2015-04-30 08:05:12

I have played the full version a lot, and I still enjoy the game. I haven't regret my purchase one single second.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
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2015-04-30 09:02:49

To answer the question about the effectiveness of AI players, my answer is, it depends on the mission.
For bank robberies, absolutely not. They try to break down too many vaults and end up getting captured. They do work pretty well on the farm, and in the police station, I've found it's best to let them battle for you. Every time I've gone in there and fought, all my people got captured. But if I let the AI do it, they get me out, one way or another. I don't know whether that speaks to my lack of skill or what, but seriously, I would recommend doing that if you're weird like me and don't like to play without your main character.
I haven't tried using strictly AI in any of the other stages, but I would imagine they might get bogged down in the prison the same way they do in the bank. As for the bar, they would probably be decent at that, same with the weapons shop, and honestly, I've never even touched the casino yet, so I don't even know what it's like, much less how AI reacts to it.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-04-30 13:11:17

In the prison the AI is usually able to react well to enemies. It will stop smashing down cell doors to deal with the enemies if they get close enough, in my experience. I think the trick is to align yourself to what the AI wants to do, as three criminals are super potent when they are working together on the same thing. Though it would be better if you could give the AI orders instead of having to deduce what the AI wants to do and stop what you are trying to do to help them out.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2015-04-30 18:02:20

I agree with that. Being able to give the AI  commands would be very useful, not only to make them more effective fighters/looters, but because it would just be plain cool. I think actually being able to give your players orders is missing from a couple of audio games where it should have been included, Park Boss being the other example I can think of.

Now I have a question. How have you guys managed to keep on top of the ever increasing cash demands of your people? I find that I rob the bank and end up giving them all the cash I have by the next mission, and it seems increasingly likely that I'm going to have to either spend all my time robbing the bank or just let all their loyalty go to 0% and fly solo.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-04-30 22:12:40

I will second the suggestion for orders, though I'd be all right if the orders were pre-mission, and included a bail out level at which they flee, Ordering in the midst of the chaos might actually be harder.
As for the regeneration rate, this forces some choices on you.  Remember that medkits are available so if someone is taking too long, use one.  Also, you can choose a larger gang size so that while three are healing, three others can be out causing pain in the world.

2015-04-30 22:14:38


Mostly I go solo. It's fun to have people with you but they're cash demands are a bit much some times, so I just let them die out and continyu my characters journey alone.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-04-30 23:41:29

the problem with prefight orders though is that you can't control them later if you change your mind, most if not all mainstream games with AI partners you can control allow you to give orders mid battle, usually with either one button per order or a menu that pauses the game
also, why should I have to use up my medkits just to cut down on wait time if I'm already running relatively low?

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2015-05-01 00:08:09

Does anyone have any tips and tricks after the first stage. My wife and I keep dying a lot during the second level of the game.  And how do I get help from an AI? Do I rescue prisoners from the prison?

2015-05-01 02:11:04

Hi! Can you please add screen reader support in the game?

2015-05-01 06:56:31

okay so question for people, does anyone know how to know if someone who's been broken out of prison actually has good stats or not? like how does everyone decide whether or not to keep them? or do you just not bother

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2015-05-01 07:55:45

Well, when you get back to your base, just check their stats. Also, the people who were locked behind steel doors are going to have higher stats than those who are behind the wooden doors.
I also think that you get people who are based on your level. For example, I broke somebody out of prison who was at level 24 when I was at level 21. So it actually does pay, as much of a pain as it is, to go in and rescue people when you're at a higher level.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-05-01 08:08:57

yeah I know how to check stats, what I was asking though was more along the lines of what classifies as actually good stats and what classifies as a character who'll just end up sucking later? or do stats not really matter in that

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2015-05-01 11:17:48

Hi there. any idea when the windows XP fix will be released?

2015-05-01 13:22:20

Hi all
I have a question: does the prison's door's hardness increase when your level increases? does the same case with the goats so their health and defence increase to be harder to kill? if this, if everything level up with you to equal you in strength, what will be the benefit of leveling up? so does this happen in the whole game? or just in a certain places and cases?

Kind regards!

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2015-05-01 19:55:14

Well it's kinda hard to not level up since anytime  you injure or kill something and presumably pick something up you get experience. But the more levels you have the more powerful weapons you can find. That's why that steel shield in the black market increases in price and defense.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-05-02 07:51:50 (edited by Sean-Terry01 2015-05-02 08:40:44)

Hi, I am so loving this game. I like the idea that there will be more content coming. I really like the ideas that ther person in post 50 suggested. i'd like them too. As I said, I really love this game. Keep up the awesome work Aaron and Philop. I have a suggestion of my own to make. when a character gets taken by the police, instead of the death sound, I think you should hear like the caracter being handcuffed and pushed to the door. It would make it that much more realistic.

2015-05-02 09:06:11

Am I the only one who prefers going solo? I only have one character in my game and don't plan to rescue  more.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2015-05-02 09:39:15


Going solo is good and you gain a lot from it, but getting people is good too, since they can clear the field of enermies quite fast. Although at the moment, they don't seem to want to go to the door once they pick up cash or weapons, they seem to keep picking them up until they die.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-05-02 11:35:18

The team thing is good for places like the police station or the jail which are pretty risk free. The bank and the factory are better solo though. Especially the factory, the AI often gets itself electricuted. I actualy like the electric field thing, as you can use it to your avantage, fighting off enemies that come in from the left while letting items pile up on the right. That's often what I do to get a nice payout from there.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2015-05-02 15:00:34

So guys
How do I get the grenade... launcher..?

Because I am getting otns of grenade packs... but no launcher!

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2015-05-02 15:15:47

wow, there are grenades? I see, i am not very far in the game. BTW: does a  machine gun exist as well? I think a flame thrower would be funny, too if it is not included already.

2015-05-02 15:19:48

can other voices be gotten for sap five? if NVDA support was included as it is in paladin i'd buy the full version, why we are still limited to sap is beyond me.

2015-05-02 16:36:34

oriol, I'm actually trying to figure that out too only with the rifle at the moment
I got it to spawn in the weapon shop once, but never again after that

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2015-05-02 17:17:37

Hello everybody!
First, I would like to congratulate the work, very good!
I have a question:
It is possible, in the middle of the mission, return to base?
I think that would be a very good feature, because we could go on a mission, take the amount of necessary items, return to base and do another mission.

2015-05-02 18:13:02

To people who are complaining about no screen reader support, I want that too. Thing is, I think Aaron and/or Phillip coded it so that there are a lot of instances where sapi speaks and waits. Screen readers can't speak and wait with bgt, they can only speak, and they can be interrupted by other things as well.