2015-05-25 06:23:03

At Kyleman123, I wouldn't mind checking both of the mods out. So if  it wouldn't be too much trouble, I'd like you to upload the packs somewhere and post the link.
Rory, you can have whatever sounds you like for whatever you like. just make sure they last the same as the origenals or you'll start to have problems. Everyone will here the sounds they have not the sounds you have so it won't create a problem for anyone else.

as to the error that Atlan experienced, I get that sometimes but running the game again after I get that error works just fine.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2015-05-25 13:51:29

I used to have Phantom's mod, but I don't anymore. I'd love to get it back!

I told Aprone about this yesterday, but I'll tell everyone here as well to see if anyone can reproduce it. On Map5, in the shootout zones, you have a bunch of raiders behind a barricade. As you move around, they shoot at you, of course. The thing is, if you walk up to their barricade and stand right up against it, you can hear them all saying things, but no one shoots! If you just run straight at them, you'll be shot at until you hit that barricade; once there, you can hang out as long as you want and no one will fire a shot. I even took out a raider with a machete yesterday!

Speaking of raiders, I've found something odd. Grenades don't seem to work on them at all. I've tried in the shootout zones and up the escalators, and nothing happens. By all rights, I should be able to clear out most of that second floor area pretty easily, yet the grenade never seems to explode. If it does, I don't hear it and it doesn't affect anything. Is this intentional behavior?

Last thought: I wonder if Swamp itself could be made to offer sound volume control for more categories? Specifically, zombie attach and shield block sounds really need to be lowered across the board, especially in a swarm. Instead of everyone manually lowering every single file, could Swamp offer a "volumes menu", where each category of sound can be adjusted? Footsteps, zombie attacks, weapon firing, weapon reloading, and so on? I'd love to lower the attack/block noises, raise the crate and radar sounds, lower the player beep but raise the locator ping (the "loop" sound), etc.

2015-05-25 23:59:36

Oh yeah, can someone do a recording of sniping missions? Everytime i get very frusterated because i can't find how to get up the stairs. The last one was the wursed. By the time i got up there, headhunter had already pretty much won because he had 46 kills. There was no chance for me. I'd like a demo so i know how to get up there. People have tried to show me, but i don't get it

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2015-05-26 01:36:59

Don't forget, you can explore in offline mode by going to Practice Maps and choosing the Roof0 map. That way, you can spend all the time you want figuring out the layout, so you're ready for the actual mission.

2015-05-26 03:12:13

I love the volume idea. I recall mentioning this one on here before as well, but nothing ever came of it. this will definitely help when being swarmed and unable to hear anything, but there are tons of other ways it can be quite useful. this definitely will make things a lot easier, messing with the volume for every single sound isn't my idea of fun. haha

2015-05-26 20:30:22

I agree with Mehgcap.  I would love a volumes menu where you could reduce The attack sounds, especially the acts. That one is really loud and when you're using it you cannot tell what zombies you're hitting. Also you have to have your main game volume louder to hear other sounds like crates and broken items around you The attack sounds, especially the acts. That one is really loud and when you're using it you cannot tell what zombies you're hitting. Also you have to have your main game volume louder to hear other sounds like crates and broken items around you i'd really like to turn down my sound. Also, how do you adjust the volume on each file manually  Mehgcap?

2015-05-26 21:45:50

I really do like Mehgcap's idea (and I do remember it was brought up in the past by another person).  I have already begun coding this feature into the next update.  Assuming I don't change the design, you'll be able to adjust each sound individually, or in groups.  For example, the firing sound of each gun without having to adjust all the guns separately.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-05-26 23:58:32

Okay Alex I finally got the speech working and the game loads up just fine. I see what you mean though when you say that the player list does not work properly. I've only been able to connect two times and both times it never actually makes it all the way and ends up just giving me the connection interrupted message. How did you get past this?

2015-05-27 14:38:11

Apone: as usual, you're amazing! I never expected the response that you had begun work on the idea! I really think this'll be a huge benefit to everyone, and I'm looking forward to using it.

Southpaw, I wonder if OS X is blocking it. Do a vo-f2-f2, of f1-f1, to bring up open windows/apps. In one menu or the other, you might find a system dialog which will be asking if Wineskin can access the internet. Allow it, and you should be fine.

2015-05-27 23:34:48 (edited by MikeFont 2015-05-30 01:40:19)

couldn't agree more, you rock Aprone! Its going to be super helpful to have the ability to lower, or raise the volume on not only the zombie footsteps, which is nice, but all of the zombie growling and howling too!
If you need suggestions on which groups of sounds need lowering, by all means, ask here!

Thanks again, really looking towards the next update. And I hope the ability to mute friend whispering is included also.
It'll be nice to put friends back on my list once again. lol

2015-05-28 04:43:54

Hi Aprone,
I'm having a problem with one of my chars, Glein.
I was playing on map 4, and surprisingly, the game froze completely. It did not respond, and i had to close.
When i went return, i showed up in the same place where it had been previously.
The issue is that I could not move me; the sounds of the zombies were not heard, only heard the shots from other players.
And this is happening so far. My inventory does not load, i have 90% of health and According that tells me the game, you are not wearing any armor.
The chat and other features still work me correctly. I hope that you can solve me soon this problem, because it is the character who i most use.
Best regards,


2015-05-29 04:29:15

Please upload any sound mods you want, I have swamp but would love sound mods.

2015-05-29 12:27:38

hi aprone, I think we should be able to restore our chars only once a month if we get the instant bug rather than waiting for you to take time out just to restore a char, obviously it would be controlled server side so it looks at the debug info for that char and determine whether it was an instant death bug and not us trying to pull a fast one. I remember a fiew versions ago we could do this but it was open to abuse. what yall think?

2015-05-30 21:58:42

@Aprone I left you a detail message of a problem that's preventing me from playing at all on your Skype, just thought I would let you know on here in case.  big_smile

A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle…
" GamerTag is. ItsTBlaze & Twitter @TBlaze97
"One Love"

2015-05-30 22:26:10 (edited by fedai 2015-05-30 23:05:22)

hi all and aprone,           so i am going to be lord soon,  big_smile       what do you can give me some gift,    first time i'm going to be there!       greetings from      turkey!

2015-05-31 23:22:17

Alright, I give up. Can someone explain how to find the Food Court on Map 5? I always wind up in the second shootout zone, the theater, or the bookstore, and I can't get past. There's also a place behind the mattress store I can't seem to access. What's the trick to the other half of the mall?

My other question is about the area at the top of the escalators. Are we meant to explore that by getting past the raiders, or is it just good point-building territory? smile I noticed that it's Sub1, based on the beacons, but that makes no sense in the Swamp universe. I imagine, then, that we're not supposed to get past that first area with the raiders and the escalators. Is that right?

2015-06-01 00:06:17

hi again friends and Aprone.
Aprone yes I was now a lord.
ie people who first lord.
I want to be rewarded for this success.
I thank all my friends who helped me.
it would be very nice if you give me a gift.
a good joke here. hahahaha.
You currently have 298 loot points.  Once you reach 9999999 loot points, you can type /LOOTRANK to upgrade your character to the rank of Lord.  You will retain your level and items when upgrading your title using loot points.

2015-06-01 04:54:52

Hi all!
Well, I have to say that my character Glein, can move again. It cost me a lot of work, I disconnect and reconnect of the game several times for that the character to advance a little ... every time disconnected and then logged in again for that the character could move a little more, until finally arrived into Safe zone.

When i arrived in the Safe zone, I realized quickly that... all i had in my inventory was 2 Jennifer's Letter. Yep! even when pressed the letter "Z", to see what weapon had equipped, the game told me: -Jennifer's Letter equiped. Lol! And when i pressed Shift + 4 (scriptkey) the game told me: Using -Jennifer's Letter, with 2 rounds.
Then, with this I came to the conclusion that what had happened, the reason why I could not move... It was because my inventory had exceeded the limit of items. And really, Aprone, I would like to confirm this.
Because at the time when i donated the letters, the game allowed me log-in normally and I could move freely... and appeared the rest of my inventory. You have 143 different items...
Anyway, although i could solve alone, I thank you for the attention, Aprone. Many thanks!
Best regards,


2015-06-01 05:30:39

Chris, I don't think you could see my messages, but I was on the server while you were having those troubles tonight.  Your character was tossing up errors that I discovered were somehow inventory related.  You hadn't hit any item limit, but some item you had was causing issues.  I saw you signing in and out, but what actually solved the problem was that I ran your character's inventory through a filter to clean out anything that didn't belong.  It was why the server kicked you a few times, haha.
I had the server record the data being sent by your client, so my plan is to go through it more carefully in the morning.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-06-01 06:01:50 (edited by Glein 2015-06-01 06:02:52)

Perfect, Aprone. I wait, then.
10 minutes ago, i was on a mission of Capture The Flag. And when I returned, again I could not move! big_smile So i'll better wait. smile


2015-06-01 22:08:28

can someone explain how the quick learner skill works?  I killed a zombie on m 4 with the acr and it seemed that I only got 32 xp, is this correct or do certain weapons give more xp than others?  Quick learner had the max value of 100 pts am I missing something or is it how it works?  Also, the bug where the game starts you off with no armer on has gotten me killed twice now.

2015-06-01 22:27:24

I didn't notice much with the Quick Learner skill either, but I think it's for people who are very high level. I suspect that it starts giving you more the higher your level is.

I've taken to checking my armor as soon as I log in. Normally, if you find your weapons are all unloaded, that's a good sign that you'll be missing your armor. Either way, just be sure to hit X before stepping out of any safe zone until that bug gets fixed.

2015-06-03 20:43:20

I was hanging out on Map 5 today, because that's the best place to get loot and experience if you have the armor and points to handle it. Suddenly, though I was outside, I started getting shot at! Turns out, a raider was walking around taking pot shots at me! I took him out, but a few minutes later, the same thing happened again. I've never seen roaming raiders on Map 5, and I don't know when it started… but I love it! It adds a new element to the game, and it can get intense when you have a bunch of zombies around and you can't hear where the shots are coming from. Honestly, I feel like raiders--perhaps with less powerful weapons, to keep it fair--should appear on other maps too. The sewers and map 3 strike me as good places for this, but that's just me. Anyway, if this is a new feature, thank you! If it's been around for a while, I must've just been incredibly lucky to avoid these roamers until today.

2015-06-03 21:01:56

hi,        this is correct,      and are your level higher        if you trying 800 600 level with quick learner,   it's worthless,    don't waste   your time with this lol!  try it mission,   you'll be going to quickly level up

2015-06-03 22:56:06

I just started playing Swamp two days ago for the first time really. It's really fun!
I found a bug though, and since I didn't read the whole topic it might have been reported before, so please bare with me. big_smile
I had multiple occasions now, where I picked up loot and just got an empty inventory slot. So, I pick up the loot and the game just says "You're picked up a" and nothing else. In my inventory, I just have multiple slots now with just nothing in it. I can't get rid of them either.
So, sorry if this was reported before, but like I said I didn't read the whole topic and thought I'd report it anyway.