2016-10-22 06:52:49

Hay sam!
I am having a different opinion though.
I am an initial stage of programming so I cannot say that BGT will do that.
why you want to game have to be paid since it only allows a PVP combat.
why should I pay 20 or 10 buks for only a PVP combat.
I want to suggest a very different thing.
how it will be cool if people can host their own surver.
If a person xxx want to cheat
well go open the port and host the surver and start cheating.
it will be spam free and mostly you will have burden as you will host 3 surver.

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!

2016-10-22 08:00:45 (edited by HummingBirdGuy 2016-10-22 08:04:46)


Personally I think you shouldn't make Redspot a paid game because at the moment it has not much to offer; though it might change in the future, of course I'm aware of.

However, the only reason I would pay for it is if you can include some necessary features, such as the hability to translate the game (a thing some people have been wanting for since so long) or the like.

Anyways if I had to pay for the game, I'd do it gladly 'cause I appreciate the effort you put in your games.

Kind regards.

2016-10-22 08:08:51

Hi. Yes, translation could possibly be added. This update is going to add a feature to redspot that is not in any audio game I know of yet. btw @ishin, My online games are ment to be a comunity. Online means online, thus why server hosting isn't a thing. Also just pvp? I could get how you could think that, but from my point of view, I just want you to know that I have spent days upon days trying to make one of the best possible PVP experiences I possibly could and wish to expand it.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-22 08:11:28

Also at humming_bird_guy, if you think redspot doesn't have much to offer as it stands, i'd more than love to hear any suggestions you'd have to make it have more to offer. This game is very very fun in my opinion as it is, and I enjoy making it more fun for me and others.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-22 12:31:12

if you say, we are going to have a completely different redspot, i would give players some time to test the new system to let them decide if the price is worth it rather than throwing the old game at somebody like you throw old foot to your dog. However after that time, you can redirect the players onto the old Server. That would be my idea on that one.

2016-10-22 12:52:47

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the feeling that Sam is going to make it paid, no matter what the vote is.

2016-10-22 16:16:00

hello sam. i'm glad that redspot will be updated. i wouldn't mind paying for it, but can you have like a 1 day demmo and then the game will ask you to pay or something? on the other hand, you might not do that because cheaters might find a way to get a redspot on multiple computers and when one runs out, they run another copy of the game. i vote yes, mainly because i've always found your games fun.

2016-10-22 16:52:08

I also voted yes, because I'm enjoying the game very much. It's a good time waster and so I would pay for it.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter @thecoolgamer4 and subscribe to my Youtube channel

2016-10-22 18:02:59

Hi all. I woted no for paing this game because I'm a student who dont have a job and money for paing this. Best regards. Karlitos

2016-10-22 18:54:51

Sam_Tupy wrote:

Yes, translation could possibly be added.

Glad to hear that! And if you allow me it, I'd be more than happy to translate it with no pay back from you.

And speaking about features... well... really I don't know which you could add for this paid version; maybe more gaming ideas, because enter a game where you must kill and avoid to be killed is, for me, very good for a free title, but for a paid service it doesn't benefit me that much.

Anyways if you keep it free, I'll donate to help you with server costs and sound libraries; that's not much but I'm sure it can help.


2016-10-22 18:58:11

No. Making it payed will just stir up a lot of controversy in the community we don't need. Also, I feel like payed players will just leave non payed players in the dust in terms of updates. See the problem I have with paying for online games is they're only temporary. In a year or two or three or four, the server is just going to go down, no one is going to play anymore and that cash we spent will just be gone with the data wind. I think it's a very unwise decision to make it payed not because I can't pay for it but because it affects a greater part of the community than you think.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
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2016-10-22 19:02:37

hmm, honest, I don't see the point  for paying a PVP game, well accept if this game have a pritty great stuff on it.

2016-10-22 19:31:40

Will agree with Dragomier here. Also, Sam you have to keep in mind that most of the players are teenagers still, or even if they aren't, sometimes don't have money. Even those that though might see it a waist for the reasons pointed out in 36. There are people who can't use paypal, too, and even now some of them use hacking/cheating to compensate, nothing would change about that. For swamp this worked, but swamp is a different game, and besides there you buy an account that you can use on other Aprone's games as well. If you make SamTupy accounts for STW and RS, it wouldn't work eather, in my opinion.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2016-10-22 19:57:42

I don't want you to do this for two reasons:
1- Paypal is closed in Turkey. If it were an another service, I don't have a credit accound and my parents won't allow me to pay the money
2- I don't want to lose features just because I didn't pay for the game.

2016-10-22 21:36:14 (edited by The Dwarfer 2016-10-22 21:39:58)

Hi Sam,
Personally, I don't really know if you should launch a pole like this when the users don't even know what they're voting to pay or not to pay for. I know you don't want to do this because it would ruin the surprise and what not, but if you're asking about money, you may as well, tell people what they would be paying for.
  As for the argument that this shouldn't be paid for because some people just can't pay for it due to restrictions x y and z, I wouldn't necessarily count that as being valid since there are mainstream games, which are played by mostly teenagers also by the way, that cost $40 to $60. Given the only thing I know about this game is that it's the "new Red Spot", I would vote no for it being paid. The version we have now is fun indeed, but it is, as it stands, a killing game which lacks several features that I'd like to see in a game if I were to pay for it. Don't take that for entitlement, but I do have the right to buy only that which pleases me enough to donate money towards. Maybe if you give more insight into what this "new version that's going to be way different from the Red Spot we know" is, people might be willing to change their mind. After all, I never go to the store, pluck a bottle that feels like shampoo, and toss it on the counter to buy without first asking if it was indeed what I thought it was.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2016-10-22 21:44:36

Hello Sam.
I realy but realy love Redspot but I can not pay for it because I have 13 ears ago and my mum do not want to pay for games.
Please do not make this game payd.
Sorry for my english.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2016-10-22 22:54:58

Hi Sam,
I think making the game paid will definitely cut down on the spam and cheaters, as well as enhance the overall quality of the game. I would like to see new sounds, maps, game modes, etc. This is actually a pretty good idea. As you mentioned before, you brake your back putting in lots of work and get very little in return for it.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2016-10-22 23:20:45

Ok, what is this. You are telling us that we can vote on the matter, so, we pay money, and, well, what, we don't know what feature will come, you could completely fool us that you tricked us in paying for the game and giving us nothing new.
So, if you wanna have my money, tell us what the hel we are paying for.
At it's current state, this game isnt worth paying for, it's just pvp, I would pay for the game if it has different arrias on one map,
Vehicles, planes, ships and the like, different game modes, recochaing implementation so that for example bullets can just smash in to a wal and fly a completely different path, losing some energie cause they have already hit something, and all those things which make out a good tactical pvp game.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2016-10-22 23:53:00

All right, so here are my thoughts.
First of all, Redspot is pretty good fun. As it stands now, I wouldn’t pay for the version that exists, and heres why:
First, items.  There are too many, and there are too many that do the same exact thing, although some do it better.  The grenades, pipe bombs, sticky bombs, throwing stars, are all pretty much useless when it comes to shields, not to menschen, there are no strategic ways to implement them when someone has souped up on shields.  IT seems to me that with every new update comes a few new items, making the utilization of said items difficult to implement, due to the extremely large quantities of items as it stands.  Therefore, unfortunately, without an extreme refining of items (getting rid of the duplicets and keeping only the items that make an impact on play, maybe fixing them up a bit, naw).
Second, jets.  They are the most useless item invented ever in the game.  Their only use is to get away from someone in a hurry.  Sure, they have a gun and some missiles that help out in a pinch, but, I’ve never seen anyone utilize them effectively.  Every jet I come across presents less of a threat to me than the weapons people can employ on the ground.  Not to menschen, moving around with them and lining up to kill someone is near impossible, at least for me, so, they are a waste of space and extremely useless.
Third, while I thank you for adding the W key for tracking, there needs to be a better way.  My suggestion would be to make the beaps only audable when you are within that weapon’s range, making hearing the beep a sign that you can in fact shoot someone.  This is less of a deal though.

In summary of all this, there are too many items, too many useless items, and, to be frank, if someone gets an extreme amount of shields, with the new implementation of water packs and gas masks, there’s not a damn thing anyone can do about it.  I do agree that if you’ve survived long enough you should have an advantage, however, if we eliminate some of the more useless items, there will be less of a gap between those that just logged on and those that have used 13 item grabbers to get ahead.  It won’t be much, but, with their skill, they can make up for the difficulties and have more of a chance.

Second, there’s just not a lot of strategy.  You can hord a tower and defend it or you can jump around like a lunatic.  Either way, it’s useless button mashing.  If redspot had more strategy involved, I might reconsider the matter.  As it stands now, though, there’s just not enough there to make the game worth paying for because of it’s repedity and the ability to leap around, avoiding most of the weapons.  With a gas mask, avoiding all the weapons and having no skill while doing so.

If the new version of redspot changes the game drasticly for us who enjoy playing it, it may be worth paying for, however, I reserve judgement until I get an experience of how it works, and my feelings on that.  If it’s good, I’ll pay 10-15 bucks for it, sure.  Until then, however, I won’t be paying for it.  It’s just not a game that’s worth the cash for me, unfortunately.  While it’s great to spend half hour on here and there, it’s not something I’d be bummed about losing, to be honest.  Make a game that I want to play for a good period of time, have strategies to play that cause multiple challenges, and I’ll of course be forced to eat my words and shell out a few bucks.  I’ll re-evaluate what I know if and when you either release information on the new update, or let us have hands on experience.

2016-10-23 06:03:07

Completely agree with comment #43 and similar ones.

2016-10-23 11:48:44

If this game would become payed, I simply wouldn't play it anymore, for the following reasons:
1. Its unstable. It crashes a lot, sometimes the game doesn't respond, other times you just get a speedhack detected message.
2. Although this game is interesting, at the moment it isn't revolutionary. I simply play because there are other players around, something which rtr probably lacks.
3. because of your history with payed games. I don't check the stw topic often, but when I last checked there was a massive comotion about the game with admins spawning disasters or something, and there were bugs with payed content being lost, and an admin had to restore it back. And the honor system doesn't work out in many cases, think deathmatch with credits. And then there is you getting hacked, which happened several times, from what I can peace together. Now what if the person hacking you decided to remove all payed players accounts? then you'd basically need to use the honor system of getting them back, and that would just, not work.

golfing in the kitchen

2016-10-23 13:31:57

hello. i think that it will be a good idea if you get charged. if it is on a good server whitch does not have a lot of lag, yes.
redspot is reely a good game, and i like it a lot.
keep it up.
i will have to see what is in the not free update of redspot, before i will think of purchissing the game. so please leave a trailer.

best regards
never give up on what ever you are doing.

2016-10-23 13:57:37 (edited by burak 2016-10-23 13:57:59)

The reason rtr not having players is a lot of the servers are either offline or they run crap maps on there. You get lost and can't find eachother for a long, long while.

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2016-10-23 16:22:26

Well, having two jobs and being involved in a lot of projects which doesn't have anything to do with gaming, I don't have as much time for gaming as I want to. this is one of the reasons for I don't play Redspot at the moment.
Would I pay for Redspot? Yes, because the game is fun most of the time, and I wanna support all the work which have been put into this. I will also pay for STW when I get time to give this a serious try again, if I get used to the game. smile
I don't see the issue with people not being able to pay. You can still play the demo version. So, why should people who wants to pay not get more features on a sepret server?
Sam: How would you stop cheaters and hackers on the payed server?

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-10-23 16:44:14

This may be already in your plans, but one of the main things I'd want to see in a paid version is character continuity. Essentially stuff should save across log outs, and there should be some amount of character progression. I'd also like to see different maps. Imagine fighting up and down the STW mountain and all the rediculousness that would cause.