2016-05-16 20:36:27

Hi gialvi wow good game.
Only thing I'd like added is since you are playing a cabinet and since I played these when yung.
1.  have a actual sound of the cabinet starting up and its logo, and the game startup, I am not sure if the cabinets had cartredges or not but anyway sounds of startup and as retro as possible.
2.  same for shutting down when exiting.
3.  sounds of you incerting a coin to start the game, say every level you had to insert a coin or was it 3 I want you to have to insert a coin with the appropriate sound.
When you exit you get your change if any.
If you play ok and don't run out of coins or lives, well fine, well you will eventually loose however if you do run out of coins I'd like it that you get angry, and on exit smash the machine or something.
You should have an intro to arcade games for you walking into and out of the arcade parler, then sitting down and starting up.
I'd also like sounds to sound like they are coming out of the terminal speaker, I do realise these are mono crap but maybe the effect that they are coming out of one.
This game takes me back to the old days.
Used to play with the terminals all the time.
I had a friend of my brother that often played these, he didn't like to loose though one day he got so mad, he smashed the terminal, and kicked it and swore at it.
He got banned from playing games and fined for it though.
One thing that is missing is the actual sound of you hitting those buttons, sometimes the buttons would get stuck and you would end up bashing the buttons to get things working.
Sometimes the change button would malfunction and a ot of coins would drop out.
So you could sometimes clock games and keep the change.
While not related much to arcade units, later on in uni I did and still do ask for any change  below 10 bucks in 1 and or 2 dollar coins as you can raid the vending machines that way.
2 bucks gets you a yoghart slice or a bumper bar, 1 buck gets you everything from chips to a large cookie to a drink.
Sometimes when really hungry I would get a lot, the cookies and bars were big enough you could live on them for hours, happy days.

2016-05-16 20:47:17

I think bombs should have a longer drop range when hitting grounded enemies... but this game is definitely a fantastic one. Just out of curiocity, how many packs are in the game thus far and when people release new ones, will the option be there to download them like in beatstar? Or do we have to manually put them into the packs folder? Right now I believe the future war pack is the only one that's available... I'd also suggest that once more packs are created, that there be a starting set of two or three packs to choose for those who don't like 8 bit or have trouble hearing it. Also I agree with dark's assessment of the learn game sounds menu... I was definitely really confused my first few games and that caused me to die early. Lastly, whichever voice filters in some of the menus seem to be a bit overdone... I like the effect, but maybe less of it would be better especially since some do seem to have trouble understanding it. But I love the game!

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-05-16 20:50:42

I would'nt include those things like coins getting dropped into the machine and starting up and stuff, I can't stand that everyone is going crazy about these, ahem, great old times ahem.
8 bit, ok, I can deal with that, but I am not really a fan of everything getting turned into 8 bit sounds, these times are over.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2016-05-16 21:16:16

@crashmaster I like your ideas especially since I never played on those old arcades... Those weren't around anymore by the time I was old enough to make use of them... The only Idea I don't like is the arcade speaker thing, as this would make all of the game sounds a lot harder to hear.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2016-05-16 22:14:53

I'm about to start making this game and it's pack system my bitch! *begins creating a Zelda soundpack for the game*

be a hero and stop Coppa now!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dkm … DkWZ8/edit
-id software, 1995

2016-05-16 23:44:42

Thanks for all the nice comments. Yes, right now packs ahve to be put in the folder manually. Maybe we'll add automatic downloads later. Right now future war and Xevious are the only two packs available, but I'm hoping the community helps us with this and comes up with ideas. big_smile

@crashmaster, while I do like your ideas, and I did say I'm aiming to simulate arcade-ish games, I'm not interested in simulating the machine's workings. Not only would it bloat the game, but it would also take more time to write things that would really not be part of the game itself. Also the original Xevious didn't have a startup sound, and neither did Fardraut Densetsu, which is what this is based off of.

TO the person who suggested a longer bomb range, that's why the powerup is there. The regualr bomb range is supposed to be quite tiny so you have to work to destroy things.

People usually think I'm very weird because I love chiptune, I collect old assistive technology and do all kinds of random vintage sound things even though I'm only barely 16. At least I know I'm not alone. The music in Xevious was always super simplistic. In fact, in the original Xevious there was only one bgm track, the one monophonic one in the game. People used to hate that about the game, so Fardraut Densetsu added a bunch of tracks. Every bgm track in VFB is from there, except for the mothership music. I was actually expecting a lot of people to complain about the fact taht everything is 8-bit, so maybe when more packs are around, I can make an alternate one to start with, although I know I won't be using it myself. big_smile

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.
Follow me on twitter @guilevi2000

2016-05-17 00:12:34

how were you guys able to give the options menu voices that "gauntlet dungion master voice" feel? I'm really impressed!

be a hero and stop Coppa now!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dkm … DkWZ8/edit
-id software, 1995

2016-05-17 00:18:47 (edited by guilevi 2016-05-17 00:19:16)

That is linear predictive coding. Used on *A LOT* of old hardware and even some newer toys as well. Speak 'n spell, Street Electronics echo, etc. In this case, we used bitspeek, which is a vst.

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.
Follow me on twitter @guilevi2000

2016-05-17 00:22:00

Hi guys,
For those of you having issues understanding the options, I put up a new version with some other fixes as well.
It should notify you when you run the game that there is an update so go get it! big_smile

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2016-05-17 01:34:50

so I've been playing this game on and off today.  It's a lot of fun.  currently playing with the 8-bit pack.  I like the sounds on the futuristic pack but they  kind of remove the classic arcade game feel that the 8 bit sounds provide.  I haven't downloaded the update that was just recently released, but I do agree with above posters that we should be able to disable music volume from options.  Also, any tips on getting those annoying towers?  I usually don't press x fast enough and so the tower never becomes unhidden.  sad

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2016-05-17 02:28:22

O my o my o my god, what a beautifull game you just!
Thank you, I'm waiting the spanish version, or is here or what.
A cuestion I say question: how to create soundpacks?

73 Wj3u

2016-05-17 07:13:42

I was just thinking. Maybe when people upload new packs, they should be able to supply some form of contact information, in case their submission gets rejected for some reason; that way you can tell them what the problem was and they can fix it. Actually, that should be added to Beatstar's pack uploader as well. But that's another topic altogether.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2016-05-17 09:08:43

A problem with the game when it starts... when it's downloading messages and such, the game window doesn't show up until the main menu appears. Now, because of this, I get the update message with no window to press enter in so can't play the game. Just thought I'd drop that out there in case it's not just me with this problem.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-05-17 09:13:38

Yeah, that was a bug in the first version, redownloading the game should fix it.

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.
Follow me on twitter @guilevi2000

2016-05-17 12:32:01 (edited by defender 2016-05-17 12:33:00)

I finally got to level 4, but for some reason, while the genesis mothership was comparatively easy, near the end of level 4 it seemed impossible to dodge all the bullets while also tracking the enemies, even with the engine sounds and turning sounds off, and the music turned down low.

I did get to position 13 on the scoreboards though, with a score of 170000 something, which I guess is okay.

Thanks for fixing the speech stuff for the options menu by the way, it really helps, though you should check out the list I made for sounds that are too similar in post 23, there are only like 4 total.

I also used my first aerial burst today, which was pretty freaking cool, though I wish there was a separate ground attack as well, it would help for when you have multiple ground bases and turrets at the same time.

2016-05-17 16:39:20

@Defender, thanks for your comments. There is actually a way to clear the whole screen, I believe it was explained in the manual. If you have three shieldbits to spare, you can press A to fire off a grenade sort of thing. It will travel forward just like a beam, and if it manages to hit something, it will explode and destroy every enemy on the screen.

The reason why the obtained sounds are mentioned in the sounds menu is because in other packs they may not necessarily be speech, like for example in future war.

I'll look into changing those menu options. I do realize the BNS is kind of a terrible synth in some cases, but it was kind of meant to be retro. big_smile

I don't have trouble differentiating armored airships from ground bases, but I can probably try to find another loop for them.

As for the items, they are completely different wavforms. Maybe it's just the fact that I'm used to chiptune and 8-bit sounds, but I can tell a sawtooth wave apart from a 12,5% pulse just fine. The PCEngine did have a pretty nice sound chip though, so I can probably make it pull of a few different waves.

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.
Follow me on twitter @guilevi2000

2016-05-17 17:23:32

this game sounds fantastic for windows userm but i don't use windows, but mac. good this game be ported to mac and or ios?

2016-05-17 17:41:24

Nah, not in it's current form. But you could run it under bootcamp or a VM, that's actually entirely what the game was programmed under.

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.
Follow me on twitter @guilevi2000

2016-05-17 18:54:03 (edited by defender 2016-05-17 18:56:27)

I know you can do that with your shieldbits, but I was hoping there could also be one specifically for ground enemies, since there is one specifically for air enemies, and in level 5 and up, ground enemies are the bigger problem IMO.

Yeah I realized that about the obtained item sounds after I looked at the example pack, sorry about that, guess I just didn't think it through first, also, I like that synth, so don't think I'm knocking it because I'm not!  big_smile  It was a very inventive idea to use it in this way in the first place, and it works well.

The only reason it becomes difficult to tell the armored airships apart from the ground bases is because the pitch of the enemies is randomized, so if the airship's ends up being much lower or the base's much higher than normal, which happens often enough to become an issue, then they can sound very similar especially from a distance.

I can tell the difference between those sign waves when I hear them of course, but in the heat of battle it's nearly impossible for me to tell between those three particular ones, and while it doesn't really matter if you know what your getting before hand anyway, since there are no bad items, I guess I just figured that the differentiation was there for some reason...  And I can't imagine most people being able to tell either.

On another note though, as I was looking through some of the sounds in the example pack earlier, I thought of a couple of things that may help pack creators not have to jump through as many hoops or cut as many corners.

Firstly, the possibility of having a separate sound for your beam when your using it while the aerial rapid fire powerup is active would be nice... Of course you could easily just make two copies of the same sound with different names and therefore it wouldn't change if you didn't want it to.

Secondly, it seems like with events within levels, like when you use an antiaircraft burst or a shieldbit burst, there is a delay before new ships appear that is significantly longer than the normal one that happens when you shoot a single ship down with the beam and the next one arrives.
I don't know how this is calculated right now, but my idea is that it would be nice if new ships wouldn't actually start showing up unless the aerial burst or shieldbit burst sounds were over, possibly with a hard limit of like, five or ten seconds.
The reason I say this is because while item obtain sounds are easy to make short versions of, it might be nice to have miniature cut scenes for big attacks like that, without making it so that the player can't hear over them and gets killed because of it.
I know that ten seconds sounds like a long time, but when I was thinking about the pack that I wanted to create, I realized that if I wanted to do what I was planning, then I'd need six or seven seconds to do it correctly.
Who knows, there might even be enough time for that now, but since I can't see the code, I don't know if that would always be the case as it stands now, and without knowing that, I don't feel comfortable doing that to the player, especially on a high level that took a long time to get to.

Lastly, I just wanted to point out a small error in the readme, which by the way is written quite well, it's just this one thing probably slipped past, happens to all of us sometimes.
It's in the section that describes the level three aerial enemy "The porter" and the word "line" is incorrectly spelled
as: "alne".  Not a big deal of course but I thought you should know regardless.

2016-05-17 19:51:54

oh o, was rather hoping that it could be made for mac, i don't really want to keep windows around just for games lol

2016-05-18 08:51:57

avidgamer wrote:

oh o, was rather hoping that it could be made for mac, i don't really want to keep windows around just for games lol

That's your choice. I do it, and I really like it. smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-05-18 17:16:16

hi, i like the game. the old, and the futuristic wars pack too. but what annoys me the loud music. for some strange and interesting reasons i am not able to turn down the volume of it with my home and end keys on my laptop. and i agree with the poster, that disabling the music in the menu would be good.
keep up the good work,


2016-05-18 22:13:13

What also would be nice is if you could disable the pause music. Usually if games can be modded I change the pause sound to silence, but since there is no easy modding system (by that I mean no way to mod an existing pack) I am not able to change it easily.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2016-05-19 12:06:18

I'm liking this game so far - I've played it since it came out.  However, I think it feels a little slow, in terms of the firing rate, even at higher speeds.  I wonder if it would be possible to have a cheat code/cheats menu where we could enable a greater rate of fire (maybe decrease the times between beams by a small fraction (I cant give exact amounts as I don't know the speicifcs of the time between firing at the moment).  Or just simply increase it for a little for the next update.

Other than that I like what I'm seeing, other than the fact that I can't name a pack either (there seems to be no pack name file int he example pack to change it).

Keep up the interesting work.

Sightless Kombat.
***If you wish to refer to me in @replies, use Sightless***

2016-05-19 18:54:26

I just played my best game today, it took me almost an hour... I made it to level 11 with a score of 1420380.
this game is awesome, I really hate the sphere shooters, I think that the time when they shoot after they appear should be increased a bit, now it's tricky to avoid them and it's not enough time to shoot and avoid the sphere.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King