2014-08-18 20:35:42

Tried my suggestion of building nothing and going fishing, smiles.  Scored 61,800 before starving around 800 ticks.  Also tried building just a farm and a vineyard but nothing else.  Scored 65,000 before starving.

Try my free games and software at www.rockywaters.co.uk

2014-08-18 21:26:56

How about doing that but with a tavern, as close to the middle as possible, and saving just before the goblins get you? tongue

2014-08-19 19:22:05

hay all.
i think the contest's gone haha.
because anyone has accapted m score.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2014-08-20 02:33:43

Hi all.
Thanks for the tips posted here that help me a lot in surviving the mission. Here, I wish to share about my character configuration I use for the mission, hoping to compliment the tips others have posted

For starter, I choose strong start so that the store house can be built instantly. Then, I can use the time before the goblin appear to set up essential building as well as building walls to block their way. I have tried choosing smuggled goods starter, but it took me around 200 ticks to actually finish my store house, which have wasted a lot of time, since the first group of goblins appear at tick 200+.

For the 1st perk, I choose union smasher, hoping that everyone can do their job faster. Faster job equals faster resources gathering. For the 2nd, I choose strong swimmers so that I can benefit from the maximum population without building houses, which is 14 population at the start of the game, since I am not planning to build houses to raise it further.

For my fault, I choose trojan man, since I am not planning to raise my population, and thus no pregnant women. I guess the cozy fault is also ok, since it has no effect without a house.

Thank you for reading.

2014-08-20 20:14:18

A story of survival. 

Our ship was a wreck.  We swam to the headland as instructed by our captain and leader.  I was surprised there was so many smuggled goods on the shore, most other times I've been wrecked we chose a headland with a storehouse waiting for us!  The land was good, our crops would grow fast, the leader explained the 12 of us were all that was needed for such land and the difficult swim was worthwhile, I am not sure.  We were all put to work like dogs anyway. 

Our leader gave us a map and marked places he called E1, C5, G3 and F4.  He told us to build walls, but he told us to do many other things besides.  The buildings we put up were in the following order:  A storehouse, a hospital, a saw mill, a quarry and then the first wall.  Only when the first wall was up did we make the tavern.  We were very hungry.  The next wall was a race to make enough stone and wood .  Only then did we make a vegetable farm.  We had just one farmer and just one fisherman, two lumberjacks, and three stone masons and we made the last two walls to make ourselves safe.  We always made time to look after the sick.

No rest.  We made a wheat farm, a mill, and a bakery.  Often we would put up two buildings at the same time so noone was idle.  After the walls, one of the stone masons was sent out as a hunter, he became a butcher after we put up his butcher's shoppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.  The lumberjacks never rested as after the wheat farm we put up a vineyard and needed much wood for barrels. 

We worked like dogs and our food resources grew, we were helped by having the busiest buildings next to our store.  Our last bit of land we made a tannery, thank god we had enough cloth for the sick, we had no room for a textile.  We made leather, but had no room for a monastry, until our leader pulled down the quarry.  The clever ones then recorded some words of wisdom.

Wisdom did not help when 80 of our bread moulded.  We burned our vineyard and were forbidden wine.  We built a second wheat farm and had 3 bakers on the go all night.  At last we had our precious food store when 85 of our barrels cracked.  Our leader had kept bakc a little stone and we broke up the second wheat farm and rebuilt the vineyard.  So much hard work and we only made 75 barrels, but all 12 of us were rewarded with upgrade certificates at the end of the week.  I still wonder if we would have done better on the other headland with the storehouse instead of the extra goods, and perhaps a couple more swimmers might have made it there.  Either way, it was a blessing not to fight the goblin hoard outside our walls.

Try my free games and software at www.rockywaters.co.uk

2014-08-20 20:29:39

Oh man Rocky, I cringed when I read about the bread and barrels!  Ouch!  Sounds like a very exciting game though.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2014-08-22 17:07:30 (edited by Loxias 2014-08-22 17:12:26)

Wow, apparently I got really lucky when it came to stuff spoiling. I only ever lost 1 vegetables. Perhaps I won't be so lucky next time I play.

Interesting post regarding starters, perks and faults yujin. I too tend to go with strong start, as in this game, time is incredibly valuable. In other missions I like to pick other starters, but not this one. Those ticks you save are huge.

In the save file I submitted, I went for flower power and green thumb as my perks. Green thumb I might pick again, but I'll probably change my first one. Baking bread is already really efficient, flower power might have been overkill (though it did permit me to reassign my baker occasionally, as even with only one baker I frequently soared way over 100 bread). Ah I do love games with many different ways to play and configurations to try. Also tempted by flinstone vitamins and strong bones, I kept getting surges where like 4 people would get sick. Assigning a doctor meant suddenly 5 of my 12 people were unable to otherwise work, a huge pain! Though it did get better once I upgraded someone to a physician.

As for faults, I too chose Trojan man. Not enough time for waiting around for women to get knocked up anyway. I might try one sometime with both sweat shop and premies, but then soldiers and the like will be an absolute must, as there's no way I could fit houses in my little walled off corner.

2014-08-22 18:56:36

Loxias, have you tried building houses to raise your population, then tear them all down so you can use the land for the more critical buildings?  It would be an extra few steps, but I imagine toward the end of the game you could really benefit from having 5 or 6 additional people.  Just a thought.  I tried that in 1 game and it worked out okay, but well enough that I feel it should be experimented with more the next time I try.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2014-08-23 08:38:09 (edited by Loxias 2014-08-23 19:52:42)

You know, I might try that next time. I just gave a second go that did beat my first though, by making better use of tomes and better wall placement as well as a few trial runs to see where the goblins appeared first. I also think I picked my perks better - I was quite right, flower power is overkill, still ended up with way more bread than I needed, even with 48 (!) molding toward the end, so I chose union smasher instead. Also dropped green thumb in favor of strong swimmers, and I did enjoy the use of the two extra people, which were no bother at all to feed, especially once I had a chef and innkeeper. wink

Still kept strong start as my starter, I doubt I'm ever going to change that, at least on this map. Defender sucks IMO as that one knight cannot hope to fend off goblins fast enough, compared to getting a strong start and getting the first crucial wall up straightaway. Brain food is tempting and a free 1000 points, and unlike defender the points will actually help with productivity too, but that strong start is just too good to pass up. Smuggled goods is ok but I'd rather get my buildings up quickly and have those resources replenishing anyway. Hermaphrodite... I get enough pregnancies on other maps even without that (and even with Trojan man up!) so no.

But will definitely try your suggestion about building then smashing up houses - for some reason I never think to destroy buildings, but I can see how it would help here. Those extra people could come in handy, especially at the part where my peasants kept doing other things instead of what I wanted which was taking those 3 pieces of leather that were clearly ready to the monastery right next door... again, destroying or at least closing buildings could have gained me a few more points here. Ah well.

Oops, I have rambled. Past my bed time at that. But I hope someone gains something out of that mass of text. Good night, don't let the goblins bite!

EDIT: Since no one else has posted, might as well amend this one.
Tried the pregnancy/destroy-houses tip. Ended up with roughly the same score, although half my vegetables rotting toward the end lost me at least 5000 points, so if that hadn't happened, I might have reached 120 k or so, what with the vegetables and the stuff I could've had my other guys doing instead of the mad scramble for farmers at the end. Seeing 21 people take me from like 30 k to 110 k in the last 3000 ticks of the game is quite the spectacle, though. wink Definitely think I've found the wall placement I like best, though.

2014-08-24 16:28:34

Nice work Loxias, and thanks for the info about that house idea.
Well there is just 1 more week in the contest, and I'm happy to say that people's scores have been getting really high!  All of the top 10 slots have climbed over 100k, and we now have a handful of different people fighting for those spots.  Plenty of new Castaways players in the community now, and several new Castaways experts!

I'm sure it's no surprise that one of the reasons I wanted to hold this contest was to get new people to try Castaways that had never done so before.  The game was getting older and older, so it was becoming less likely that new people would be picking it up to give it a try.  Because I have a few games in the works that are all based on the Castaways/Daytona story line, I wanted to get more people familiar with the game, and hopefully get more people to beat the game and be excited about its story line.

Keep those game submissions coming people!  big_smile  Even if you haven't joined in yet, a week is more than enough time to get good and turn in a great score.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2014-08-24 19:13:27

It's true, I discovered Castaways only shortly before I found this contest. Wouldn't say I'm an expert yet, but I can find my way through a mission.

Hey Aprone, I did notice something while I was playing. Is mining supposed to eat up rocky terrain like stone masonry? I suppose it kind of makes sense as the miners have to dig somewhere, but the jobs guide says mining is a constant supply, yet as I tested it, my miners consumed rocky terrain farther and farther away and took longer and longer to bring back ore. I know you didn't write that part of the jobs guide, but that should probably at least say something about that, unless it's a bug.

2014-08-24 19:45:07

Mining does indeed use up rocky terrain, just like quarrying stone.  I didn't realize the jobs guide worded it that way, and as you noticed, I wasn't the one who wrote it.  In some earlier version of Castaways it might not have used up the rocky terrain, but I can't remember.  That could be where the jobs guide author got that idea from.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2014-08-25 22:18:01

Suggestion: Add a "preservatives" perk. Spoiling food really, really, really sucks. It just completely destroyed another attempt I made right at the end. An attempt I originally said I wouldn't do. So now I'm kinda annoyed at the wasted time. But I guess that's how luck works sometimes. tongue ON the plus side, my wall placement gets better and better. I may share it a little later on. wink

2014-08-26 16:30:47

Survived my fourth mission.  Have my tips been useful?  Does anyone need help with anything in particular?

Try my free games and software at www.rockywaters.co.uk

2014-08-26 17:31:02

Loxias, that's a great idea for a new starter/perk.  Maybe one of these days I'll add it.  smile  Be thankful you didn't use that fault that increases random disasters, because you probably would have lost 3 times as much food, Yikes!

Rocky, I think they've helped out a lot of people.  Out of curiosity, have you beaten the game yet?  Judging by your skill on the challenge map, I bet you could fly through the whole game with little trouble, haha.  I'm not yet aware of anyone beating Castaways since the 2 new missions were added.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2014-08-26 17:49:46

Haha yeah, I wouldn't touch that murphy's law fault with a 10-foot metal bar. Maybe with a sword, to slice it up...

Good grief rocky. My mind can't even fathom how you got that last score. Even at my best, if my last mission hadn't quite literally molded over, I would've gotten up to maybe 130 k.

2014-08-26 18:00:10

Loxias wrote:

if my last mission hadn't quite literally molded over

I got a pretty good laugh out of this.  Nice one Loxias.  big_smile

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2014-08-29 18:37:17

Just 2 days left and a few guys have been shoved off of the top 10 list recently.  Lets see if they'll make a dramatic comeback.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2014-08-29 20:25:33

I just had to have another go, trying to find the optimum strategy.  I did not believe this was possible a week ago.  Built 7 walls, built 10 tutor houses, got a population of 70, burned the houses, built a mine a forge and a barracks and a stables and some more farms on the land with the bricks and timber.  Upgraded 6 knights, 6 cavalry, 7 rangers, and 7 pikemen, and used 44 tomes to upgrade everyone else.Not really fair if I get all the top prizes  - so here's some more hot tips:
Keep everyone busy, use the v key to check, and reassign them.  Always heal the sick.  One veg farm will do to begin with.  A hunter is better once the butcher's shop is built.  Concentrate on the economy after the walls, which means build houses.  Build a tannery  and a monastry to get some tomes and upgrade key workers, this helps the economy.  Build an animal farm to generate more furs for the leather workers.  With an animal farm and a bakery you will need 2 then 3 wheat farms then even more if your population grows.  All this needs land of course, which depends on getting the walls up in the right places and in the right order.  The goblins come in first at E1, then A5 and I1 and N5.  So block E1, H1, I1 and C5 as priority.  If you're not quick enough, then E2, H2, I2 and C5 will have to do.

There's an easy 4 wall strategy but that's not going to hit the scoreboard, I got 117k with that.  There is also a 5 wall easy strategy at E1, C5, H3, I4 and H6 (build in that order).  this gives 6 extra  land and puts the best square G6 for the quarry inside the walls.

Hope that helps open things up a bit.

Try my free games and software at www.rockywaters.co.uk

2014-08-29 21:09:51

A population of 70?!  Holy crap, I didn't think that was possible either!

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2014-08-30 02:52:09

Yes, 70, with 10 houses.  My first game I had 49 with 7 houses, believing 8 was the limit.  It's a rich game with so many variants, I hope you make  another competition and would happily chip in some sponsorship.

Try my free games and software at www.rockywaters.co.uk

2014-08-30 03:37:40

Thank you Rocky.  I hate that it sounds like bragging, but I really do like how Castaways turned out.  Even by mainstream standards, it is a pretty deep game.  It's hard to make a strategy game that doesn't wind up with a single, always wins, strategy.  Castaways managed that, though the walls can come a little close to that on certain missions.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2014-08-31 15:42:55

Well this is it, the last day of the contest!  I'm sure I'll have people scrambling to turn in some final game submissions.  Good luck guys.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2014-08-31 20:02:41

It's so unfortunet that I can't seem to get the skill to get a higher score then the starting score.  This is frustraiting because I have completed all 7 missions and am looking forward to what ever comes next.

Want to order food, but can't get out? Try this .

2014-08-31 21:43:32

Nina, have you read through all of the posts in this topic? There are some excellent tips in here, from wall placements to good perks to select. The only thing I suggest is to ignore any statements that say growing your population is a waste of time. You're never going to reach the scoreboard with only 12 or 14 people.

I think I figured out Rocky's 7-wall placement, and was attempting a mission when all of a sudden, 9 people caught the plague... including my chef, innkeeper, and physician. Most others were occupied with things such as collecting stone from across the map, and I couldn't get a replacement cook/doctor in time to save everyone from starving. Feeding that many people is rough! So, I think I'm done with this contest. Hopefully my latest entry can hang onto the scoreboard, if not, this was much fun and I can only request that RockyWaters invite us to the party he could easily throw with all that money. wink