2015-04-09 16:56:34

one way to make it not crash after donating/recycling anything is to press the escape key first thing. it must be escape and you can't press anything else. but it always seems to work. then it wont crash and boot you out. the crash when it play that sound over and over you're just gonna have to deal with at the moment. not sure how to prevent that.

I don’t believe in fighting unnecessarily.  But if something is worth fighting for, then its always a fight worth winning.
check me out on Twitter and on GitHub

2015-04-10 00:22:59

I must be pretty damn lucky as I haven't encountered any of that while doing a standard donate function. And I've donated multiples of things from time to time.
Not sure what you mean when you say hit the escape key before donating. Unless I didn't read that right, if I hit the escape key before donating items, I'm taken out of the menu.

Keep up the great work Aprone and team!

2015-04-10 03:08:33

sorry for not explaining right. here is the process:
1. donate item.
2. press escape.
3. donate another item.
4. press escape.
it doesn't do it all the time. but if you try to donate something and press then a movement key, then it will crash. just remember press the escape key right after donating.

I don’t believe in fighting unnecessarily.  But if something is worth fighting for, then its always a fight worth winning.
check me out on Twitter and on GitHub

2015-04-10 13:25:58

Ahh now I gottcha, thanks for explaining better.

2015-04-11 11:49:29

please where can I download swamp.zip all package? sorry for double post but I can t find link, thanks.

2015-04-12 04:21:15

I think it would be neat to have title weapons in ctf missions, it would make things interesting.  Also, does anyone have any tips for ctf as far as killing players?  Weapons do not seem to do much damage, is it critical to center the other player or what, any advice is welcome.

2015-04-13 05:52:07

Hi Aprone and all,
I have a question about the archery skill set. The main Q is, does this cover the crossbow also?
If not the mastery skill, what about the hood or the archery  criticle skillset.

Thanks much Aprone.

2015-04-14 17:57:56

I have a suggestion, and it's going to be a kind of complex one. I realize it may never happen, but at least I can get it on Aprone's radar. It's one I've made before, but I now know how it would work, and would like it limited to title characters. It is this: multiple weapon modes/accessories at once.

Once you get a title, you could use any weapon's options simultaneously. The weapon option categories are:

* fire selector (semi/burst/full, light/heavy pul, elevation for M79, braced/not braced for machine guns, scatter/normal for shotguns)
* Suppressed (silencer/suppressor, depending on the weapon)
* optics on/off
* secondary mode (bayonets for some rifles, but I'd also suggest adding a mode where you can use any weapon as a club, which would be toggled on or off here)

Hotkeys would switch between all these. For example, ctrl-f1 moves through the given weapon's fire modes; ctrl-f2 toggles suppression; ctrl-f3 the optics, and so on. I said this should be titles-only because it could be very powerful. Imagine using a scope, but being able to fire bursts, or firing suppressed bursts from an SMG or the ACR/M4. Some modes would have to toggle others--you can't switch the AK to bayonet but still fire it--but overall, I think this would be a fun thing to add for title characters. What do you all think?

2015-04-26 03:27:38

Is the website down?  I cannot log in.

2015-04-27 20:35:07

hi,      yeah,    i guess kaldobsky web site doesn't work

2015-04-27 20:40:19

Seems to be working for me.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-04-28 00:22:08

Its an on and off thing for me at least it was yesterday.

2015-04-28 03:40:23

Random bug, and probably one Aprone has been aware of for some time: the list of items navigated with the bracket keys is sometimes overly verbose, and you are never returned to the beginning like you are the incoming chat messages list.

I say "verbose" because, at least for me, recording which direction you turn or the names of menus you open should be disabled. I tend to use this list for checking which item I just picked up, or what a server message said. Others may use it differently, of course, but I think we can all agree that no one will be using this for checking the direction they just turned or what menu was opened.

The other problem is that you are never returned to the start of this list. You check an item on it for the first time since starting Swamp, and you're at the first item, as expected. Thereafter, though, focus remains on that item as it moves further and further back in the list, until you eventually wind up on item 50. To quickly check the most recent item even a few minutes later requires you to hold down the left bracket key until you reach the start of the list, then locate the item in question from there. The chat list will automatically move you to the most recent item after a certain interval has passed during which you didn't access the list, and I'd love for the game messages list to behave in the same way. Thanks for listening.

2015-04-29 01:33:29

@mehgcap I'm glad you mentioned this. i'd really love to see the previous game message fixed also, and have it filter out the turns and menu openings and closings.
Agreed, its not ranking super high on the "things to be fixed" list, but it would be nice to have this game function corrected, and more helpful to boot.

2015-04-29 15:26:09

I love the new loot points feature, I was really dreading going hc to become private.  One question, I loot for a long time and only have around 2400 points, when did this point system start and if I die do I lose points?

2015-04-29 16:30:06 (edited by mehgcap 2015-04-30 15:13:13)

Here's a summary of the new Loot Points feature (introduced on April 26, 2015). Aprone says this is all accurate, and I imagine it will be explained in the user guide for the next release of Swamp.

* Instead of going HC, leveling up to 150, then converting back as a title character, you can now gain titles just by looting... A lot. A normal character can gain the title of Private with 9,000 loot points, for instance. Yes, that's right: no need to go HC at all if you don't want to, and no need for HC characters to revert to normal if you don't want to. Title in either mode!

* Each piece of loot, or broken/special item, you find gives you loot points (crates in missions do NOT count). Normal players get 1 point for every item they find, while HC players get 3 points.

* Counting began when the /lifetime command was added, so some of you will have a few points, others will have many thousands.

* Points persist; if you die, your points will not be reset.

* Use /lootpoints or /lifetime to check your points. No names are associated with these commands, just type the word. That means that, to check the status of any character you own, you must log in as that character.

* Points do not reset when you gain a title, the next requirement simply moves up. Specialist, for instance, is 17,500 (or somewhere around there); that means you have 9,000 from gaining private, and must gain points to add to that 9,000 rather than starting back at 0. The system is very similar to Experience Points in that way.

* This feature is entirely controlled by the server, so it will not appear in the 3.5 manual. It can also be adjusted at any time, meaning that the point requirements could be altered. Be sure to check those requirements every so often.

2015-04-29 18:03:13

Thanks Mehgcap!  The only addition I'd like to make to your list is that each piece of loot someone finds in HC mode, actually gives them 3 loot points instead of 1.  This is to help make up for the fact that HC has less loot around to find.

But yes, loot points now offer players an alternate way to gain titles.  For a long time I've had a group of players who enjoyed collecting loot on the main maps, and did not want to ever go HC and get titles the traditional way.  This new system now gives players with that playing style, a way to access titles.

As times goes on I may adjust the number of loot points needed for each title, based on how easy or hard it is for people.  The /lifetime command was added 2 Swamp versions ago (if I'm remembering correctly), and I waited around all this time before using it just because I needed to watch and see how much loot people actually find over time.  I want looting to be a new way to gain titles, but I also do not want it to be so easy that no one would ever try to gain them the old way.  So my goal is an alternative, not a replacement.  smile

I will continue to work on bug fixes and improvements for the next update.  Enjoy!  big_smile

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-04-30 05:51:51

Good to know, thanks. That explains how my HC character had so many more points.

2015-04-30 06:10:27

ahoy all
I finally was able to pay for a gamer account in april by borrowing  a friends creditcard and so have started playing swamp again.
The changes obviously from when I last played to now are too many to coumt and most of them hell I'd say 99.9% of them have made the game more awesomer. big_smile
I have created only one character on there so far and the name of which need hardly be said considering if you read who this post is by you shouldn't need to think long to recognize me if you see me around. tongue
This new lootpoint
might just be the thing for me,because I'm far more likely to gather loot as aposed to turn flips from normal to hc and back and forth again. big_smile

All that said, I do have a few questions.

I have been thinking upon where to put armor protection points in. I'd like good protection but not so much that I slow down so much that I have to sit back and shoot zombies all the time and can't give them the slip if I so wish.
I had about 3 pieces of high defence armor on me,and put in 13 points in the juggernaut skill, but both before putting in those 13 points and after my protection was the same 58%, is there something I'm missing?

What sort of armor set are you guys using that provides you with good protection but doesn't slow you down too much?
Hope to see you all in the Swamp!

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

2015-04-30 06:29:20

It's tough until you get to be level, well, something over 100. For instance, I'm level 137, and I have 40 speed, 70 juggernaut, and 26 melee. This is perfect: I can move fast (slower than were I not armored, but I can easily outrun zombies), I can use melee well, which is my main weapon class, and I take 1% damage no matter what hits me, on any map up to 3. This means I can be hit 25 times before armor might even have a chance of breaking, and if I get hit that often without having a moment to heal, I'm probably is way more serious trouble anyway.

All that said, the vital things are speed (for me anyway), and points in whatever armor you have most of. I have all high armor, so I notice a huge difference, but with only half of the high armor, and 13 points, the difference in your protection may indeed be so small that it's a rounding error. Find more high armor, or use all medium or all low and move your points there. Having a full set of armor in any class should give you much better returns for your points. Don't neglect the other skills that matter to your style, though; speed, health, sneak, melee, whatever it is.

2015-04-30 07:49:36

It's too long time since I've played Swamp. smile But the new points aren't mentioned in the changelog. Wow. This is really awesome. Now there is no reason for me to go hardcore. big_smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-04-30 22:32:45

I'm trying to log into the game, but it keeps saying can't connect to the website.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-04-30 22:51:58

wow this new loot system in itself makes swamp a whole new beast to play. I'll be sure to renew my account ASAP so I can get in on the fun to be had.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2015-05-01 03:06:55

Hi guys,
this is not a dramatic rant, so please don't mistake it for one--if you could see my face, I'm calm, and I'm just chilling while I write this, not throwing things around and screaming. lol
  But anyways, I've remembered why I don't do missions. I had a whole lot of gear, all high armor, a riot shield, and even a perfect way to do missions that was working like it should! However, because of the 20 or so coordinate wide mass of crates in the middle of the sorting floor, I was unable to complete the mission. Perhaps this is an error on my part, but I don't know how long it will be until I'm back on swamp again because I worked for ever and ever to get that equipment and to lose it all in a 20 second smack down? sad. That is why I rarely if at all do missions.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2015-05-01 16:44:58

Steve, rarely doing missions may actually contribute to the problem. It took most of us weeks to months of trying missions, and dying on them, to get to the point where we can move around easily. Custom maps also help--load up the mission map and practice moving around it.

The radar is, to me anyway, essential. Using the short-range system (with the single beep straight ahead) I can know where obstacles are, and I cam move left or right by side-stepping until the radar tells me I'm clear. I can come east out of Parts Inspection in the small warehouse, step left until the radar is clear, and know I have a clear run through the crates until I hit the dock. I can also move left or right, facing east, inside Storage until I hear the sound that tells me I'm clear ahead, meaning I found the door back to Sotring Floor A. In short, radar plus side-stepping is how I manage.

Points are also important. Put as many as possible into speed and whichever kind of armor you use, that way you can take damage and get around fast. It also helps to add to your health, so you can take more hits before you drop below 75% and armor can start breaking. If necessary, run away until you're against a wall, then turn around, arm the Vulcan, and clear your area. You can also heal on the run if you need to. Don't forget to set your primary weapons to the two favorite slots, for quick access.