2015-01-19 03:54:27

The server should be back up.  My ISP changed my IP address, for the first time in like a year and a half, so that's why the server stopped working.  Figures they'd do that while I'm not at home, haha.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-01-19 06:25:37

Ah, glad it was nothing more serious.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-01-19 13:23:32

great as I had installed the campaigns I thought that it came from me. I am glad that the server is running again and it is nothing serious.

I've also  a suggestion for the channel command, would it be possible to add a command /help to give differents commands for the channel as how to move in hardcore mode, add or remove a friend, giving an object etc ... it will be very convenient I find, especially as people like me who need to hear several times to teach.

best regards

2015-01-19 15:18:49


@ fa1ckg
All the chat commands are in the Readme.html file. You have to look in the chapter about hardcore for the hardcore related commands, and in the other chapters for all other commands. To make life easy, there's a table of contents on top of the file, so you can easily navigate to the right chapter.

@ Dark:
The cooldown of weapons needed to be slowed, since it was way too easy  to switch between weapons, and not use meds in the process. I have no idea how much the cooldown can be adjusted, to prevent this bug from getting back again.


<- criticview
   akilor ->
My folding at home statistics

2015-01-19 19:22:45

Aprone i have a question i think you can answer. then i have a few observations. you might want to grab a popcorn and a soda, this might be a long post.

okay, to start with the question.  when putting points in to say hunting mastery, for example, each point adds 10% more damage to the guns. the Winchester well will say does 100 damage. this is only for example's sake and i'm only using it for easy math. does this take 10% of the original damage and add it on to that base of 100 every point? resulting in growth starting at  100 and going to 110, 120, 130. etc. with every subsequent point. added into the skill? or does it start at 100 and takes 10%, of 100, 10, making 110. then when you put another point in it would take 10% of 110, 11, and add that to the base. resulting in 121. and if you put a third point in, it would take 10% of 121, 12.1, and add that on to the base. resulting in 133.1. 
the first option is a linear model and the second is more of an exponential model. basically compound interest that you earn in a bank account, if i lost anyone in the math above.
i guess my ultimate question for this part is which model best describes the damage growth of the weapons when you put points into their categories?

now on to a couple observations about normal vs hc.  i noticed that when in hc, most of the special items on map, the crate sounding loot, are dog tags.  i'd say for me it seems like its about 95% are dog tags. the other 5% beeing broken weapons and the like, but i have no numbers to back my findings up. however, when in normal mode its the exact opposite. i'd say it not quite perfectly flip-flopped, but broken weapons are about 75 or so percent, if not more,  of what you will find. aprone, why is this so. normal mode has no use for dog tags, so honestly, we probably shouldn't even find them. furthermore, either we should be able to use more tags, see my post above about raiders not respauning, or the percentage of tags vs special items should be lowered significantly. i'd personally say we could use both of those, but you're the final boss Aprone.
i hope you all are still with me. i got one more thing. an interesting point was brought up the other day while  chatting on swamp. it was noted that other player's footsteps sound about 2-3 times faster than your own. not that they are moving that much faster, it just sounds like it with how the footsteps sound. is there a reason for this? is it a bug? i think it might be to help us distinguish between players and zombies, but i don't know. any thoughts Aprone?

I don’t believe in fighting unnecessarily.  But if something is worth fighting for, then its always a fight worth winning.
check me out on Twitter and on GitHub

2015-01-21 12:07:40

hi all friends
that's a terrible tension.
Listen ago. then decide.
files name: Colonel FEDAİ new 50 crates mission done.mp3
download link.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/984 … 20done.mp3

2015-01-21 13:44:33

hello aprone,       I am last night the log off the game,  and i'm logging in again the tomorrow,  no any wearing armor, and i'll checked gone my ammo,
and medkit,   please check that,      character name is fedai

2015-01-21 17:55:22

hi all, help! help! help! help me please! i can't download swamp! i can't! when i trying to download download is succesfully but on wep page written what zip file 668 mb but my browser writtens what it only 648 mb when i trying  extract it i receiving next message: the message that the archive is corrupted. what's the problem? thanks to you all!

2015-01-22 12:39:31

hi aprone, a pretty serious bug this on hc, i went on a small wearhouse mission with 10 crates set number zombies to 100 after the mission was complete i ran to me fort dropped the food off and was halfway through the sewers when i was attacked i checked my health and had no armour and was down to 15 health, to my horror i had no med kits and no armour, logged out out and back in only to find all my amo was gone that i had accumulated over the day had gone. over 20 meds, about 600 shells over 1000 9 ml, 800 30 cal, 1000 45 700 7.62 you get the picture. some kind soul gave me a couple of meds to get my health back up so i could get back to m2 sz. grumble over now for a suggestion.
hc dog tags are far too many in the game at the moment, so i would suggest rather than you get food when recycling them, how about you get med kits for them that would at least help out people who like myself who are stuck with 20 which happens to be the amount of meds i lost.
great game as always now hc is really taking off.
many thanks
ps certain clans are hogging forts at the moment, i suggest a limit of capping the amount of forts players can have at any one time, this would certainly stop certain russian members taking over every fort in the game say fix the cap at 5 forts per clan this would be mor condusive to the game and make it playing enjoyable again for people.hi aprone, a pretty serious bug this on hc, i went on a small wearhouse mission with 10 crates set number zombies to 100 after the mission was complete i ran to me fort dropped the food off and was halfway through the sewers when i was attacked i checked my health and had no armour and was down to 15 health, to my horror i had no med kits and no armour, logged  out and back in only to find all my amo was gone that i had accumulated over the day had gone. over 20 meds, about 600 shells over 1000 9 ml, 800 30 cal, 1000 45 700 7.62 you get the picture. some kind soul gave me a couple of meds to get my health back up so i could get back to m2 sz. grumble over now for a suggestion.
hc dog tags are far too many in the game at the moment, so i would suggest rather than you get food when recycling them, how about you get med kits for them that would at least help out people who like myself who are stuck with 20 which happens to be the amount of meds i lost.
great game as always now hc is really taking off.
many thanks
ps certain clans are hogging forts at the moment, i suggest a limit of capping the amount of forts players can have at any one time, this would certainly stop certain russian members taking over every fort in the game say fix the cap at 5 forts per clan this would be mor condusive to the game and make it playing enjoyable again for people.

2015-01-23 18:24:26

Found a bug! Sorry for the quality:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z0akpylnqhdds … 1.mp3?dl=1

2015-01-23 22:22:51 (edited by CAE_Jones 2015-01-24 00:29:59)

SCS questions/ponderings:
- Does the inflatable Sheep do anything in campaigns? If not by default, it's certainly possible to make it work similarly via events, but I wanted to check to be sure.
- Voice events seem like they would be cool in theory, but I imagine trying to add them would be a pain in the neck, never mind the question of how often people would actually use them.
- I haven't actually checked; do combustion weapons work for allies?
- Eek, a boss that can summon zombies *and* throw the player around is just plain hard, and that's the first bossfight in this campaign. How am I going to top that? :sneak:
- Latest version hasn't given me any ally bugs that I remember! Yay!

[edit] Oh yeah! Does getting items from a campaign store fire a pickup event?[/edit]

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-01-24 13:50:40 (edited by truecraig 2015-01-24 14:12:55)

I've got an actual bug (which I may or may not have filed through /report) and some SCS requests:

I know everybody and their mother does deathbringers these days, but I did a normal warehouse mission as I was trying to help a new guy. It was against 40 normal zombies, not bitey. But low and behold, dires attacked. I'm guessing this is a bug? Or is there a smaller chance of dires in normal zombies?

And now onto the SCS things!

Not sure if this has been asked before, but could we have the ability to set player stats: i.e

set player speed=40
set player Assault Mastery=50


A toggle on the allies weapon would be good too, to put your allies in burst fire mode for whatever reason.

set ally weapon mode=1

Now to really rock the boat, how about to set ally stats?

And as for allies. Now we have PvP, could we have...

add enemy spot x,y,x,y name=BigBoss gun=M240

This would be awesome. Possibly a pain to code, but still awesome. That would open up a lot more in SCS. I intend on having some human enemies later on in the campaign I'm making. Raiders will take the bulk of that force, but the odd boss character would be cool.

I've got an SCS question too. Is it possible to add new zones to a map in a campaign? I'm trying to put a blocade across Carrigan Bridge on map 1. It kind of works, the tiles get changed, but I can't put a zone around it.

Here's what I have

// blockade across the bridge
change tile 300,188 19
change tile 300,189 19
change tile 300,190 19
change tile 300,191 19
change tile 300,192 19
change tile 300,193 19
change tile 300,194 19
change tile 300,195 19

// 214 is a new zone
rename zone id=214 Blockade of cars
// this kind of adding a zone to a map doesn't seem to work sad
// guessing the syntax is a little like this, as it doesn't throw an error
// add zone1 id=214 299,188,301,195

Or am I barking up the wrong tree here?


2015-01-24 17:15:27

For the zone changing: What I would do is find some out-of-the-way section of map far from the blockade, and rename it, then copy it. Changing tiles in the copied section might work, too, if you can't find a usable zone with the tiles you want.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-01-24 18:13:08

Hello aprone. ;I think what some players are unjust, that is they will attack a fort, and a member of the clan gets there they leave the game, back to when no one else in the fort. ;I think when the strong does not belong to us, should not be allowed out and back to the fort map.
;The spiteful player and the player hellfier already did this to me several times, including the spiteful said something I did not like much.
Whispering spiteful says.  you're a fool huh?  14:47:49

Warning: This message was translated by google translator, so you can display errors.

2015-01-24 21:45:15

Ok sort of a feature request,
Think I've mentioned this before but, it would be nice if in your friends list, multiple characters that belong to the same account should be grouped together, using parentheses or brackets or something. So for someone who had me on their list, they would see
(Kat, Alina), (someone else, another someone else), etc
I see a lot of characters that I don't recognize on my list, and know they must be alts of someone I do know... and I can sort of guess who they are by what name I recognize nearest to them... but would still be helpful I think.

Second, it would be really awesome if hc players got different things for rewards on the missions. The food mission is great, getting food as a reward makes total sense. But the ammo mission should give hc players some random assortment of ammo, the strip mall we could get armor as a reward... maybe mostly low/very low, as they're like street clothes so decent chance of finding that stuff in a mall... maybe with a low chance of finding something higher armor,
And medkits for the chemical warehouse, since the mission says we're going for medical supplies, it would totally make sense to get medkits as a reward.

I know there's more important things, like bugs to fix, but thought I'd throw these ideas out there and see what people think.


2015-01-24 22:26:01

hi all,          yep,      i agree that,        when we are going the chemical mission,  that is should be very great,     got some med kits,     and   some ammo,  the secure the warehouse and bring weapons and ammo the back to truck,           and found a bug,         i'm died almost 4 5 times,        when i'm exiting the game map 4,   but sometimes,      i'm logging in again,     my all armor is not anywearing,    i'm trying the loot,  but i am not noticed that,       and see, my health is   15 percent,      can be fix that,      the some players keep dying,      and sometimes the server taking all ammo,      and all med kits,  that is happening me three time,     i did many dozen times,     see,  0 loaded and 0 total rounds for your Field kit.

2015-01-24 22:50:49

I was an idiot and didn't think to check before deleting the latest zip, so I'll ask here: which previously unused sounds (especially weapons, zombies, and zombie hit sounds) have returned? It sounds like most of the unused weapons are back; what about the unused zombies, like the Hulk, Tentacle and Flayer? Hand grenades? Is there a distinction among the knife, machete, and sword impact sounds for zombies? Are some of the unused weapons from way back when back while others aren't (knives and grenades Vs the Scorpion and RPG7, for example)?
Asking for campaign purposes. The Hulk is wonderfully menacing.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-01-25 03:54:24

So I've run into a bug. I haven't tried to replicate it, but it has happened twice under similar conditions.
Basically, every key on the keyboard, other than tab and escape, stops responding. This forces me to use the task manager to close Swamp.
Every time this has happened, it was in a specific area in the campaign I'm working on. The first time, most of the features in that section weren't working, so I partly suspect it might be related to the map, somehow.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-01-25 09:27:25

Hayri Tulumcu wrote:

Found a bug! Sorry for the quality:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z0akpylnqhdds … 1.mp3?dl=1

I have reported this bug using the /report command in Swamp then I discovered this. A quite weird bug. smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-01-25 09:56:16

When I died on a mission today, I didn't lose my stuff. This happened to several people before. When I logged back in, I had only about 15 percent health. However, this doesn't happen every time you die on a mission I think. I believe that this is related to a fort map, somehow. I think that short before you die you get disconnected from the server and thus don't lose anything. I'm not sure if that's how dying on a fort map works, but it appears to be the same incident.

Errare humanum est!

2015-01-25 12:05:20

hi,         found a bug again,       we are trying the send the items,     by the mission,      and swamp is not responding,      and we are can't anything,       i just       found 165 crates,     and swamp not responding,     just we are tried the send field kit,   for my friend

2015-01-25 19:09:55

So I've known this for a while, but if zombies die to the hurt zombie command, it does not fire a kill event.
I mention this only because I was testplaying the campaign I'm working on, and was doing quite well... up to this tricky bit where you're in a maze, full of Stalkers, being chased by an enormous Kaijuu-esque monstrosity, and you need to kill a level 100 Raider to get the means of escape.
After loads of careful planning so I'd have enough med kits, armor and ammo, and a lengthy chase during which I only put just enough distance between myself and the monster to get a few seconds in which to shoot the crap out of the cornered Raider... my ally swoops in and decapitates him with a machete.
Good thing I saved right before this part.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-01-25 22:19:15

As a continuation of my previous post:
So, that save I mentioned? When I load it, there are errors that weren't there in the normal version.
Specifically, the first line I could find that breaks is this one:
if script=21 then level=temp
Which resets your level after creating the afore-mentioned level 100 Raider. I couldn't find anything earlier than that. It doesn't appear to break when I play it normally.
This isn't the only line that breaks, though. If I try to make it keep playing (eventually the CPU load gets too much, but some of the errors don't kill it outright), I run up on errors whenever the monster tries to hurt the player. There are a few different lines where this happens, and every one of them is flagged with an unknown error:
if truth=4 then hurt player=[random/1/50]
if truth=4 then hurt player=[random/1/50]
if truth=4 then hurt player=[random/10/80]
The events that contain those are almost identical.
The only thing that these seem to have in common, that I can think of, but none of the other lines that don't seem to break, is that they are trying to assign variables in commands that target player status directly.
So level=100 works because it's a number, but level=temp doesn't because temp is a variable. I guess I could test this by changing the commands to use constants.
I'm not sure what could cause this sort of thing to happen when loading campaigns but not in playing them from the beginning, though.
And no, it doesn't break when trying to assign or compare variables with variables. I couldn't find an error for the line that sets temp to player.level, for example, nor for level=100. And those hurt player commands follow hitbox checks that make heavy use of variables, including player coordinates. Those are the only errors I've been able to find (It's hard to read them all because the errors open the menu every couple seconds, but I think it's just level=temp and the hurt players).

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-01-25 23:03:34

How many campaigns exist?
I only see 2?

2015-01-26 00:03:04

Most of the user-created campaigns are floating around in disorganized places and dropbox folders. I plan on gathering as many as I can into one place when I'm done with the one I'm currently working on.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.