2015-12-07 20:25:24

Hey, I think that stage 8.2 is bugged, that or i'm missing something. OK, so i kill all the soldiers and try to kill all the demons, but they keep spawning in. I'm in a mad rush to kill them all while picking up coins. It's impossible for me to get this stage to end. So I get desperate, and call in the cats... no go, they can't even keep up, like 10 cats or so, the demons keep spawning. I tried to kill all of them that are in my remote area and then flee to the other end of the map to hopefully end the stage, no luck. No matter how much I kill them, pick up coins, etc, the stage will not end. So i exit back to the menu and try again, for like 15 minutes I am fighting demons after the soldiers are all dead and the stage will not end. It is not possible to kill them as they keep respawning.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-12-07 20:55:17

The main goal of 8 2 is to kill soldiers, but there's no penalty if you kill some of the mini demons for xp or gold.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-12-07 21:41:12

yeah but after the soldiers are dead, the stage doesn't end. Check D menu, no soldiers on it.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-12-07 22:10:52

Get them time to respawn, it usually takes a while.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-12-07 22:40:10

gave them like 15 minutes. the stage has to be bugged. fighting demons the whole time.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-12-08 00:02:13

OK gúy, Sory ì I talk about the game nơ íntead ò the tránlation.
What í the security access pasword ò 21.3?

73 Wj3u

2015-12-08 05:14:25

Weird, I never had that problem. I'm on 11-4 now.

2015-12-08 11:29:13

Strange, I could complete the stage, but I was generally never looking at the object locator to see what was there, So I just kept killing both soldiers and demons untill the stage ended.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-12-08 15:17:27

Ah it seems I'm an idiot, lol, all you have to do is just stand still and not engage the demons and the stage ends.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-12-13 00:30:21

Hay all.
I just found a bug in the translation.
The fruit items have descriptions, but they don't match up properly.
The white fruit says it increases defence, but it raised HP by 30.
The violet fruit says it recovers hp by 50 percent when it actually raises stamina, and the blue fruit says it increases stamina when it increases defence.
Just thought I'd post this so it can be corrected and not mislead others.

2015-12-14 05:10:21

Ok, I don't like ever log in and comment, but I think I should state my opinion on some posts  that I have recently come across. As blind people, we expect to be treated as much as possible like our sighted peers. We want to be treated like everyone else. So tell me, why do some feel the need to get mad when we have to pay for a game? Everyone else pays for their games. What makes us so special that some feel like we have the right to free games just because of the whole blind thing? You can't demand to be treated like your sighted peers only when it suits you. The sighted have their free games also and you don't see them pooping on a dev when they have to pay for a game. I've looked at some games, some of them can range around $60. I'm dating a sighted person and for birthdays and Christmases I buy him games witch is how I no for a fact they can cost so much money.The fact that the game is free, their is a free work around for the translation of the game, but he is only asking $5.00 for a copy of the game with translation implemented in to it, well, he is being way more than kind. I have seen these complaints on a number of different games, for example, when it was announced that swamp was going to be payed. I no that that was a long time ago, but that is the only example I can think of off the top of my head. It goes like this, if we pay devs for their hard work, we will have more great games. We are not entitled to get everything free. Not much in this world is free. It is because of the few that arn't willing to pay devs and wine, bitch moan and complain that games arn't free is why we don't have more extensive games for the blind community. The people that make games for us work very hard on both the game, and interacting with us to make sure everything is running smoothly. For that, they deserve some cash in their pocket. So lets stop being winy consumers who feel entitled to free crap just because we are blind.
Most of us are pretty good, we would be glad to pay for awesomeness, this is just for those who think hard work shouldn't be rewarded properly.
That is all from me.

2015-12-17 20:43:45

what's that box in 3-3 on hard mode?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2015-12-17 20:55:40

hey everyone, I'm really stuck on 24-3, there's a bunch of boxes and discs and I start at eight 500, if i go right once I fall and die. if I jump, I
can walk up to 50-500, no matter what I do something kills me here.

contact info
matrheine at gmail . com

2015-12-22 20:28:38

It's no longer giving me info when I hit enter on doors, or start a stage, or enter on an object, it pops up a box that just says my characters name in it. How can I fix this?

2015-12-22 21:29:28

How can I help with translating the game? What I mean is, it seems like people on this forum are able to change things in the game to english. I found the text files in the folder, but I don't really know how to make it so what I put in the files go to all the other games that have the translations.

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2015-12-22 22:38:25

There is a small team of us doing it as a separate project, and I think Yukio is going to keep it small for purposes of simplicity so as not to have 50 people translating everything in their own ways. An exaggerated number, but I think right now 4 people is perfect.

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-12-22 23:53:00

where do I get bk3 from the site is not in english, if there is an english site to get your stuff thats fine.
I found english lazerbreakout, screaming strike and world of war but not the bk series.
Sadly nvda translate is no more because google wants people to pay so no translation anymore which stinks.
I have payed for the translation.

2015-12-23 00:39:06

Anyone know how I can fix this? I'd like to start playing again

2015-12-23 01:35:18

unless it is a bug in a very recent update that I haven't seen, I don't know how the heck that one happened. Have you tried enter, shift enter, and tab to go out of the box? ANd what noise does it make. If it's making the text noise that probably means there's some cut scene that hasn't been translated. Just hold A.

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.

2015-12-23 01:40:39

Shift enter and tab don't get out of the box... since it's not a conventional dialog. Tab may open the menu, however. and any scene that's not translated will simply show up in Japanese... it's weird to hear about this issue, because my copy of the game works just fine with the latest dictionaries.

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-12-23 02:02:50

It makes the text noise and just says my character name in the box. It's cut scenes, opening doors, and when I hit enter on items like the computer. I can't figure out how to beat stage 1 level three because it won't tell me any of this

2015-12-23 02:11:37

Yeah if this happens where it says your character's name and nothing else, or a bit of nonsense, it just means there's no translation for that part of the story. Just keep hitting enter. I can't believe you didn't hit that by now, as when you first install the game, you have to hit enter like 20 times for it to do whatever and update.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-12-23 02:35:33

Can anyone tell me how to beat level three of stage one then? There's two doors and no way to end the level

2015-12-23 04:45:57

how do i get the key to the  door in stage1-1 its the last door in that stage

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2015-12-23 04:49:32

The third door in 1-1 really makes people confusing. It would be better if people could directly go to 1-3 when opened the door.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.