2012-01-26 18:13:34

Hi all

I quickly need a great sound library for a  project I'm working on. It's very important because, if the project's results are good, I will be accepted in a new school, where's very difficult to enter.
The sound's format isn't important, since with audacity I can change it as I prefer.

2012-01-26 18:23:48


Well, we'd need to know what sound library you need, otherwise we can't be of much help.
There are general purpose libraries, but there're also categorised libraries like for cars, computers, all that.

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2012-01-26 18:51:18

What makes this even more difficult is that these libraries are in the thousands of dollars category.
Most of the time, there are free alternatives though, and with a bit of creative mixing it should sound reasonably okay.


Robjoy, AKA Erion
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