2014-09-01 06:42:22

The contest has officially ended.  Nice work to everyone who gave it a shot, and of course nice work to those who managed to hold on to spots on the top-10 scoreboard.  Once the prize values were added up, here are our champions:

RockyWaters wins $170.
Loxias wins $10.
Yujin9091 wins $20.

I'll try to send out the prizes in the morning, after I track down their paypal addresses.  If you are one of these 3 and you read this before I've contacted you, feel free to email me your information so I know where to send the money.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2014-09-01 07:42:00

My Paypal address is the same as the address I emailed all my submissions from. smile

Good game all and thanks, Aprone, for holding this contest, and of course for making great games! I should try out more of them.

2014-09-01 17:50:58

Aprone, thanks for a fun competition.  It takes both Your time and your effort.  It does not seem wholly right to walk away with all the top prizes.  So I'll be happy to help sponsor another competition for the community, if you are able to put another one on at some point.

Try my free games and software at www.rockywaters.co.uk

2014-09-01 22:15:52

hay aprone.
sorry, i just retreet from the competition because my score was too low and i didn't have strategies. If you can, please make another contest. I actually just don't am interested in the money, just in the fun games.
And why you don't make like a swamp contest, who wins more kills with axe and pistol only, and gets more weapons? out of the sz of course.
Just an idea.


no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2014-09-03 06:02:48

i can honestly say that if aprone ever had to host a swamp competition i'd happily partisipate. since 1 dollar of u guys is 10 of my rands. so with that 10 to 1 configuration. i'd be a very happy smiling chowy. there's that evil little gremlin called life wich snuck in to my fur, causing me to miss out on cast aways competition! :d     congrads, to the winners in this game! and keep up the good work aprone sir! u rock!

There's a place for me in this universe.