2014-07-10 17:25:12

Hey folks! It been a really long time since i don't play SoundRTS. I asked if some features would be available in the future like the ability to build walls between squares and to create more resources besides gold, wood and food.
So please, can someone give me some info regarding this kind of changes? And ah, I'm downloading the mod right now, let's see what surprises are awaiting.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2014-07-10 22:49:04 (edited by arjan 2014-07-10 22:53:57)

It actually appears to be possible to create more resources in a mod, Victorious told me that somebody created a mod with stone and maps that have stone resources in them Although I imagine it gets harder with so many more keystrokes, this is sometimes already a problem (for darks for example, zombies, phantoms and spectrum in armor all have the same keystrokes (semicolon to control all of them at once) so it's hard to control large groups of just one of those types. Unless I'm missing a keystroke the only way to control them is to either control everything at once, or control each individual phantom to go somewhere so I can isolate them from the zombies and armor for example if I want an invisible attack.
As for the transport ball, I think this is intentional, and the transport ball is just a faster unit because all the orc units are pretty slow especially the trolls and ogres. Although I haven't developed any of the mod so this is just a guess. But personally I don't find the transport balls to be very useful because the only times I use transports is when I want units to go directly to a square rather than taking the long way around.
I will have to look out for that elf specialist on the server because it really seems none of us can play elves very well.
I also agree about the technical race.
I'm going to try to code a race as well and see how it works out. If it's finished I would of course be happy to integrate it into the mod if you guys like it. hoping to start coding on the dwarven race tomorrow although knowing my programming skills, or lack thereof, it might still take quite a while before I have something with no errors. Still though this should be doable because the syntax isn't very difficult.

2014-07-16 21:20:50

@Haramir: Before eventually adding the ability to build walls, I will probably try before to make the squares continuous, because it might make the simulation simpler and the game more interesting. And the walls will be implemented differently if the squares are continuous.

2014-07-17 09:54:03

So, a friend and I tried playing the elves in an alliance, and I decided to record a let's play to show how it went. Check it out at

There is one rule above all others for being a man.  Whatever comes, face it on your feet.
@bcs993 on twitter, feel free to follow!

2014-07-19 14:51:11

If possible, could you look at the way units are attacked? currently the game doesn't appear to be too smart when having to choose between the most dangerous targets. This probably has to do with the fact that some units can attack at long range. What happened here is that I had a bunch of thestrals (airborn units) attack an enemy base, but they kept getting killed by laser vessels (airborn units which fire at long range and hit other airborn targets). It turned out that my thestrals kept trying to kill ground-based enemies which posed no threat to them because they couldn't do damage.
I don't know how complex trying to improve something like this is, I imagine it isn't easy but I hope something can be done to help out.

2014-07-19 15:42:08

Hey hey to the general developers and the awesome mod team!
I got two general questions and i hope that they are not too much off topic!
I am playing this soundRTS for a little wile and two idears came in my mind.
First: Would it be possible to create something like a key for seeing the way a unit would take to travel to an destination? With this you could see if the unit will encounter dangerous places you allready know.
My second idear is to use the 1 2 3 and so on keys to produce units when you have selected a building. Maybe this would make the handling a little bit faster and easier.
Thank you again for this realy great mod!
HAHA and sorry for my sometime bad english!

2014-07-19 16:26:30

I have listened to your let's play (both of them). It's very interesting to check how games are actually played. Maybe the players should be louder than the game.

I suspected that an air unit was lacking a flight (escape) trigger in some situations, but I'm not sure, maybe it was in scouting mode. Before changing the AI, I will try to make squares continuous, because this will also probably change the AI too.

Now that replaying a game is implemented, using a replay might be useful to edit the AI code and check if the AI still does a specific mistake. This is possible because the recorded game only contains the orders of the "human" players (the clients), not the choices of the AI which are part of the simulation. The drawback is that you have to use exactly the same version to replay a recorded game.

2014-07-19 16:40:24


1. Interesting. It would be before the order is given, or maybe when you press space to check the current orders. If the current order is "move", the focus would quickly follow the squares about to be taken. Or maybe a textual summary would be given after the order to signal dangerous squares along the way.

2. It's already possible. For example, press Control 1 to select all the buildings of the current type in all the map.

2014-07-19 17:57:23

Hi SoundMUD
Yeah sometimes units taking strange ways to there targets. Maybe it would be possible to create different movingorders. Something like move only through known squares or avoid squares with fog or try to go exactly to the targetsquare avoyding enemy squares. Something like that.
Again to the second point. I think you missunderstood me.
For example if you select the robotfactory cause you want to build a plasma cannon. you have to press a lot of A's to get there. I think it would be better if you could select the different unitsto produce by the numberkeys. HAHA, i hope it is now clear what i mean.

2014-07-19 18:26:48

Oh and i have a nother idear. Have you thought about bringing in a scouting-order? Sometimes its pretty anoying to find for example the last farm of your enemy. Maybe it would be good if you could give something like a scout-order and the unit will try to walk trough all the squares of the map. Maybe an idear for a special unit wich can do this.

2014-07-19 20:39:36


1. Maybe by default the units should take the known places first and move through unknown places only if there is no choice. At the moment I think there is only one shortest-path graph describing the map, not a graph for each player, and all the paths are known by the shortest-path algorithm. Having a graph by player would make the game slower but with a more logical behavior.

2. OK. The shortcuts are lacking, and maybe a sound before each menu item wouldn't remove the tedium of pressing a lot of keys. Maybe the numbers from the numeric pad could be used, even if not all the keyboards have a numeric pad.

3. Computers can use an auto explore order. Maybe this order could be allowed for humans for some units. The peasant is available very early in the game so maybe it could have this order, maybe.
Computers have auto attack too.

2014-07-20 10:35:22

1: Maybe it would be possible to change the movingbehaviour of the units with the offensiv and the defensive mode. In defensive they could try to avoyd known enemy locations. In offensive they would try to make there way through every danger.
2: Another way could be to build in something like a key for repeating the last order or the last command. Hope you know what i mean. Maybe this "repeat last order" key could be good for moving different groups to a specific place or produce more units of the same type a little faster.
3: Yeah i think, this autoexploringmode would be good only for some kind of units. Maybe a groupautoexploring would make the game a little bit too easy. But maybe you should try it. I am not sure about it. But as i said in the beginning. Sometimes its very anoying to find the last pices of a almost killed enemy.
4: I got a nother question. Have you thought about the possibility to send units into a building? For example, send your archers into your keep to defend it? I realy mean into your keep not only to your keep! The archers would be more save and the keep could be better defended against enemy troops. A nother interesting thing could be to send a mage into a tower to increase his attackingrange and if you send him into the magetower he could gain more mana.

2014-07-20 11:31:58


1. The paradox is that when sending a scouting unit you should probably set it to defensive mode to ensure its survival in most cases.

2. This probably already exists. I remembered Alt G, but here is the whole list from bindings.txt:

ALT r: do_again ; reselect the previously validated order
ALT g: do_again now ; if no target is required, validate the order
ALT a: do_again now ; if no target is required, validate the order
SHIFT ALT g: do_again now queue_order ; if no target is required, validate the order
SHIFT ALT a: do_again now queue_order ; if no target is required, validate the order

3. Warcraft 3 has a rule for this, but I don't know if it is enough because completely exploring a map can be tedious anyway:

Special Anti-delay Tactic Rules
If you (or your entire team in a team game) lack a Town Hall building or equivalent for 2 minutes, you are revealed to your opponents as if you had share visioned them. Partially completed Town Hall buildings count as Town Halls.

4. Yes, firing from inside a building, or even a transport. This requires modifying the AI and a fire_from_inside variable for the container. Bonuses for the units would require some variables too.

2014-07-20 12:28:02 (edited by Pragma 2014-07-20 14:26:49)


I have considered your comments about the races of the CrazyMod. We will discuss but the mod will probably be updated in September.

There is actually ALT-G which is very useful to recruit units.

If it becomes possible to put negative values in the upgrades, it would be interesting to add the cooldown in the possible bonuses. About this, can we imagine that it is not just the researches that give bonuses? Maybe it would be interesting if buildings, units or effects can provide bonuses, either in their square, or anywhere. Unlike researches, these bonuses could be lost.

2014-07-20 13:30:45

@Pragma: Aaah, thank you! Alt-a is also working. But with this you have to select the building first. Sometimes Alt-g doesnt work and you have to press enter after pressing alt-g. But usefull it is allready.
Your Idears of different status-effects is very very interesting. I had another idear about this. Esspecialy for the Elements. Have you thought about to bring in some requirements for the towers? For example watertowers can only be build on squares with bridges cause there is water too? And airtowers only on squares with existing forests? You know, trees produce air. Something like this. Hope you get my point.

2014-07-20 13:46:46

@firefly: You can use shift A to go backwards through a list of orders, so it doesn't take that long to get to any order.
@soundmud: Could you maybe make it so that you are defeated when all your meadow buildings are destroyed? It can sometimes be hard to find all the buildable_anywhere buildings, especially since some of them are invisible in the mod.

2014-07-21 16:06:44

I found two bugs in SoundRTS.
First, when i make a game and quit, and I'll replay it, with the AI
selected as player, the game doesn't ends.
Second, it's not a bug I think but I'll report.
When I'm allied with someone and have no soldiers to attack an enemy, my
peasants flee even if my alli can kill the enemy.

2014-07-29 21:46:55


I'm currently re-installing my home server. I'd like to run both rts servers one for the regular and one for the mod. One problem: I can't find any server parameters to pass on through the command line. Certainly the port would be a problem since I would only be able to run one server if I can't change the port.  Any help would be apriciated.


<- criticview
   akilor ->
My folding at home statistics

2014-07-30 00:23:06

@zakc93: I'll think about it, maybe a "provides_survival" variable would do this too.
@thggamer: the first bug isn't too bad so I won't try to fix it unless it's easy; the second bug might be fixable, at least I took note.
@criticview: use the -p option; for example: server -p 2501

2014-07-30 12:47:48 (edited by criticview 2014-07-30 13:34:48)


@soundmud: thanks, will do. Would it be possible to include the server commands in the next update?
Also, the server produced the following error:

INFO: server started
WARNING: could not get my IP address from http://automation.whatismyip.com/n09230945.asp
INFO: server registered
INFO: closing server...
INFO: unregistering server...

I found an alternative url for the ip resolving:

But, unless there's a command in the server, I cannot change the url, but would the server still be registered properly?

<- criticview
   akilor ->
My folding at home statistics

2014-07-31 00:07:29

@criticview: you can edit "cfg/whatismyip.txt" and replace the URL if you want, but it probably isn't necessary because the meta-server usually guesses the IP address correctly.
The -p command is already available, it is just undocumented.

2014-08-05 16:31:41


Is posible add to all things shortcuts to activate instantly an action?
Like shortcuts in starcraft.
You select abuilding, an pressing one key (in this case will be necesarily a keystroke) to recruit an unit, and you don't need pass  throug the menú  using the a key.
Or, when you select a groups of worckers, you press one keystroke to fast select build a townall, and you only have to target the meadow.

This make more fleccible and fast the games

Of course, first is necesary find a unusable mod key thats currently does nothing xdddd
select a unit, and next press alt+a, to next press the command key.

Select a worcker, press alt+a, next press t to fast select build a town-all option.
Ofcourse, with this, the redo action only will be in the alt+g or alt+r shortcut.


Thanks :3

2014-08-06 13:52:38

@sanslash332: Yes, this is definitely interesting. Of course the idea have been there for a long time, but it was confusing to decide which keys to use. The "a" key is used for the action menu, so it's logical to use a modified "a" (control a or alt a) to enter "shortcut mode". Initially I thought about shortcuts with 2 keys, like the sub menus Starcraft have, for example V F to "build adVanced" and "Factory", but the sub menu is obvious in Starcraft because of the graphic interface. So maybe a single key would be better, and would allow exiting the shortcut mode naturally.

The shortcuts would be defined in style.txt. Since most shortcuts are linked to a unit, a building, or an ability, the shortcut might be defined by the "target" object, for example:

def farm
shortcut f

instead of:

def peasant
shortcuts f "build farm" b "build barracks" ...

Some shortcuts might be needed for actions like "Patrol" or "Hold ground".

To ease memorization, the shortcuts would be linked to the value of the keyboard layout (the "local" letter), not the geographical position of it on the keyboard. Actually, the shortcut being defined in a localized style.txt file, it would be possible to have B for "Barracks" replaced by C for "Caserne" in French, for example.

Shortcuts can be reused if they are used by different units and there is no ambiguity.

So, what would be the shortcuts?

Alt+A, then...
Escape to cancel
F build farm
B build barracks
L build lumber mill
R recall
R resurrection

Etc. Sounds good.

2014-09-05 10:20:20

Hello all.

The CrazyMod 8.3 is now available with some improvements. This version uses SoundRTS 1.2 alpha 9.

To download : http://pragmapragma.free.fr/soundrts-crazymod/en/

You can see the change log on http://pragmapragma.free.fr/soundrts-cr … ngelog.php

Our server is currently unavailable, it will come back soon.

2014-09-05 11:29:13

Wow, wow, nice changes! Vic and I will work on fixing up the documentation for the new  version.

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