2015-08-05 22:01:00

OK. So sorry.
Well, then the next time you're on the server, sends a message that says something like: Raise your hand if you died for bug and has not been restored! Lol! Na, Bad comment tongue
Na, Seriously, I'm sorry.
Best regards,


2015-08-05 23:21:16

Dear aprone!

I have change my name from carstenhansen in swamp on your website to carstenelgaard
Will you help me to change this name in swamp for me?
so i call
I mean will you replace my name from carstenhansen to carstenelgaard on my accound?

I hobe for your understand.

2015-08-06 10:00:43

Hi Aprone and all others.
I have heard the interview made by SB-soft, which includes the reason for you haven't been able to work much on other titles than Swamp.
Swamp is an awesome game for sure, and I'll still love the game 10 years after this message. Aprone I hope you'll consider the following, which will make lots of people mad, but more than hundred people happy at the end:
Make one or two versions more of Swamp including bug fixes, finnish the quests which you are currently working on and maybe add some automatic random events on the server, which will keep the game interesting for people.
Then, make a public announcement telling that you have officially stopped working on Swamp and no new features will come, but maybe only some bug fixing. You'll still receive lots of messages from the Swamp players, but you really don't need to pay much attention to those, if you choose to tell the public that you are not working on the project anymore. If even possible, I hope you can make the game so it just can run without you needing to do anything at all, or so we as the players can do something to keep it running.
then, I hope you can get more time to work on all the other projects you have wanted to make for so long... It's really a shame that you have so many awesome ideas which you would be able to sit down and code, but Swamp is keeping you from doing that... I know that many people will totally disagree with all this, but at the end, hundreds if not 1000 people world wide would be extremely happy if you chose to do that.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-08-06 18:27:59

I think Aprone should ditch the multiplayer games and just work on single player content. Let me explain: Before Swamp came along, Aprone created a ton of little audio gaming projects that were single player in nature. After Swamp, this has completely stopped for the most part, and it's a shame. I'm sure maintaining the server running and all the headaches involved with cheaters, hackers, character restores etc can't be too much fun for Aprone. With single player you don't have these problems. Taking Aprone's coding skills into account, we could have the next BK out if he decided to go this route. I just don't think dealing with all the problems apparent with multiplayer is worth it in the longrun. What do yall think?

2015-08-06 21:44:51

hi all!
after updating to the new version of Swamp i'm thrown back to Map 1 whenever killed. i tried this from both map 2 and 3. is this a Bug or just another difficultness. greetings Danplayer.

2015-08-06 21:57:52

From the Changelog: Changes from version 3.5 to 3.6
- Dying will now return you to map 1 when you respawn.  This might be a bit of an inconvenience to some players, but this solves the problem of players dying on super hard maps and not being able to escape them.

2015-08-06 22:27:23

thank you, i didn't see that, sorry.

2015-08-07 04:33:38

I agree with Musicman. Though, part of me wants the multiplayer Castaways II, or whatever the Mindcraft-esk building game he was making is. Since Swamp is back in development, I guess that was put on the backburner.

2015-08-07 08:36:12

I think Aprone should do what he seems to have in mind. Both make single player games and more multiplayer games in the future. There is only one server to hack, and the hackers will try no madder if there is only one multiplayer game or if there were 10. So I don't agree that Aprone should consider making single player games only in the future, but that's mainly because I like multiplayer games. smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-08-07 11:55:27

well i'm saying then.
here have alot single player games
but not too funny for me
swamp is excellent game
i think need to add futures helicopters, other weapons etc
because everyone knows
44 countries played swamp
i think this game need to add some new changes again
more powerful weapons
and i want to say that
what difference between sergeant and private or lord,
i know lord is higher title than private
but i think  aprone need to add some new weapons for different titles.
keep going developing swamp!

2015-08-07 16:06:30

hi all!

sometimes during a game, all activity stops for a second or so. it sounds like the whole game stops, both movements sounds and fotsteps. after a second it continues from where it was. has anyone an idea? greetings Danplayer

2015-08-08 07:07:29

Hi aprone, can you give me my stuff back? I had a lot, and i only died because i was doing a 20 crate 180 db and i tried to shoot out a window with my grenade launcher and then i was attacked and couldn't get my hammer or escape because the game lagged alot. I mean a lot. So much that i could only see my ax and not swich to hammer. The things attacked me, and i had a lot of armor. Not sure if you know what i had but i had 2 pairs of athletic cups, 2 work shews, 2work geens, an m79, like 430 grenades, an mp5, again like 430 9mm ammo, a field kit with 1000 medkits someone gave me, a winchester with like 130 rounds, and my hammer. Please give my stuff back, i'm not sure exactly how i died but chico (not sure who he is on here knows what happened, it was me and him on the mission). Please give my stuff back, i worked really hard for that and dying was not really my falt cause it lagged.

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2015-08-08 17:27:58

hello, for some reason when i buy items from the sz I lose them when I log back in. Could you please fix  this? Because this is using a lot of my hard earned rep for nothing and find ing ammo the normal way is very hard.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-08-08 17:38:32

Oh my gard... If I asked for all my stuff back every time I died because of lag, then I would became a spam bot. Lol. When you choose to join such a difficult mission, then death is your own fault. They are ment to be hard, and if the mission lags, then just don't play those... Dieing is a part of the game...

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-08-08 18:41:06

Connor, which item specifically is vanishing when you log out?  If it is the Kitchen Sink item, then it is meant to.  Hopefully the item's description does indeed warn about this in the safe zone, but all unique items are meant to last for only a single play session.
They are built that way so I never have to worry about creating imbalanced super-weapons that players would hang on to for the next 5 years before dying.  I can pretty much make whatever I need and I know it will vanish in a puff of smoke by the next day.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-08-08 21:39:04

Hi aprone.

I really love the hammer, thank you for making it the best weapon in the game. But the only thing it needs now is to give rep when you kill things. Lots of it, like the winchester or ax do. With that, i will be invincible! Please do this, the hammer has saved my life so many times. Like yesterday i took a little road trip to m4 for some lute and because of the hammer i didn't die and could get what i needed and run to m1 again. Well i started on sub3 but anyway. So please add rep to hammer.

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2015-08-10 22:11:25

How do I make my anti virus stop deleting swamp.
Can some one help cause I want to play this game.

Gaming is so cool.
Follow me on Twitter @TheBlindGamer2

2015-08-18 19:36:45

Hi aprone, I am very mad and frusterated about something that just happened. I think it is stupid and unfair and it should be changed. I was doing a 40 crate 180 zombies mission. I'm not sure if its my team member's falt or what but i was in repackaging and my team member ditched me and actually whispered to me "have fun". Then i got rushed. I managed to fight them off with a slej hammer but more came. I quickly quit the game since i was too far from my truck to retreat and so i logged out and back in. I new i didn't die bbecause i had high armor and i hadn't heard the death sound and my health was what it had been when i quit. Dying is one thing, but when i went on i had a glock which i donated, lost my vulcan, bow, and everything i had which i had worked at least a week for. I don't think this is fair to players and i think if you quit in a mission and log bak in you should have your stuff. I think its unfair that you lose it when you don't die but when you quit in a mission. That seems stupid to me. Its never done that before not sure if its a bug or what but it was very annoying and i'd like it if you could return my stuff for me. I don't know whwat i had exactly but if you have it logged you'll figure it out or if you need i can tell you whwat i think i had but honestly i think this is truely unfair and very frusterating i might add since i hadn't died i just lost my stuff. I want all my stuff back because not only did i not die, but i quit, which usually saves. If this is a bug then it'll probably be fixed anyway, but if its not i think it should be changed because it is very very annoying. Its ok to die because its your falt and if you don't want to die then don't do missions but i knew i wasn't gonna die and i never did but i wasn't expecting to lose all that. The reason i quit was so i didn't have to worry about finding all my stuff and i return to find it all gone. Sorry for my rant, just that its fresh in my mind since it only happened like 10 minutes ago and is the most annoying thing that ever happened in this game. Love the game though, that is why i'm writing this 3 hour rant probably because i played it like everyday all summer. But please! Return my stuff because i spent a long time looking and i didn't die and i didn't expect to find it gone when i quit and logged in!

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2015-08-18 19:46:18

Rory I can't remember a time when you Didn't lose everything after exiting the game during a mission.

What character were you playing as?

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-08-18 22:03:01

I was robocop.

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2015-08-19 12:51:21

a new options has been added to game
retreat the missions
1,  if you stuck and zombies attacking you,  you want to excape from dying  big_smile,  that is not a bug. you will exit in the mission,  you will lose all your stuff.
2 it's not a bug
3   you can't blame aprone or game for that
he's hard worked for us
i'm saying  this is not a bug

2015-08-19 19:41:48

Its not that i'm blaming aprone for anything. It just seems weird to exit from a mission and lose all your stuff when you didn't die. I've done that before and sstill had stuff, i think. But i did die a lot in missions. But that is why i thought it was a bug, it was the first time that ever happened to me.

Oh yeah just a side note: please check out my campaign called Killing Time found in another topic...

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2015-08-24 05:04:36

Hey Aprone. I'll give you $5 to change the name of "TheDevil" to "Death." Deal or no deal good sir.

2015-08-24 05:18:11

ROFL, not sure if that's a joke or serious offer Mr. Southpaw.  big_smile

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-08-24 05:39:36

That's always been how missions work, or are supposed to work. The idea is that players could simply exit if things got too intense, thus all but removing the threat of death and therefore making missions far less risky than they are supposed to be. That's why the new retreat option was added; if you can get to the truck and manage to press enter, down arrow, shift-enter, you're all set and can even get some reward. Just exiting, though, is viewed as a no-no and the game will remove all your gear as a consequence. In the past, missions have been a bit confused; you could exit, or even die, and you might not lose anything. Probably, in the past, you just got lucky and managed to avoid the full, intended effect, but losing your stuff is definitely what should happen.