2015-11-22 15:36:09

for dyan deemand just hit her that time wen she will scream jus like heyaaaaaaa

2015-11-23 09:41:58

who cann make tutorial?

2016-05-14 11:07:02 (edited by dannydanial012 2016-05-14 11:33:28)

Hey guys can u help me ? Loius said..go hiding behind the waterfall..before the soldier kill me...but ..how to pass that ? Should i walk behind me or just walk straight ? Can someone help me ? Plz i really love this game..i cant hear loius so well

2016-05-14 21:12:20

walk and go there  ware is watter strate and see her voice follo her

2016-06-19 12:38:00 (edited by Hrvoje 2016-06-19 12:39:05)

A new version for Android came out last week. The new features are:
1. You can buy unlimited lives.
2. New intro with music.
3. Two difficulties to choose, normal and hard core.
4. Horse racing mission has been improved.
5. 3D sound improvements and other bug fixes.
6. Fixed some english sentences.
P.s., I still haven't recieved iOS upgrade, only for Android.

2016-06-28 19:14:30 (edited by musicalman 2016-06-28 19:15:01)

Hi all,
The IOS update is still not available, so it seems. I asked @ABlindLegend on Twitter and they have told me that a similar update is indeed coming to IOS, but it will take a bit longer. Not sure if that means it's been submitted to the App store but isn't yet available for download as was the case with audiodefense I believe, or if they're working on it and haven't finished it yet.

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2016-06-28 19:36:37

Wel I finally decided  to try this one out, and I confess I'm a trifle frustrated.
The turning system in the game seems pretty random, indeed I've just used four out of my five lives on the first really dangerous thing, running behind the waterfall away from the guards since it seems everytime I try to turn towards louise she ends up behind me.  I'm not sure if I'm turning too much or not enough, maybe it's just that the turning speed is totally different to that in pappasangre,  the sound pan also seems a little odd, since frequently I turn to where the sound of louise footsteps are centered and then am told I'm going the wrong way (and yes I'm wearing my earbuds right).

I'd be interested to know as a rough guess, how much do you actually have to move your finger to turn? ie, how fine tuned is the system? during the first tutorial bit it didn't seem that bad, but now I can't honestly see what's going wrong here.

Btw, I like the audio in the game and the idea behind it, but I will confess I find louise a bit irritating, indeed to say the devs wanted a game to give sighted people the experience of being blind, if someone really! went around yelling "over here!" and "on your left!" at the top of her lungs in public methinks people wouldn't exactly regard you as a respected knight, indeed much as I like the idea behind the game the constant reliance on a family member seems a bit off, or maybe I'm just analysing too much, or maybe I'm just a bit narked since I keep getting clobbered, or possibly both :d.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-06-29 01:27:03

Hi Dark,
Firstly, turning. I think what you are doing is moving your finger continuously like in Papa Sangre. That is not how turning works in this game. To turn, you simply swipe your finger a bit, and hold it in that position, you will turn at a constant rate so long as you hold your finger on the screen. To make small turns, quickly swipe and release. To make more drastic turns, swipe and then hold your finger until you have turned the desired amount. I often find that sounds don't sound that different when they are in front of or behind you, so be sure to follow Louise by turning as little as possible. She'll never get ahead of you, as she always runs faster than you. She will, as I assume you've figured out already, automatically start moving when you get close, even if your angle is a little crooked as you approach her, so you can't go around her on accident. Not to seem harsh, but the waterfall challenge is one of the easiest deaths in the game to stumble upon. If you can't get past that part, you will not get far in the game I'm afraid.
Quite honestly, I have given up on these games trying to be realistic in mimicking a blind person's perspective. I don't make an effort to fuel blind stereotypes, but I am willing to put reality aside for most games, even those that attempt to mimic reality as closely as possible. I am able, perhaps more than most, to live with the fact that Louise is going to yell at me a lot to follow her, so I'll just do that. Then again, I am slightly biased as I hate trying to navigate around an unfamiliar space on my own anyway, so the fact that this isn't a maize game by trade does come to my fancy. I do believe, however, that this game is realistic to a point, as it, to my knowledge, gives you no visual, and has perhaps an unrealistic attention to detail on the audio side of things. You hear things quite a lot more obviously than you would in the real world, but you don't hear things that would make no sense, such as things that beep when they normally wouldn't, or obnoxious navigational cues. I'm glad this game doesn't have any of those, as they just shout, "Hey I'm an audio game!" Louise shouts it too, but not as loudly imho. NO visuals, and this amazing attention to audio which warrants no other artificial navigation aid, both of these things I think are overlooked a lot, especially in video games. Even the sound designers who work on audio games only seem to receive credit for "good sound", nothing more or less. There are times when I hear video games and wonder why a certain sound was used, as it sounds so generic, bland, or just outright wrong in that scene, but so long as it doesn't have any painfully obvious flaws, it seems to be okay for most of the mainstream market. As I'm sure many of us have seen firsthand, many sighted people don't know how to take a game they can't see. The concept of an audio game is overwhelming enough for many. I've only heard some of the negative criticisms which audiodefense received because the gameplay was apparently too loose, uninspired, and or flawed. And as inaccurate and totally false as I think that is, we cannot afford to have such perceived problems in our games, even if such flaws are exaggerated or untrue... especially among a large community of the market. So I think the decision to make Louise as obvious as she is was a wise one, both for blind people who are not interested in roaming unfamiliar spaces "blindly," and for sighted people who wouldn't even know where to start without a lot of help which borders on hand holding. The game does get much harder further down the line, and there is supposedly an update coming out, mentioned in post 155, with a harder difficulty level in store! I will be excited to see what this does.
Just a bit of a spoiler, later in the game... there will be a brief period when Louise will indeed be incapacitated. While of course other characters in the game will step in to help, they only do so much, and then you are left on your own until Louise recovers. You will then be glad for her presence later I'm sure, as you navigate narrow passages which could easily have you losing a life easily.

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2016-06-29 13:38:21

@Raygrote, I suspect the turn issue is as you described because yes, I did assume that turns worked as they did in pappasangre and audio defense which is precisely why i was confused as to why I was dying on a comparatively easy sectionn.

My problem with louise is more that the developers have billed the game as a realistic experience of navigating in audio, that and the problem of feeling like I'm dependent upon someone else. I actually don't mind navaids in games from a logical perspective, since after all what do we try to do with guide dogs, canes, and more recently devices such as satnavs, as opposed to having someone yell a lot and make you stand out, I did guess louise would go missing later, but it's not really her gameplay function I mind so much as the idea that this is giving sighted people a semi realistic experience of what it is like to be blind.

Were the game just billed, as blind swordsman for example is, as a completely fantasy game that just is a bit of fun with audio, I wouldn't mind so much, but hay I'm quite willing to say "Well it's a game" and see how things go, I certainly enjoyed the games by Somethinelse.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-06-30 13:07:59

iOS update is now available! Got it this morning on my iPod Touch.

2016-06-30 16:46:18

so because I have a large amount of extra time on my hands, I'm currently playing through the french version of the game on the PC since the IOS version last time I checked didn't have a language switch option
over all though I think I like this a lot better even if I barely understand any of the dialogue, but that might just be because it's the original, idk
has anyone else played both versions?
for anyone who hasn't played in french but has maybe completed the game, it's interesting to note that some of the voices when the english version were actually created seem to have been left intact, like they had people do the english dialogue but the battle grunts were kept the same for some strange reason
lastly, hard mode... I'm decently satisfied, the game is quite a bit less forgiving with getting hit and I think the required timing and enemy attack speed may actually be a bit faster
prime example being the horseback portion of the game, if you make one mistake you die, so...

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2016-07-01 07:21:55

Wait DD, is the PC version on Steam? I'm just curious, I indeed know about a PC version of the game, and I also heard a gameplay of it on Youtube which I think sounds better than the IOS version. But if it's on steam, which I've heard is inaccessible, I won't be getting that. I'd rather pay for a game on Steam that I really want that isn't available anywhere else.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
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2016-07-01 07:55:42

the multilanguage option is nice though, game also loads way faster and the controls respond very fast but that also means the game is a bit easier
would anyone be interested in a playthrough of the french version just for kicks? I'm very very bored these days

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2016-07-02 04:27:49

Yes. Although I find the controls on steam to be more affective than IOS.

2016-07-02 04:30:03

Basicly when running fast swiping up on the screen doesn't make you run fast enough, but on pc, you press shift and you run just as fast as your daughter. But it would be cool if they added blue tooth keyboard support.