2015-11-01 11:51:16

A few quick remarks:

1. Bats, birds and harpies can only be hit while you are in the air. So theyre not dodging at all, you're actually missing them if you try to hit them while standing.

2. Minimum range for a knife is probably out of place, I have to agree with that. However, except for the knife, I find the minimum range believable for any other weapons. The sword might just be too long and cumbersome to hit at such a short (grapling) distance, the bow might very well be difficult to aim, etc. It's strange that I hardly ever have to mash the space bar rapidly to progress in the game. On the contrary, I find I have to learn the movement and attack patterns of the various enemies to be able to hit them at just the right time and the right spot, and that, to me, is the core of the game's challenge. I wonder how it's possible that so many seemingly experienced gamers seem to fail to grasp this and constantly complain about wild useless button mashing, etc. Haven't experienced that.

3. There's certainly no need to keep tapping the up arrow to keep yourself in the air. Just press it once and then press the right arrow as soon as you can to get over the pit, but make sure you don't press it too late after leaping up. Otherwise, you'll not jump far enough and fall through the pit. The jumping is not difficult at all. It's the same mechanic used in the Perilous Hearts demo and in Psycho Strike. Seems natural to me. It's quite different from the way Q9, Super Liam or the demo/betas of Mysteries of the Ancients/Aztecs worked, so that might be the reason everyone seems to have trouble with it. Hope this helps.


I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2015-11-01 13:03:32

Hi, I find minimum range dumb, too. That's right, the bow should have minimum range. But the meley weapons shouldn't. Because, if I would have stabbed a man in the head with a sword from very, very close range, he would have died. This is not like that in this game. You cannot hit people from very close distence, Please fix it, at least for the sword and knife.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
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2015-11-01 14:30:40

In that case, I would suggest a compromise. Leave the knife as is, as I'm not sure it does actually have a minimum range at all. Similarly, leave the bow as is, because it would probably be easier to miss at a short distance, when you try to aim and shoot in a rush.
Likewise, keep the minimum range of the sword because I believe a sword must be practically impossible to use when the enemy is already too close to you. If this wasn't the case, then why would weapons like daggers be invented at all? However, make it so that the sword's attack is much stronger when the enemy is within the minimum range. Perhaps not an instant kill but if you made it so that an animated statue or a soul sucker on normal, for instance, could be killed in 2 to 3 hits instead of 8 or 9 that way. That would be an interesting balance mechanic especially for the higher difficulties, for instance. And you could make enemies faster or use a different attack/movement pattern on the higher difficulties, too.

I know an incredible amount of work must have went into this game already, and you might not be willing or able to put the extra amount required for this, which wouldn't be exactly small, either. But you have to admit that like this, the higher difficulties are just simply overkill and often unrealistic even in the context of the game.

I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2015-11-01 15:59:50

Lucas, the knife indeed does not have a minimum range. If I miss with the knife, I usually find it is because the enemy is attacking me from my left and I am facing right. This is especially noticeable with the goblins who come at you from the right, but sometimes end up going to your other side to attack.
The behavior you described with the sword, damage dependent on distance, does actually happen with the bow, which I think makes more sense.
Lastly, you don't technically have to jump to hit the harpies, because they do often fly down to attack you.
No progress yet on the XP issue. I'll release a new version as soon as the XP compatibility issue is resolved.
You will never ever miss an enemy unless you are doing something wrong or trying to miss them for some other reason. The bats are simply harder to hit because they are in the air. There is no random miss factor.
You say in your list of reasons why you have issues with the Gray Lady the following:
The fact that while reloading, however quick it is, I get lagged a little, so
I can't runn and can't jump.
Umm? You can run and jump whilst reloading, actually.
Having the Grey Lady teleport to me with no warning while I was reloading and
while I was approximately in the center of the screen.
The tutorial does warn you about this.
The fact that you have to waste arrows and die repeatedly to determine range is...well,
frustrating, in a word.
I don't actually understand what you mean here, sorry. But it isn't something I think you need be doing.
Well  often  if you have a few enemies in range, your weapons will not hit the closest
one to you, which I find kind of dumb. This is especially troublesome with the bow.
Think your a victem of minimum range here as well, because the closest enemy in range is always the first one hit. Take gray lady, for instance. When you are using your bow and you are trying to hit the much closer ghost but you instead hit the Gray Lady. This would be because the ghost is too close for you to shoot with your bow, so your arrow hits the Gray Lady instead. Another time would be in the areas where you have a large quantity of zombies chasing you.

2015-11-01 16:55:46

aaron, I would suggest balancing hard out a little. On easy and normal, its easy enough to kill renfield, not a challenge at all, but on hard it just becomes impossible and the fact that he can kill me within 3 hits and I can't really do anything to dodge his attacks is really frustrating me.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-11-01 17:35:32

So, I'll clarify some of what I meant, even though I thought I was pretty clear before.

1. If I try and reload on the ground, I find that the Lady moves, doesn't talk, and always, always kills me. No exceptions. The only way I beat her was by reloading in the air, jumping over her, jumping away, landing, turning, shooting twice, pausing a tick, jumping up and over her, away, land, turn, shoot, repeat. It works, but it's pinpoint accuracy. For the first boss. Thus, my issue previously mentioned is that if you reload on the ground you're a dead duck, as you don't seem to be able to start running after a reload. you get a little lag, and she moves too fast. So, okay, fine. Reload in the air. Lesson learned.
2. My gripe about range while fighting the Grey Lady. You've had to use the bow a little before this, it's true, but not a ton. Since the bow can't reach her when she's too far, and can't reach her when she's up close, you're going to waste shots. Take it from me, if you waste too many shots, you're dead, so this is pretty unforgiving.
3. The tutorial warns you about her teleports, yes, but half the screen doesn't strike me as being "too far away" as she's within bowshot range, though just barely, when I've seen her teleport. I was expecting she would only teleport when you were, I dunno, more than two-thirds across the screen.
4. Bats. Yes, I know you have to hit them in the air. I didn't when I first found them, but I figured that out in short order. I can leap up, strike at a bat and still miss in the tenth of a second after it bites me so...uh, they're not -that fast, and this is also true with the sword, so go figure.

Easy mode is more like normal/hard mode would be in other games. There is a bit of room for error in the first level except for pits (which are fine, I have never ever had trouble with pits), and the second level is harder but not much harder. Grey Lady is much, much, much harder by comparison. Look at all the people who've struggled with her. That's called player feedback. If two people in ten tell you something's too hard, it's a wash. If eight tell you it's too hard, it's probably time to take them seriously.
The next level after this isn't too bad really.
The Gremlin boss isn't telegraphed in any fashion. I just thought I was in the next level fighting a regular gremlin, because I didn't get a cutscene. That guy is infuriating, but he's doable. Wish his melee attacks would do less damage on easy mode (they take about a quarter or so of my health, and that seems a bit much). this is particularly true since the level before is notoriously arrow-draining if you're not careful, and though you can fight the gremlin without arrows, you're going to trade hits and die pretty fast.
And then you have the next level. Giving zombies a chance to plague you before you get the miracle cure is borderline mean all by itself. Rocks are okay, though I have the same problem with this as I had with Paladin of the Sky's stupid planks that somehow kick you around corners back to the stairs in Tower of Judgment. Sometimes you can be hit when the sound isn't centered, when it's a little to your left or right. It's a minute detail, but I haven't ever had this problem with Super Liamm, so I dunno what to tell ya. Then there's bombers. Fine on their own. Peskky, but I can live with them. And then, spiders. Oh, spiders. I hate these enemies. The ability to potentially gang up on you and freeze you while other creatures melee you to death in under four seconds? Not nice. It's almost a pity there weren't more levels with a little less in them, at least at the start.
Again, folks. This is not what most people consider "easy mode". The fact that some people -have done it is not the point.

And, as far as the half-smug comments about learning attack strategies, let's see:
Gremlins like to approach, hit you, run away, then come back. They're mysteriously immune to damage while retreating even though an arrow in the back ought to be fatal.
Statues appear to regenerate health, or they start being -given more health in the level with the spiders. Five shots kills one in level 2, but it takes more than ten in later levels.
Spiders can appear almost out of nowhere from either side. It's kind of difficult to avoid them, even while jumping madly around, when you're between two. And especially hard if a ghost or a zombie or both pop up on one side or the other.
Ghosts, on their own, are fine. They can pop up right behind you. Okay, spin and hit, they die. But I've had this happen while trying to escape from said spiders. Instant death. There is nothing to be learned from this. It's called randomization, and it's not a skill you can account for.
Rats and bats never seem to be where you want them. A rat or a bat can bite you, and whether you're on the ground (for a rat) or in the air (for a bat) it's possible to swipe multiple times with a knife and miss.
The sword is useless against almost everything, because the sheer slowness of it means you get chewed to hell while you wait to swing again.
Since enemies don't appear in the same place from the same direction at the same time, there is only so much you can do as far as planning. Random spawns means you can get caught between enemies you'd just as soon flee from.
So please, please, please, don't talk to me about advanced audio gamers not getting the concept. It's a poor deflection from the points being raised, most notably about the Grey Lady here. This game is fast, and random, and wild, and not precise. And that's fine, but don't claim it's precise when it's not. Only very specific enemies (like said Grey Lady) are in any way precise.

I figure the simplest things to make easy mode easier are:
1. Make ghosts, including Grey Lady, only take 20% health when they touch you.
2. Make arrow pouches hold 20 arrows, and maybe (but only maybe) increase the bow's capacity for holding arrows up to 10.
3. Maybe, but only maybe, start the player off with more lives. Easy mode is not game default. Easy is easy. You don't get anything for beating it, so short of making all enemies wander aimlessly and just feeding it to the player (which would be bad), I think an effort should be made to try and make the game easier than its default. Give players something to mess around with, to decide whether they want to bother amping up the difficulty later. You still have four other difficulties for players to challenge themselves. Because my thought right now is, "If easy mode is this hard, then nightmare is simply not worth playing". I'm not a masochist. Sorry.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2015-11-01 18:50:29

Well personally I think that it's fair enough that Aaron made some of the hard enemies available in a demo, so one can decide if it's a game for him/her to buy or not. I was able to come to Morgana level where the demo ends, so in my case I'm still considering buying the full version.

2015-11-01 22:24:42 (edited by EternalGamer 2015-11-01 22:32:21)

I know this is probably not a mainstream opinion but I find this game nicely deterministic. It stopped being frustrating for me when I realized that losing a few lives along the way is not a sign of me making stupid mistakes but just part of the process, sometimes even part of tactics. I find myself using lives as just one more resource, sometimes deliberately sacrificing one to separate some enemies if I get overwhelmed.
Also I see some levels as puzzles to solve, so I often deliberately reload to go back and find a better jumping sequence to change the distribution of enemies around me in my favor.
I guess I'm just a geek.
From what I can tell, almost nothing in this game is random. It's just lots and lots of interwoven patterns. There's even some humor in them, such as the distance between two mushrooms set up so as to create a particular wave timing effect which is particularly challenging to jump over. So what seems random is actually the predetermined result of careful design. The effect is a bit like someone watching.
Kind regards,

In the hands of a gamer, word becomes weapon, argument becomes shield, and life becomes a quest.

2015-11-02 00:21:38

Unless perceived randomness is actually a function of time as well, then no, there's definitely randomness. I reached a part of the level where a spider normally comes from the right. Okay. Jumped backward, drew the bow, shot and killed it. Ran forward. Shot a zombie. Spider is on my right...and what? Spider is now on my left. Needless to say I died.
Next run, everything is the same, except that the spider on the left is now a second spider on the right. I was in the same part of the level because I know where the zombie spawned. Oh, and on that run I also got something else - a bomber, I think - harassing me. Died again.

Dying for perspective is all well and good, but in many cases you spend arrows while doing so. And arrows are not farmable, they're finite. If you could purchase them, or if the pouches were bigger, that'd be one thing. This not being the case, however, you could well end up in unwinnable scenarios where you're forced to fight something like the Grey Lady with no arrows, or some such. Also, lives themselves are finite. On easy mode, especially, I expect...well, I expect, if not an utterly brainlessly simple experience, an -easy one, just as advertised on the tin. Easy doesn't mean you have to micromanage your arrows and healing items within even the first three levels. Easy doesn't mean instant death from the very first boss you see. Easy doesn't mean webs that can poison, freeze and insta-kill you, all introduced in the same level.
So yes. It can be fun working out strategies with lives, sort of. But since things are semi-random, at least, what works for you on one run won't work quite as well the next. And even if you push through, what's around the next corner? A boss with three separate instant-death attacks? A boss that will open the floor under you no matter where you are? Multiple bosses that can move independently and insta-kill you? All on easy mode? Because this looks like overkill to me.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2015-11-02 01:17:05

The only real difference between difficulties is that the enemies have more hp and might move faster and hit harder. That's just sort of a lazy way to manufacture difficulty. Now if you made the enemies do other interesting stuff on the harder levels, that is real difficulty. Like having gremlins use daggers on easy and normal, a bow on hard and very hard, and maybe a sword on nightmare. Some enemies like rats and bats are ok if you make their difficulty by changing their vitals (heath and speed and damage), but doing that for all the enemies is just uncreative.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2015-11-02 02:39:52

For what it's worth, SoR2 improves the AI at higher difficulty levels, and adds more enemies in some places, and occasionally messes with their spawn conditions. I don't think it changes health or attack damage or speed, but I might be mistaken. The harder enemies are just smarter.

Mainstream games where enemies are more like those in The Gate tend not to have difficulty settings, but there are exceptions. Mario, Sonic, and similar don't bother (though Mario does increase the difficulty after you beat the game once. I don't remember if I included that in the audio version or not...). I think the Disney platformers have difficulty settings that amount to how many lives you start with. (Meanwhile, fighting games and side-scrolling brawlers tend to separate difficulty from lives/continues.)

Then again, I never played Devil May Cry. That it has a "Dante must die" setting makes me wonder...

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-11-02 05:03:32

I can agree with a lot of what Jade said here, even despite thoroughly enjoying the game. I can definitely agree with the idea of either being able to purchase arrows or arrow pouches being able to hold more arrows apiece. I also agree that Easy difficulty souldn't mean micromaaing lives and arrows within the first three levels or so. I can also agree with the comment about peraps toning down the Gosts' strength at least on Easy. When you've got a ghost to either side of you it's not always easy to kill one, then get away from the other one long enough to be able to turn around and hit it before it can touch you. I can also see the merits in his comments about the spiders since I had many a cheap death thanks to the little twerps. As it stands I myself am currentl on the last stage but I have few lives or arrow pouches to my name simply because some enemies just can't be taken out by other means before they reach you. Then of course if an enemy moves fast enough they're well past the minimum range and so your arrow just flies past them while they score a hit on you. And of course the sword, while powerful, is so slow that you wouldn't dare use it on most bosses, even though it would probably cut down on fight time given its power. I also agree that the rocks do seem to be a bit off since as Jade said you can still get hit even when it sounds like the rock is a little off to your left or right depending which way the level is going. So you could be at a point where you would think you'd be out of the way and yet you'd still say goodbye to a good sixty percent of your health. I'm pretty sure that even the lasers in Super Liam, which made me swear more often than just about anything else in my life at tat time, weren't so brutal. Of course they also didn't take off the vast majority of your health from a single hit and neither would they it you if the sound wasn't exactly centered the way the rocks seem to be able to do here. Then of course there are those parts where rocks just seen to pop up out of nowhere.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-11-02 10:05:26

I think the rock impact on the ground sound is stereo. It might be a part of the design but I would certainly make that sound mono if I were making this game. This way, its position can be misleading at times.

I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2015-11-02 12:56:54

Hi guys! I have created a playthrough of the gate on normal. It's all here, from the beginning to hades, minus the cutscenes. The ending scene is in there, just because I think it's hilarious. I also have turned on my own music over the game's rather unremarkable music because it seems to fit better with the beat-em-up nature of the game. Let me know what you think!
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/825 … normal.ogg 163mb

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2015-11-02 19:40:02

Heh. Listened to the playthrough, and now I basically know what I'm missing.

The game is actually considerably longer than I thought, so that's cool. Unfortunately it seems to get pretty repetitive after awhile, and zombies sound as if they get really old, really fast. Miracle cures are not as plentiful as the zombies themselves, and they're a pain to kill, particularly considering it sounds like you'd best save your arrows for the final boss in all its forms.
Kinda curious what the vocoder-zombies are though, and the enemies that sound like they're talking backward.
There's a sort of gauntlet part in the last level that sounds downright vicious...all those bombers and falling rocks. Good god.

I can't tell much difference between the two female bosses, the ones that come like three or four levels apart. They sound exactly the same, except one takes more punishment and appears to drop some sort of pieces when you wail on her enough.
Now that I have listened to the entire game all the way through, one of my previous suspicions was confirmed. For the most part, melee attacks aren't telegraphed in any way. You either stay away and use your finite arrows, or you get in close and trade hits. And since angel's breath isn't exactly around every corner...that's not always going to work. Especially when some enemies from what I could hear appear to be able to melee you when you can't melee them (I've heard sword-swipes miss and a zombie take a chomp a split second later, and zombies are supposed to be slow). This doesn't really allow for strategy, not really. It's all wildness.
Also also, now I know for a fact that the game is semi-random, because I've heard enemies appear where they didn't before after a player dies at a checkpoint. Example: he runs forward, dies somehow, but the next time he goes there, an enemy who hadn't been on his left before is right there.
I've also heard sludge waves, falling rocks and at least one enemy appear nearly right on top of a player in mid-jump before, and that's...iffy.

Anyway, it just confirms most of what I thought. I hope the devs do consider making those tweaks to easy mode, to give players a means of getting deeper into the game without having to micromanage and perfect strategies quite so quickly. But whether they do or don't, oh well.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2015-11-02 20:25:38

Yeah, I actually was a little less careful than I could have been in that playthrough. The zombies move pretty fast and usually I still have about a dozen miracle cures by the time I reach Hades. I just wanted to get it done by that time, I think. 2 hours 47 minutes is actually pretty fast for beating the game start to finish though.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2015-11-02 20:43:38

This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled! Sad because I was hoping to see this

2015-11-02 21:40:47

As for the vocoder zombies they're referred to as Apocalyptic Zombies. The backwards talking critters are Satan's Devils. As for that gauntlet you mentioned that's where I'm currently stuck. I've had to take a break from the game for a while though since it makes me swear a lot.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-11-02 23:06:21

I played this a couple of weeks ago, immediately it reminded me of castlevania for nes. was that the kind of game you were going for?

be a hero and stop Coppa now!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dkm … DkWZ8/edit
-id software, 1995

2015-11-02 23:40:13

Yes, it was.
keep in mind Key was playing on normal mode, too.
Also, of course there is randomness to it. But you don't randomly miss an enemy just because I say so in the game, you miss because the enemy moved too close, too far away, or you are on the ground and they are in the air.
That was all I was saying.
And also, in theory, you don't actually have to trade melay blows. As with any game, audio or video, you will end up doing that. But theoretically you can significantly lower how much damage you take through skill.
Also, the game keeps introducing the new enemies as you saw, so it actually doesn't end up quite as repetetive as you seem to suspect, certainly a lot less repetetive than a lot of games.
Sure, you mostly slice jump back slice jump back slice to kill enemies, but not all enemies.
You often have to manufacture your strategies for individual enemies or even when they appear in clusters.

2015-11-02 23:55:18

i never jump when i hit the harpies. using a bow to shoot it while standing is always fun, and i always, i say always, kill it with only one shot

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-11-03 00:10:10

I just now came to Hades boss on easy difficulty. But I'm too tired right now after playing the entire game, so I'll try to win this battle tomorrow. And, I've noticed that Carmilla seams to be totally resistant to the lightning rod big_smile. Yep, this vampire appears twice in the game, which is interesting.

2015-11-03 02:20:06

Okay, let me clarify, again, Aaron, because we're still not on the same page.

Skull-eaters. Devil dogs. Goblins. Gremlins, to a lesser extent. Immortal Corpses. Probably some enemies I'm not aware of by name. When they get close, they start whacking away, obviously some have different speeds. They do exactly what you do as a player if you don't want to use the bow and waste your arrows. So if you don't want to waste arrows, you have to get close. And if you get close, then you're essentially trading blows with many of these enemies. When those enemies are goblins, that's fine, goblins are weak and don't hurt much; when they're devil dogs, they take off a good deal of health, and you can't count on slicing and then jumping back, because they're often quick enough to move while you're in the air and hit you (or be out of range) when you come down. It's random. And it's not as if a devil dog will lag like you do when a sword-swipe misses. You swing, you miss, and you're open; doggie chomps and misses, he just keeps coming.
And this isn't an altogether bad thing, but healing items aren't found everywhere, and neither are arrows.

Please bear in mind that the suggestions I've made are for easy mode only. If you want to leave the game as is on normal and up, then fine. Whatever. But easy is not currently easy. Not really.

Also, the randomly-appearing falling rocks and slime waves are something you might want to watch. Two or three times, in that playthrough I heard, quite literally the only reason Key didn't die is because he happened to be in one of the many spam jumps he utilizes. If he'd been on the ground he would've been dead; or if he'd been still, he'd have been dead. That's not cool.

When I say the game gets repetitive, by the way, I mean that some of the levels are very long, and all you really do is kill more and more and more of the same enemies. It's a focus on hop-slash-hop, rather than on strategy. And given that many of said enemies are either zombies which might make you waste arrows or use miracle cures, or are of the "I-don't-get-lagged-while-I-melee" variety, it quickly begins to be a slog. I wasn't even playing and it -sounded like a slog! Three or four times I found myself wondering, "Okay, good god, when does this level actually finish?".

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2015-11-03 02:46:19

I agree with you Jade, especially on those random faling rocks that just appear out of nowhere right above you. It can be hard enough sometimes just avoiding the ones you hear from a distance, partly because of te soundissue that's been mentioned, where it sounds like it's either still a bit ahead of you or even behind you and yet it still sometimes counts as being close enough to hit you.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-11-03 05:35:13 (edited by GarrettTurner 2015-11-03 05:36:44)

This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled! aww man, i was really hopeing to listen to the walkthrough. AWW

stw is a game i play sometimes. If you would like to check it out, go to