2012-01-29 04:03:34

Hello all.
Me and my friend are starting a new website that will include an internet radio station, so we bought the MakeAVoice icecast package, which is a webhosting service that provides webhosting, icecast, shoutcast, and teamspeak options. We also decided that we needed a website to stream the material for people to hear. So we bought the WebHosting plan for 100 gigs of bandwidth. After we paid our domain, we received an IP Address and Port so that we could log into our C Panel area. Prior to this, we received an e-mail providing us with necessary information to point our domain to two particular name servers. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find anywhere to point our domain to these name servers in the C Panel area. Its been over a week since we've paid off our domain for the month, and we're really eager to start up our website. My question, if anybody is willing to answer it, is: How and where do we point our domain to these two name servers in C Panel? Our two name servers are: ns1.serverhostnow.com and ns2.serverhostnow.com I would appreciate it if someone could please help us with this issue. Again, our web host is makeavoice.com and C Panel is what they are using to manage domains.
Apart from IceCast and Teamspeak servers that we will integrate in our website, we will also restore the Edgar Forum, which if you didn't know, is now dead, except now, its not going to be called the Edgar Forum. Its going to be called something more generic for AudioGames and Internet Radio related topics.
Thanks in advance.