2015-08-21 12:11:42

Right now there is on most outside maps quick-buttons for some coordinates:

1 - Pokemon center coordinates, if on current map.
2 - Pohkee mart coordinates, if on current map.
3 - Gym coordinates, if on current map.
4 - Special location coordinates (such as Pokemon Tower), if on current map.
5 - Exit location coordinates.

But I could implement a menu for that option instead of just reading off things. I do agree it would be better.

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

2015-08-21 16:35:08

I'd appreciate it. And thanks for the flavor texts you're adding to the maps, they will help our immersion into the game.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2015-08-21 22:04:29 (edited by AnElusiveDreamer 2015-08-21 22:13:25)


I just noticed a glitch in my game. I switched Pokemon in the middle of a battle. As a result, my Abra grew to level 21. It was supposed to learn Psybeam at the time, but my Paras learned it instead. sad This was the Pokemon that I switched for my Abra. It said that Paras had learned the move as soon as Abra leveled up.

Other than that, the game is great! I'm glad that it has progress so far already and that it wasn't abandoned in the early stages.

Edit: Also, when I talked to the guy who gives advice in Lt. Surge's gym, I selected ""no" to his advice. The problem is that he went on to tell me how to defeat Misty when I wasn't even in her gym.

2015-08-22 08:21:53

thanks you very much Rachel for the hard work on this project.
luck and success with Brayllemon.
I love Pokémon.
Greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-08-23 20:54:35

AnElusiveDreamer wrote:


I just noticed a glitch in my game. I switched Pokemon in the middle of a battle. As a result, my Abra grew to level 21. It was supposed to learn Psybeam at the time, but my Paras learned it instead. sad This was the Pokemon that I switched for my Abra. It said that Paras had learned the move as soon as Abra leveled up.

Other than that, the game is great! I'm glad that it has progress so far already and that it wasn't abandoned in the early stages.

Edit: Also, when I talked to the guy who gives advice in Lt. Surge's gym, I selected ""no" to his advice. The problem is that he went on to tell me how to defeat Misty when I wasn't even in her gym.

For the first bug I'm going to need to know what position in the party both Abra and Paras were in, if at all possible.

The second glitch should be pretty easy to fix, let me take a look.

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

2015-08-24 09:27:36

I've encountered this glitch before, but I believe I may have pinpointed the positions this affects. The Pokémon in the fifth slot is the one that's supposed to learn the move, and the Pokémon in the sixth slot is the one that actually learns it—even if said slot has an egg in it. This hasn't happened to me often enough to be really bothersome and I save so regularly that I could simply close the game, reopen it, move the important mon up the list and go from there. I usually keep the Pokémon I'm training at the time near the top of the list anyways.

2015-08-24 09:41:34 (edited by daigonite 2015-08-24 09:56:46)

Thanks for the tip, Imaginatrix. This really helps a lot since I tried testing it with no results.

Just to let everyone know I also completely revamped how the D key works. Instead of having a long string to listen to, it's a menu which contains specific destinations that are easy to scroll through, it keeps track of the position when you close it, and it has the coordinates of your character and the distance from your character to the object selected for easy reference as well. It works really nicely and I think that you guys will be impressed with it.

In terms of the world map I just chugged through routes 19 and 20, which are surfing routes. I'm going to do the other surfing routes and then work on Cinnabar Island. It's kind of crazy to think I'm this close to finishing Kanto.

Edit: Seems like the problem was a misplaced break statement, wow that was a tricky one to find. Thanks!

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

2015-08-24 15:56:17

Hay Rachel, nice to hear that the D key now works a lot better now.
I'll probably start using it a lot more now.
Almost finished with Kanto?
are the water routes and the island all you have left?
does this mean we could see an Octoberish release?
Keep it up! I can't wait to play it!
As an aside, a paras using Psybeam would be a pretty funny thing to see, as psybeam is one of Para's weeknesses.
The mushrooms on its back would probably wither or something as it used the move.
Funny the things that pop up as bugs in a game...

2015-08-25 02:57:28

daigonite wrote:

Thanks for the tip, Imaginatrix. This really helps a lot since I tried testing it with no results.

Just to let everyone know I also completely revamped how the D key works. Instead of having a long string to listen to, it's a menu which contains specific destinations that are easy to scroll through, it keeps track of the position when you close it, and it has the coordinates of your character and the distance from your character to the object selected for easy reference as well. It works really nicely and I think that you guys will be impressed with it.

In terms of the world map I just chugged through routes 19 and 20, which are surfing routes. I'm going to do the other surfing routes and then work on Cinnabar Island. It's kind of crazy to think I'm this close to finishing Kanto.

Edit: Seems like the problem was a misplaced break statement, wow that was a tricky one to find. Thanks!

Glad Imaginatrix could give you that tip because I honestly wasn't paying attention at the time... sad The D key revamp sounds great and very convenient too.

I found another bug as well. After I picked up my Eevee at the Celadon Condominiums, I exited the room and reentered to find another Eevee waiting for me. It happened every time I reentered, and I kind of exploited it in hopes of finding a female Eevee. Anyway, I have an abundance of Eevees now. smile

2015-08-25 14:00:09

Thanks for reporting the eevee bug, just fixed that. And don't worry about it, sometimes we forget about the details. The bug's been fixed so that's what counts smile

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

2015-08-26 01:32:43

The new navagation menu sounds awesome! I can't wait for the next update! Keep up the great work!!!

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2015-08-27 02:28:46

it would be cool if you could use sounds from the anime.

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
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leave me a message saying how you found me.

2015-08-27 03:22:32

Nah, if she used sounds from the anime it would destroy the clasic gameboy sound it's going. That for me is really neat. I heard my brothers and friends playing the gameboy vertion growing up and I always wish I could play that vertion. And now I can! Maybe in a different Braillemon game but it just wouldn't fit in this one.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2015-08-27 10:47:16

No, the sounds of anime would take away much of the original game.
I think the game should have the sounds of the original version Gamevoy.
Greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-08-28 02:01:59

I agree here. Quite aside from me enjoying hearing all the game sounds and really getting a feel for what playing the original games must have been like, the later games have better sounds that I look forward to hearing. I've been watching some episodes of a video playthrough of Pokémon X (which by the way has Pikachu saying its name instead of its original cry), and there are loads of cool sounds for attacks/status ailments/shaking grass/tons of other things. The games have enough good sounds as it is and I love them. The anime sounds are better for the anime than for this.

2015-08-28 17:32:33

This isn't to mention that most of the voices of the Pokemon are different even between different seasons, not to mention different languages.

Anyways, currently I'm working on Seafoam Islands. That's where you get Articuno. Also, I'm planning on implementing a feature that allows you to go to a specific person to play a massaging minigame for your pokemon to boost its happiness, which will be based somewhat off of Pokemon Amie's petting functionality.

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

2015-08-30 05:27:22

Hi Rachel.
A question what will you do with Mew?
how you can capture in the game?
I remember in the original games was a glich allowing to capture a Mew in Level 7.
Greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-08-30 07:56:41

I won't be replicating that glitch, but I think I'll throw in an event to capture Mew after you battle Mewtwo.

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

2015-08-30 16:05:39

I understand, thanks for you reply.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-08-30 16:49:32

Hay Rachel, glad to hear we can at least catch all 151 pokemon in this release; or at least shortly after!
Are you just going to put Mew in somewhere, or are you going to do something like that far-away Island event found in Emerald version?
Hope we'll be playing the new version by Christmas; or at least thanks giving!

2015-08-30 16:53:06 (edited by daigonite 2015-08-30 16:54:15)

I'm actually thinking about placing him in Pokemon Mansion. There's a lot of lore there about mew/mewtwo and there's nothing else there except for the key to Blaine's gym. However I think I'm going to make it so that you have to catch all the other Pokemon first. Don't worry too much about the other starters/fossils/version exclusives, I will make it so that all 151 Pokemon are able to be caught post game.

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

2015-08-30 17:57:03

So bug, I beat brock and apparently he was like no, we're fighting again. Either way, more levels for my squirtel I guess lol.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2015-08-30 20:06:01

Did you save after you beat Brock the first time? Awesome! Mew is so cute!!

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2015-08-30 21:20:00

Wasn't really time to save, cause it literally happened like 2 seconds after I won.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2015-08-30 21:46:15

Hey all! Daigonite, I really thank you for all your hardwork and dedication.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.