2018-01-03 01:23:59

I have a question about stats for characters. Both Simeon and Matthias both miss a lot. Simeon I kind of wrote that off because he's a thief and not a fighter. But, Matthias is level 16 right now, and he misses quite a lot. His dex is like 18 though. So what other reasons could there be that this could be happening. I did get him a better bow than what he started out with, and I did get Simeon a better weapon, though I did try to keep it light. Do people work well only with their own weapons, or is it something else I'm overlooking. I can't imagine why it would be that reason though, or why fill the game with lootable weapons. I kind of need him to balance out my party, and I need him with me right now or I'd switch him out for Simeon or Gwen. Simeon's level 17 I think, but can do other things that are useful rather than attack, and he can be quite powerful, when he hits.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-01-03 01:35:42 (edited by defender 2018-01-03 01:36:51)


You should give him the sword of edros Jade, it's perfect for him.
Having another offhand weapon will slow him down do to the extra weight, it's just not really worth it anyway from what I've seen, but honestly I don't even know how that works in this game, it could even be causing your damage problem.

Your saying that your theif's melee power is low though right? I mean, all you really need to do is raise his STR, it starts out pretty low as compared to a warrior...
I've noticed that things tend to hit their stride around 15 of each skill, give or take a point, so for instance, 15 int means your mage won't miss much any more, 15 wil means they'll be doing good enough damage to two hit almost everything, 15 agi means that you'll always get your turn unless you get slowed, and you start dodging a fare amount if you've got the right skills, 15 dex means you'll parry consistently ETC.
That said though, I've also found that 12 STR is pretty much the minimum you can get away with for decent strikes, any lower and your under powered, so at least shoot for that at first.

Also, obviously the warrior gets stuff like warrior's strike and brute force pretty quick, where as it takes a bit to get sneak attack for the thief, so he's stuck with base weapon damage until then.
From what I've seen, the warrior also tends to get more critical strikes and counter attacks too, maybe some kind of background class perk? but it could just be a fluke...
But yeah, even the priestess can do some pretty serious damage if she gets enough strength, so really that's what you should be going for.

As for Wilhelm, you just need to find Frita, who's in the house, though, you may need to visit the mines first, I don't know as I wandered into them from the sewers.


2018-01-03 01:40:31

Frieda isn't the problem. The problem is that the quest seems to end in wilhelm dying ad never actually making it home. I just imagined the ending to be more positive...

Regarding critical hits, those are purely random unless you have equipment or weapons that increase critical threat.

Discord: clemchowder633

2018-01-03 01:46:14

Regarding updates: Updating should not cause a problem with saved games. In theory you should be able to run the updater and then fire the game up as if nothing has changed. The only problems some people are encountering have to do with Windows restricting permissions to certain files, based on where you have installed your game. We're still trying to figure out if there's anything we can do on our end to prevent this from happening.

@IronCross #433: the blindgamers.com address is Ian's and is the right place to send crashing errors as those are his domain. If he gets script errors, he'll forward them over to the outofsightgames.com address, and if crashing errors are sent to that address they get sent over to Ian usually anyway. So it all comes out in the wash, no worries.

@Austin #435: That's not a bug—those are two separate quest lines. I do need to double check that the quest you're describing isn't bugged but I suspect you just aren't quite going where you need to in order to trigger it.

@Aaron #446: Right-stick free look is definitely a feature we plan to implement. We had some trouble getting that one implemented but it's on the list. Hope we can resolve your crashes soon.

@Jayde #447-8: Freida wouldn't talk to you? That sounds buggy to me...could you send an email to that effect to support [at] outofsightgames.com if you haven't already?

Regarding your attack power question, anyone dual-wielding Dolphin Blades is gonna do a lot of damage. I'm curious to know what those units' strength is. I don't know the relevant algorithms offhand but weapon power is definitely a major deciding factor.

Regarding difficulty, no penalty at all. Just a self-imposed decision.

@mojsior #449: You can't automatically read the last message but you can open a log of all recent speech with control + shift + L.

***Spoilers/pro-tips below this line***

@assault_freak #450: Reunited is one quest where your actions have a direct impact on how it plays out. Sounds like you did not find a way to distract the guards.

2018-01-03 02:05:50

Well, I just finished my first playthrough. I really enjoied the game from start to finish, and look forward to doing it again, missing sound files and all!

If anybody is wondering, my party ranged from level 42 through level 47. I almost always found it necessary to always keep my healer around though, so I'm hoping on this subsequent time through if I choose priest, I will be free from that restriction a bit.

Possible spoiler
Jade, I do have to say my warrior capped out in the low twenties for his last skill, everyone else capped out it seems in the low thirties.


2018-01-03 02:12:37 (edited by flameAlchemist 2018-01-03 02:13:30)

two questions.
1. do the bannitds respon? I can't find any since I started the quest. I'm on the laying down the law quest.
2. when I beet the game and start over will my custom beacons stay?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
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leave me a message saying how you found me.

2018-01-03 02:20:00

Right, thanks for all of the answers. I'm going to muck around a bit when I get a moment and see what I see. So far, my least favourite char to play with is Mathias, so I'm dreading the forest area...but he might get better, and level 10-12 is far too early to give up on anyone. I know it well.

I will go and try to talk to Frieda again, Joseph, to see if I can get her to talk to me. It could be that I just wasn't close enough to her or whatnot, or that I hadn't entered the mines. I'll try again, see if I can get things fired up.

And yeah, regarding the dolphin blades, I kinda figured that would be high damage. In fact, I sorta thought it might be to my warrior's benefit to dual-wield those, turn her into a nasty hitter, even if she's slow. As for that aforementioned Blade of Edros Mai, or whatever it's called? Good idea. Now all that's left is to find out whether I should bother using a buckler/shield on Simeon. I know I can't on Mathias, since bows are quite understandably two-handed.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2018-01-03 02:33:43

how do i start the bandit quest?

2018-01-03 02:37:01

I wasn't talking about power, but I'll go get the other dolphin blade and give it to him, but accuracy. Simeon misses a lot of strikes, i.e. doesn't hit, and matthias's arrows often miss the mark.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-01-03 02:56:30

IronCross, regarding your question about accuracy:

***Pro-tip below this point***

Ordinarily I wouldn't give away info like that if there was a hint in-game for discovering it such as a book or character dialogue but since I can't remember if we put anything like that in there: equipment weight and dual-wielding both negatively impact accuracy. Assuming Matthias is using a bow, he's obviously not dual-wielding; is his equipment weight particularly high compared to his sex, versus say your main's weight compared to whatever stat governs their accuracy?

2018-01-03 03:09:51

I actually found Mathias pretty underpowered for a while until I brought up both his strength and dex. Still, I prefer Simeon over him. I think I only really used him in the forest.


2018-01-03 03:14:57

I got the game! Now if only I wasn't so tired that trying to play makes my head all swirly...

Also, twice the game has frozen, and the same half-second of sound plays over and over and over until Windows shuts the program down. I don't know what could be causing that to happen but it's definitely taught me to save as often as possible!

Also, the navigation is so much harder than Liam made it look...

2018-01-03 04:12:58

Quick question about the Tools of the Trade quest. Jerome's asked for GObblin gear to study. I've sold him quite a lot of it but the quest doesn't complete. Is he looking for a certain amount or am I missing something?

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2018-01-03 04:36:52

Hi, nice game.
Are you able to romans your party members?
Are there different endings and please make an option in the menu to deleet your saves?

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2018-01-03 05:04:26 (edited by Origine 2018-01-03 05:16:11)

If you want to delete your saves, just go in the data for rpg folder, Under saved games delete the saves you don't want, those are .sav files.

Also, if you experience this file permission issue after updating, I posted a fix for Windows 10 users on post 374. I say this because I saw another post regarding this issue. Out of Sight Games recommend putting that folder Under documents, but I don't like to put stuff there because it is a low capacity SSD drive, so I prefer to put it on my larger drive and although the permission issues will probably happen again next time I'll update, the fix is not very long to do.

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2018-01-03 05:04:34

Who are you, people?
I need urgent help.
Next, I started playing the game a short time ago, and I'm in the cemetery and on that part of the magic barrier. alexia is already in my group. What do I have to do now? in the diary of my mind says that Alexia will help me in some way with the 3 stones.
big hug to all

2018-01-03 05:11:12 (edited by defender 2018-01-03 05:12:37)

I really wish that the warrior's skills didn't cap out so early...
That's pretty much the only main complaint I have so far about how the game works mechanics wise. Yeah, their are allot of skills, but it also seems like you usually end the game by like level 45 or so, and that's just way too many levels not to have anything interesting and new.
I mean their are no unarmed moves, either as a skill branch or as a compliment to armed fighting, kicks, leg sweeps, punches and such, but I think I've heard some other enemies doing it, least it sounds like it, but I suppose that could be a bludgeon...
No intimidation moves or armor piercing attacks either.
I also never got finesse or flurry, and those would have been really cool.
That said though, the skills that do exist are really awesome and well thought out.

Actually I guess I do find the fact that you can't turn 360 degrees without a mouse, and can't quickly scan to the left and right with radar annoying too.
I seriously doubt that any of this will be added to the game at this point though, sadly, but who knows, at least allot of the sounds are their from other enemies right?
At least I can hope, and it's not as if the other classes don't provide variety...

2018-01-03 05:50:12

I don't know about romance but you can get a sort of semi-flirtatious moment if you talk to Victoria with one of the ladies in your party.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2018-01-03 05:53:02

@460 I don't really think so, I'd have to look again, but its not as if I've got him walking around in plate or something.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-01-03 06:35:25 (edited by Joseph Westhouse 2018-01-03 06:36:44)

@The Imaginatrix #462: Can you tell what sound is being played over and over before the game crashes? Where were you/what were you doing when it crashed? These are the sorts of details we need to try and track these bugs down. Also, bear in mind that Liam has spent more time with the game than you, both learning the maps and getting accustomed to the navigation system. I suspect that the longer you play, the more comfortable you'll become with it, as well.

@BryanP #463: Yep, can't remember how much offhand but it's a fair bit.

@Defender #467: You capped out a warrior and never learned Finesse or Flurry? I'm honestly not sure how that could happen unless there's a bug in the skill learning logic. What skills does your warrior know? Maybe send this info to the support[at]outofsightgames.com to avoid spoilers and whatnot...I'd like to ensure this isn't bugged.

EDIT: Also, we may have figured out a fix for the updater and Windows permissions. Hopefully we are not far from a future where updates to the game do not come with a risk of the game not wanting to launch afterward.

2018-01-03 06:51:29

Hmm. Guess that lever wasn't supposed to be puled quite yet... though I don't know what he meant by a distraction. Really curious to know what I missed... bug report though, if this does happen, talking to Frida after the quest brings up an error saying unable to find unhappy menu state, then the game crashes.

Discord: clemchowder633

2018-01-03 06:57:38

Ah, he was weighed down a little more than the rest, and that did seem to get him back. I gave him a piece of armor that had a better armor rating, and was lighter than whatever he had in that slot, and I took that big bow away and gave him back his bow. The different in weapon rating wasn't that much higher, and he's plenty powerful with it when he uses his own bow, so I'd rather like to see him get more shots landing on target than to say, get 1/5 but that 1 is a very powerful hit. I can sacrifice power for damage over time, which will be greater because he's hitting more accurately.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-01-03 06:59:48 (edited by The Imaginatrix 2018-01-03 07:02:04)

I was in battle both times it happened. The first time I got in battle as soon as I stepped onto the Bridge, and didn't even get a chance to fight first. The second time I had just killed my last enemy, a raven, and it's defeat sound was playing over and over and over but the game wasn't responding. It's not the same sound every time, that much I know.

My biggest problem with navigating is that when I'm in a room and snap to interactive things, I lose track of the door/the entrance I came in by and spend a minute or two running into walls trying to find my way out.

2018-01-03 07:09:38

Simeon, the Godslayer.

Simeon uses Sneak Attack on Grebbik bra-Nolag
13433 damage dealt.
Grebbik bra-Nolag has been defeated.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2018-01-03 07:19:28

Holy... overkill much? lol How did you manage something like that?

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