2015-08-23 20:05:18

no problem. I hope you are better at this game than me, hahaha!

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2015-08-23 22:30:49

I finished with a teenager and an old lady, and given what aprone said, I didn't unlock all of the mystery! Now I really have to keep trying and play again!

It's a trap!


2015-08-23 22:42:06

Well done on the victory even if it didn't unlock the full story.  I'm happy to see more and more people beating the game!  I love to make my games hard, but there is always some small part of me worried that I made something too hard for anyone to win.  So far I'm happy with the time it is taking the first group of people to win.

- Aprone
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Aprone's software

2015-08-24 08:56:19

I hope I Will eventually manage to complete it ... but first I Will have to manage to be able to open saved games again ... this is not a game I would do in 1 sitting, heh.
If anyone has any ideas what could be wrong with my computer I would be happy to hear them.

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Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
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2015-08-24 15:51:15

Mayana, if you don't mind, could you send me a few different saved games?  Like, start over and save, and make sure it won't load.  Then do that again so you have 2 broken save files.  Maybe once you have like 3 or 4, send them all to me.  Maybe there is some pattern to something inside of them that will help me figure out what is going wrong.  If possible, put all 3 or 4 saved files into a zip before sending it to me.  That would help preserve the original files so they will be exactly as they were on your computer.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-08-24 15:55:55 (edited by Mayana 2015-08-24 18:34:41)

I could do that, yes. I have also notesed that if I try to open the game and it sais that it's damadgd and I then start a new game, it Will open the saved game I first wanted to play. So ... it seams I can open saved games, yay! Just not how I should be able to, I guess.
Edit: ok, here's the link.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ll8eiujzoz67n … s.zip?dl=0
I also found a (pritty nice) bug, again. I saw it before, just didn't pay to much atention to it. In 1 saved game I started with 17 building material. I selected 2 people to impruve the camp (-8 building material), others did their own tasks. Nexg day, I had 25 building material in sted of 9.
In other game I didn't impruve the camp, and when I ended my turn, I still had 17 building material.
I hope I wrote it somehow understandable. I also put saved games in there, and put the number of building material on first and second day in the name.

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Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
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2015-08-25 09:50:58

Congratulations!  You have won on day 72.
You ended with a score of 551.  Difficulty was set to baby steps(very easy).  Perk used was Java man.  Fault used was Homeless.  Your people were Labyrinthians.
Game over.  Thank you for playing Paw Prints, by Aprone(Jeremy Kaldobsky).

thanks Aprone for this awesome game. Any idea what affects the score?

2015-08-25 09:59:33

YoungMan, well done!  The difficulty affects the score of course, but the main thing is your people.  Each person who died is worth some points, and the further they traveled before they died, the more points they were worth.  Various items you find are worth some points, but not very many.  The big thing that really affects your score is how many people were alive when you won.  Just as with the dead people, the further they have traveled the more points they are worth.  Oh, living seniors some extra points, and children are worth even more.  That extra bonus is because seniors and children aren't as easy to keep alive until the end.

Now if you had a person at the last location and then walked them back to the crash site before you end the game, then they will be worth a lot less points.  Especially as players get better at the game and start to care about their scores more, it will make sense to travel back to rescue injured people you had to leave behind.  If you can bring more of them to the outskirts of Giion before ending the game, you'll increase your overall score.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-08-25 10:13:32

how to travel back? I don't see that option. let's say, I have 1 person who has a broken arm, and I left him behind. How to travel back and help him once I have a splint?

2015-08-25 10:15:17

are there any shortcut to assign tasks?so far I have to use the arrow keys and look through the list and press enter to go through the assign menu.

2015-08-25 10:38:16

To travel back just go to where you set someone to travel away, and press enter until you get to travel twords the crash site.
There are some shortcuts, you can find them all listed in the changelog from what I remember.

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Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2015-08-25 13:04:40

Well, it seams even I finally managed to beat this game. I finished after 46 days, with 2 people and a score of 547 (I think it was that number ...). Now the harder part ... finding the longer ending.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2015-08-25 13:13:15

Hmm, I think I found a bug. There was a blizard at the crash site, and I sent one of my characters on to the next area. It said that "even though it was a bad idea, he traveled out into the blizard. We don't know where he is now." Apparently, he still made it to the first ridge. I think he was supposed to have died, right?

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2015-08-25 13:37:07

great game. more and more people manage to finish.

2015-08-25 13:42:06

Hmm, It looks like one of my characters, while searching for stuff, found a  broken leg

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2015-08-25 13:49:18

woot, beat the game on day 56 with a score of 956. I had 1 senior and 1 teen make it to the end of the game!

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2015-08-25 14:33:00

Well done Mayana and KeyIsFull.  Key, finding a broken leg is a bug, but someone finding their way back is not a bug.  There is a chance that if someone gets lost, they will survive and show back up somewhere.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-08-28 17:39:41


It's been many years since I've been logged into the forums, so perhaps my account was removed. Anyway, I was able to use my E-mail address again. I just wanted to say I tried the game and I love it. I have not won it nor have I even gotten past Ice Valley, but it's still a great game. Things get even more morbid when I use names of folks I actually know.

Speaking of morbid, I had to ask. One of my males killed himself after having to cut meat from the corpses one too many times. I listened to the sound of the male suicide (it sounded like crying after which came what sounded like a deck of cards being shuffled). I was wondering what this represented. Striking a match?

Anyway, thank you for developing this survival game. I am a fan of Oregon Trail, and though this isn't quite the same, it does have that feel and I enjoy it greatly.

Best Regards,

Tiffany Kim

2015-08-28 18:28:19

Tiffany, welcome back to the forms.  smile

I'm glad you're enjoying the game, and also happy to see that you're using names of family or friends to make the game more stressful on yourself!  ROFL!  It's harder to just abandon people to die when they are named after people you care about.

As for the sounds, we'll have to wait for KeyIsFull to answer that question.  He provided the sounds for me, so he might have had something specific in mind on that one.

Mayana, I'm planning to sit down with your saved games today to figure out if there is some sort of pattern to it.  I'm also hoping I can get an update posted that will fix the different bugs people have noticed.  I had a new nephew born a few days ago, and I've been away from programming as a result.  I spent 3 days at my sister in laws' house to watch my other nephew while she was in the hospital.  I'm back though, so now I need to get myself back into gear with programming!

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-08-28 19:44:35

@Aprone, can't wait for the update!

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2015-08-28 22:53:35

The male suicide sound is actually a man crying, then hanging himself.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2015-08-28 23:09:27

I sorta figured the suicide sound out myself. oh imagine if there're more than one way to die. Little timmy jumps down a pit and then...crash! Old Lucy stabs herself with a knife...zwap, splash! ouchies that sounds wrong.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-08-29 01:09:10

Mayana, as strange as it is, I am able to load all of your saved games without any trouble.  I'll keep an eye out for anything that could cause it, but for the moment I'm stumped.

Next time someone finds a broken leg, please see if you can paste me the exact message from the game.  It would also help to know what location they were at and what task they were performing when it happened.  I searched and searched, but can't find the bug in the code.  If I have that extra information, it will help me narrow down my search.

Update posted:

Changes from 0.6b to 0.6c

- New game sounds have been added.  These were provided by KeyIsFull.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to set a person to travel further than the game allows.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-08-29 02:36:41

Hey Aprone,

Still trying to get the hang of this game, but great job as always. Always look forward to when you release new games.

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2015-08-29 13:18:29

Thank you for the new updates, Aprone! New sounds are verry nice.
Even after update I still have the same problem with saved files, so it's probably just my computer. I can still open them by starting a new game after it tells me that the saved game is damadget ... but then I get a verry nice bug: everyone that was cold before is now all toasty and warm. So we could say that I was cheating when I finished the game last time ... But I could probably have finished it even without this.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!