something something something insert canine related comment here

2016-11-21 00:06:57

Haha. I never could move away from time bombs fast enough so I don't get killed by my own bombs.

2016-11-21 00:25:18 (edited by Dan Gero 2016-11-21 00:52:14)

I'm sorry, but as the game is, I don't really see myself buying it. I don't know how it is now, but last time I played it, it appeared to be just another top-down FPS with slightly glitchy sounds and voice acting that could use a tiny bit of work. If you compare it with RTR, RTR had mildly confusing maps, but it had turning, and the game had actual sound that didn't just lower in pitch when it got behind or below you. Not to mention that the speed hack message should probably be changed. My friend tried to play it the other day in his virtual machine, and it gave him a speed hack message when he didn't open cheat engine, and it hurt his ears. All I'm saying is, you are a really great coder, just work on your sound system, definitely change that speed hack message if you can't fix the glitch, try to get some good actors, and work on the movement system, and I'll probably consider purchasing it. Now, on to the actual moderation of the game. I do have to agree with Timberwolf, some of these players are overall jerks nowadays in multiplayer games, and that's mainly because the moderation in these games is at an undesirable level. I do think that while you might not be able to control another person, you can ban them for being that way, and you really should. If players are going to treat their fellow gamers in such a way then maybe they shouldn't be allowed to play that game if they're going to continue to be like that. Now that I'm done talking about that, I would like to point out that you really should think about when making it paid. If you want people to pay for this game, you really should make a demo recording of the game to show off the features, or tell people about them. Being a student in a principals of business class, I could tell you that if you don't advertise features then people are a whole lot less likely to buy it. I do sincerely hope you take my suggestions into consideration when you release the update.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2016-11-21 03:00:06

@Timberwolf, teams are quite simple. You can add someone to your team with /teamad playername. I believe that if the person is already in a team it will tell you. If someone else adds you to their team, you can type /teamleave to leave a team. While in a team, you can see who's in it with /teammembers, and chat on the team channel (radio) with /t message.
If someone is in your team that means that any of your weapons, projectiles, robots etc. won't hit them. At least they shouldn't be, not sure if that works for all the bombs and mines. Also, if someone is in your team you can use those antibiotic darts to give them a bit of health.
Teams allow you to all gang up on one player without accidentally just shooting one another, and you can also keep your team messages private that way. Teams are deleted after some time, but don't know the exact numbers.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2016-11-21 19:44:19

Thanks for that info about teams - I'll definitely keep that in mind. Again, if anyone sees me and wants to say hi, I go by wolfman1360.

Something something something insert canine related comment here

2016-11-21 20:05:27

Hi. Yes, there will be a demo, of course. We even have it planned. A huge giant team war with the beta members of the beta team. Once the update is out, I will be able to remove the speed hack code entirely, and simply ban those that cheat with it.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-11-22 16:29:22

so? , that's true then? ,this game will be payed?
omg big_smile
what is that damn voteing use for, lol

2016-11-22 16:59:54

Dude what did you expect? Sam, why did you made poles if you gonna make it being payed anyway?

2016-11-22 17:46:57

No. No no calm down guys. big_smile I meant my last post as in, if, I made it paid.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-11-22 19:48:46

I will gladly pay for your game. It is great and I believe that people should recognize hard work by a great developer. How will I pay for the game when it is out and how can I become part of the beta team? Great job and keep it going.

2017-01-23 13:17:12 (edited by criticview 2017-01-23 13:22:05)

I certainly didn't read all posts here, but a few things i've read hit me as intresting. First, while that doesn't really apply to me, since i don't really care if i die 2 or 54 times, there is to my mind a problem when you "freshly" connect and you have to face off against a few peeps who had a good deal of time, maybe even a team, to get themselves bulked up and stuff. Unless you're extreemly good, or extreemly lucky, you sort of don't stand a chance. Wich brings me to my next point: while i can certainly apriciate an afk timer for when i need to be afk, what sort of bothers me at the moment is that i've seen someone stay on the game for a few hours on end without killing or being killed (so i'm guessing afk), wich could mean, worste case, he'd wait until there's allmost no one, or another one afk, switch the timer off, go grab more things, and a few minutes or so later, go back afk. To my mind, if the game gets payed, a balance between newly connected and "old timers" might be a good idea. For instance: those who stay alive for at least one hour, wouldn't be able to kill a person that just connected. Or, per kill you get a kp (killpoint) and a difference of five kp is the highest you can go to kill or be killed. Or, just make "larger" players unable to track the newly connected, so that they'd have to land on them by pure chance. (it's not hard to imagine my evil self thinking: ohohoho, newbie, track and smack...) This just might prevent sharks eating all the small fish in one gulp, might give players some breathing room to gear up, or get used to things, or anything else really. True, the game is there to have fun, but i can imagine that people who get nuked off the battlefield every five minutes by someone with better equipment, or more expirience in the entire game, might not always see it that way.

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