2019-09-26 21:20:27

You definitely did.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2019-09-26 21:40:46 (edited by defender 2019-09-26 21:42:51)

The funniest thing to me at least, is that Ultra Power was never even a very good game even at it's best.
I played many versions, and while it was some fun and the whole multi player side scrolling shooter idea was kinda novel at first, it was never executed very well anyway.
The server couldn't handle many people at once, automatic weapons lagged as usual, platforming wasn't used much and it was a major selling point for the game, yet up and down aiming never worked right.  The map was never really changed so it got boring quickly and a user friendly map maker was never created, documentation for the existing map builder was spotty and the feature was only available to admins anyway, and Mason kept making major changes and resetting the server constantly while people were trying to play.
In later versions, the levels made for a large imbalance, so that you couldn't just go out and fight, since you'd get instantly slaughtered again and again by some incredibly bored teenager and had to wait for them to go offline a couple hours later so that you could kill some slow spawning AI, assuming they were even working in that version...
That, and cheaters popped up constantly, ruining the experience for everyone for several hours at a time.

I think some people are remembering UP with a better image than it really deserves.  I mean sure, I have some fond memories from it too I guess, but I have far more from RTR and Swamp, and they still exist to some degree.  I suggest that someone make their own side scrolling shooter from scratch, using something other than BGT, and this time with proper balancing.  But since the only people who would really want to make something like that and might actually have enough knowledge to do so also tend to ruin every project they touch, and the real experts tend to have much better game ideas already, I don't see that happening any time soon.
It's time to just let it go guys.

2019-09-26 23:54:15

1. I actually played Ultra Power. I think it was Ultra Power 10 or something. I found it boring and thought the map travel points were to jumbled. That's why i say its unfair to call Constant Battle a clone. I think BC is a way, way, better game than Ultra Power. I think, it was good for its time, but old and outdated today.
2. To all the people who say bananas are terrible, I say, you are aliens! That or the bananas outside Trinidad tastes horrible like the KFC. I could understand not liking plantain, but not bananas. Plantains are a staple of Trinidadian foods, but I Don't Like it. Too oily. But bananas, however, rock. Especially the small cheekytoe bananas.
I could stand the green ones, but screw the red ones!

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-09-26 23:55:32

Also, @the true swamp gamer, you did, actually say, Go fuck yourself. Time to use a Jade phrase: Maybe its the language barrior, but to us English speakers, it sounded like you said, go fuck yourself.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-09-26 23:56:57

You may have not meant to, but it really came across as a personal attack. Look. it happens, and it's only one warning. We all have those days.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2019-09-26 23:58:25

don't think that sense youdon't read every topic on this form and go into the not as known rooms that you should get warned and banned and exicuted, and you know what? go fuck yourself and stay in your room.
That's what he said. He said, he should be banned, executed, and fuck himself in his room.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-09-27 00:00:16

I think he was speaking more to a group of people, but yes. The way the message comes across is very attackish. is that a word?
Waiting for Jayde AKA the human dictionary to confirm or deny. Lol.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2019-09-27 00:05:41

We can make up our own words. Like for instance, flamish, personalish, bleepblorbe, nevernack. Oh wait. That's an eye drop.
Jadeofobic. Liamofobic, administratorofobic, or my favourite, speechofobicsyndrone.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-09-27 02:57:28

I think he was trying to rephrase my post according to the emotions it caused when reading.

I admit. That was pretty harsh on my part. Especially when I said don’t show your face on any platform. I did take that 1 step too far.

So, as both a consequence. And a chance for you to let off the steam. I will tell you a secret.

I didn’t finish reading the post before I started writing. I also didn’t take time to think what they were asking. I flew off the handle when I heard them say game will be banned soon. If I put topic up before the ban I can’t get a warning. Reminded me of post 4 in Sam’s leaving topic.

There you go. Let the corrections begin

2019-09-27 06:16:28

Good on you for admitting that. Your post was sharp, but not warning-worthy. Thanks for owning it.

And yeah, attackish is kind of not a word, but it sounds fun, so that's all right.

Agreed though. Regardless of intent/language barrier or whatnot, this definitely looked like an attack, and this kind of thing just can't slide. Good news is, warnings do reset after time, so just be a little more careful and everything is rosy. If it really was just a mistake and not you trying to go eight steps over the line, then you shouldn't have to worry.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-09-27 23:19:51

go bananas!
I could do for an apple but I like bananas better. and anyone that dares to not like bananas will be destroyed by slipping on a banana peel! muahahhaha!

2019-09-28 04:04:22

I made the suggestion to Mason along time ago to make ultra power a side scroller. Now whether he had that idea for a long time and was waiting for somebody to mention it, or I gave him the idea doesn’t really matter. Either way, I kind of regret making the suggestion now because everybody and their mother is making side scrolling multiplayer shooters, and it’s quickly getting old.   I would have to say constant battle is the first example of a side scrolling shooter that did have a very unique concept after ultra power was made, however, I can’t hardly play that game because I get killed by something every five seconds. I thought it was a bomb, but there were no bombs around that spot and nobody around to put them there. Either way, the game was pretty much unplayable for me. I couldn’t even go out of pacifist mode to start attacking people. After that I suppose was scrolling battles your world, but that had its fair share of bugs and glitches. So many, in fact, that it would make your head spin.  I wish we could go back to having 3-D multiplayer first person shooters, but as long as source code for ultra power or scrolling battles pro keeps getting stolen, (not sure if scrolling battles pro was stolen or not), We’re not going to have anymore of those games and it’s all going to be carbon copies of those two games. If this is the case, it looks like audio games are going to have a very bleak future.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2019-09-28 04:15:02

There I go running my mouth again, so I’m going to quickly follow that up with another post stating that I don’t play very many games anymore, so I’m just speaking the first thing that comes to my mind. I don’t bother to do research on anything, because I honestly don’t think it’s too big of a deal. All I’ve been hearing was the word clone being tossed everywhere in the short amount of time that I’m  actually able to go on the forum and look at what’s going on, so I’m making assumptions based off of what I’ve read. Also, someone please correct me if I’m wrong about scrolling battles pro. I do think it was cloned by somebody at one point.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2019-09-28 10:17:33

A bit of ot: Can someone tell me how to contact admins in constant battle so i can get unbanned.

Let's make this forum again a place where wont be any drama.

2019-09-28 10:23:24 (edited by defender 2019-09-28 10:23:49)

As far as I know, SBP was never cloned.
The last version Mason made allows people to put up their own servers, so maybe that's why your getting confused.
After that, the rights were transferred to Charley by Mason, and Charley has since continued development by coming out with his own somewhat different version.
Either way it's a shitty game.

2019-09-28 20:23:23

@39,  its pointless. You can email them,, but they wont answer. I emailed them about a false ban, and, i am still banned, and no response. How rood.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-09-28 23:24:34

Thank you Defender for clarifying that for me.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2019-09-29 13:55:14

lol i love both apple and banana, but banana more than apple.
@41 yeah what a rude people they are rofl.
sbp is pritty borring, shitty game, you only have just 5 weapon, and meh just f that game

Yours kindly

2019-09-30 01:53:53

So the oldest version of UltraPower with server list was something like 0.22 or something like that. Looking back at it, I probably should've just left it at that and not touched it again. It'd probably have been better for everyone's sanity. But no. So that version was a topdown style shooter with 4 or 5 weapons, you could run around and kill people and that was about it. It had a couple of interesting things, like I made a bot once upon a time that would target a player and chase after him and if you killed him you'd get something, a level or something, I don't really remember. But after that was version 1.0 through 1.1 I think where I was working on reducing lag, increasing stability, which I worked on until version 2.5 or something like that, where after that I started to make stupid decisions. The first was to make the game paid. And then 3 versions later, make it unpaid again. Which was a very common thing for me. But version 2.5 was the last 2D version of UP before the rewrite, and that version was kinda cool, as it had a map with a safe zone and a few other things. When version 4.0 was released, it was the first platforming version, and that whole version from 4.0 to 5.8 in my opinion was the best versions of UP, because it had the most things to do. With updates came things like the ability to build on the map, al be it kind of very messily, new voices, and just general stability improvements. Version 6.0 saw the rewrite of UP. This version attempted to take UP back to it's 2D days, and failed spectacularly. So when version 6.1 came around, it was converted back to platformer where it stayed until EOL. Version 7.0 saw the introduction of things that were all removed in 8.0. Titles, levels and a few other things. Version 8.0 was where the real mess started. The map system was converted to Sam's map system, and an inventory provided by Sam based on the STW inventory code was added. At the time this code had the permission of Sam to be used. So starting with version 9.0, Damien Blunderfield (Pendleton at the time), entered the project and planned to do a major reworking of the game's internals. This of course never happened. After version 9.1, X0 AKA Colton Hill entered the project. You can see how this is turning into a huge mess, right? Yeah. So a few versions later, I decided I didn't trust Colton and I didn't like the changes he had been making to the game. It had basically turned into a sounds playing, dev ruled ultra shit fest. So I removed him from the project to which he got angered by and threw the source to Ivan Soto and they planned to make their own version. But instead, Ivan Soto decided to leak the source code to the entire internet, causing the ultimate demise of the game and the beginning of the clones.

After this, there was a 2 or 3 year long battle of killing clones and banning clones, to which eventually I decided that I didn't really care about it anymore and so I just said, Sam if you really want to continue with this I'll just transfer the rights to you so you have full control.

Fastforward a year. I was frustrated at a time because I saw people just genuinly curious about games like UP and TK that just wanted to play and they had no idea of it's history or even about the clones and were being judged and treated harshly for it. I had the idea to host the official UP version with the server so people could do so without worrying or getting killed for playing a clone, and I'll admit I acted quickly and went back on my word which is a very stupid and shitty thing to do. I'd appologize but I know it'd fall on deaf ears, and the damage is already done.

But yeah, that's basically the history of UP in a nutshell.

I've been going by Bryn, which is now reflected in my profile. Please do your best to respect this :) Mess ups are totally OK though, I don't mind and totally understand!
Follow on twitter! @ItsBrynify
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: brynify.me

2019-09-30 04:34:11 (edited by defender 2019-09-30 04:37:32)

Huh, well it's nice to have that cleared up.  I was only around intermittently so I missed some of it.
I was around from the beginning of up to just before 2.5 when a bunch of stuff got changed about the map, then I was there again from 4.something to just before 6.0 where I dropped in just to check out the 2d changes once or twice, then again from 6 point something to just before 8.0, at which time I just left for good I think, but may have checked out version 8 a couple times.
I actually believe you about the whole Colton getting pissed and giving the source to Ivan thing, as that wouldn't surprise me coming from either of them.  Rumour has always been that you gave it to someone you shouldn't have in a moment of weakness (the people who made DM) and should have known better, and while obviously security could have been tighter and if you were watching more you'd have been able to kick him out sooner, it's still not as much your fault as people always said it was.
Not that it really matters much now either way, but it's still interesting to finally have it laid out like that.

2019-10-01 16:58:51

https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/1479 … on/page/3/

2019-10-01 17:44:06

@10 so that’s why didn’t you make banana hunt?