2016-04-20 21:26:13

I didn't put this in general game discussion because, well, it has to do with my mac, and mac related things, even though one of those things is closely associated with gaming, and would probably warrant that this topic be in general game discussion, but I suppose that's worth discussing, and I am willing to discuss it.  Anyway, I'm not returning it; I'm not getting rid of it... For at least another two years... I think.  I can do all I need to do and all I want to do... Except for one thing... Just one, little, itty, bitty, problematic thingy of a thing, and a teensy weensy bit of help on your part may resolve this issue, which is why I've come to you, oh beautiful gaming community.
You see... It's a little something like this... I miss Alter Aeon!  I can't sleep at nights because I want to play so bad that it hurts my hurting hurt, and my life is going to conclude with the misery that is not knowing what to do about it if you don't do something about it, which is why you should help me!  I mean, how would you feel if, say, tomorrow, you discovered that I came to an end because of grief owing to not being able to conquer my next level?
All this nonsense aside, what I really want to know is whether in fact there is a way to pass the capslock key through to a virtual machine in fusion, or if I should just get a mud client?  If the former, please detail the method by which I can accomplish this beautiful thing.  If the latter, show me the culprit... I mean, client.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-04-20 23:19:22


The caps lock key cannot be passed to Fusion. I don't know why, but it doesn't work aside from turning on and off caps lock. As for the client, do you want one for OS X or Windows? I'm assuming OS X. You could use the terminal, but you don't get sound and the speech cuts off if new information comes in. I've heard of another client for the Mac, but I gave up and just submitted to Windows until I stoppped playing that game. From what I read, you have to apparently build this thing from the source or something. There were lots of instructions for using the command line and I was like bleh! I don't know why we don't have a simple accessible MUD client for the Mac. Probably because Windows is more popular. It's ironic, since I view OS X as being far superior to Windows accessibility. May I mention the talking recovery and install? Anyway, that's enough from me before I start ranting.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2016-04-21 00:31:04

The capslock key cannot be passed to the vm, but that's no reason why you can't reassign the capslock key on windows to another key, for example, right control or right alt.  smile

there are tools like sharp keys that will do this for you.

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2016-04-22 00:28:17

There are two clients for OSX: Tintin++ and Mudder. You can grab Mudder from the iTunes app store and tintin++ from Source Forge.

“Can we be casual in the work of God — casual when the house is on fire, and people are in danger of being burned?” — Duncan Campbell
“There are four things that we ought to do with the Word of God – admit it as the Word of God, commit it to our hearts and minds, submit to it, and transmit it to the world.” — William Wilberforce

2016-04-22 00:46:02

So, this is where your XP VM comes in handy, if you need, like actually surgically require, the accessible MUDding experience (TM).

Apple's "solution" to the problem of network updates is "turn on the mode that turns off the speech, and review manually". If you are happy doing this, then you can use the Mac just fine. But, for whatever reason, Apple hasn't generalised the case of an application with console output that can be updated at any moment over the network, without interrupting what was previously being said. Either an update occurs and you are informed, but no subsequent update happens, or no update is announced. You can find the control for this in the VoiceOver commands, type VO-H-H and search for "most" (in "most recent"). You'll need some Keyboard Commander control to use this on a regular basis.

Nah, I don't MUD much anymore, either. Macs have that effect on people ...

Good luck and have fun.

Just myself, as usual.