2015-04-28 06:53:00

I think that characters need to heal faster as they raise in level. I find that having to wait 10 minutes for my level 25 character to heal is... well, too long. I can't iamgine what it will be like at level 50

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2015-04-28 07:08:44


I think, the more you give your characters food, the faster they heel, although i could be wrong about that.

As for games being only $10 I am only going off of what I heard. I know there are more expensive games out there, I'd not pay $60 for a game though, no matter how good it it is. That to me, is just to much.

I understand that the demo is unlimited, apart from 2 areas, that voice actors and coders need to be payed and so on, perhaps I should have waited, in fact I will do that from now on to see if others buy games and what they think.

I mean, it's a good game but does get boring after a while of doing the same things.

How would I improve it? I don't really know, perhaps add more party members to your team, so that you can take 6, or maybe commands to make all of your team follow you, and other things like that, or a collect money command. So you'd do the killing and your party would do the collecting.

Another thing which I think would be nice, is a story mode. OH and a way to split food equally between all party members.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-04-28 07:57:54 (edited by ogomez92 2015-04-28 07:58:48)

The more food you give the faster they heal? are you sure about that? I have a character  right now that is 63 years old, with 74 food healign much faster than my 16 year-old with 113 food.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2015-04-28 08:04:43 (edited by ogomez92 2015-04-28 08:06:11)

Another suggestion! Being able to press i on the characters menu to know what my character has right now because i dont remember how many cartridges my guy has.

Oh, and you could make like a gangster store, where you could purchase areas for like $5.00 with their own items and stuff. Now that would be interesting.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2015-04-28 08:43:10

OH god.  You already no how some people feel about "paying" for a game.  Don't bring paid dlc into the mix tongue

    Well the rifle just immasculated the shotgun.  Instead of getting just 3 shots, I get 12 brutally effective blows.  Kind of makes me think the shogun needs rebalancing to go through enemies to make the 100+ I have to spend on them viable for hordes.  The $200 for 12 shots on a much more powerful weapon seems to make the shotgun the worst weapon in the game to get, only being sl double the damage of the revolver, but have 3 less shots.  I'm actually more confertable running rifles for my guys and buying ammo for them as it has the most shots per pack I see.  Granted, will probably not let them equip ammo for it in bank heists as killing isn't the main goal but for general mayham in medkit missions and the like, and farming drugs, 12 shots go a long way.  Especially when the group finally formas right when a police horde comes nad 3 shots take down officers in a syncronated storm of death.

2015-04-28 09:39:57

I got the mail with my registration information a few hours later.
Regarding buying the game and then regret it later on:
There is a reason for the demo is unlimited accept for leveling and of course what you unlock when leveling up. People can play the demo version enough to see if they like the game or not. If you wanna know more about the full version and if you still wander if the game is for you or not, why not ask before you buy? I know the feeling about getting excited and buy your own copy quickly when a new game is released, but if you are the kind of person WHO might get bored of a game or if you might want your Money back if you get disapointed, you should either ask before you buy, or wait a bit to see what others say about the game.
I don't think this game is overpriced. Yes, you can get mainstream games cheeper, but as others have said, more people will buy mainstream games. If the Price was 35 dollars I would think that was too much. Just my opinion.
Now, to some suggestions:
It would be super awesome, if there was more unlocables like trophies. Unlock more stages would also be really cool.
I look very much forward to play the full version.
Oh by the way, a tip for those WHO still are playing the demo version:
To get the most out of the demo version, stop using the character when it have reached level 7. Then, get more people, level them up and you can mess around with the games features in this way.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-04-28 10:01:32 (edited by LordLundin 2015-04-28 10:04:21)


Fantastic piece, Went ahead and bought it Before even starting my first mission. Well, I may grow bored of it as it is now but no one forced me to buy it so I won't complain, however I hope this game will be expanded on. I've got a few suggestions, brainstorming mostly, and some questions as well.

First suggestion is, can we get more feedback from the developer? I Think a lot of concern about buying the game right now is because they don't know where the game is going. There's been many great suggestions but hardly no response to them what I can see. I can see this game can get boring, it's only Hammering keys, so it'd be a relief to hear about the plans and so.

Brainstorming: I want to capture a cop or some other hostage and hold him or her captive in exhhange for one of my own should they get captured. Idk but something like that.

Suggestion for change: when someone gets captured, you should be allowed to take how many you like to the police.

I Think there's not a single suggestion that others have said that I don't like, so I'll just raise that.

I'd like some way to easily Review all items available both in characters and in base and easily switch items between one from Another. As it is now you have to first check who has the item, then remove that, then give it to the other.

Brainstorming: going to the bar can give you a "social" stat. This social stat can be used when Selling goods, the more Contacts you have the better deals you can get. What goods, well a cool stage alternative to the bank would be to rob some different stores, where you could pick up new and interesting things for yourself but also items to sell to others.

Brainstorming: I want a gym that COSTs Money to use but would let you train your stats. The main reason for this is because I had a character that was very very week for his level. (visiting the gym would be quite expensive)

Idea: the base can throw a party and invest Money and drugs. All invited people will restore their bordom and there'd be some other benefits to throwing parties I didn't Think of yet.

I never visited the casino but I guess there aren't slots there? I'd like a nice Little casino with blackjack and slots to just get high and play in.

An extensive log file (not the same one as in the game) would be kept, detailing all the missions and their total results (gained that ammo and that amount of bla bla bla), "Dude Dudeson was evicted from his high security cell on monday 25th May 2015" etc etc.

Here're a few alternative goals besides Money and killing: recruit a certain amount of people, survive for a certain amount of time or reach a certain level. Thought I'd had more interesting stuff but nope.

When making "future" store robberies and bla bla bla (this is only brainstorming again) you could invest in the base, making it more fun to stay there, making characters heal faster etc etc.

And I ... just lost my line of thought. I've got the seglish speaking test in 10 minutes. Speaking is what I'm good at so I'm not worried, I'm just stressed.

Anyway ... awesome game and hope go get some feedback! smile

Wow holy shit, some funny typos in there. I don't have the time to edit them now though, you'll understand it hopefully. *English speaking test* hahaha.

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2015-04-28 10:44:27

Is it only possible to get steel shields? Are there other types of armor too or just steel shields?

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2015-04-28 10:50:23

Oh, and another thing. Say I have like 30 pistols in my inventory. I will never use them... why can't I take the cartridges out? Otherwise it's pointless... It's useless for me to have 30 pistols and if I want to trash them I need to select each one anyway since you cant check a whole group of things.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2015-04-28 12:12:06


yeah, some cool suggestions here, I also hope we'll get some feedback from the developers on them.
The most important things for me at the moment would be to quickly check the inventory of every character without going into the unequipping menu and to be able to trash groups of items like pistols of knifes. I already have well over 100 of them and to check each one seperately gets kind of annoying quickly.
Also to be able to sell some stuff instead of trashing it would be great, as well as being able to get amo from guns you don't need anymore, since it's quite a waste to trash a gun with amo in it.

2015-04-28 12:25:10

This a very good game. I found a small bug in date/time function. All dates ends on last day of month. For example, date goes up to 30th April only.

2015-04-28 12:29:14

well yes of course. Then it goes to may. on my game its already may 25th or something

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2015-04-28 13:14:11

i cant download the game. the download is to slow.

2015-04-28 16:11:35

I can see where the game could get boring after a while, but I still plan to buy it at the earliest opportunity. Hopefully more content and features will be added as time goes on.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-04-28 17:05:07

Hello guys!
Yesterday was a busy day, but today is less busy so I've been able to get caught up to date on the forum discussion.
First of all, great feedback! The suggestions are very helpful and I'm sure I'll be able to use some of them.
The bug with trashing items has been fixed and it will be available in the next release.
To the rest of you, watch out for the trash items screen!
To those having problems trashing weapons, you can press control plus A to select all if you are in an actual weapon's list. For example, you cannot select where it says pistol 15, revolver 88 and Knife 360, but you can select where it says pistol, power 56 unchecked.
This is undocumented but will be added to the manual in the next release.

2015-04-28 17:12:32

hello, is there a way to make your weapons more powerful? I've noticed that all the pistols I pick up only have 21 power. can I raise it somehow?

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-04-28 17:18:15

Unfortunately this game is a typical example of an overshot production, which can be seen in the $25 price tag as well.
Most of the music tracks are nice, voice acting is great, but at the core it sadly remains a very minimalistic, repetitive side scroller with some rpg elements thrown in.
The game advertises fps features, but in reality the areas have nothing to do with the fps style, as it has been pointed out by others.
I presume that Aaron has to pay royalties for the voices, music, Elias, etc, thus the $25 price is somewhat understandable, but I really wish he had put a lot more effort into gameplay itself, rather than having professional music and voice acting. As a comparison, imagine a game with very nice orchestral music, professional character voices, story mode, multiplayer support, while the game is all about pressing the space bar when you hear a beep.
A lot of features could have been implemented which would add a lot of replayability. One of these is online coop support. In single player, random events, better rewards for playing longer, taking more people on missions, implementing multiple gangs (thus trading, alliances, etc), different missions (e.g. taking hideouts, being betrayed while selling weapons) are just a few examples.
The stages are mostly the same, except item randomisation and a few added doors in two stages. Somewhat pointless, but fun enhancements could have been added, such as breakable items, various sound sources. The footstep sounds are the same on every stage.
The game has a lot of potential, and I really don't see why variety is missing, especially after such releases as Adventure at C: or Paladins of the Sky.
A lot of people will say that I am unrealistic right now, but as a gamer, I really cannot see entertainment value in this game at the moment.


Robjoy, AKA Erion
Visit my site for all the things I do and to contact me.
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2015-04-28 17:33:16

To clarify, in case people were getting the wrong ideas: I clearly stated I wasn't slamming the developer. remember guys, just cause someone doesn't like something or believes it's the same stuff we've been getting for years, does not mean they are slamming the developer. I'm simply expressing my opinion. Perhaps I was a bit harsh in my message, let me try and explain:

spending money isn't the problem. I'd happily pay $60 for a game. as an example: I own a Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, and PS Vita, as well as older consoles like PS2. I also have all the Rock Band and Guitar Hero titles, as well as peripherals, which cost a lot more than this game. I purchased Mortal Kombat X a few weeks ago for $60. so you see, even though I don't have unlimited funds, spending money isn't necessarily the issue here. gaming is my passion, and I'll gladly make sacrifices and spend money on something I enjoy so much. What bugs me is this way many audio game devs have of using false advertising to make their game sound more interesting than anything that came before, by using phrases like, "An exciting, first person shooter action RPG audiogame", when they clearly know it isn't. I played the game up to level 8 and I thought, man this is awesome! I'm such a gangsta! I'm over here killing enemies, leveling up my chars, bet as I level up, I'll have all sorts of new missions and areas open up to me, where I can conduct awesome robbery scenerrios and have some fun with my large gang of thugs and tons of unlockable content. So I buy the game, and as I play I notice, ok these same cops I've been fighting all this time are getting harder and harder for no reason at all. I realize that, I would've achieved the same result with the demo, simply by playing levels 1 through 8 over and over and adding up all the XP, and pretending I reached level 100 or whatever level I wanna get to. I also notice there's no logic to spawning patterns. you'd figure enemies wouldn't even appear out of nowhere, that they'd come through the door, but nope, they just appear in seemingly random numbers. then I realize, ok, where do I purchase guns? is the only way for me to feel like I'm actually accomplishing anything is to kill wave upon wave of enemies till new weapons become available?

Let's now tackle the AI. is there much point in having AI? what do they do exactly? all they're doing is killing a couple enemies, getting hurt or jailed themselves, and charging me tons of money for the little work they are doing. They don't even try to exit the level as their health decreases! in fact, I never even notice them using meds. What on earth? As it stands right now, I think I'll just let them all starve and solo levels myself, cause there's no reason for me to keep them around, and I'll be richer as a result. hahaa.

So to conclude, reason I'm annoyed? because this game just feels like countless other audio games. run around a small area, shoot random enemies that get powerful overtime, while at the same time giving the player nothing to show for their efforts. Now granted yes I know this is the first release, and maybe in the future we'll have this awesome patch coming out that'll fix these shortcomings, as well as add new areas to explore, new enemy types, new weapons and balancing, revamped trashing system, better AI, etc, but you see, that is rarely the case with audio games. From my experience, what most devs end up doing is, release this game that feels more like a paid beta release, charge the gamers, then never touch the game again. maybe they'll release a 1MB patch a few weeks later with a couple small tweaks, but that's it. That game is done. What's even worse, is games with scoreboards that never get reset. The biggest exception to this rule is Jeremy, AKA Aprone. that guy comes out with an RPG action game, I'd gladly pay $60 for it, cause I know I'll get what was advertised, and much more.

I laugh whenever I see that after 4 or 5 years, a dev decides to release a game as freeware, cause it's essentially abandonware and no longer being supported. What most people don't realize is, that game has been abandonware since the first day of its release, we just weren't told until now. Look at Bavisoft for instance, can yall honestly tell me those games aren't abandonware and have been for many years? Do we need official confirmation, and a freeware release to tell us this?

Was Psycho Strike's music great? yes. voice acting great? it was outstanding! Is there no variety to the game, and did we get a ton of false advertising that made the game sound like a Grand Theft Auto clone of sorts? that, is also a resounding yes, and this is where I'm disappointed.

2015-04-28 18:20:33

Hello all.

The game is realistic, but I would like to play some food character, not robber only.

2015-04-28 18:21:13

Erg, expecting this to be a GTA clone, even though A.  3 people are working on it.  B.  They don't have massive financial resources and C.  Is their first attempts at making a game shold probably tick some people off.  Ganted, I though the message was ctually like not clone.  The basic idea is there of the GTA games...or what people actually play it for.  Story  Nope, no one plays for the story much.   Exploration:  Not really.  After the first time around, you have seen it all.  Mass murdering of innocent civlians:  Bingo. 
    What's actually a bit funny is that Saint's Row mocks any attempts of GTA being mre serious of more than just a mass murder simulator by gimpin the story all together and just letting you have reign for complete chaos. 

     Also we'r ekind of beng hard on the independent developer here.  Nearly ever single major company is guilty of false advertising on the popular titles, and not as many people complain, even if the provided product is way below expectations of the advertised product.  One of he recent disappoinments with a main stream gae was actually The Last of Us, where the advertised advanced AI of e enemies was scrapped out for them to randomly dodge out of the way of your attacks instea dof retreating and regrouping.  (Comedically enough, this makes Psycho Srike have better AI than a mainstream game here as the enemies do retreat when about to die and looking to regroup). 

    Actually one thing that might be possible after a bit of time would be to include multiplayer maps of large facilities with multiple entry points would should try to guard.  Though for ease of coordination, the gang leaders go alone with oher leaders or chosen members and work together for a massive heist.  Grante,d if AI commands get put in, I guess we can include them and hav eit limited to 4 players with 12 people on the stage.

2015-04-28 18:27:24

Totally! I need to agree with Robjoy and Musicman. While I'm a player who's taking inspirations by playing video games it's just overadvertised here. What the elias engine is doing in the game? not much but it's there! hah
Didn't knew about the pistol needs to be reloaded after every shot, and I don't mean changing clips, it sounds like a shotgun, not a pistol. Revolver? huh, it sounds like not a revolver at all.

The AI is really, really stupid. Their are just getting everything what their can, kill the enemies ofcourse, but their are not that smart enough and their are using pistols to break through prison's cells or bank vaults. Why? their can use a melee weapons and it'd be faster and without ammo lost.

ANd yeah, the next game where as fast as you will use SPACE key you'll use a knife for example. Why making timers, code combos or other interesting stuff?
And well, it's just too repetitive, there are differend areas? no! these are just the same areas with other music tracks or background ambiences. It's so funny when someone is calling it GTA for the blind LOL

And lastly, only three people can be send to the mission? yeah... really, it's huge gang! huh!

Idea is just great but maybe on the paper. In practice there's lack of most of things the normal, elegant and comercial game should have!

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Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759

2015-04-28 19:03:25

*promises to make great game* 

  *sets up donations page* 

  *not enough people donate and half the people want this for free without donating* 

*Slashes out too many features and disappoints everyone/hemselves being unable o make he game they might of invisioned*

   I think Audio defense and other attempts at setting up fund pages to reach goals for development show how hard it is to make any elegant without resorting to illegally downloading sound libraries, and the like...which causes the product to be unable to be sold without running into legal trouble.  It' shonestly hard to make anything of quality without money and time, and that's something mainstream developers have over us...money and time as it Is their jobs half the time.

2015-04-28 19:03:54

Well in the future I hope this will be a great game, for now it's the way it is. If there's no further developement on it I'll be disappointed and agree with the winers but until further notice stfu.

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2015-04-28 19:50:39

Hi all. So I agree with brat, and other people. This game is good, but. We need more maps, weapons, and when you are fighting, so not only with space, and jump. It would be great if there will be some combo attacks, throwing, some bombs, simply more action. If you want get some money. big_smile. this is classic action game like aac or battle zone. but, very good. thanks for reading.

2015-04-28 20:05:32

First off, for the record, this is neither aaron nor Philip's first game. I don't know how people have gotten that impression, but we've had adventure at c: and paladin of the sky from VGStorm, and Philip's been making games since before 2004, which is when I first knew about this site. Just saying this because at least one person has mentioned that this is their first attempt at developing a game.
I downloaded/played the game yesterday, and am personally not very quick to buy something before having tried it a lot, so I also didn't purchase it. I think that those of you who are wanting refunds will have to do the same in the future, since I do think asking for refunds is a bit overkill.
I regret to say that for now, I will have to agree with Robjoy, especially with regards to the amount of resources spent on music and voice acting versus the amount of content. There are some very interesting aspects like getting addictions, but none of those aspects seem to be very extensive. The voices and sounds are definitely good, however I definitely found myself to be rather overwhelmed by all the noise. I know there are people who have that with games like troopanum, and I never really had a problem with that, so it's possible this is a personal thing... But it does seem like there isn't very much to do except cause massive amounts of mayhem, which is of course fun but not really for extended periods of time. Plus, there's already quite a few games where you can merrily walk around and blow things up.
The limited amount of resources/developers argument is a valid one, but less so than a decade ago. There are now a fair few free games with a lot of content, and on top of that there are lots of commercial games. Simply put, there's more choice. What this essentially means is that games will have to be more unique to make them stand out. A good example is adventure at c:, which is even made by one of the same developers. It is free, but not only does it have several unique sidescrolling elements and a fairly comprehensive if not slightly out of the ordinary storyline, it also allows you to make your own levels with your own sounds and music. And while having great voice acting and music is a definite plus, very comprehensive shooting/RPG combinations are a lot harder to come by, which is where this game could have scored so many more points if there was more to actually play.
I realise new things can be added in the future, and I imagine this will probably happen. But if there indeed is going to be much more to do later on then I personally think this game was released a bit prematurely. There have been many, many commercial audiogame releases which had no or nearly no content added after the official release, so I think that people being hesitant to buy and/or disappointed in what they purchased is not unrealistic. Of course this is Not the fault of these particular developers, but that's just the way it is.