2018-12-24 18:10:02

Post 24 and 25, I'll take care, thanks.
Post 26, thanks for welcoming me, hope forward to have you as  a good friend.

Thanks for reading my post.

2018-12-25 05:58:37

What genres of games do you like, that will help me to know what to suggest, also, how much can you pay.

2018-12-25 06:58:38

Post 28, I like genres like card and board games, fighting games, strategy games, simulators, puzzles, browser based games, and others which I don't remember now. I can't pay currently.

Thanks for reading my post.

2018-12-25 07:26:52

ah okay so basically everything free.
In that case, try this topic.
http://forum.audiogames.net/topic/26039 … recommand/

2018-12-26 07:14:03

Post 30, thanks for this link, I'll check it out.

Thanks for reading my post.

2019-01-01 20:24:29 (edited by defender 2019-01-01 22:58:56)

Yeah, that was one of the few useful pieces of advice in that thing, hold on to that one.
The rest seems  to mainly be biased fluff, much of which applies to the internet at large or seems isolated to just a couple people/incidence and then blown out of proportion for cheap laughs and internet points.
It's also written in a hard to follow manner that obscures the point and could easily have been compressed to be allot more readable for the intended audience. But hey, I guess drama is interesting... Regardless of voracity or source.
I know it's supposed to be all in fun, but the shade thrown at specific names and the inability to separate humor from serious info makes this next to useless for what it's advertised as in my opinion.

2019-01-01 22:23:50

Aw man.....I'm late to the party.

Okay. @1: Welcome. I believe I just added ya on Skype and asked who ya are

@3: I'm not sure if Pluma not figuring out the encoding is a good thing or not.....

@drama: Save it for yo llamas, guys.

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2019-01-01 22:32:46

Okay, here we go!

1. Don't be too overly polite or too overly sensitive. Okay, that's more an internet thing, but....it still applies (see the bleeding heart remarks on previous pages)

2. Keep a normal, healthy and interesting life.

3. Don't brag about every tiny thing you do. Seriously. There's blind people who brag about the tiniest things. Which leads in some quartrs to snark and mockery. Not constantly my quartr, despite what people think.

4. Don't pay attention to blind people too much. In other words, okay, John Smih has a £90 cane. So what? You don't need one to keep up.

Next up....don't b afraid to stand up and say what you're thinking. Goes back to point #1....but.....there's absolutely people, both blind and sighted who are too afraid to say what they're thinking. It seems, at least from a casual glance, to be something the blind community have a problem with and any sort of debate can be met with cries of oh you're not being respectful. Problem is.....that's needed to stand up and say things are wrong nd how they are wrong.

And last point: Don't be afraid of how people percieve ya.

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2019-01-02 10:48:27

Sigh. That document probably scared the original poster of this topic off, at least in some respects. Honestly, there is probably a time and a place to break out something like that, and it's not in a highly visible topic, to a person who clearly just joined the forum and, if I'm not mistaken, doesn't speak English as their first language. My apologies if I've gotten that part wrong.

For someone who holds such disdain towards drama, you sure are stirring the pot. I don't even know any of the people mentioned, which is why I can be objective and say this without bias.

Also, you people should really keep in mind that the content of this forum is very easily searchable, and putting first and last names out there for anybody to find isn't good practice. I realize that such information is pretty accessible nowadays, but handing it out, no matter what said people might have done, isn't right either.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2019-01-02 19:46:00

@post 32, we spent a couple months on it. There was actually a previously released version which was simply updated throughout that time period. Also, @post 36, I do  agree with you on some points, but what's done is done. Besides, It's downright uncaring when you let completely inocent people get into something they'll probably regret for a long while without knowing the consequences

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2019-01-03 02:14:36

I like it, too, but honestly there’s a time and a place for this kind of thing.

2019-01-03 03:15:19

There were some valid points and golden nuggets scattered throughout the thing, but yeah, I still maintain my position that parading it in this topic was in poor taste. And what the hell is wrong with using a mechanical keyboard, anyway? Are you aware that there are hobbyists who build their own and take them to conventions specifically designed for that purpose? I can almost guarantee that 99.9% of those folks aren't blind.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2019-01-03 07:44:46

Posting something like this on this topic was not cool. Mods, I encourage you to remove this link, as it mentions specific names, as well as downloads to cracks of software, which in and of itself illegal.

proud to be a patreon of liam erven. Become a patreon today at patreon.com/liamerven

2019-01-03 09:02:53

@40: This is the *exact* part from the handbook

Software cracks and other illigality

   As mentioned in the previous section, being part of the blind community entitles you to some courteous software. Ordinarily, you would have to invest a couple hundred bucks to get this basic blindy essentials package running, but we have included the cracked versions for you. Yes, this is illegal. But they would have to arrest a small percentage of the world if they wanted to do anything about it.   Cracked software refers to programs which you would usually have to pay money for, but have either been modifyed or already payed for so that you don't have to do that. One example of this is Virtual Audio Cable, which allows you to route sound on your computer around to different applications. Without the cracked version, the word: "Trial!" would constantly be inserted into the routed audio stream, which, needless to say, isn't fun for anyone. But with the included version, you get all the features money could buy, without paying any at all.
  There are all kinds of cracked software for the blind. For some blind people, it's a hobby. As a result, you get more bang for less buck. You just have to know the right people to ask to get it. There are a select group of individuals who you will need be aquainted with in order to obtain any cool cracked software. If you are really lucky, then you may even be added into a group on social media in which people discuss nothing but cracks and send links to already cracked stuff.

Explain to me where that links to any software cracks? You can read it  for yourself, Bryant, I quoted it,verbatim,fromthe handbook. No mention of crak links anywhere in the handbook. The only link is to the (currently down)blindieseentials package and website.

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2019-01-03 09:49:37 (edited by bryant 2019-01-03 09:53:01)

"we have included the cracked versions for you." It says it right there, does it not? As far as i'm concerned, this against forum rules. While not directly linking to carcked software, anyone who clicks on this link and reads the handbook can easily obtain them. Had this been done privately, it would have not been against the rules. I really don't think something like this should have been posted on this topic. The original poster was not asking for something like this. I have reported this post, and hope that the mods will do something about this. SOmething like this does not belong on the forum, especially considering that it mentions specific people's names.

proud to be a patreon of liam erven. Become a patreon today at patreon.com/liamerven

2019-01-03 10:56:34


I really, really don't want to have to do this, but here goes.

Thatguy, post 3 clearly violates several rules of the forum.
1. The document lists first and last names, which have been posted ostensibly without the permission of those being referenced. If you can provide incontrovertible proof that this permission was granted prior to the release of the sensitive information - and good luck doing that, by the way - I'll drop this point. Otherwise, that's a warning all on its own. We do not give out sensitive info about other people for any reason without their express consent.
2. Given that many claims have been made against many individuals for behaviours which may tarnish their reputation, and given that no proof has been furnished, I would judge this to be a form of mild to moderate character assassination. This marks another warning. Surely this document could have made its points without calling anyone out?
3. There are no specific links to cracked software, but the document linked to in post 3 is quite clear on what you will get from the so-called essentials package, and some of that is illegal. While this site does not host that file, posting links to copyrighted material is against the rules. This merits another warning.

Normally, your third warning means an instant thirty-day ban, and if it were just me and no one else, I would probably do that. Posting your link in this thread is a gross miscarriage of pretty much all standard forum conventions. It flies in the face of good internet etiquette, in the sense that someone came here asking for help and you provided a ringing condemnation of the community, much of which is either straight-up false or heavily exaggerated. Short of straight-up attacking the original poster, you probably couldn't have been more harmful if you tried. In a sense, the document is almost a form of "community assassination" which just so happens to smear a few specific members.
As such, here's what's going to happen.
1. You've got enough warnings for a ban as far as I'm concerned, but at this moment in time I'm not going to ban you. We will review the situation and decide whether a ban is needed.
2. I am removing post 3, and the link it contains.
3. I am asking that no one redistribute this document in this thread or in any other. I can't stop you if you want to spread it around privately amongst yourselves, but please don't send it without being asked first, and please don't post it anywhere else publicly. Anyone receiving this document without having asked for it first, please let me know so that I can investigate it. It is my strong opinion that as satirical and tongue-and-cheek as it is, this document represents far more harm than good in its current form, so I want to limit its scope as much as is reasonable.
4. I wish to encourage anyone uncertain that this document does not, in fact, serve as an accurate representation of the community in general. There are truthful bits, and there are bad elements in the community including strange behaviours, tendencies and standards, but that is true of literally any group. Some blind people have good jobs, solid social lives within and outside of the blind community, excellent social skills, good manners, solid relationships, etc. In fact, I'd wager that the fair majority are nowhere near as strange as that document makes them look. If you must read it at all, take everything therein with an enormous grain of salt.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1