2019-06-19 19:04:30 (edited by Pineapple Pizza 2019-06-19 19:06:13)

I need it to convert to formats like mp3 and ogg, with out losing shit tuns of quality at lower bit rates like gold wav, I know how it should sound and gold wave doesn't give that, probably older incoders? Any way, also, I converted an mp3 to an ogg with gold wav. Instead of making it small, it made it bigger, almost twice it's former size. So yeah, don't want to use gold wavs incoders any more.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2019-06-19 19:11:08

Try audacity with lame 3.9

2019-06-19 19:39:41

Format factory

2019-06-19 19:46:56

While it is 40 dollars, the goldwave software for what it is is good for that sort of thing.
I mainly use its cd reader and batch processer for file conversions as I find it easy to handle.
Its got an older 32 bit version, a 64 bit version which is the most up to date and a windows 10 app version should you really want to use it that way.
I use the desktop version and for what it is its ok.
There was winlame but I have had to stop recommending it as the latest versions for 1 thing don't support mp3 to wav file converting or any wav file converting anymore and that a lot of stuff will crash it.
I know goldwave is  probably a little overkill for what I am using but its malware and open candy free and its not like I don't use it I just don't use it to much but its good when I use it and quite stable.
Its got a few free plugins to.

2019-06-19 21:24:46

@4, yeah goldwave i s great from my personal experience, but in post 1, he said that he tried goldwave and it made the file bigger. Not necessarily sure why that matters but none the less, it does, to him. That's why i recommended audacity with lame 3.9.

2019-06-19 21:52:20

TAudio Converter is good as well, it's free and you can convert into lots of formats.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter @thecoolgamer4 and subscribe to my Youtube channel

2019-06-19 22:48:11

Can Audacity do batch processing? I wanted to try it to see if it would process a large amount of files faster than Goldwave, but I couldn't find that option anywhere.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2019-06-19 23:22:53

oh yeah, forgot about TAudio.

2019-06-19 23:23:16

@7, I believe so, you need a plugin though. not completely sure though.

2019-06-20 07:49:15

VLC can also do this actually, I just use that. Do these other programs have any advantage over VLC in conversion?

2019-06-20 11:50:06

I think Switch Sound Converter will let you convert up to fifty files for a limited time, after which it will tell you to buy the full version without letting you convert anyhing.

Ulysses, KJ7ERC

2019-06-20 13:03:48

Yes, you can batch convert in Audacity. Go to file menu and then edit chains. After creating a chain you can add effects, but there is also export mp3, export ogg etc. Actually there is already a chain called "mp3 convert" or something like this. To apply the chain go to file menu and then apply chain.
You can specify the mp3 quality when you choose export from the file menu.