2014-08-10 23:09:32

I did get to the warlock once, but seems like I can't stop a firefox addon from deleting the flash cookie that the game depends on... I'm not sure about that though, my stats don't seem to be saving.  Is there a way to make the saving system actually work without much fiddling around?

A very well done and interesting game.

My TARDIS: time and relative dimension in space machine.  its bigger. on the inside.  infinitely bigger on the inside.

2014-09-08 20:15:28

Does anyone know how to make this game save under windows 7 x64?

2014-11-21 23:15:44

hello evil dog, What's happening with the development of TheBlindSwordMan? Is there a new version?

Luis Carlos Gonzáles Moráles, from Panama!

2014-12-17 17:17:07

Hi everyone,

I'm currently using JAWS for Windows and I tried to play this game but I was unsuccessful. How can I play this game if the website isn't designed with accessibility in mind? I heard reviews of this game and these are brilliant!
Take care,

2014-12-17 17:52:42

you can download this game from.

2014-12-18 00:15:24

sswwaaiikkee thanks for the link

Luis Carlos Gonzáles Moráles, from Panama!

2015-04-13 03:54:19


I'm totally failing at this game, which is new to me. I can't seem to block the first guy, I either hit the arrow too fast or too late. I can't seem to strike him, either.
Is there something specific I should be trying, or just the alternative blocking/attacking?

Also, is it just my version, or does anyone else not know when they try facing another direction? I try pressing my left and right arrows, but I don't hear any difference in the sounds.

2015-04-20 11:52:22

how do I delete my saved game in the offline version of the game?
there is not a delete game option in the main menu.

2015-05-13 19:13:38

I just downloaded this game last night and have played it a little bit. I love the voice acting, music and sound effects but haven't been able to get even halfway past level 1 yet. But oh well, there's still time me thinks. Lol my volunteer job has become a bit more demanding. The game is working great though on my MacBook Air, and you of course cannot beat the price! I don't think I'm attacking enough, will have to see about turning on Key Repeat or something.

2024-05-30 18:31:50

Ten years later, I see that the mobile version was not made

2024-05-30 18:42:59


2024-05-30 18:47:51

Strilin wrote:

Ten years later, I see that the mobile version was not made

Oh no, it was made, we’re just hiding it from you to minimize your enjoyment.

You know how people have creative signatures based on their rank?
Yeah, I’m too lazy for that, you get to see this for now, while I’m thinking.

2024-05-30 19:12:51

Please pay extra shipping and handling for the mobile app. Why must you pay shipping and handling for a fucking application, you ask? Because we at Infinidim Enterprises have decided that it is in your best interests for you to do so. You will pay for shipping and handling and you will enjoy it! You! Will! Enjoy! just Paypal $5 to [email protected]

2024-05-30 20:44:39


2024-05-30 21:18:22

I don't get it. Why do you all absolutely lose your minds at a topic revival.

2024-05-30 21:50:10 (edited by Dark 2024-05-30 21:51:22)

@Strilin, a plague and a pox upon thee for reviving this topic, thereby making us think falsely  that this awesome game had been updated!

@mazen,  A rain of frogs, a rain of locusts, and a rain of piranhas upon thee, for not understanding why the dark and forbidden art of threadchromancy is in fact a dark and forbidden art, and should only be practiced with great care, for the most pure of motives.

For yay it is said, he that raiseth the expectations of gamers for naught, raiseth also the giants of sarcasm, and the trolls of bitterness!

and yay indeed that is said, said by me, just now!

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2024-05-30 21:55:12

People are dumb and want to feel like they're doing something I guess, even if it's acting like someone just ground their family into ratmeat for reviving a topic. The dogpiling would usually be insane, I have no idea why every passerby has to repeat the same point about OH WHY U REVIVE sad sad sad YOU MEANY COMMUNITY FAILURE NOW NOW NOW!

You see a signature that is 800 characters and 8 lines long. You quickly report it to the administrators

2024-05-30 22:42:12

@242 it's because, when a thread is revived, it makes someone think their's news about a game, or some other development.
It gets people excited or interested for nothing, and just pisses everyone off.

2024-05-30 22:46:13

Actually a part of the problem is from the website owners. Because they should make topics locked after six months or a certain duration

2024-05-30 22:56:52

Six months is too stringent I feel, a year should be good, though

You know how people have creative signatures based on their rank?
Yeah, I’m too lazy for that, you get to see this for now, while I’m thinking.

2024-05-31 00:36:06

Strilin wrote:

Ten years later, I see that the mobile version was not made

10 years later, I see that they're still a lot of immature people.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2024-05-31 00:38:31

Oh no! I got excited and it didn't pan out! Bad! Bad bad bad bad bad! BAD!

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2024-05-31 03:27:38

the top threadcromancers gather in a nearby underground base to discuss their next course of action on the thousands of threads on the forum of audio games.
out of all of those topics just waiting to be brought back to life, this ones chosen. we should all be greatful and bow down to our almighties.
but seriously though, I agree with both what people said. their is a certin point where you know your being a dick verses just telling the person that bringing a topic back that's 10 or more years older from it's tomb is clearly a bad thing.  people get very excited for new game updates these days, especially ones that haven't been heard from in years.
so @strilin, try to think about this before you revive a topic.

2024-05-31 07:45:11

I agree with what was said, but let's be a bit better to Strilin. I meen, my forth or fith post after registering in 2019 was in a 2014 old topic.

2024-05-31 07:55:32

o. yeah I guess I get that, sometimes, the old gems in the new releases room can't be forgotten easyly, and it's name might entice users into posting.
But didn't he say 10 years lator, the mobile version hasn't been made? I think he knows about it before, and is posting it for who knows what reason.