2015-10-27 05:52:47

staindaddict Wrote
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What is Infinite Mode?
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The Infinite Mode is the survival mode with randomly generated level, that is, you can play endlessly until you die.

2015-10-27 08:43:10

Thanks for the tips, KeyIsFull. You're probably right, telling all the sounds apart quickly is probably the main source of issues for me. How much do you actually jump in that fight? Like if he is not currently launching any attacks, do you still jump constantly in order to keep moving fast? Because that might be another problem I am having, too - more often than not, I fail to notice a hole or an attack in time just because I always tend to jump. The fight is just so stressful that it feels to me as though i wouldn't be able to stand a chance for longer than a few seconds if I didn't. :-)

I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2015-10-27 08:51:04

Yeah, I jump all the time. When he makes holes, I generally don't try to jump over the hole to the other side of the stage, unless I know that side is bigger and will give me more maneuvering room. That's because it takes a bit of time for me to make sure I'm on the very edge of the hole, and not being mobile is bad. And it's a fact that in order to keep shooting, you'll have to get into close quarters with him at least briefly so you can jump over him to continue firing, and that's where I lose most of my lives.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2015-10-27 13:36:46

All right, thanks a ton once again! I seem to be using the same strategy then, so I guess I'll just have to keep trying, hope for some good luck to stand on my side, and especially learn to ignore certain attacks when I'm far away, etc.

I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2015-10-28 18:21:39

I'm on the level where you get the lightning rod, but when I try to kill a vampire with it they won't die.. I'm holding down the space bar, but they just keep biting me. Am I doing something wrong?

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2015-10-28 19:21:10

the lightning rod has a minimum range,. If the enemies move too close to you it doesn't work so move away and try it at longer range. The range is really long, like even longer thaan the bow.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2015-10-28 19:43:50

AH, OK. I was trying to kill the vampire when I was right next to it. Thanks a lot.

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2015-10-28 21:17:28

Yup. That's what I was going to say as well. Keep your distance.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-10-29 01:39:57

hay guys I am on the level where the spiders are I can sort of get passed the first ones ok but when I get passed the rocks and the spiders come from both directions how do you get passed them thanks

2015-10-29 23:18:18

Jumping and keeping your distance.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-10-30 02:57:39

oh damit. I am stuck on that level too I'm afraid, hades is so freaking hadish.
nice game though, any new updates?
maybe a nice feature would be to build stages, just like aac.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-10-30 22:49:32 (edited by EternalGamer 2015-10-30 22:50:55)

Has anyone else run into that sequence where you die no matter what you do, then the game seems to sit there thinking what to do next, and then it saves and the next regular level starts?
Has anyone found a way to survive this? It seems somehow designed to be impossible but then what's the point? Just part of the experience? At first I thought it was a bug but the whole thing feels scripted, as if that's exactly what's supposed to happen.
Kind regards,

In the hands of a gamer, word becomes weapon, argument becomes shield, and life becomes a quest.

2015-10-30 22:54:38

Hello Eternal gamer.
This is what we call in video game terms, an interactive cutscene.
That means the result, either victory or loss, is predetermined by the developer.

2015-10-30 23:16:39

Hi Aaron,
thank you for the instant clarification. Makes sense. I think it's the first time we are seeing this concept in an audio game, that's why I was confused.
Kind regards,

In the hands of a gamer, word becomes weapon, argument becomes shield, and life becomes a quest.

2015-10-30 23:41:54

at aaron baker.
are there new updates on this project? thanks!

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-10-31 00:17:31

the terminator,
Probably, with further higher difficulty mode balancing primarily.

2015-10-31 03:42:35

what about adding more levels and more secret areas say you smash a wall with your sword and don't take the door, and or other things?
or the ladders or doors at the beginning when you go down again lead to other secret places?
it would be really nice to have that one.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-10-31 10:05:19

Just gonna stick my oar in on a couple of things here.

First, I like platformers, at least to some extent. I'm fairly fast. And the Grey Lady may be beatable but she's kicking me around pretty heavily. Here are some of the issues I'm dealing with:

1. Having to remember exactly how many shots I have.
2. The fact that while reloading, however quick it is, I get lagged a little, so I can't runn and can't jump.
3. Having ghosts appear quite literally on top of me out of nowhere.
4. Having the Grey Lady teleport to me with no warning while I was reloading and while I was approximately in the center of the screen. Because of how fast she moves plus the fact that one hit from her is death, this is essentially an instant-death ranged attack she'll pull seemingly at random.
5. The fact that you have to waste arrows and die repeatedly to determine range is...well, frustrating, in a word.

...and this is all on easy mode. The first boss. On easy mode. I'm not going to gild the lily here. Even if it's completable, this is not a typical first boss in any platformer, mainstream or otherwise. This bespeaks either sadism on the part of the developer, or simple ineptitude regarding game balance. I'm not saying it has to be a walk in the park, but for a first boss, this is murderously unforgiving.

A really, really simple way to tone it down and still make it a bit skill-based:
1. Make each hit from the Grey lady take 20% multiplied by whatever difficulty you're on. So on Nightmare she's instant death; on easy, she will hit you five times before she kills you. Let her ghosts remain instant-death, by all means, that's fair enough.
You still have to learn range, learn to get around quickly, avoid ghosts and remember reloading under pressure. It's still pretty quick. And considering most enemies do far far less, this is still a moderate boss, and won't have eighty percent of your player base (at least the one that's been represented here) howling on how hard the first boss is.

News flash: if your demo has a first boss that stumps most players, most players will be even more daunted by that than they will by the price tag you've set, sale or no sale. Strongly, strongly consider neutering this boss a bit, please. Because if this is the end of level 2 and I'm struggling mightily on the easiest difficulty, it says more about the game than it does about me.

It might also be a thought to have the Grey Lady make some sort of constant noise, not just her speech, because if you make a sound or hit her or some such to interrupt her speecch, you lose track of her. A very soft constant whirring sound would do.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2015-10-31 10:08:15

Speaking for myself at least, I was liking the game up till this point. Was considering purchase. But until or unless this boss changes in a manner that makes her considerably less instant-death-like, there is no way in hell I'm shelling out nearly forty-five bucks with the exchange rate. The voice-acting, music and decent sound effects don't justify anywhere near that kind of money unless the gameplay is solid, and the gameplay is...well, let's just say that collision detection from arrow shots and knife thrusts is dodgy at best. Sorry, but no thanks.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2015-10-31 20:47:25

Collision detection from arrow shots and knife thrusts is dodgy at best? Have you realized the weapons have both a minimum and a maximum range? That means you can't hit the enemy with a given weapon not only when standing too far away from them, but also when you are too close to them. You have to learn the weapon's perfect range over time. So, it's not a bug but this is the way it was designed.
If it was me who understood that remark incorrectly, then I'm sorry and will gladly accept an explanation. :-)

I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2015-10-31 23:42:45

Well  often  if you have a few enemies in range, your weapons will not hit the closest one to you, which I find kind of dumb. This is especially troublesome with the bow.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2015-11-01 03:37:40

I've had a rat, a gremlin, a bat and a spider all at in-your-face range, at arm's-length sort of range, and slightly outside those. And with all those things with both knife and sword, there's dodge chance. The game does say that bats and rats are a bit harder to hit. Fine. But the amount of sheer flailing you have to do is pretty silly.
A maximum range is something I understand, but not a minimum. If something is grappling you, you really shouldn't be missing with a knife. A bow...maybe, but anything beyond grapple range should be capable of being shot. Anything else is just a bastardization of physics.

Update: I beat the Grey Lady finally, but the following levels just proved my point. I've now dealt with bird-bombers which, again, seem to dodge madly, plus spiders which can freeze and then kill you, plus zombies which will plague you long before you have the miracle-cure item. And they attack in droves. On easy difficulty. In level 4. Sorry. This is inept game balancing. Whether or not it's doable isn't the point.
But then, I also tried Adventure at C:, and felt that game was even worse as far as platforming elements and difficulty curves and whatnot.

Not worth neary forty-five Canadian dollars for this kind of difficulty curve combined with mediocre everything else. Not for me. Others may feel differently, and that's fine. Me, I've gone and uninstalled the program and am not looking back. The rest of you can flail away. I'll spend my time planning for and hoping for games with more substance and less button-mashing.

Really also wish arrow pouches had more arrows in them. it's so easy to miss with arrows, and thus very easy to find yourself out of arrows. I ran out against the gremlin mini-boss and had to resort to the freaking sword to kill him. Again, no thanks. Not for me.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2015-11-01 05:12:09

Hi Aaron. any progress on the windows XP issues yet?

2015-11-01 08:59:47 (edited by Chris 2015-11-01 09:00:34)


So, I've finally decided to check this game out. I can't seem to jump over the pits. When I get to the second step before the pit and hold right arrow after jumping, I fall. I'm using VMware Fusion on my Macbook Air. Any help on jumping?

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2015-11-01 10:47:23

Also tap the up arrow rapidly at the same time while holding right or left arrow to keep yourself in the air.