2015-02-01 16:29:19

Tiny groups? Umm, think again. You rant way too much, buddy. That is all.

2015-02-01 19:06:41

serious errors in the swamp.
hi Jeremy.
much time has passed when I wrote to you.
long absent a reason for this.
Now is the time because a serious error has become a problem for the players.
things found in the game continue to disappear!
when transferring items to another player beats the game often, it is again necessary to enter.
so yesterday there was a problem on a mission. urgently needed to transfer a thing.
thing passed, but then the player who passed knocked out of the game.
I had a similar problem, only when attacking the fort.
I handed the gun to a friend volcano, and then transfer the character knocked out!
Please seriously pay attention to these errors, many players are angry about it.
serious errors in the swamp.
hi Jeremy.
much time has passed when I wrote to you.
long absent a reason for this.
Now is the time because a serious error has become a problem for the players.
things found in the game continue to disappear!
when transferring items to another player beats the game often, it is again necessary to enter.
so yesterday there was a problem on a mission. urgently needed to transfer a thing.
thing passed, but then the player who passed knocked out of the game.
I had a similar problem, only when attacking the fort.
I handed the gun to a friend volcano, and then transfer the character knocked out!
Please seriously pay attention to these errors, many players are angry about it.

2015-02-01 20:23:16

I probably do David, but it doesn't make me wrong, either way, for the record your not even that bad, so don't think that's directed towards you, I mean sure you do some of the same things sometimes, and some days are worse than others, but that's the price you pay for sticking with the game for so long.
I like the game still, don't get me wrong, I like the mchanics, and sounds, the risks, the weapons, the maps, all of it, but the biggest part, the people, that's really gone down hill, and that's the thing that ties the rest together in this type of game.
And I'm not saying it's completely anyone's  fault or something, but it is a problem, a big one, and it's unlikely to get fixed any time soon if ever from what I can tell.

2015-02-02 02:41:44

Okay, firstly a SCS question that may be a bug or a misunderstanding on my part.

I'm setting a number like so:

set var rand=[random/1/10]
if rand>2 then if rand<5 then radio=Something happens

My understanding is that this should execute only when rand gets set to the numbers 3 or 4. Am I right? This isn't the way it's working currently.

Also, regarding someone addressing the issue of storage characters and such like. How about a space in the armory on map 5? So you have to go to map 5 to begin with, something not everyone's brave enough to do. Then there could be an option on the safe zone menu to store items in the armory. Even if it's only 3 or 5 slots each, that could be somewhere to store each player's most valuables. Just an idea I had.

2015-02-02 03:44:07

Chaining ifs like that appears to be buggy for me, so I use a variable to keep track of how many conditions are true instead.
So I'd try:

set var rand=[random/1/10]
set var truth=0
if rand>2 then add truth by 1
if rand<5 then add truth by 1
if truth=2 then radio=Something happens

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-02-02 04:04:57

truecraig wrote:

Okay, firstly a SCS question that may be a bug or a misunderstanding on my part.

I'm setting a number like so:

set var rand=[random/1/10]
if rand>2 then if rand<5 then radio=Something happens

My understanding is that this should execute only when rand gets set to the numbers 3 or 4. Am I right? This isn't the way it's working currently.

Also, regarding someone addressing the issue of storage characters and such like. How about a space in the armory on map 5? So you have to go to map 5 to begin with, something not everyone's brave enough to do. Then there could be an option on the safe zone menu to store items in the armory. Even if it's only 3 or 5 slots each, that could be somewhere to store each player's most valuables. Just an idea I had.

I'm not exactly sure if that's doable in the language. I'd probably end up doing something like the following:

//defining variables:
//Take extra care to not put any white space between the variable name, the equal sign, and the value.
new var rand=0
new var randa=0
//randomly assigning:
//same rule as above.
set var rand=[random/1/10]
if rand<2 then radio=Something happens

I could probably help you more if you gave us an idea of what you're trying to accomplish.


2015-02-02 07:59:56

For once in my life I find myself actually mostly agreeing with Defender. I love swamp, it's amazing, and I'm so grateful to Aprone for having put in all the time and effort to make this amazing game for us..... but, the only way I have fun anymore is by staying totally to myself and not interacting with most other players because most are assholes and trolls and controlling dickheads that like to bitch about everything because they have nothing better to do than play swamp 24/7 and, bitch. It really detracts from the fun of the game. Repeatedly running in circles in a giant warehouse and killing zombies in a never-changing terrain, gets ridiculously boring without the distraction of decent, fun, social interaction with other players. So i can play for a while until the mind numbing repetitiveness of finding crates, or replacing that virtual armor piece I lost, or gaining just one more level so i can have a nice, even, round number in whatever skill i'm working on, overwhelms me.... and drives me away from the game for a while.... because at most times, I actually do have something that is more enjoyable to do at that point.
Honestly, what keeps me around swamp is working with other players to do something difficult.... and when the only way to do that is to put up with the whiny douchebags who look down on everyone who don't worship them, it's a bit less addicting.

But, meh, what can you do about it, really? If i had al lthe time in the world perhaps I could put in the effort to make a stand against it. But as I am now a more casual player than ever, I just can't be bothered to deal with this.

Which is sad, because swamp has always been a place I could go to relax and have some fun..... and I miss that.


2015-02-02 14:45:14 (edited by defender 2015-02-02 14:54:29)

O come on Kat this isn't the very first time that you've agreed with me on something... right?
I distinctly remember saying, at one point, that "bitches be crazy" and I also remember you agreeing with me...

2015-02-02 15:01:16

Well since I know from first hand experience that I am in fact crazy, I can't help but agree with that. Somehow I don't think it counts tongue.


2015-02-02 21:56:18

What's really sad about this whole thing is, these days, I get along way better with the foreigner players than those on English channel. maybe it's due to the language barrier, makes it harder to cause fights when you can barely understand what they're saying right? but somehow, I doubt that. you can tell those guys are in the game to actually play the game. just look at their stats and the fact many of them are high ranked and you'll see where I'm coming from. English chat though? these days, it sorta reminds me of the Zone BBS. Drama at its finest. Which is sad. I think the major issue here is, most of these guys are so sick of seeing each other's face so to speak, on a daily basis and having the same pointless conversations over and over, that eventually, the smallest thing will set them off. So soon as someone disagrees with them? FIGHT! cause trying to take people down is about only entertainment they get out of the game at this point. People that were once decent, are now self-centered and sellfish, the things I've seen done to people in this game is disgusting, even to chowy, a guy that's helped the swamp community so much over the years, but hey, now most of those guys don't need him anymore, so who cares right? Once a person isn't needed, discard them, move on. when you once again need them, then you suddenly remember they were once your friend. "hey chowy buddy, I need help with this mission? mind helping me out pal?" This is why Swamp is dying.

2015-02-02 23:00:01

It's very unfortunate.  So hey, anybody know how to fix it?  ROFL!  I don't know how.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-02-02 23:44:48

hahaha Aprone. tough bug to fix huh? Only way I can think of is to modify game features in such a way that team work is mandatory, and not merely encouraged. course that could possibly make things worse, no way of knowing for sure. For starters, I still think my mission reward idea was a good one. the more people that join, the more xp we all get. soloers only get a few k xp. Perhaps double the xp amount each time new person joins? if someone from your team is kicked, xp will decrease. only  way this won't happen is if they die naturally. I think this could encourage teamwork, I don't see any negative side. Any thoughts guys? This probably won't fix drama, but it'll encourage healthier gameplay.

2015-02-03 00:11:58

Sadly, I don't think it's something you can add a new feature to fix. It's a great game, and for those who play it, it is too much of a great game. There's no other game like it available to play, and since it's quality and it's mechanics are so unique to swamp, people find it hard to play anything else. Sso then you get a game that's filled with restless players who crave and demand more, and day after day it is denyed them. They pick fights to try and stir up the repetitiveness because they've already squeezed the enjoyment out of what they have. I don't think swamp's English community would be so badly represented if there were even one other game that followed the same first person 360 degree motion that swamp uses to explore its world to give us somewhere else to stretch our legs, so to speak. None of this is Aprone's fault, he gave us something great, and ignited a flame that turned into a blazing inferno, but now that inferno is being choked because it has no where else to spread. With each new update, Aprone tries to put in some new game mechanic, which in their own right are mini games. I really think swamp is at a spot right now where it can sit pretty well defined as a masterpiece with the occasional bug fix patch. Would any new feature truly make swamp a completely new game? Wouldn't that imagination and time be better used in creating a new game that is encompassed with the same charm that swamp first provided? I for one think so. I don't think this makes swamp a failed game because I'm not saying it should go down. I just think it's time to set the corner stone for a new cathedral, and allow swamp to stand as it is, a completed and well admired revolution.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2015-02-03 00:16:38

All that needs to be fixed, is the lag on maps/missions, items disappearing/empty inventories, and improving drop rates for Composite armor, Hard hats, and Leather jackets. Then the game, in my opinion, be perfect.

2015-02-03 00:42:40

hello there all,       yes aprone, game is great,      but need first fix some bugs,     i'm searching 8 hour hard hat,  or leather jacket,   with my hardcore character,   but i couldn't find any,   2,  i'm almost died the storage room,    because have more lag,  i'm doing slash z off, but sometimes not working,      and yes,      some people does,     chowy helped everyone very lots,   but see,  furrypaw is level 3,   hmm,   hardcore players is why not helping him,   and also   i'm unfair,   chowy is helping always everyone,      i just noticed that's very sad,     and yes,  chowy is coming the channel,    hiiiiiii chooowy!,      can you take me mission please,   chowy chowy says, yes,      so, after,   chowy is coming and converting hc the furrypaw, see, who helped him, nobody else,        that is very sad,        i don't want write that,  but i'm sorry,      everyone just thinking about stuff, ammo,  med kits,  so,  people,   everyone know,  i'm doing help the everyone,     but why players wanting some stuff, for me help,  lol, because i can't anything level 1,      just who think i'm unfair or not,      like we are doing for everyone free missions?     and we are need help,   and we are asking,  hey  harryshon,   can you help me please on a 20,     no, give me 30 diesel fuel, i can help you,    sorry about that,   i just miss the older swamp

2015-02-03 02:14:44

I'm not online enough to witness too much douchbaggery, really. You'll occasionally get people getting a little rowdy for lack of anything better to do. And I think that's the heart of it.

Disclaimer: The following is just my opinion and may well be the ramblings of an ill-informed madman. I do hope however that I have correctly identified and explained what I perceive to be the issues. A bit of an essay ahead. Tl;Dr at the end

Swamp is on a league of its own when it comes to combining gameplay, emersiveness and an online community. The fact that we have accessible iPhone games is all great and that, and that's where most accessible devs seem to be going for a headlong charge. Probably for profitability reasons - there's still no reasonably ubiquitous Windows desktop app marketplace. The iPhone games though lack community and the raw power that just comes with having more to control it with than a 4 inch touchscreen. And with that being the direction that developers are flowing, fans of audio games lack choice and Swamp just really doesn't have much in terms of MMO competition IMHO.

Some people are trying to do it, there's several new games on this forum that are trying to be the "Call of Duty" of the blind world, with varying levels of success (I've not played many of them). So they're going after gameplay. But community has never been the strong point of PvP FPS games, CoD and other mainstream games in particular are famed for having foul communities. Swamp, being a mostly cooperative game, again wins hands down there against the new and upcoming MMO challengers.

There are other games that do community. RS Games and such are the only examples that spring to mind, though I admit I've not kept abreast of every new audio game out there so there may be better. But there's such a difference in genre there, that it could attract completely different people.

So, Swamp has a pretty good position now. That's good, right? Well, no, not quite. Some people are playing Swamp day in, day out. They've mastered the game to the point where they can solo the hardest missions, have all the latest gear and have seen and done it all. Now what? Some choose to help others, which is admirable. But what when there's no one to help? There's no reasonable competition as far as an audio gaming MMO of this size, complexity and communal strength (well IMO), so playing something else isn't an appealing option. But they want to be there, to hang out online and see if anything new comes along. Boredom ensues. And boredom causes trouble. I think, at least, this is why some people are getting a little narky.

As to injecting some team play back into Swamp, that would be great. I'm not sure just outright incentivizing with experience for dragging people along on missions is necessarily the only way though.

Here's a few suggestions I can think of, feature wise that might help. You've probably all already thought of these, I'm just putting them out there in the discussion.

* More "Defender" type missions, where it is almost impossible to solo. Sure, some level 2,000+ players probably could, but I'm not sure if there's really anything you can do about them.
* Cooperative campaigns: SCS is a great feature and could go far. Cooperative campaigns would allow the community to make its own cooperative adventures. I'm starting to see some interesting single player SCS things happening, though most of them feel a bit like experiments. But I think it's starting to grow as a feature. Long shot, granted. I don't underestimate the size of this undertaking of course, but that could be a fun and expanding thing for groups to do. I'd be happy to try writing one.
* Some kind of in-game events where players must work together to defeat impending threats or doom, or achieve/earn something together. I saw a few before, once, where some raiders were, well, raiding on map 2. This was a 1 off event. Another was the Halloween event where people were scouring all over for pumpkins. I was working with a few others, keeping map 2 checked. We had to work together to find them for mutual gain. Of course, some people piggy-backed, but they probably weren't having any fun. Things like this tend to get people involved, maybe it would get the jaded players out of their warehouses too?

Okay, I've talked enough and you probably all hate me for taking up so much space on the page. Aprone, please don't take any of this as an insult, if anything it's because this is arguably one of the best of its kind that it has this problem.

As for perhaps a new game coming along, as Sneak suggested. It's an idea worthy of thought at least. Though starting a game to get to this size is a daunting prospect.

Tl;Dr: Perhaps Swamp as a community is a victim of it's own success as a great gameplay and MMO experience, with not enough competition offering all that Swamp can. There's a few things that could be tried to try to inject some team spirit back into the community and break up the power players's boredom and to give everyone some fun.

And hey, maybe we as players can do our own bits to try to fix some of these issues within ourselves as a group. Just a thought smile

2015-02-03 02:22:09

@CAE_Jones: Great, glad it's not just me having trouble with chaining. I like your truth idea, thanks! Hope you don't mind me using that to handle this particular scenario.

@carlosM: I believe (from reading the Campaign guide) chaining ifs should indeed be possible, it just doesn't seem to be working right for me. But I think CAE's idea should help resolve this. I'm trying to use these nested ifs to decide where to place a supply crate in a warehouse mission. I want more than a straight up 1 number per area scenario, though, as certain areas are larger and more prone to crates in warehouses than others. SO I want it to be random but weighted. I think this should do it.

2015-02-03 12:43:56

hello all,        aprone have a suggestion,        i think that is should be nice,       you doing solo 200 crates mission, you get 800 k xp,  but you are going 5 people you can get more xp and rep,    i think that can be help the low levels players,          and  it is possible,  you can low level players for easy missions?   i think you already can tell me lol,  type 40 zombies, and 10 crates, but that's giving 200 xp, or more,        i miss the older swamp,    we are did already the 60 level 35 crates,    now see, zombies is very powerfully,     nobody can't low levels with mission,       i'm seeing some players doing quit for that,   them dying and leaving,    we are don't want lose  swamp,       that game is is great,     people saying iphone android for accessible game have,  show me now,    have online game, and missions,   of course not,    just aprone is first developer the he's did online fps game,         i don't want arguing,     just i'm saying not another developer,   only aprone does the stable online game and the stable server,        it's have more android for card games, or iphone,   that's not funny,       we are loving the fps, and war games,     that's is my opinions!    and could be possible just player can the solo mission is limit,    you can only a per day for 5 the solo missions,  i think that's help can be others,         and yeah.

2015-02-03 13:58:54

I think the problem is that the devil makes work for idle hands. When everyone's happy looting or missioning then it's fine. I think it's when Swamp is used as a chat client while playing other games, or simply just on its own, that we start to see fractious behaviour. When somebody declares that they're bored on the radio then I find myself wondering why they don't do something about it. Declaring that you're bored doesn't magically make you less bored. It doesn't fix the underlying problem by giving you something to do. I wonder, therefore, if there should be a full-time auto-log out feature, not just one on Kai Day events. If people sit in the safe zone and do nothing but chat for maybe 30 minutes then the game should kick them out. This means people can't just leave their characters logged in while they're in bed or taking a shower or something, or while they're concentrating on another game or project. It also means that, to keep themselves logged in, they need to participate in the game. It might be resetting their skills, looting for fuel or doing a mission but at least there is a need to interact with the game and not just sit around kicking your heals discontentedly.

I also really, really do think that an XP increase based on the number of people in your mission is a good idea. It will, of course, only be effective up to a certain point because participants will have to consider the benefit of the increase compared to the number of people who will share the XP at the end of the mission. It goes without saying that kicked players take their XP increase with them.

Another feature of Swamp that really would revive some interest is the quest system. Last I saw, quests didn't work on map 4 and I never even thought of trying them on map 5. If they gave a little XP, there were more of them and there were different types then it would be another strand of the game. Maybe it wouldn't help so much with player interaction but it would give people more different things to do. Adding more puzzles to the game might help with this as well, particularly, for example, if the Torn Dress was automatically awarded at the end of an LMS mission with a certain number of participants. How about if CTF, forest LMS, Sniper and Defender missions had a similar reward puzzle? Maybe they would be ways to get special weapons or armour, or more fuel or XP?

I don't think there are any features that will change the nature of the players but making the game encourage you to play rather than just relax and chat might inspire them to either do so or find something else that they really do want to do.

These are just my thoughts and opinions. I'm not aiming my observationss at anyone in particular or trying to cause offense.

2015-02-03 15:43:34 (edited by fedai 2015-02-03 15:46:52)

hello guys.
I'm wondering something.
Why do you think sup1, sup2, sup3, and map3, map4, map5 empty abandoned?
map1 and map2'y to why people are stuck?
I think these maps were produced in vain.
another question.
too bad extreme freezing warehouse mission..
to delete the game sound on and off and does not give any excitement.
again it will be very nice to hear the sound.
I did a test.
I'm hit with an ax ..
dire zombie killing three strokes.
ar 15 gun had to complete seven shots.
in this case the ax stronger.
zombie game will bring back the old power loss, and again it becomes very great excitement.
yes, I 've listened to this recording you mentioned weapons.
You can listen if you want to see.
download weapons test link.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/984 … 20test.mp3
here have some useless weapons, that's is see,   winchester,   browning citori,  glock 19, glock 17,  marlin, remington, shortbow, longbow,,  m16's bayonet,
and ak47's bayonet, is killing just 5 shots a dire,    we are   wish   zombie's power lower,   but i think you can the increase weapon's power, that's
is doesn't work,   game is could be more  freeze
Greetings from Turkey.

2015-02-03 15:54:52

that is should be great idea welshweyr,  also everyone doing chat, but not any missions,       and after blaming the highest levels players,   someone getting 500 or  more higher,  see,  that is cheater,   no,   he's doing missions,  he's not here any chat,    just could be people using chat,  keep going,  just server can be kick the 10 minute or 20 or i'm not sure,     and  i'm not complaining,  that is some my opinions,

2015-02-03 16:09:59 (edited by mehgcap 2015-02-03 16:19:55)

1. Rewarding more based on increased participation in missions makes sense. Consider, though, the times you've logged on to solo a couple missions. You're near your next level, so you just need this one big mission to get one or two levels (obviously, this is higher-level players). Or, you put up a mission, but no one is around, and the only people that join are people who don't speak your language, and end up not doing anything? My point is that solo missions are sometimes a good thing, and practically removing their usefulness might be just as bad as leaving them alone.

2. Forcing player interaction by kicking players for just chatting seems like a bad idea. Sure, some people come on Swamp just to make trouble, but others simply like to check in with friends, or offer help to newer players by explaining things. To anyone saying that people should just grab their friends' contact information and get off the game, I think we can all agree that chatting elsewhere is different. The dynamic is gone, no one new is going to wander in, and there's a completely different feel to it.

3. Yes, the quest system needs to be redone. Expand it on map 3, fix it on the other maps, and then offer a lot more puzzles. I've written before about my ideas for quests, so I won't do so again here, but essentially I'd like to see more puzzle-style quests instead of just running out, grabbing one item, and running back. Again, this is for higher-level players. When you're a level 1 through maybe level 15 or so, quests are fine and can really help. After that, they're just a small diversion. If you don't want to mission, a drastically expanded quest system could be just the thing, and might draw players back to the game. No, it's not going to help with inter-player cooperation, but as others have said, what will?

4. Yes, more server events would be cool. Raiders, group quests, perhaps a special map where Tide is allowed…

CTF is great, and is by necessity a team mission. Defenders and LMS missions are the same. I don't know what else can be done, but then, I also don't see this as quite as big a problem as others do. I love missions with a bunch of people, but I'm just as happy to hang out on a multi map with people. I've never bene able to chat and perform in a mission at the same time, so it's not a huge thing for me. Has inter-the amount of solo missions gone up? Sure, at least I think so. Were group Stripmall missions fun? Absolutely, we'd all take a part of the map, and it was fun to work together to finish. Then those missions got to be incredibly hard, and people stopped going on them. Now, the only ones that do are those who could handle the harder (pre-3.4) difficulty, so they crank up the numbers and difficulty and no one else wants to join in. This seems to me to come back to the old problem that no one runs lower-level missions anymore. What if the server ran missions from time to time? Anyone could join, so long as they are below a certain level, and if they survive, they get some reward. Just a thought.

2015-02-03 20:09:31

I like Megcap's idea about the server running missions and more events, which more than 1 person has mentioned, actually, as well as more and better, and possibly multi item quests that would be better with more than 1 person for backup.
All of those things could really increase the team play aspect again.
I think, also, that to put forth a few ideas at once, it would be good if, the server run missions worked like people have been suggesting, where more people equals more reward, but the regular missions stayed the same in terms of reward scaling, so that solo, partner, and small group missions wouldn't become a thing of the passed.  Coupled with server events like zombies pouring across the bridge on map 1 and or sub 2, that gave more reward per zombie than usual if possible, and maybe spawned more weapons and ammo in that area for as long as the event lasted, the suers on sub 3 more so, and between maps 1 and 2 less so, being overrun by Amorphus from map 4 through the intakes, so starting at the machine sounds at the ends of pipes and such, or possibly having to go save a party of ally AI's that are pinned down in a war on map 5 by extra raidors and zombies, or an army of Tyrants and or Matriarchs and or Dires coming to surround an often used safezone, or someone stuck on ranger island in the tent with zombies boiling out of the lake, kinda like the kaimart thing, which could also happen more often, stuff like that, automated so that Aprone doesn't have to be around to manage it.

2015-02-03 20:40:56

Sorry... more SCS blips.

I'm trying to use an include to separate out my warehousing code from individual campaign files. However, it won't work if I try and do this.

I get: "Unknown error. Main menu"

If I comment out the include line, the campaign works (though it obviously lacks the helpers my system has). If I copy+paste in the contents of that file, it also works.

I'm trying to extract the "make it work like a warehouse mission" type logic into a separate file, since I would probably use it in several places. I also hope that others might find it useful, too. Eventually, I'll try and add in some customisation and such like. So it would be sort of a reusable module. I've just got to be frugal with the variable count is all. As I'm assuming the 100 variable limit is shared between campaigns and includes. Would people be interested in using this kind of thing? Or should I just shut up and keep it to myself smile

2015-02-03 21:39:58

Small responses first.
If one were going to increase experience for marksmanship, i.e. not missing shots, how would you deal with burst mode weapons where the second of three or the sixth of ten kills something and the third or seventh misses?  Do you count the burst as a single shot and credit continuance of the streak so long as at least one shot hits?
Doucherie: this is the Internet.  In a world where misogyny mascarades as concern about "ethics in journalism" and where it is entirely impossible to hold a political discussion without it becoming a proxy fight for twelve-year-old minds (sorry kids, that's probably insulting to most of you) is it a wonder that wankers gotta wank?  I think that's less about Swamp than it is about the no-social-conventions world we've fostered on the Net and its associated applications.
Now, to Swamp-specific things.  I actually really love the idea of system generated missions.  In fact, I'd be really ok if player-generated missions simply disappeared and were replaced by missions that the game generates, distributed over all the mission types, levels of zombies and number of crates for warehouse missions.  Here's one way such might work.  Rather than having a minimum reputation to join, each would-be participant contributes reputation at the level of their choice.  The more total reputation contributed, the higher the total rewards for that mission, modified by difficulty as in the custom settings now.  Also, the reward modification is made on the basis of comparing the bet to the total of that player's reputation.  So, if I bet half my 20k rep, I get a larger share of the reward than someone who bets a quarter of their 100k rep.  Of course, I also stand to lose that reputation should I die.
This does several things.  It allows higher level players to help out newbies more effectively.  If I have a million rep and choose to bet 100K of that rep, while helping out a newbie who is betting half of her 20k Rep, I increase the overall mission reward quite a bit, but I'm only taking 0.1/(0.1+0.5) = 1/6 of the reward, leaving 5/6 for the newbie.  Since the amount of increase is based on the mission difficulty, a 10-crate 40 znormal zombies large warehouse mission can only be puffed up by so much.  You could in fact give a maximum reputation you can bet rather than a minimum to reduce the potential for abuse here.
Since rep goes up with the number of players, it will make teaming more attractive. 
If a player appears on the loser file of people already joined up, they may not join in that mission.  This gives some pause to truck sitters.
With the system generating the missions, there should be a good mix of mission levels to reward the hard core and the casual player.
Hoarding: is it even legal to have two characters from the same account on at once?  Should it be?