2020-03-30 13:33:14 (edited by Ugat 2020-03-30 22:00:33)

To start with, here is a download link
https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1FcT5LfC … t=download  link

requirements are as follows

Local emulator is very importent so a file called tts.txt can be loaded for translation
Vc redist 2015, x32, 64 or 86 depending on what system you have

additional resources

Saytools/clipreader is needed if you plan on translating the game to your preferd language.

Please note though, a translation is being worked on by me, the original righter was another person on here but as he did not complete the hole thing i have started hard work on it

hello and welcome to this guide of how to play devil

this guide is created by me, and if you have any questions, you can reach me on pm or mail.

1: what is devil?

devil is what we call an mmorpg, this meens, 1, it is online, 2, you can walk in the 4 directions in some areas and 3, cooperation is needed if you wish to reach your full potential in this game.

2, the main menu

sign in, does what it says.
register, does what it says.
settings, let's you change the settings.
exit, let's you leave

3: the novice village.

This is the area you start in, when logged in for the first time, you will be greeted with a cutsene, after this is done, you wake up and get 15 skill points.
i will not refer to the skills here as they are going to be introduced in part 2 of this guide.
just focus on constitution and power since these stats are very important to you.
The reason for this is so you can kill the chickens and wolfs.
To begin with, put around haff of your skill points into each of the 2 stats, and press enter to activate.

3.1: important keys for part 1, chickens, npc's, selling, fishing and death

You have to start by killing those chickens, ug, those are just irritating.
Kill them until you get to level 4, that should be where you then can start killing wolfs.
After you gain a level you get 5 allication points, put around haff of these again in constitution and power and press enter to confirm.

The left side of the village has a path where you can go down, just go all the way to the left, then down.
You will find an npc, press tab to locate this npc and press shift up arrow to autowalk towards your target.
When at the square, press tab again and press enter, from here, you have these options
Go back

If you have the gold, buy a fishing rod, enter on buy, up and down arrow to find the fishing rod and enter to buy.
Then buy some bait, left and right arrow to adjust how meny your planning to buy, enter to select.

Now, death.
Death is an intresting thing, when you die you loose some of your exp, you will spawn in the graveyard.
Go to the left until you see something like sole table and press enter to respawn in the village.


---this section asumes that you have the fishing rod and the bait---
Their are meny areas to fish in, but since your at a low level, go at the same path and down as you did to find the npc, go left until you are in water and press f2.
The inv is seperated into different sections.
equipment, items, matirial, pets and supplyes.
Go to the items to find the fishing rod and press enter to equip.
Exit your inv with the esc key and press space at the water to start fishing.
IMPORTENT NOTE! do not press another key while your fishing, only use the up and down arrow keys when you hear a sound!
Wait until you hear the nice bubling sound indicating that a fish has bitten on to your rod.
Please note though, this can take time so be pationt.
When you hear the bubling sound that indicates a fish has bitten onto your rod, hold down arrow.
At some time, you will hear the sound of the fish hitting the water, switch over to holding up arrow.
Repeet this until you hear that you have a fish.

Remember the npc? you can sell some of the fish you get! but you can not sell water plants and wood.

Char related information

To kno your chars information simply press f1, from their press on the icon telling of your hunger and thurst, look at the info their.
F2 views your items equipment pets and matirial and supplyes.
F3 is your skill selection menu    (will be explaned in part 2)
F4 is the key witch let's you view system messages.

3.2: the first mission and wolfys!

Please note, do not do this unles your level 4 or higher.

Go all the way right in the village and across the bridge.
Find an npc their and talk to her, she will ask you to get some whield wolfs for her to make cloths.
Now go to the left until your at the center of the village, find the mayor and talk to him.
He will give you a mission to.
He asks you to get him a wolf king pelt.
IMPORTENT NOTE! do not atempt killing the wolf king before level 5!

Now go kill wolfs, this asumes your level 4 at the leest.
The wolfs are a bit hard to kill but unless you are not in a sworm, you should not have problems killing them at your level.
Get 10 whield wolfs and return to the novice village! give the 10 whield wolfs to the woman on the right side of the village to earn 100 gold, 500 exp and some armour!

3.3: bandits.

IMPORTENT NOTE! do not kill the bandits unless you are level 5 or higher! and i am not joking when i say, atempt it before level 5 and you get impaled!

Begin by going all the way north.
Go across the bridge and you will start hearing lafter!
Begin striking as soon as you can! these monsters drop gold and this is a good way of getting ritch!
These monsters also gives awsome exp!

3.4: getting the kings pelt

This assumes your allready level 5.
When you find the demon wolf king, begin fireing at it as well as running north! this is importent cause you will die a few times atempting a kill of these savige broots!

Continue running north until you get to the bridge and wait for this monster to arive, then fire away until he is killed, this might take you a few tryes but when you have him grab his pelt and hand it over to the mayor of the novice village! you will gain a recomandation letter wich will be used for you to enter the next town.

this is the end of part 1 my friends! join us for part 2 when it is ready!

Suffering's what keeps me alive.
If one never suffers, one doesn't live propperly.
So embrace the pain, the suffering life has brought you and will bring you in the future

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