2018-12-23 19:16:11

Hi everyone,
As the title says, I'm new to this blind community and I don't know what all I can do here. I have been playing games like eurofly and others. I found it somewhat difficult but it can be due to me being a newbie to the gaming community. I have herd that many people converse on some sort of chatting platform, not sure what it is. Please guide me through it and please tell me about good games. I look forward to your replies.

Thanks for reading my post.

2018-12-23 19:26:43 (edited by Chris 2018-12-23 19:28:55)

Hazzle, welcome to the forum and the website. I recommend looking at the game list on the main page. There are many different types of audio games. What types of games are you interested in? Do you like card and board games? Do you like fighting games, puzzle games, strategy games, arcade games, etc?

As for a voice chat program, most blind folks seem to like TeamTalk. I'm personally not a fan of it because you have to know what server you're connecting to and it's not very popular in the mainstream. There's also Zoom Cloud Meetings which is mainstream and works really well on all platforms. TeamTalk can be downloaded from https://bearware.dk and Zoom is available from https://zoom.us. If you're using TeamTalk, you will need to connect to a server. Unless you know the details for a private server, I'd recommend the public US one. You can create or join private channels that are password protected.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2018-12-23 22:41:47

What is this? This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2018-12-23 22:56:11

That was priceless. Now if only they had ran a spell checker through it and corrected a few your vs. you're grammar errors ... Well, still worth every minute I spent reading it.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2018-12-24 03:39:42

@post4, this is only the truth, the honest truth, and nothing but the truth. It was compiled to warn incoming members, such as @post1, of just what nonsensical things they'll have to do/put up with when joining the community.

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2018-12-24 04:22:22

AKA, it's meant to embarrass certain people who don’t deserve it for no reason, and to try to make the writers look smart and mature. Spoiler alert, they aren’t. Don’t waste your time reading that.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-12-24 04:45:13

Wow, that handbook is fantastic. I haven't read it all yet, but the bit I did read couldn't have been more truthful.
My advice to you is this: don't get too involved in the blind community. Interact with sighted people as much as you can. That is the problem with most blind people in general, they don't know how to live normal lives in the real world and often resort to computing as a means of not being socially awkward around sighted people. Don't, do this. For the love of god, don't!  Also, spending too much time in the blind community and nowhere outside of it will cause severe braincell loss. I have learned this from experience. It is possible to gain back the cells one has lost, but this, like most things, takes time, and is a painful process.
I don't mean to offend everybody, but I just felt I really had to get that out there. I could have created another topic, but what the hell. I don't mean to hate on everyone on this forum or blind people as a whole, but I just find it is a serious problem that blind people spend way, way too much time online and only interacting with other blind people (blind schools are a good example of this). This is not the real world. Not at all. Accept being blind as who you are and move on. Now I know a lot of people are able to live completely normal lives, in other words they look passed blindness and simply embrace what they have. But i'd say about 90 percent of the blind community doesn't do this for whatever reason, And I personally think that's not the best environment to put yourself in. It limits your life and what you can experience and do and etc. Again I apoligize for the rant but I feel it just needed to be said. The blind community is good for short periods of time every once and a while to get help with technology or something, but don't get so involved that its basically your whole life. That's what i'm trying to say.

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2018-12-24 04:53:20

@post7, this handbook was not written to put anyone to shame. Names, although they are perhaps used more than needed, only serve to emphasize a point and are not used to call anyone out. I mean, can you honestly tell me that after spending time in the community of blind people, you haven't noticed these things? Tell me, am I wrong by compiling a document that points out stereotypes of how blind people act?

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2018-12-24 05:21:44

Oh boy, here we go…
@#9 I don't even know a lot of the people you pointed out in that book. I do know, however, that calling out names and accusing them of things is a form of character assassination, a conversation which I’m sure you remember from about three months ago. These people could be very nice, but others may not want to meat or interact with them now because they’ve heard things about them. This makes a person less likely to make any new friends because their reputation has been tarnished. That, my friend, is character assassination.
A lot of these stereotypes you’ve pointed out are traits shown in a lot of sighted people. This is the general direction the world is headed in, and blind people are not mostly to blame for it. In fact, do you know how blind people got most of these quirks to begin with? By observing the actions of others online, especially sighted people. Want to hear someone blowing into their microphone or raging at everything under the son? Look up gaming videos on YouTube. Want to hear people starting and stopping relationships at least 15 times a year? Find a random teenager on Facebook and look at their posts. I could go on and on about the various stereotypes you pointed out being reminiscent of the behavior of the entire online world, but if I did I wouldn’t be able to finish the list even by next year.
So, what’s my point? Don’t destroy peoples reputation just because you don’t like them. And please, before you accuse blind people of doing certain things, do your research.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-12-24 06:11:10

Shotgunshell, if you knew any of the people mentioned in that book you would also know that what that guy said was right. The names that I saw at least were names of people who are often childish and immature. That guy did the right thing by putting them in there. And also, that document, if nothing else, was a joke. It was right in a lot of ways, but was still made to be funny, at least I think.
And those things you called like stereotypes may have started out with sighted people, however those are things that you can't get away from in the blind community the same way you can in the real world. Which leads us back to my opinion from before... Don't get too involved in the blind community.

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2018-12-24 06:52:38

I knew a few of those people listed and no longer interact with any of them because of the reasons listed in that document. I'd say some of it is true, but it doesn't necessarily reflect everyone. Still, it gave me a good laugh.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2018-12-24 07:09:45

@#11 How old is this book exactly? Maybe a lot of those people are indeed immature, but I know a couple of them and they are really nice and smart people. This book is not entirely truthful, maybe it was many years ago when it was written but not anymore.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-12-24 07:09:58

Hi everyone,
Thanks very much to you all for responding this soon. I  will read through your posts and I'll try to answer you all.
Post 2, Thanks for welcoming me. Oh yes, I'm going to download teamtalk and give it a try. I love card and board games, simulations, fighting games, strategy games too, and many more categories.
Post 3, I'll give it a look.
Post 7, oh is it? I'll take care about it.
Post 8, thanks very much for the advices, I'll keep them in mind.
Thanks you all again, to give me advices.

Thanks for reading my post.

2018-12-24 09:09:02

Shotgunshell, you should know at this point that your a bit of a bleeding heart and can't look at this very subjectively. The blind community has problems, pointing out those problems isn't a bad thing, it's a good help to new members, naming and shaming probably doesn't belong in a document that's supposed to help new people though, it's not exactly classy.
But congrads confusing the poor guy everyone, could have just PM'd him the file to avoid conflict, and didn't need to have a back and forth, just state opinion if you really feel you gotta, and leave.
Skype is another communication option, plenty of people on the forum have one in their signature or in their profile.

2018-12-24 09:57:52

@#15 Can't argue with you there about the bleeding heart thing. That's exactly my problem though, calling out people by name. One or two people who were called out in that document are good friends of mine, and they're high-standing people as well. Did I react harshly? Yes, probably, but things are a bit different when you see your friends being bashed for no reason. The rest of those people in there are generally known to be pricks, but that's still not a good reason for calling them out. But you're right, I probably should have kept my mouth shut, and I will on this subject. Lets try to get back to the topic at hand now, and sorry @#1 for derailing it.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-12-24 12:15:48 (edited by defender 2018-12-24 12:17:05)

well that, and a ton of stuff in their applies to the internet community at large anyway and doesn't even need to be said LOL. The rest I can't comment on much as I've never gone that deep into blind culture, and don't particularly intend to.
A simple general warning of what to look out for would have taken just a few lines and been far more useful and less confusing/misleading.

2018-12-24 12:48:46

Wow, I'm glad to be here. I found many new games developed by aprone and I'm checking them out. They are simle to operate.
Post 15, Oh skype! I'll check it out.
Post 16, Don't worry, these discussions are important.
Suggest me new games which you think I should try.

Thanks for reading my post.

2018-12-24 13:20:06

And here I thought things were calming down on the forum

Pics or it didn’t happen

2018-12-24 13:42:38

@post 13 this handbook was released last june, and is periodically updated every 6 months. However, the latest december edition is unable to officially be put up on blindyessentials.com because it is down currently.

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2018-12-24 14:31:34 (edited by omer 2018-12-24 14:32:45)

el here are fiew games that you can try
eurofly, a airplain similation game that you fly a place from an other, on  a real map
tdv, an other airplain game but, well, for blasting each other.
crazy party, this one has 3 mods, board games, that you throw dices and get several bonuses at each turn, battle, like a pokemon battle with cards, and minigames well those are verry  diffrent, you might find yourself at driving a basic train or playing mine sweaper
lets come to text based ones, i quite like warsim, its a a kingdom management game.
topspeed, if your in to rcar racing you can try it out, its a bit old but, you know still works

and there are muds that blind people play, also sighted do but, still
cosmic rage, a space based mud, rolplay is encaruged, free to play, friendly players and hosts
altereon, verry popular game
and you always can check the audiogames gaming list
also check the new releases room time to time

2018-12-24 14:32:08

Hi everyone,
I have made my skype account and I would like to add you guys. My skype id is live:hazzle_5, please add me away. I'm currently seeing into teamtalk.

Thanks for reading my post.

2018-12-24 14:34:09

Thanks post 21 for all those awesome games. I'll try all of them. Yeah, I tried eurofly but I found it difficult but I'll try to play it.

Thanks for reading my post.

2018-12-24 17:15:53

don't, ever play online games, current online games suck.

2018-12-24 17:23:58

That handbook could not have been more truthful. It is the reason I avoid 90 to 95 percent of the blind community. That is not a good thing, either. It is simply something I do to maintain my sanity and frankly, to maintain a normal, healthy lifestyle. You should try it too!

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2018-12-24 17:24:56

First, welcome to the comunity, howp you have a nice time here, but, you have to interact with sighted people too, try to keep your online life some what far from the offline one and, the most important, try to interact with the big world, especialy offline.
Second, post 8, I can not agree more.
And therd, yes, I will add you to skype, it is nice to get new friends, but try to stay away from most random groups.
smile Again, enjoy.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!