2015-01-28 22:48:49

Hello poke players! First, thanks Racheal for all you are doing.

Second, is there a way that I can play using NVDA or other screen readers? Right now I cannot understand Microsoft Ana due to my hearing condition, and I have the speech of my screen reader set up the way I can understand it. Any help in this will be greatly appriciated.

2015-01-29 00:59:05

It isn't compatible with NVDA, if the issue is the speed of the voice, the voice speed can be changed by using the n and b keys. The game's music volume can be reduced with the F9 keys. For now though, that's the only way the game can help out, NVDA support is going to be implemented before a full release.

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

2015-01-29 12:17:12

I look forward to NVDA support, as I've spent a great deal of time adding entries to the Speech Dictionaries that ensure Pokémon names are pronounced correctly in most cases. This would mean no alternate spellings would be necessary in the final version. smile

2015-01-29 13:05:45

Rachel, I tried catching a Diglett with Arena Trap to catch an Abra, and the Abra could still teleport away. I tried it several times but Teleport still worked. sad

2015-01-29 15:16:21

Hi The Imaginatrix, the only way that I've used to catch an Abra is to use Cleffery, with the move sing. But I advise you, I have tried many times, because doesn't work Always. But I think Abra, and its evolutions,  with his Attacks his one of the stronger Pokemon.

2015-01-29 20:13:13

Wish you could evolve it all the way in the current game. Dunno how you even did it in the original games without giving it up. I love Alakazam.

2015-01-29 23:15:14

Updating the game again. Fixed a bug involving the item system that could cause crashes if you tried to toss items, also did a redundancy check when you use items so that no items with 0 quantity will appear. I also made sure Arena Trap works against teleport.

In the original games, Alakazam evolves by trading. I do plan on adding trading with other players, but I'll likely allow trading mons to evolve in a different manner, because that may be restricted and it won't be fair to not allow players to evolve certain Pokemon like that.

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

2015-01-29 23:30:40

The only way, in the old games to keep your newly evolved Alakazam, is to have a friend trade Pokemon with you. Trade the Kadabra to your buddy, and then, have them trade it back to you.
In the old game, there were a few Pokemon that needed to be traded in order to evolve. So, all we did was, trade them to each other, and then, took them back.

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2015-01-30 01:34:02

In one of the three concurrent runs of Braillemon I'm doing, I just went through Mt. Moon. I could not find TM 16, no matter how much I searched the area. The only thing that pinged me in the area where I had found it in previous play-throughs was a Potion. I'm in Cerulean now, so won't be able to go back for it until I complete Vermillion and can get back onto Route 2. A pity, as it's the only Ice Type move I can get in the current game unless I have and raise a Vaporeon, who can learn Aurora Beam naturally.

2015-02-01 15:20:07

Okay, so I've noticed something different about the early routes in my latest run of Braillemon. I've been encountering Sandshrew on Route 4 where I used to find Ekans, and Belsprout on Route 24 where I used to find Oddish. I hope I can still catch these Pokémon in other places at an early enough level. Oddish caught on Route 8 don't know Absorb and it's the most useful move they can learn before evolving, at least in my opinion.

2015-02-02 19:46:29


I know my question has been asked before, and I've read the poast explaining the answer. Still, after trying several days, I can't get through mount moon. It's really frustrating to say the least. Any help would be greatly apriciated. I've looked on the net for a walk through, but couldn't find one. Since I've never played any pokemon game before, I'm really happy with this one.


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2015-02-02 20:25:12

@The Imaginatrix, if you see sandshrew and bellsprout instead of ekans and oddish, that means you are playing a version of Blue, not of red. I believe Racheal mentioned on an earlier post that the version is picked randomly at the beginning of a new game. Racheal, feel free to to correct me if I am wrong. I am not seeing Bellsprout myself, which is my favorite grass pokemon of the first generation.

I am also trying to catch an Abra, it is harder than what I remember.

P.S. sorry for my broken english, not my first language. smile

2015-02-02 22:05:10

There is a pretty good tutorial on how to get out of MT Moon in this thread. It's post 604, made by Jade.

You can add me on Steam.
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2015-02-02 22:32:38

@ Deng: I know, but that still doesn't get me no where after countless tries... Do I need some abilities, attacks, etc? I'm totally lost, confused, and frustrated ... sort of

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2015-02-03 00:52:48

na, no abilities or anything dude. Hmm. just make sure you battle everyone? Not sure.

You can add me on Steam.
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2015-02-03 00:58:43 (edited by ambro86 2015-02-03 01:03:20)

Hello Criticview, I am writing my notes to overcome Mt. Moon. First advice, that it is worthwhile not only in this but in many games. When you are in complicated areas, to don't lose the orientation is always good to move to any direction while bumping to the wall. That is, when in my notes I'll tell you, for example, to go up, you will have to go on as long as you will not touch the wall. In some part, however, there is a staircase that is a bit 'away from the wall, and then it will be written in the indications. In this post I will not write about item that you can get, because is written in post 604. Use this post only as a map to know where you have to go to find the exit.

Up to the wall
a step to the right and one up

floor 1

now floor 2
now meet the team roket
Now you'll be on the outside.
Hope that helps

2015-02-03 01:02:22

It seems I only have issues with the ladders. the instructions are fine from what I tried, but how do you go up, down, a ladder? Yes yes, newbe question, but hey ... we all start somewhere tongue

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2015-02-03 01:05:08

To go up a ladder you have to use the up Arrow, infact in my notes I've written one step right and one up, so go up clumbing the ladder.

2015-02-03 01:30:42


At ambro86:
Thanks a million

This was very very very helpful , finally in the next city and just beaten the pulp out of blue ... roflfl

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2015-02-03 01:54:13

Hello Racheal:

I found a bug on the diglet's cave. When battling wild Diglets on the entrance of Vermilion city.

How to reproduce:

1. Obviously navigate to the point I mentioned above.
2. Battle. right now I am training a magicarp, since it is the weekest member in my party.
3. Switch. Right now I am switching from a magicarp to a spearow.
4. Defeat the diglet. Now notice that the character is moving around and I cannot exit the cave.
I managed to reproduce this bug multiple times now. If you want I can send you my savegame file in order for you to test it out. I copied it just in case.

Also, out of curiosity, what is a route pass? I thought the chairman of the pokemon fan club gave a bike certificate or something like that.

2015-02-03 10:55:32

Hello Racheal:

On an update to my previous post regarding the bug in the entrance of diglet's cave. I have some new info that might help you to squash the bug.

First, the bug seems to happen if you defeat a Diglet (or its evolution) with a flying Pokemon. It doesn't matter if you switch to the flying pokemon mid battle. As long as you *defeat* the diglet with a flying pokemon, the bug happens.
Second, it seems to happen *always* with a spearrow (and its evolution), and only sometimes with a pidgey (or its evolution).
Third, it seems that it only happens on the small loby in the entrance of the cave. If you go "downstairs", the bug doesn't happen. I tried it multiple times.
Fourth, if you use an Escape rope, you can get away from the cave without any difficulties.

I hope this extra info helps you, at least a little bit. smile

2015-02-03 20:35:38 (edited by daigonite 2015-02-03 21:06:41)

Strange, sounds like an issue with the ability Arena Trap. I'll take a peek. Send me the save file, just in case.

Route pass is an item that replaces the bicycle because the bicycle's only purpose is to move faster, and you can technically do that by ramming the arrow keys repeatedly, defeating the purpose of one.

EDIT: Wasn't Arena Trap at all, but rather I mapped the warp incorrectly, I'm updating the link. This should be the last update until I start development again.

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

2015-02-04 18:30:26

I lied, I'm actually adding a ton of stuff for translation, including small talk. I'll probably forget some of it knowing myself but this will probably be about 90% of the game's dialog. Along with that I'm going to make a tool that makes it a lot easier to keep track of your translation progress. Thanks so much for helping out with that.

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

2015-02-06 21:01:43

Is the xp issue fixed yet. I do want to try the game and see what it's doing, but sinse the demo waaaaay back when whenever I've tried to run braillemon I've got a bunch of errors.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-02-07 05:19:55

@Dark, daigonite did say in some post (I can't remember which) that the xp issue was fixed, so you may want to download the game,try it and experience the awesomeness that is braillemon for yourself. If any errors do pop up though, you know where to write about them, I'd guess. big_smile
I would have tested and helped with xp compatibility, but alas I don't use xp anymore and am quite comfortable with 7 now.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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