2015-06-12 14:02:07

Thanks for the recording. It is a bit confusing. The player who died was not the player who recorded this. Why not do some more shooting instead, kind of waiting and get hit that much? smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-06-12 20:21:56

It seems to me that the player wasn't there while you killed. I don't know, but he not even defended ... Perhaps he was asleep or something big_smile


2015-06-14 17:53:23

A friend of mine is having a quite annoying issue in Swamp: Suddenly, his client stops responding and just closes. He gets the usual "not responding" dialog. When this happens on missions, he loose all his stuff when he logs in again. This happens quite often for him. Any clue on what's going on?

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-06-15 00:45:52

I get this same situation also along with another friend of mine. Swamp just sort of freezes, and then after a short wait I get the message, Swamp is not responding.

Neither of us lose any eq nor weapons or ammo, but it totally screws up whatever we're in the middle of. Which, admittadly is a bummer.
We're both running windows 7 with at minimum jaws 14., if that provides any assistance.

Sometimes, I get this with certain folders with win7.
I can open my public documents say, then when I go to open at document or play a file I get the message .
"public documents is not responding."
Its really freaking annoying!

I wish you lots of good luck on squashing this very annoying bug in swamp Aprone.

2015-06-15 16:41:07

im know computer genius, but it kind of seems like you might be running out of ram. what do you have running while this is going on? and kill some of the more resource sucking ones. you can sort your task manager in the processes tab by how much CPU the things are using so kill some of the hogs. be careful though, don't go crazy. you need all of that stuff to run. only kill something unless it has a recognizable name like skype.exe etc.
secondly, if you could try it with nvda. nvda is less resource intensive than jaws. also, while you have nvda take the resource addon and check how much ram you're using up and how much your cpu cores are being used. just some stuff to try here. this couldn't even be your issue tbh. it could just be a swamp issue that Aprone has to fix but we need to rule the ideas above out first.

I don’t believe in fighting unnecessarily.  But if something is worth fighting for, then its always a fight worth winning.
check me out on Twitter and on GitHub

2015-06-15 17:18:26

Well, the friend of mine is using 4 gb of ram as far as I know, and nothing else is running in the background. He is using Jaws. I can tell him to give NVDA a try. It would be interesting if that fixes the issue. big_smile He's using a virtual machine like me.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-06-15 20:44:53

ah yeah forgot you mac people use vm's that could be a whole other issue beyond strictly running it on pure windows.

I don’t believe in fighting unnecessarily.  But if something is worth fighting for, then its always a fight worth winning.
check me out on Twitter and on GitHub

2015-06-15 23:02:17

Hello everyone.

Aprone, many problems going on.
First, my character is very slow today.

second problem, My character got stuck on a mission.

The mission ended, everyone left, and I wasthere ...
When I walked through the warehouse, I took the box in the tank, I went tothe truck, but could not get outof the mission.

I typed the command /where to my character, I said I was in the abandoned car on the map 1.
afraid of losing my guns, I decided to disconnect the internet.

It was the only way out of the mission.

My characterisslow,and turns 45 degrees alone.

I hope you can fix this soon.

Thanks for attention.

great week everyone.


2015-06-16 10:21:01

Kyleman123 wrote:

ah yeah forgot you mac people use vm's that could be a whole other issue beyond strictly running it on pure windows.

If VmWare was the issue, wouldn't i also have the same issue as well? smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-06-16 10:58:12

SLJ, not sure you can use that argument though.  One could say that if the issue was just with Swamp, wouldn't hundreds of other players have it as well?  LOL  big_smile

I'm personally thinking it's somehow VM related for that very reason.  We have a few VM users who have the same odd behavior, and I'm thinking that's not a coincidence.  Wish I could help, but I don't currently have any guesses about how to fix it.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-06-16 16:15:22

Hello everyone.

Aprone, problems with my character have been resolved. Thank you.


2015-06-17 05:56:04

hi all
why i m dont can download swamp
i m download 85 %
and i have mesage
    C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Swamp.zip: Unexpected end of archive

2015-06-17 06:01:16

Is it me, or is there not a lot of people on swomp? Each time I get on... That's weird...

2015-06-17 11:28:04

hi,       what happened the server,      i can't connect

2015-06-17 15:21:08

Hi all the zombie killers, and my lord tribute Apprône, your game is great is to have audio rar games such as good quality. Frankly well done. Good though often at night when I dor I often dream of zombie but this is the speaker pation lol. I registered since 15 March 2015 and I'm often logged. What a shame, I do not speak much English but it does not matter as I also have French friends who play like me. Good short I am not here to tell my life but to give ideas. I often see cars abandoned on roads, I thought a new version of remote why not emparrer of these cars and to the conduir on the map? Also we often come across tanks of asseaux why not try to conduirs and use their cannons to knock the zombies. Of course many rules will have established beings, when we walk, we are free of our movements, but when you're driving a vehicul was not hands free to use a weapon but that goes faster a man who court. However, while the windows of a car are intact, make it a kind of armor and zombies can you ateindre unless of course they have réucient break a car window. And was hot and bad lol. Another idea in the same genre, on the roof of the hospital we could find a downright Elicoptere! Finally I said earlier in the distant future as I was that there may be other more essential applications has be paid but, I proposed an idea, has literally every loving or despising . Thank you again for taking the time to read more me if not you Djaik salvation. Bright swamp.

2015-06-19 10:09:06

hi Aprone
what is going on as I can't download swamp?

2015-06-19 15:17:17

I wanted to quickly share my newest key config discovery: modifier keys with mouse buttons! For instance, 'toggle mode' is now MOUSE1=, letting me hold the Alt (well, Option, on my Mac) key down while clicking the trackpad. I've not used them yet, but this opens the door to a ton of options: each of three modifiers, plus combinations thereof, with a left or right click. Best of all, I have the two-finger click set to my right click, so i need only two-finger click to reload, no need to check which side of the trackpad I'm on. I never knew this would work, and I'm thrilled it does. I can finally leave my external mouse out of the equation and just use the trackpad, and I can use it for far more than just two commands.

2015-06-19 20:00:44

Interesting about the trackpad. Well, I've never had any issues on using it. The right click by pressing the low right cornor works fine for me. But it's nice that there are multiple options. big_smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-06-19 21:08:18

@Aprone My char Glein has lost all his inventory. I was on s1, and had 50 Bloodies, so I went back to m2, but when I was in the elevator I got a phone call, and had to exit the game there. When I came back all I had was my AX. Hope you could help, thanks.
Best regards,


2015-06-20 07:17:45

Hi Aprone, again.
I died for a bug, I think that had no armor to start the game... I went to sub1, and I was attacked by several zombies at once. The only thing I heard before I died was "health low" ... but it's not my fault.
Come on! The player will always expect to see her character as you left it the last time you played with him, right?
I confess that this happened to me once, of running out of armor and die, but I did not speak ... and this had not happened again until now, so I did not give much importance!
But the truth, I think that two times already is much as not to speak. I was retrieving my ammo, and had many items of collection ... And yes, I would like that will you help me. Oh I didn't have the guilt!
Thank you for listening so many complaints that I ask you:D
Best and dead regards,


2015-06-20 08:45:01

sswwaaiikkee wrote:

hi all
why i m dont can download swamp
i m download 85 %
and i have mesage
    C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Swamp.zip: Unexpected end of archive

That happens to many people use this Download program, and you'll get it with no problem. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/180 … dminst.exe

A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle…
" GamerTag is. ItsTBlaze & Twitter @TBlaze97
"One Love"

2015-06-21 11:31:59 (edited by revan 2015-06-21 11:35:07)

hi all,  i want to know something,     some persons did work 4 year for 1186 level,    example flybychow,     but some people did in the 4 month 2000 level,   what is this difference between all of them?

2015-06-21 12:06:46

hi all friends.
The difference is very simple.
some people. sleep in the castle. It works much in some people. hahahaha
Our friend was really a pity to all those years of hard work. a very sad situation.
castle should be limits to achieve.
All castles, suffered the invasion.
almost locusts invasion.
I think innovation should be accelerated.
need to think about other people.
there are obvious injustice.
deemed to violate the rights of the people.
Our game developers are silent cause this situation?
Do not have an injustice here, do you think?
Greetings from Turkey.

2015-06-21 18:30:09

Revan and Fedai, the answer to your question is that the game has changed over the past 4 years.

Way back when Swamp was very new, players could get to all maps and find all guns in very little time.  Now players have to spend more time to find them all.  It is not an injustice to today's players, it is just because the game has changed a lot.

When warehouse missions were added, players were able to level up faster than the people who had to do it without warehouse missions.  The game changed, so things worked differently.

When hardcore mode was added, some players converted their level 150 characters while others had to face the harder decision to convert their level 800 characters.  This was not meant to be unfair to people who had been leveling long before the hardcore feature was added.  It was simply something being changed in the game, as the game continued to grow.

When everyone was allowed to give items to other players, it seemed unfair to those who had worked to own forts.  Forts had been the only way to give items to other players.  This was not meant to be an injustice to players who owned forts, and that is why forts changed and gained new benefits.

A character who leveled up to 100 when Swamp was only 6 months old, can not be compared to a character who levels up to 100 now.  At each stage where the game was changed, the entire experience changed along with it.  Yes it is easier for a player to reach 2000 now than it ever was in the past, but that is also because there are so many more ways to do it.  There is also a large amount of team work that was not available in the past.

The clans who own forts right now, work in shifts day and night to defend them and to run missions to keep them stocked with food.  Their efforts do indeed deserve to be rewarded with experience.  Yes it is true that they are gaining experience extremely fast, but that is because they are successfully holding almost all of the forts!  To limit or punish them would be the same as punishing people who are skilled enough to do super hard missions all day.  If you are good enough to do them, you are also earning the reward.

I am always working to improve the game's balance, and fort rewards are no different.  The next version of Swamp has been being worked on for a while now, and that is something I am adjusting.  Even after it is adjusted, characters of today will still be different than characters of a year ago, or 2, or 4.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-06-21 23:17:08 (edited by revan 2015-06-21 23:18:12)

thanks for explanations,    yes i agree game changed alot,     but  should be  fort limit,  i meant,    people putting 44 million food,  and low level players can't get fort?    do you think add food limit for forts?    this is just my opinion