2015-10-10 19:43:45

Hi all.
How do I
Get into the rowing boat? I clearly must be missing something completely obvious but can't think for the life of me what it is. I cut the rope  with my sword, turn to face the boat, move  forward then get shot. Maybe I have to jump, or get to the boat much more quicker than I am right now.


2015-10-10 19:59:20

As I thought, It was something bleadingly Obvious, and I'm now past that bit.

2015-10-11 15:29:52

Hai guys I love the game, but am unable to pass the alley no mater how slow i walk.

2015-10-11 21:36:37

Hello guys!
I would like to congratulate the game, is excellent!
I would also like to make a suggestion to use the accelerometer to the movements in the game.

2015-10-12 04:29:00 (edited by blaze 2015-10-12 15:55:12)

Hey all,
Yes, this is quite a good game, especially since we get it for nothing. I unfortunately am unable to spare any cash to donate in exchange for wives, er, lives, nor do I have the want or need to commit such a betrayal upon my GF big_smile. There have been questions about moving, how to run etc. The game treats your finger like a virtual joystick. The more you push forward, the faster you will go. Same with turning left or right. You can also move your finger right or left as you're walking, like moving a joystick diagonally on a physical controller. It's not the best way of movement for blind people, but whatever. As for pinching the screen, all you're doing is putting two fingers on the screen parallel to each other going across the width of the device, about two inches apart is best, and sliding them together. You should hear a chunk sound, and the world should fade a bit. Hold that position for as long as you need.
The rest of this post contains seen specific information. Read on at your own risk.
People have been asking about the alley seen, and I will just say this. You need to walk fairly slow, but at the same time, watch where you're going. Don't get lost or veer off course, or you run the risk of walking into the arms of King Thor's men. Most of the time, you have room to get a bit turned around, but in places like the cliff seen, the lava seen and the alley seen, you'd better pay attention.
I have a question of my own. What is my goal after being locked up? I tried walking around crashing into random things, seeing if I could interact with them, but all I managed to find out was that the guards really, really don't like the prisoners making noise lol.
Edit: Never mind. A good punch in the face after irritating the guard is all it takes to knock him senseless and get out of there. I have beaten the game now, so if anyone has questions, I have answers.
Oh yes, and I remember another question that was asked. The horseback chase is pretty simple. You are riding through a forest, trying to dodge trees and outrun the soldiers. Listen to Louise. Swipe right to turn right and swipe left to turn left. Swipe down to duck and up to jump. You will only need to jump once, and Louise will give you two warnings before that happens. Note that these aren't the slow dragging swipes you're used to in this game, but rather the normal quick swipe you would use to move to the next or previous object with voiceover.
That's all the yammering from me. Enjoy the game peoples.

2015-10-12 06:29:56

I beat this game today. I was also disappointed by the boss. Thor wasn't nearly has hard as I would've expected him to be. He may have been a little more aggressive then other enemies, but he is definitely beatable. The only level I couldn't stand was the rooftop chase, which took me almost twenty attempts to complete. Other than that, the game was a lot of fun and I hope to see a sequel in the near future.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2015-10-12 18:05:25

Hai all,
I am still trying to get pass the alley.
I can't seem to turn fast enough to follow luis.

2015-10-13 00:33:40 (edited by ulisesmonge39 2015-10-13 00:43:22)

Help with the part wen you jump and escape of the guards, the next level, i cant complete it, i go slow but they catch me, they are bery fast, they play dice games for some time, then catch me

2015-10-13 08:29:41

may be who just finish the game can make any playthrough recording.. i still stug in forest that i have to get help to cure Luis

2015-10-13 13:13:42 (edited by musicalman 2015-10-13 13:53:55)

Wow, this is a really cool game! Just got it yesterday, and have almost completed it.
Rio_unesa, which part of the forest are you stuck on? If I remember correctly you just have to follow the mist song and the twinkling light noises in a specific pattern or the path will loop. I may be wrong about that though. Eventually you will fight the demon who will cure Louise of the poison.
Now a question of my own.
I also, believe it or not, haven't mastered the art of destabilizing my enemy so I can do a combo. From what I understand, I have to raise my shield with a pinch gesture, then quickly lift my fingers right before the enemy attack hits, then start swinging my sword rapidly. But I either just block his attack because I lifted the shield too late or I end up getting hit with the attack. I've tried at every point during the attack phase that I can think of, but since I don't really know how it works, I can't be sure if I ever got it and just wasn't listening hard enough for the right sounds. In general I find the enemy sounds in this game a tad bit hard to predict, and I've gotten hit multiple times for mis-hearing a provoking gesture as an upcoming attack or unintentionally getting hit with an enemy combo. I'm tempted to ask someone if they can make a recording of how this combo aspect of the game works, just with one enemy, so I can hear it done properly. Is anyone here willing to do that?
I do plan to record a gameplay myself, which at this rate shouldn't be too long in coming, since I have nearly beaten the game I think. I'm trying to help my friend get a bizarre microphone setup working but hopefully it will sound good, so him and I will probably both narrate the gameplay. It should be fun, and would, to my knowledge, be the first recording of actual gameplay available.

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2015-10-13 17:55:48

How to do combo?

2015-10-13 18:58:27 (edited by musicalman 2015-10-13 18:59:06)

Lol my question exactly.
I just beat the game a few minutes ago, and am quite proud of myself. Lol. The ending isn't quite up to taste, but for me at least the final battle was hard. Not overly hard, but hard enough. It took me a good 9 or 10 attempts to do it, and that was without the knowhow to do combos.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
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2015-10-13 19:42:52

seal wrote:

You can buy lives and that's it.

My personal comments:
The game sounds really immersive. I thought it'd be something really easy but when I played more and more, it's getting really challening. Fights are fast and require patience and reflections especially, when you want to make a combos.
What I disliked? the blocking system. To block using your shield you need to pinch the screen what is not working all the time. I believe it will be fixed and maybe changed to a slide down using the finger.
I didn't completed the game yet so can't comment the whole game.
Really I'm recommending it for every fan of games, hack en slash. It's great! it's free!

  I agree. Trying to use the shielding technique can be a little bit tricky.  The trick to note is that every scene when using shielding technique has a different sequence.  For an example an enemy may  grunt before hitting you. While he is grunting. That is the perfect time to use shielding technique.  When he hits you and you hear a clang  That's when you know you have did it correctly.  You also have the option for some enemies to hit them before they hit you.  But wait until they grunts first.  That way you do not get hits in lose any damage.

2015-10-13 19:53:27

techmaster20 wrote:

There is a level where you must block some falling rocks. I try the pinch gesuture that you use with VoiceOver, and it won't work. What do they mean by pinch? I can't get past this level because I can't block

Hi tech master.  It's only one rock this time. The trick is to block at the right time. You see  The rock Falls at a somewhat slow pace. What you have to do is time the blocking right.  I was able to pull this off once but then lost at a gang of thieves.  So remember knots when the rock says boom but when it crumbles a little bit.  That is when it will strike.

2015-10-13 20:04:27

hanif wrote:

For anyone using a 4S, I have a very, very weird trick that make the game work after the sword scene.
The trick is, you have to change your phone's language to french and continue the game from the scene where you get your sword and if the other levels load, you can set back your language to english then the wrest should be fine.
Note: it doesn't affect the game's language, it uses the language that you've downloaded.
For the game itself, it's very amazing. The concept, voice acting and others are pretty impressive.
I've played this for a while, and I'm stuck at the part where I must go to the ice cave.
When I follow luis she said that there is a cliff and the path is quite narrow.
I walk around but I always fall down the cliff.
Any tips on passing this level?

I am also stuck on this level. What you have to do is listen for Louise voice in the center she will say straight ahead. Follow that path straight ahead.  You do this until you come to the falling rock. When the rock crumbles shield yourself. Then you  keep moving forward repeating the same directions above.  Then after you keep following her you will come across some dogs. Basically fend off their attacks.  Then keep following her.  After that he will come across some thieves  The first one will talk to you. Before striking. So you can either shield before he hits you or you can keep hitting him. And then you come across the last guard he will basically say I will hit you with a knife.  This fight you have to really concentrate on. Don't hit him right away.

2015-10-13 20:11:39

samtupy1 wrote:

Hi. Some tips. First for pinching, I just place 2 fingers apart, then slide them close together. With the boat, double tap to get out your sward, then slash forward to cut the rope. For the horse, as soon as she says left right, flick quick. So if she said right, you'd flick to the right and release your finger. Don't do it slow, flick fast and release your finger. That's at least what works for me. The game did crash for me at first with the sward thing, but I just relaunched, clicked continue, and all was well.

I agree on this blocking was hard at first, but I got around it.  I've also enjoyed the game blood shed by the way.  It kind of reminds me of the game released on Sega Genesis called streets of rage.  Have you ever thought about creating  a game sort of related to that game?  Because bloodshed was relatively close.

2015-10-13 20:29:39 (edited by musicalman 2015-10-13 20:33:04)

Hi all,
Just a friendly reminder, please don't quadruple post, it's better to consolidate into one post where possible. I'm not a mod, just trying to help out.
Anyway, I have some good news to report. After reading a bit on Apple Vis, I figured out how to do combos! Using my new method of combat, I just beat King Thork in a single attempt, and only got hit maybe 3 times because of careless mistakes, but the battle was almost pathetically easy.
Some people have had trouble with the forest level where you are on horseback rushing through the trees. Many people have had trouble because they don't know how the swiping works. It's actually very simple, just swipe very quickly in the direction Louise tells you. If she tells you to look out, it means you weren't fast enough and you've already collided with something. The only time you should have to swipe up in that level is to jump over the ravine at the end.
Now I'll describe in detail how I fight enemies, and then get into the illusive combo gesture to destabilize the enemy. The reason I and a few others have had trouble with it is because the English explanation has been mis-translated, so I will clarify it. First I'll describe basic combat.
Some enemies will taunt you or growl softly to themselves to let you know they're checking you out. Do not attack them when they're doing this, since you'll lose your balance for a short time, and the enemy will take advantage of this to get in a quick hit. You can, in some cases, raise your shield just fast enough to counter the hit, but that will only work if you are insanely fast, and will not do any damage to the enemy. Instead you have to wait until the enemy begins charging you, which is represented by either loud growling sounds from monsters, or haayaa battle cries from humans, demons etc. When you hear that sound, you can attack with your sword, but you've gotta be quick, especially since some of the attack sounds can be subtle. Also, and this goes for general gameplay, the whole game seems to have a tolerable but perceptible lag, not sure if it's in the gesture execution or in the sound playback engine. In any case you have to compensate for it by having sharp reflexes! Always be ready to raise your shield or swing your sword at literally a split second's notice, as enemies have very sporadic patterns. Monsters tend to be more aggressive and can attack in quick combos which are hard to predict, the only way to really get the upper hand on those in my experience is to raise the shield, get a rough idea of the enemy's attack patterns, wait for a slight lull in the action, drop your shield and try to counter the attack patterns you heard while your shield was up. Each enemy has his own attack tendencies, but there is still an element of chance, so even if you know what the enemy can do and how his timing works, you still have to be ready for anything. In particular the timing and duration of combos can be sporadic, requiring you to be on your toes.
You can also perform combos on your enemies by using your shield to push the enemies away from you. The game's English translation tels you to pinch your fingers on the screen to raise your shield,, and to discard or lift your fingers when the enemy attacks to destabilize him. This is only partially true. You do start by doing a pinch gesture to raise the shield, but lifting your fingers only removes the shield, it does not thrust it outward to destabilize the enemy. To thrust it outward you need to reverse pinch, or move your fingers outward, in the opposite direction of a pinch. You don't even have to have your shield raise to do it, just put two fingers on the screen close together and flick them rapidly in opposite directions. You have to do this when the enemy attacks or it will not affect the enemy. You'll hear an aggressive clank from your shield and the enemy will destabilize for about 2 seconds, so start swinging your sword in their direction like mad! You can normally get around 4 quick swings in this way without fear of a surprise attack. As soon as your sword stops hitting the enemy, raise your shield and wait for the next moment to destabilize the enemy. This is highly affective against bad guys like King Thork, but won't work on some of the faster enemies like the guards in the banquet which ambush you from all sides and only go down with one or two hits.
There are also certain significant attacks which your shield cannot block in key areas of the plot. In those spots, you are forced to make a quick attack at just the right moment. I won't talk about those here, since there are only a couple spots near the end of the game where it happens.
I really do need to record a gameplay now, eh?

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2015-10-13 22:30:35

Thanks for the info friend
But i am stuc with the level with a few guards, louise sais "Can take the pat of the left", in this part the guards play dice games, then stops, and start to talk. In this part y go slow, but in a few secons they start's to walk to me, an then run. How to complete this part?

2015-10-13 23:23:46

I've finished the game already, and i was amazed for the huge amount of details put in it.
Great work there!.
I'm new to Apple, i could record a playthrough but i don't know witch is the best way to record in an ios device, i mean, to record my voice and the game at the same time.

bokura no daibouken 2 by yukionozawa. installer:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/897 … _setup.exe
bokura no daiboukenn 3 by yukionozawa. download page:

2015-10-13 23:53:20 (edited by musicalman 2015-10-13 23:54:51)

Hi Ulisesmonge39,
If you're talking about the part I think you are, I think all you have to do is walk slowly so that the guards are on your right and follow Louise. Keep as close to her as you can, and don't stray from the path she leads you on. When the guards start walking toward you, Louise will tell you to hurry, so just book it.
Mr.brunete, I don't know of a way to record audio from IOS and the microphone at the same time unless you use a computer or recorder to capture the IOS device's output with a patch chord, and then use a separate microphone if you want to be able to talk over it. I'm not sure if there's a decent way to do it on IOS alone.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
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2015-10-14 00:11:33

Yes. Its that part, yes, i understand, but wen i urry, the guards run very fast, and kill me

2015-10-14 01:42:36

@raygrote wow, seriously? the bad translation explains why I could only get it to work a few times, I'm glad my phone took my lifting fingers as a finger flick, somehow
as for the final boss being hard it only took me about 2 attempts not counting my first one where I'd lost a lot of health in the fight before
he basically just constantly attacks, so just start swinging until he starts taunting
he taunts once, once he stops talking he'll attack almost right away
using that method I killed him without using my shield once, did it again afterwards using my shield and stuns and did not take a single damaging hit but I did come close, for some reason unequipping your shield when they talk makes them attack like you swung at them

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2015-10-14 01:50:23

My problem with the boss is that I could never get down his taunts versus his attacks, since i find his attack so sudden that I almost have to anticipate it to hit him on time. And of course if you hit at the wrong time while he's taunting, he'll get in a cheap hit on you. If I'm right, it may take less hits from him to kill you than it does with other enemies, but I'm just guessing. The only way I managed to do it without a lot of bloodshed on my end was to raise the shild, let him to a huge combo on me, then he'll stop and taunt, and that's when I'd come in with the reverse pinch gesture and give him a good combo and repeat the process until the final climactic hit. When I tried to anticipate his attacks quickly, I would get hit a lot more, so I took the whimpy strategy of just hiding like a coward until the perfect chance. Lol

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2015-10-14 02:06:12

lol well I suppose I can get that, too much time on my hands playing console action I think is the only reason I got it as fast as I did
but there's an interesting thing there, the time where the enemies will attack after you swing seems to end right after or very quickly after they're done their taunt animation, so you can basically just start swinging as soon as they're done and land an easy hit, just make sure you stop fast so you don't get a retaliation strike

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2015-10-15 21:29:51

Just downloaded it yesterday. Spoilers ahoy!
I'm stuck on the beach level.I get to the boat and cut the rope, but then I always get killed. I try running to get on the boat and one attempt he said give me the oars but I got killed right afterward.So I'm not sure how you're supposed to finish this.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!