2022-01-04 22:54:47


I'm very pleased to be able to bring you Accessible chess, what I've built to be the singularly most accessible Chess program for windows there is on the market. I intend to keep it that way, too!
Saving and loading saved games is a must with any chess program and this one has that but this is just the basics, of course. From listing your moves, to keystrokes for hearing what squares are under attack, navigation and more, the basic features are all what you would expect.
What sets this program apart from the others is that not only does it have built in AI that you can play against, but it also has an online mode so you can play against your friends from all over the world. In addition, it not only supports the standard chess mode, but several others too including but not limited to suicide, crazyhouse, three check and more.

It's true that to unlock the online and multiple boards you have to purchase the full version, but the price is very low and hopefully something you will find worth it!
To download the demo: https://nathantech.net/products/games/chess.php

I hope you enjoy!

P.S. Please go easy on me, it's my first commercial game.

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2022-01-04 23:20:18

Is this only for windows, or is it for mac as well? Also, which chess engine do you play against?

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

2022-01-04 23:27:03

The concept sounds fun. I'd have a question though. This exact thing exists on QC playroom. You can play against an AI with custom rating, you can go against all of your friends around the word of course online, completely for free. Why is this programme different than the version that we already have?

2022-01-04 23:41:04

@2 It's kind of one I built myself. It's probably not unique though in that regard.

@3 Game modes is the most obvious one. From suicide to atomic,, three-check and more. I admit I didn't know QC had AI, they must have added that after I left, so I'm not sure how the rest stacks up.

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2022-01-05 00:01:08

Hello Nathan,
first of all, I would like to congratulate you. Another great release!
Better yet, we can finally buy it and support your amazing effort!
Here, I will make a few suggestions:
I have noticed several spelling errors in the documentation and one weird explanation as well I wanted to clarify. Would you like me to  report those as well or the documentation is not finished?
Also, a small oops, on the download page:
Accessible Chess v1.0 setup.exe(0MB), Version downloads: 14. total downloads: 14. I know your programs are small, but 0 MB? smile

Now, on to  the program itself.

First, when you start an offline game, it would be great if you could choose some options. Mainly, the difficulty of the AI, which is a common setting in Chess programs, but even more importantly, whether you want to start out as white or black. Beginners especially would prefer playing as white while starting out, but in general it is a thing worth customising.
Second, I would really rework one part of the board navigation. If I keep going right, for example, I am told once I reach the end  that I am at the far right of the board. This is in my opinion completely useless, especially since the square is not repeated. If you really want this information, perhaps a short sound once you reach one of the edges, and instead of screen reader speech telling you this, just say the square name which would for me personally be more useful.
Also, quick navigation between pieces would be nice. Since first letters have already been taken up, perhaps holding ctrl and pressing keys like K, R, Q, N,P, N and B would allow you to jump to a piece on the board. Obviously, B here represents bishop, K king, N knight, Q queen and so on.
Most important of all though, I am not sure if this always happens, but it is very frequent for me.
If my opponent, for example, captures my bishop with a rook on E4, and then I have another piece that can move to E4, after focusing on E4, no piece is announced. My opponent's  rook should be spoken. Similarly, even if I play there, no capture is announced even though everything seems to play out correctly. This could be a bit misleading. Let me know if this doesn't sound  clear and I can make a short recording.
Also, but this is only a personal opinion, I would really make the sound when a piece is captured much shorter. This musical jingle is nice, but before it is done playing, another turn already happened, and possibly even another capture but there  is no sound to signify that.

All in all, with some more bugfixes, this should be a great release! These bugfixes though need to happen before anyone plays online, especially the bug where after capturing a new piece is no longer announced as you navigate to that square. Speaking of online, is it running on your own server? Do I need to forward ports to play?

For now, these are all my remarks. Thanks once again and good luck.

2022-01-05 00:10:24

It is a bit expensive for Argentina, but nevertheless congratulations on your new game!

2022-01-05 00:51:37

@4: QC added AI in v3, using the Stockfish engine.

2022-01-05 01:58:00 (edited by dardar 2022-01-05 01:59:58)

@5 Thanks for that information, you make some really great points as well as some fantastic suggestions! I'll attempt to push out an update as soo as I can to at least address bug fixes though I predict it may not happen until thursday for two reasons:
1. I have a full day of work tomorrow and
2. I want to try and get as many squished in one go as I can, so I'll await to see if others crop up.
I'm surprised the documentation has spelling and typing mistakes, I check them most thoroughly! Perhaps dropbox wound it back too far? I did have to rewind once... Very strange indeed.

regarding online gameplay, it is indeed hosted on my own server, so no forwarding required. (Well, none that came up in testing!)

@6 I'm really sorry to hear that. I made it as cheap as I could without making the whole commercial process pointless.

@7 Learn something new every day!

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2022-01-05 02:30:10

@8 regarding documentation, I'll start with a technical rather than a spelling mistake, or maybe I am understanding it wrong myself.
"If your king is in danger of being taken in the next round, he is the only piece that can be moved."
Are you talking here about king being in Check? If so, it is not true that you can move only the king. If it is possible, you can capture the piece threatening the king with a different piece, or even move a different piece in such a way as to block the threat. However, I did test this in the actual game and everything works correctly, you can move other pieces as well while in Check as long as that's allowed at a given situation

Now, on to some other, mostly minor mistakes:
"*Rook: The rook can move vertically and horzontally as many squares as it likes."
horzontally should be horizontally here.
"*Knight: the knight is an interesting piece that moves in a three square pattern called an L shape. Those familiar with written letters may find this easier to visualise but toto explain, the knight can move a total of three squares that have to form the shape of eeither a braile D, F, H or J."
Here, toto explain has an extra to.
Either also has a double e.
"3. Termonology:"
Should be terminology instead.
In every case, cheque should instead be check.
Similarly, Chequemate should be Checkmate.
"Your king will be taken by an apponent's piece next turn if it is not moved."
apponent's should be opponent's instead.
By the way, this paragraph talking about Check again has the same mistake, saying:
"Cheque: Your king will be taken by an apponent's piece next turn if it is not moved. If the king is in cheque, he must be moved."
Same as above, the king isn't necessarily the piece which has to be moved. I am not sure if it is a rule misunderstanding or you meant to say something different that I didn't understand.
"Press L to hear the last move of your apponent."
Same as above, apponent > opponent.
"Suicide Chess: The aim of the game is to get your pieces captured while avoiding taking your apponent's pieces. If a piece can be taken, it must be taken."
Same, apponent > opponent.
"Atomic Chess: the same rules as standard chess apply, accept when you take a piece, the pieces around it explode!"
Accept should be except instead.

As a final comment, two sentences  don't  have the first letter capitalised. Those are:
"that being said the board is displayed on screen and, providing they are willing to put in the time, there is no reason why a sighted person could not also use the program to play against a blind opponent."
as well as:
"you will always start in the top left hand corner when a game begins."

Hopefully, this wasn't overly  critical. On the contrary, I really like the way you explained things and even gave a short summary of Chess rules, but as the program also has a paid version I felt like bringing this to your attention could give it a better look, especially since with an  English synth a lot of these aren't very easy to spot while proofreading.

As for bugs, no rush. Whenever an update is ready I'll be happy to re test it once again.
It is absolutely true that other places like QC exist for chess and they are excellent, but for offline play, the only app I found comparable is  BG  Chess challenge, and this app, while excellent as well uses SAPI for speech output while your program uses screen reader output making it a lot more responsive and interesting to play.
In the future, to give some more challenge, you could consider allowing us to import an  external chess engine to play with as well. Usually, though this isn't always the case, custom made engines by one developer are not that strong. Using free and long time maintained options like the Stockfish engine might not be a bad idea, but that's all up  to you and where you wish to take the program.

2022-01-05 02:57:10

Hi there.

@9 Interesting point about the check and taking the piece that is checking. It's honestly something I forgot about, so thank you for remind me!

Re typos, yep. I can say with certainty, blame dropbox. I specifically remember Googling that check v.s. cheque typo and fixing it, so I must have rewound the file back too far. Thanks anyway smile

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2022-01-05 03:34:02

So this is probably related to the same capture bug I mentioned, but I just had a game where even though the AI was supposed to be in Check he completely ignored that and played a normal move.
A game history in FEN, I was white:
1.    Pd2-d3.    Pe7-e5
2.    Ng1-f3.    Nb8-c6
3.    Nb1-d2.    Nc6-a5
4.    Nf3xe5.    Pf7-f6
5.    Ne5-f3.    Pc7-c6
6.    Pe2-e3.    Pg7-g6
7.    Pe3-e4.    Pb7-b6
8.    Pd3-d4.    Ph7-h5
9.    Pc2-c3.    Rh8-h7
10.    Pb2-b4.    Na5-b7
11.    Bf1-c4.    Ng8-h6
12.    Pa2-a4.    Pa7-a5
13.    Pb4-b5.    Ra8-a7
14.    Nd2-b3.    Bf8-a3
15.    Bc1xa3.    Ra7-a6
16.    Bc4-f7+.    Ke8xf7
17.    Nf3-e5+.   
After this move, computer went QD8-H8, which is of course not legal in this case since the king on F7 should be in Check from the knight at E5, but strange enough even if I browse the board the king on F7 doesn't even get announced, probably because of capturing the bishop and as said above the same bug with capturing.
Hopefully that gives more clear information to solve that major bug.
For cases like these, it would also be nice if you were able  to  copy the entire game history so you can paste a game somewhere.

2022-01-05 07:48:54

This is really awesome. hope to see more like this!

Even a blind lion still has his teeth and claws.

2022-01-05 08:11:50

sounds cool!

2022-01-05 10:18:13

Congratulations on the release.
would it be possible to translate the game into other languages? I'm asking because we have a chess community for blind people here in Denmark, where most members don't speak English.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2022-01-05 13:54:59 (edited by dardar 2022-01-05 13:56:15)

Hi @SLJ,

When you say translate it, what are we talking. Like the main menu and such? the piece names?

Out of all my products, I could see chess being easiest to translate. MAYBE

Edit: @nidza07 I think. *THINK* I've tracked down the capturing bug, but I've added in a move exporter so we can see clearer what is going on. I've not been able to produce your exact moves as my AI doesn't move in the same way for some reason sad
Relatedly, what engines would you like to see included?

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2022-01-05 19:06:52

Yeah I'm thinking about both the menus and the peace names. All the text in the game.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2022-01-05 23:04:27

So how much does it actually cost? I don't see a price in either the documentation or on the webpage where you actually place the order.

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

2022-01-05 23:12:33


2022-01-05 23:32:33

That would be $13.55 US.

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2022-01-06 03:40:43

@dardar, Stockfish seems to be a popular one, though I'm not sure how it works or how it would require you to alter your game modes.

2022-01-06 05:21:39

@dardar thank you so much for making this, i'm going to try it as soon as i can. I've been waiting for something like this for years.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2022-01-07 01:26:46

Hi there!

As promised, I have updated Accessible chess to version 1.1. this version fixes the documentation, the capturing bug (I think) as well as sound interupt problems. It also brings new features of choosing whether to play white, black or random, new edge of board sound and handling there, new enemy captures your piece sound, first letter navigation for pieces, export move lists and integrated 5 chess engines for use in standard mode as well as the ability to add your own.

The link remains the same, but if you need a reminder it is:

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2022-01-10 09:15:51

Hi. I am very interested in this program.
I'm currently using the demo version, and really enjoying Accessible Chess.
But, I found problem about the chess engine.
When I try to add a new chess engine, and I'm close Accessible Chess, the chess engine I had added disappeared.
Is this a limitation of the demo version? or is it a bug?

2022-01-10 10:12:02

can you put a setting to flip the board? so when someone wishes, he can play white on the bottom not on the top?
