2015-12-23 04:53:15

that same door is in 1-3? also where do i fine more clear mettle?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2015-12-23 09:08:37

Ironcross, the game should not be reporting blank if there's no translation, it will simply read out the Japanese, as I stated already. Unless you're using an English synthesizer, in which case that's what will happen. But nothing in stage 1-1 is untranslated, so that isn't the issue.

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-12-23 11:46:01

about that door, there is no key. About 1 3, you Need to enter both doors, in the first break the test tube and kill the sliems coming out of it, in the second use the Computer and kill the lamps coming out of it. Then, go to the far right of the stage.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-12-23 14:50:39

Thanks. Also, how do I spend coins?

2015-12-23 16:15:55

Another question. How do I kill the lamps? They're at 3 tiles above and I can't jump and hit them

2015-12-23 18:03:00

use the lovely long rope, smile

2015-12-23 18:17:56

I don't have a long rope. Where do I get that?

2015-12-23 19:42:28

stage 1.2, first room,

2015-12-23 21:32:02

what do you mean with spending coins/ You can spend them in any shop. Also, there are no pieces of magic not before, during or after the fight with the magic ball, I checked all the time.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-12-23 22:22:31

Guys, can we keep questions in the other topic and keep this one strictly translation-related? I'm not a moderator, but this works better for everyone...

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-12-24 00:14:35

Sorry @assault_freak for ansfering.
@connor140, you have to use the reflection mode in magical edge, and when the ball will hit you with one of it's attack, the piece of magic will be created

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2015-12-24 00:24:58

don't worry about it. Like I said, I'm not a moderator... it's just a suggestion. It makes it easier for people to search for answers.

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-12-25 04:25:03

Is the next translation update due out soon, I wonder? Or will that come with the release of V2.

2015-12-25 04:47:11

does anyone know what v2 has?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2015-12-25 10:20:06

From what I've herd, v2 should add more postgame content, as well as being able to level up other characters such as Carla and the things you get from this weird card thing. There's probably even more in the works, but I dunno at the moment.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-12-30 16:05:46

how can i get the instantTranslate to work?

2016-01-02 10:34:20

OK, the project was stopping for a short while because of MarinaBreak coding. I'll be back on the translations.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-01-02 15:57:16

@Yukio or anyone else: is that card thingy present in the current version of BK3? If so, how to obtain it? In other words, how can we summon Carla or anything other then the cat?

2016-01-02 18:00:47

I always wondered, does this game have a speed cheat? after beating it, grinding can be extremely boring without a way to fly around, or run faster, or something. It's either go extremely slow, or buy tons of speed potions, which I don't really want to keep doing haha.

2016-01-02 19:31:35

Hey All,
I would like to say that this is pretty amazing. I've always wanted to play bk3 but I couldn't do it, but now I can play and understand it with this translation project. Keep up the fantastic work here guys!
I do have a question, I'm unsure if this was asked and answered in another post.
When translation dictionary updates are released, can they be updated through the game or do we have to get them another way?
thanks for reading,

I no longer use skype like I used to, so feel free to follow me on twitter at rockmasterrob for updates, to chat and all that good stuff. I follow any and everybody back who follows me.

2016-01-02 20:10:59

@djrockmasterrob: once the game detects a new version of the dictionnary on the server, it'll automatically download it. That's why I'm wandering if translating the game into languages other then English will be possible or not. But before thinking of making this step, we must let Yukio complete the English dictionary to the end, then everything can be sorted after. I'm so curious and impatient to see BK3 v2. Is there any development progress, anything about a, hmm, may be release date? Keep up your increasingly amazing work Yukio, for a game series I've never seen, and will never see such.

2016-01-03 21:37:49

I just finished the game, and am wondering when the last shops will be translated?

2016-01-03 21:42:49

I have question
stage 2 is translation all?

2016-01-04 15:36:07

Nah, it isn't fully translated yet. However first stages are not that hard, the real adventure begins at stage 5, although you'll find the whole game a piece of cake once you beat it. BK3's secrets never end, and that's why you'll be playing it over and over!

2016-01-05 22:58:16

I found a few translation mistakes.
In the crafting workshop, when making the huge chupachops with splinter, big iron ball should be large iron ball.
In Yamagin's shop stage 18 shop, power bomb launcher isn't translated.
regarding the translation of the last shops and stuff, all we really need right now are the last five shops and the powerup[ center in extras.
The weapon adviser would be nice, but that might take some time.
In the electron command menu, drop yoyo isn't translating, but it shows up in the electron commands text file.