2015-05-11 04:46:11

Hmmm I'm a little confused concerning Chowy's post. Does gaining a title still works the same way regardless of which method I choose to rank up? If I acquire the 9000 loot points or whatever it's set at now, and I convert, do I then become HC? or will I then be for example, a private level 1 normal? Maybe I get to keep my levels, and I just go up a full rank? This would be pretty neat actually as it allows one to acquire a rank, without losing level progress. Would be great to get official confirmation from Aprone on how this works.

2015-05-11 11:46:16

Ethin: Are you running Swamp on a virtual machine? If not, then I have no clue on what's happening.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-05-11 13:59:14

I fine some weapon and armmer yesterday to today. but some of it lost I don't know why.

2015-05-11 14:01:12 (edited by natchapolk 2015-05-11 14:28:42)

some armmer and weapon is very hard to fine but if we die can fine easier than be for I think it a buck

2015-05-11 15:04:32

Gaining a title using loot points lets you stay HC or stay normal, whichever you currently are. You can switch between HC and normal using the factory door method, as has been true for some time now, but you no longer need to do so to gain titles. Some people hare choosing to remain HC, others are choosing to remain normal. Now, either way, everyone can play in the mode they prefer and gain titles in that mode.

2015-05-11 18:36:25

Sorry to all of the frustrated people who emailed or messaged me before the weekend.  I've been very busy and really don't think I had time to answer a single one I was sent.  I'm backed up with them now, so it will take a bit to get caught up.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-05-12 00:51:00

I just figured out something that may help people who can't get Swamp to finish downloading.  I was reading an article online today and it mentioned that ,especially with large files, antivirus software can cause the download to fail.  When a file is nearly finished downloading, your antivirus begins scanning the file to help protect your system.  From the article, they explained that the antivirus beginning its scan of the partial file can interrupt the data stream just long enough that the file server drops you and the download fails.

My browser has been constantly failing to download a 1.4 gb file today, so I was trying to find a solution.  I disabled my anti-virus during the download and it worked perfectly.  This could explain the trouble so many people have had with Swamp, since it is a pretty big file.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-05-14 22:11:34

Hello everyone!
For those who are interested in using lootpoints to increase of rank, According to my estimates Here is the amount of lootpoints that you must spend for each title.
As at least until Officer the lootpoints ranging from 1300-1300, other amounts would be thus:

  • Private=9000

  • Specialist=10300

  • Corporal=11600

  • Sergeant=12900

  • Officer=14200

  • Lieutenant=15500

  • Captain=16800

  • Major=18100

  • Colonel=19400

  • Brigadier=20700

  • General=22000

  • Lord=23300

Best regards,


2015-05-15 17:35:18

Hi Aprone, I wrote you on skype if you could check it sir. Thanks.

2015-05-16 07:29:49

Hello everyone.

I finally understood how can I get loot points.
Thanks to those who tried to explain.

Aprone, I'm sorry to say but the bug of the items on the maps again. I hear the sound of the items but can not catch. I walk toward them, but nothing happens. Please, if you can fix it.

about Vulcan Minigun, I think she needs to stay in the game.
I would love for her to continue in the swamp. And if you appreciate that.
To make it difficult, I think the Vulcan Minigun should be found on the map 5. I know many players who are afraid to go there. Because of the shooters and the large amount of zombies.

Thank you for your attention, and excuse my English. hugs

2015-05-16 10:15:31

I have never seen the loot bug where you can't pick it up. It would be interesting to hear a recording of this.
Regarding the minigun: A while ago, it got removed from the savezone shops which it's good enough in my opinion.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-05-16 21:15:48


It is a really bad bug. Only happens to a few players.
It is very disruptive.

Way toward the sound of the item, and not get caught. And sometimes picked up items that do not make a sound.

I have to give several turns to get take the item on the map. It's like he was out of the sound.

This happened before when the way loot points was released.But he had settled. Now the bug again. It's a shame ... I would love it to be resolved.

But I trust in the work of Aprone. I know it will detect the problem and fix it. I hope it's soon.

Thank you for your attention and sorry for my English.

2015-05-16 21:36:36

Sorry for the double post.
But I forgot to mention the zombies. The same problem of sounds.

The zombies seem far, They are suddenly hitting me without stopping.
You know when we turn on the telescopic sight of Winchester?
It's the same thing. They look away and are close. The sound makes it seem far away. And no increase steps. It's a bug. It's happened the last time.

Help me, Aprone. Please.

Sorry my English.


2015-05-17 19:16:18

Hi Jeremy! I write to you on the forum, as the letter to you personally, you do not answer.
I write because that there are people in the swamp that can not accept the fact that the levels were taken from each, who went on a mission where there are soldiers.
I speak for people who do not register on the forum. a letter from one of them, I will send the following message.
by himself only add: where do justice? in a letter to the players who are the levels are not removed, and you have not touched them, they are also riding on this mission! I do not see why forts Czech players? anywhere where you do not log onto any card, basically only the forts of Clan chew more nuts?
about the Czech players I said for example. I just want to say that they have more than we forts, and with the removal of levels as we wake up to defend what we have earned honestly? and tell our forts we were given is not easy! we spent the time to be sleeping, and time zones, each player is different.
If a clan chew more nuts attack our every fort, as we wake up to the levels lower than the player of that clan to protect?
If you removed the levels players Clan Elite Legion,remove and levels of Clan players chew more nuts! I think it wakes true conscience.

2015-05-17 19:18:10

Hi Jeremy. I kilimir. Why have you stolen my level and plenty of food from the Fort. I played in the swamp honestly on your terms. I played a long time and much effort to make my level and plenty of food. tell jeremy??? It's not fair. Why don't you're going to have a lot of food and level of another player: (barons, david, lpr, rockywaters). Why do you close your eyes on the players another clan, they too rode a lot. Why do you do no justice!!! We brave players and skated on various maps and battled with soldiers. (clan chew more nuts). Many are crying because they don't know how to play in the swamp, they have great envy. I ask for Justice, bring me my level and food. We will continue to fight with the soldiers, and you will see that we can play in difficult conditions. You wrote that it is a mistake the game, tell Jeremy? How do I know that it was your mistake. I just played on your terms, why now I have to suffer???

2015-05-17 20:42:30

Ok folks. I'm putting together an HTML file with the locations of  the title weapons, map specific weapons, armor, and accessories. I've just about got it done but there's a few things I'm missing and nobody in the game seems to know where these items drop.
First off are the boots that provide widely varying protection. I know I've looted these a few times but I can't remember where and nobody else online knows.
The second thing is the military helmet. I haven't looted one of these in a very long time and it seems like nobody else has either. Do any of you know where these items drop?
Once I add these last few things I'll share the file here for anyone who may want it.
Thanks for the help players.

2015-05-17 21:16:50

Ok between myself and a few others online we got just about everything accounted for. If you want to download the file with locations of all the weapons, armor, and accessories click on this link.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/y9s2nhy5cp0pz … .html?dl=0

2015-05-17 23:45:48


I will investigate barons, david, LPR, and RockyWaters because you have suggested that they are also guilty of this bug exploit.  If it turns out they have done the same thing, the reason I did not punish them was because no one reported them.  Now that their names have been brought to my attention, I will do it.
The bug in the mission caused the zombies and raiders to slowly vanish and not return.  Other players knew something was wrong so they stopped doing the missions, so that they would not gain rewards unfairly.  A few players (including you), continued to run those missions many times.  I only took away the XP and food that you gained during those missions for the past 25 days.  This means you still got to keep much of the rewards you earned while doing those bugged missions.
When I investigate barons, david, LPR, and RockyWaters, if they also ran many bugged missions, I will take away their XP and food also.  I am trying to be fair to everyone, but remember that I cannot punish people who I do not know about.  It is always important to tell me when you find that other players are cheating in any way.  Thank you.

Update:  I have ran scans for the 4 people you mentioned.  Three of the people are not going to be adjusted, but I will adjust the XP and food for 1.  Thank you for bringing those names to my attention, and do know that I took the time to investigate them.  The reason some people are not being adjusted is because in the records they ran too few of these missions, or gained too little rewards for me to consider their actions "exploiting a bug".  Many players had played at least a few of these bugged missions, and I have no problem with that.  There is a clear difference between a player who ran a few of them and gained 100,000 XP, and a player who ran them over and over until they'd gained over 90 million XP and 3 million food.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-05-18 00:54:47

Hi aprone,
the thing with Swamp, is that a lot of the bugs are rather subtle, and you'd have to unknowingly exploit them multiple times in some cases before you were like "Oh crap, that's a bug!"
  Like if the zombies were slowly vanishing, it might not really be noticed especially if there are still a lot of them, and that's generally not the behavior of swamp unless spawning is intentionally disabled. So I'm not pushing anyone around and I'm certainly not telling Aprone how to run, his, game, but I just think you might want to friendly let those people know that what they are doing is exploiting a bug, even if they don't mean to. and if they persist, punish them accordingly because they know it's not good but keep doing it anyway.
Just a friendly suggestion. smile

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2015-05-18 02:34:54

Severestormsteve1 I agree completely.  Most people have run one of these bugged missions at some point, or even several.  When going through the server's logs, I made sure I only even looked at missions where there could be no question that something was wrong.  Imagine, for example, running around a 180 raider mission after every single one had vanished, picking up the last 150 crates without ever encountering any resistance.  In those cases, the player knows something is up.

So I had narrowed down the list to only look at the missions where the player 100% had to know something was wrong.  I then only looked at players who had ran a certain number of those.  To error on the side of caution, there were players who ran at least 1 of those "they know it's bugged" missions per day, and I didn't bother taking away any of their points.  Players who ran many missions, where they had to know they were bugged, then got listed in order of how many points they actually earned from those missions.  There was a clear line where people above it were abusing the bug, and those below probably were not.  The top 3 on that list gained 90 million XP, 80 million XP, and 48 million XP.  After that people were in the 100 thousand and under ranges.  That's a very clear line between those 3 people and everyone else.  It was people who knew what they were doing, had discovered a bug they could exploit, and then taking full advantage of it.

Those 3 people were the only ones who had XP and food taken away from them, and I only deducted what they had "earned" over the past 25 days.  I feel I was more than fair, especially since those 3 people undoubtedly benefited from that bug for more than the past 25 days.

I do understand what you're saying though, and I try to ever avoid punishing people based on game bugs.  I had to make an exception with this though, since a few guys were able to use it to climb way out ahead of everyone else.  I should also point out that they were all HC guys who participate in fort battles.  It isn't fair to let them use the bug exploit to rise above the other players who they regularly battle.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-05-18 05:52:39

Speaking of bugs, here's one. Understand that I consider this more of a workaround for helping others, so I don't think it would be fair to punish anyone. Still, in the interest of fairness...

Often, some of us who have high levels will help lower-level characters by running high-value missions. We want to give them as much reward as possible, so will try to figure out ways to do all the work, then let them have all the points. I don't know what current method is in use, but, well, there it is.

As I said, I don't feel anyone should be punished. Indeed, I think this should be more of an official feature; if I want to put the work in but then "give" my share of the reward to other players, I should be able to. I'm not gaining anything extra, in fact I'm missing out, but I'm willing and able to help lower-level players. Yes, the argument can be made that letting a level 10 go on a 180 DB mission is really missing the point, but consider that, often, these are secondary characters. Someone wants to level up fast to make a storage char, or they're HC and just want to get enough levels to have a chance at some decent point distribution. Or, the mission is way less extreme, and we're just talking about bumping a low level person up a level or two, not a bunch at once. Either way, if I'm willing to run he mission and find the crates, then donate my reward to someone else, I can't see a problem with that. Those who want to play the game to its full will simply not join that kind of mission. I'll stop rambling now.

2015-05-18 11:48:41

Wow, Southpaw. Thank you very much for the updated file regarding to the weapons and armor.
I'm 99% sure that the military helmet spawns on sub1.

As some players already know, I have had lots of trouble on staying alive in Swamp in the latest version. I have tried all what people have suggested, but my armor and weapons starts to brake when it reaches 85% Health, and I'm quite unlocky very often, whichmeans it brakes all the time. But suddenly, Things got better somehow. For some reason, the high armor started to protect me more, and Things started to brake less often. I'm wandering how such a change suddenly can happen? can a character be bugged somehow? can I just have been extremely unlocky for maybe one week or longer? Something I'm doing differently without noticing it? This is really weird, and I'm wandering if others has experienced the same. Any thoughts are very much welcome.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-05-18 15:10:41

As my name has been mentioned, I did 2 of those raider missions with 180 raiders and 200 crates in the Strip mall.  The first was to find out how elite legion were doing them for a month back to back, and I reported the findings to Aprone.  I did the second one for fun.  As I write, Hellfier has just completed a venting tower raider mission 200 crates and Kilimir has sat on the same mission with 0 crates.  The food rewards are 73000 food each that's over 4 million XP between them.  Hellfier put on 50 levels yesterday doing similar, that's around 20 million XP in one day.  Please do not think I am accusing them of cheating, but if anyone forwards information to Aprone that leads to a ban for these players then I will pay a year's subscription to any account of their choice.

Try my free games and software at www.rockywaters.co.uk

2015-05-18 18:03:57 (edited by Kyleman123 2015-05-18 18:05:01)

yes, the military helmet is on sub 1 and and boots are on sub 2.
i put out a guide on the game as a db link and i'm pretty sure i posted it on here too. it details where armor is now and the different gun locations if any of that was changed. link is:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/464 … w.txt?dl=1

I don’t believe in fighting unnecessarily.  But if something is worth fighting for, then its always a fight worth winning.
check me out on Twitter and on GitHub

2015-05-18 19:37:35

I completely understand. sorry for the misunderstanding. It is a good system, and what you did was completely fair.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.