2016-01-06 07:01:35 (edited by djrockmasterrob 2016-01-06 07:54:52)

at Roro, thanks for clearing up the updating. Having an amazing time playing this game. I do have one small question, how to use the shops? I have so many coins and I need to get some good stuff haha, I think that the coins can be used in some type of shop?
At Yukio, your game is totally fantastic. So much gameplay/content, this is unlike anything I've saw/played yet. I remember first playing it and I quickly realised that this isn't just another game that you could play through in a few hours. It took me hours of playing, and figuring out this game, and once I figured things out, it's so fantastic, cool, amazing, etcetera. Keep up the incredible work man!
Thanks for reading,

I no longer use skype like I used to, so feel free to follow me on twitter at rockmasterrob for updates, to chat and all that good stuff. I follow any and everybody back who follows me.

2016-01-07 00:04:02

Hay, I forgot to mention one other translation mistake.]
In the ending credits, the game's title is still "howl of the spirit" instead of "the lone wolf."

2016-01-07 03:57:51

It isn't actually the game title. It's saying about the main theme of the game.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-01-15 23:31:10

Hay Yukio, I've found a few grammatical errors in your translations for a few stages.
If the next translation fix isn't going to be ready for some time, would it be okay if I send you the corrected files?

2016-01-16 04:38:45

We're about to release a new build. Since a lot of files have been changed, just overwriting the fixed files doesn't work properly. Could you please PM me a list that you fixed?

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-01-16 16:48:20

Yukio, I'm sending you the pm now.
As a side note, some of the text in these files is still untranslated in game.
Please check your pm inbox on this forum for the list, and let me know here if you wish me to send you any of the files.

2016-01-17 08:18:53

hi yukio.
I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work and time you've put into this translation. I've just boughten it and it's great. I love that I can play the game without using any other software.
Thank you once again for a great game and a great translation dictionary. Keep making awesome games. You never sease to amaze me.

proud to be a patreon of liam erven. Become a patreon today at patreon.com/liamerven

2016-01-18 17:12:53

Hay yukio, I've just sent you a PM with the updated files.
Please check your PM inbox on this forum for the message.

2016-01-22 04:18:39

I would most certainly pay for this game translation.  So far, I have been using qtranslate and it works for me.  I am stuck on a stage though,  darn it, I can't get the wapons in 1, 1 in the first door, I got the 4 weapons but there were some bonus items that I have to go to  45 7 or something like that.

I will post more about it in the secondary topic.  Wow,  it  has been a long time since I have posted here.

Hi there, if you wanna find me on twitch, you can do so at Twitch.tv/LeonianUniverse and on YouTube at the same channel name. I stream Hearthstone and other games and love to chat with people, so if you like my content, feel free to subscribe or follow me.

2016-02-06 18:29:30

I so wish this game had proper JFW support. Anyone know how to make this game work with jaws? screen reader intercepts all the keys. I know it can be done cause swamp, rs games, playroom etc do it just fine.

2016-03-12 22:08:55

Hi there.
have bought the translations and have a question.
Is there a place with the changelog of what's been translated etc or what needs translating?
i'd love to help where I can.
Please let me know.

Something something something insert canine related comment here

2016-03-13 00:03:35

Hello all
i want know as is the translation in this moment.
I mean how many a percentage of the game is already translated
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2016-03-13 05:09:09

The dictionary changelog can be found inside the dict folder.
I don't know how many strings are in the game, so the percentage cannot be measured. But I think there are more than 5000 of them.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-03-13 06:16:52

I understand, thanks for your reply.
I still did not buy the dictionary, so I wanted to know that information.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2016-04-05 16:02:04

Hay Yukio, is a new translation update coming up soon?
I'm asking because I've finished the game, and after hearing Liam's playthrough; and all of the broken english google is spitting out; wanted to know when we're going to get more text translated.
Also, as an aside to names being translated properly, google is translating byto as bit.
I'm wondering if his name is supposed to be Byto or bit?
I can fix that in the translations if you'd like.
Also, are the names of items you've translated in the items menu; for example; the ones you're willing to stick with?
I'm asking because the shops are now showing some inconsistencies with the items menu and the like.
Everything needs to be consistent so the player knows what they're buying.
Also; with rrgards to the next update, the shields are not being translated while in the top menu and checking shields.
If you have text you're unsure about, you can Pm it to me if you'd like and I'll look over it for you so it's clear to others when it goes live.
Thanks again for all your hard work on this wonderful game!

2016-04-06 00:47:59

Yukio told me on Twitter that he's starting University, and has to get acclimated to it. He told me he won't work on his projects until then.

2016-04-07 09:32:30

I have some additional strings translated since the last version. I want to update the dictionary once in April, but I can't promis it.
University classes have started here, and today was the very first day. I have lots of things that I have to do, and I'm unsure how long I will be able to spend my time for translation per day, or how will the class I took go.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-04-12 23:59:51

Hay Yukio, thanks for the translation update.
Now all we need is the new version to make those translations work.
Is it coming soon?
I really want to play some minigames!

2016-04-13 05:32:53

Regarding Bit Vs Bitto, I was assuming the name is the English word "Bit", just written in Katakana. Like how they've generally been called Carla and Angela, instead of Kaara and Anj'era, Punish instead of Paanishi, and Charles instead of Chaaruzu.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2016-04-13 05:57:03

For translations, Bito is probably the English word bit, but could also theoretically be a Japanese nickname... whereas the others all have legitimate names, which is why I kept them as such... and there haven't been any objections so far. hahaha.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-04-13 06:45:25

I'm still not sure which is better, Bit VS Bito, or Panish VS Panishu.
The software update will soon be out. I have to fix some bugs before releasing it though.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-04-13 06:56:10

Linguistically Bito looks nicer, as bit wouldn't actually be considered someone's name in english.. and Punish could be kept that way or changed to Panishu if you wanted to make it sound more Japanese. See my skype message about keeping these types of discussion small though. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-04-13 16:49:42 (edited by threeblacknoises 2016-04-13 21:01:48)

I'm glad the update will be out soon.
Regarding translations.
Bit does sound better, but I'm wondering if it's a machine or a person giving the orders.
Bit would sound better if it's a machine, but Bito might be better if it's a person.
regarding Karla and the like, those are english names, so they sound good as is.
I'm still a little foggy on the entire bK storyline, but was Punish a boss or other enimy at one point?
I think Yomagin and yokutank were bosses from the first two games, so those names should stay as is to avoid confusion.
Mini shooter is still untranslated when looking for it as an object with D.
I was looking at the translation for the gold help menu, and one item seems like it needs a better transslation.
ƒrƒŠƒrƒŠ‚µ‚½‚¢    I want to Biribiri
I'm not sure what biribiri is.
Also a few corrections regarding that menu.
ƒXƒ^ƒ~ƒiƒLƒ‰[‚©‚çƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚𕪕߂肽‚¢    I want to deprive stamina killers of their drinks
Å‰‚ɐí‚Á‚½ƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`ƒƒ[‚ðo‚¹    Give me the launchers I fought first
ÅŒã‚ɐí‚Á‚½ƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`ƒƒ[‚ðo‚¹    Give me the launchers I fought last

2016-04-14 16:31:16

Thanks. I'll apply the fixes.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-04-17 21:44:45

Hay Yukio, I just downloaded your new update to BK3.
The shields are still not being translated when I look at them from the top menu.
Regarding stage 16-3, are bees supposed to drop hunny on the roof?
This has been a problem for a while, but seeing as you did some work on that level, I thought I'd bring it up.
Also, Karla seems to not end the stage when she's killed.
I thought this was because of the no jumping rule, but I'm now thinking this might be a bug.
Regarding translations:
The ending of minigames is still not translated in the game center.
I have a corrected game center translation I'll be sending you.
Along with this, I thought I'd send a translation of the second stage select
that comes up when choosing a sinario to view.
Most of that should be easy to do, but I'm going to translate the first option as "Recap of Previous events" for now.
You can always change it if you wish.
If you're okay with this, what should I call the file?
I'm also going to do some corrections to stage 16-3 among other things.
Again, thanks for all the hard work, and take care of yourself.