2005-07-22 09:06:21


Chaos, a spinoff, or mod, of Superliam, is in the works. The first two

levels are a Hallway and a Cave which is under the main bar. I still need

ideas for the other levels, or ways to mod them. If anyone has any

contributions, such as sound effects, to make, or you can send them to

[email protected] as t. Also, if anyone's got ideas, feel

free to post EM. I"ll be checking back regularly, so just post your ideas.


2005-07-22 12:15:45

hi holden,

chaos-ninja here,
i've been modding a few of my games

recently, including my sl demo.
i have been looking through my chillingham

file trying to make it a adventure game where you are a robot-frog,

allegators, eating robot termites, and getting bonus mushrooms.

coconuts are water ballons, and the airbot battle level is a duel with the

robo-mutant frog.
i replaced the music with swamp background and the

suburban streets sewer is a gater, and the cycle robot is a fly you have to

jump over.
unfortunately, every time i download a new version, and mod it

my comp can't find the short cut on my desktop.
does any of this

p.s are you modding the whole thing? or just the demo


assassin slash chaos-ninja

be ever aware of the silent tread of the angel of death.

2005-07-22 15:29:10


whole kit and cabootle. Just one question off topic here: Why are you

masquerading as Assassin?

2005-07-23 20:52:31


no,he is not maskerating as asasin,it's just that he uses two

computers,a lap-top and a desk-top
big y
the king

2005-07-24 07:27:37

hmm, how about making level 7 the brawl fighters, and instead of health

boosts you drink beer or something? that would be cool.

2005-07-24 10:51:17


know, instead of just level 7, that could be the health boost instead. On

every level! I like your thinkin Arjan.


2005-07-24 14:27:22

Yeah that was what i meant. actually, there's some mod i think i am gonna

create where a lot of computer people were working together and it gone

wrong and you have to shoot things they are similar to a picture of

microsoft power point, which is a microsoft power bomb and Norton anti tanks

and all that stuff. and you smash Windows 98 till it breaks etc.

2005-07-25 22:59:17

hey arjent I love that last idea you made about sooting computer stuff and

break windows 98 it sound fun!

2007-05-13 08:38:59

no i don't yet have the mod and actually never bothered to try it though. resurecting this topic made me think again though, i think i will create this mod, if someone can give me the little tune of a windows 98 starting, so we can smash up the computer when the mod is done. possibly even the tune from Windows 95, if someone still has that old tune.

2007-05-14 21:33:08

and anyone else:
i've made a danger city mod called windows xp destroyer, because vister's out. i don't want to upgrade, but i made it for fun.
however i want to work on the cutschenes. i had an idea before but now i can revamp, and i can do this myself i think. before i wanted typing sounds and such but not anymore. new ideas, and perhaps a new mod. the bomb level will be dectalk attempting to catch you and you must get out before he does. basicly what happened is that he knew about vister, and sent all the windows xp clones to destroy everything. including humans. so that no vister will come. so you are the leader sent to stop dectalk and his clones. unfortunately, the game was not finished, which is a shame. but at least there's the 3 levels i can do. haha.

2007-05-15 00:55:25

Is the source for Danger City available? If yeh, we could finish it.

Co-Founder, RS Games

2007-05-23 01:59:17

hey arjent. Can you sen me me your danger city mod? my email is: [email protected]