2015-04-29 08:53:39

Well, when they get to that mistrust stage they refuse to join missions, so if they're bored it's kind of their own fault haha! One guy's loyalty went to 0 percent, he tried fighting me, but unfortunately for him only lasted a couple of seconds, if that long.

There is one rule above all others for being a man.  Whatever comes, face it on your feet.
@bcs993 on twitter, feel free to follow!

2015-04-29 10:29:55

I think that this game could really do with a story mode. The biggest turn off for me is that there is absolutely no structure to the game. You can play the missions in any order and as many times as you want. The only guide you have is your objective to kill enemies or gain money, and maybe the gang members themselves get bored because that's all they can do. I know I do, smile.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
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2015-04-29 14:36:13

the truth is a great game.
I have only one suggestion, could be added the use of the screen readers in future updates?
Because I dont like to use SAPI 5.
The game is excellent, congratulations to philip and aron.
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-04-29 14:41:29

at key is full
I agreed with you man
at philip
I am facing a bug and whenever I trash a cartrage the game stops functioning.
I loved the evans story if you modify it we will like it.

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!

2015-04-29 15:55:49

it's great to hear that the game will get more content in the future! That's really good to know and I'm very much looking forward to whatever updates there will be.
And I can only aggree, a story mode with speciffic missions to do would be great! I don't mind running around and randomly kill stuff to blow of some steam, but I also like to have some kind of objective and a sense of progress in a game, be it through an ongoing story, reaching certain goals and getting unlockables for it etc.

2015-04-29 16:01:56

Hi, it's quite strange that you save their life of the guys in prison, then they want Money for it.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2015-04-29 16:07:43

Well Turtlepower I don't know about pets but the other suggestions you made definitely make sense within the context of the game. I personally et no small satisfaction from smashing the hell out of a vault or prison door while knifing or beating the guards to death. SPeaking of weapons I think it'd be cool if you could get your hands on other types of weapons, golf clubs, baseball bats and things of that sort. That brings up another idea that might be interesting. You could have certain criminals specialize in certain weapon types. So you could have a criminal who prefers guns over other weapons, so if you gave him one he might do more damage and better maintain his loyalty to you.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-04-29 16:28:41

Hi, i bought the game as well and like it for what it is actually. Most of the suggestions wich have been made Sound realy good. I would be happy to  see future updates. How the update System is working? Has thegame an automatic updater?

2015-04-29 17:07:44

Yeah, the pets thing was just something totally random I thought of. Of all the suggestions I made, I would be ok if that one never made it into the game.
But your idea about members specializing in different weapons made me think of something else. What if you have gang members who aren't good marksmen, or who take too much time to break open vaults? Each member could have their own strengths and weaknesses, in other words, and these things could be taken into account when deciding who to take on missions with you. This way, it isn't just a case of whose level is higher, but who can benefit you the most in certain missions. For example, the guys who aren't great with shooting people could go to the farm and kill goats, or go to stores and loot if that's added, while you and some of the other guys go and free prisoners and so on. And if there are members who get more attention because they're better at the more high profile missions, other members might get jealous, decreasing their loyalty.
The other thing I thought of right after I posted last night was an electronics store. I think this is set in modern times, right? So there should definitely be a way to steal computers and cell phones and stuff like that. There wouldn't have to be any brand names or anything, before anybody starts talking about the possible legal ramifications.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-04-29 17:29:01

Hi, the game does not ask me if I want to exit, I accidentaly quit twice because of that.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2015-04-29 18:39:55

A Suggestion: What about hiring criminals on several places, like the Casino, or several hideouts as well? This way you don't have to go into the prison only. Or corrupt cobs you can get to your allies as well?

2015-04-29 18:42:23

Just a tip, never, EVER take other people with you into the factory. It has to be a solo mission. The AI players scoop up bombs, then proceed to use them within half a second, and you usually end up getting blown up yourself. It's not cool.
I was going to make another general comment about gameplay, but it left my head. Oh well, I'm sure I'll remember it later.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-04-29 19:12:03

I for one have yet to successfully rescue someone once they've been taken by the police. Sooner or later I inevitably get swarmed by cops. It doesn't help that the pistol is such a pain to get. Of course I'm only playing the demo at the moment, althoug I do intend to buy the full version at the earliest possible opportunity since beating the hell out of fictitious people does wonders for my agression levels. LOL.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-04-29 19:58:39

Yeah, it's definitely tough to rescue people from the police station. I haven't been able to do it either. I've given up trying. I just go and get more people from the prison to replace them.
Ah, that's what I wanted to say earlier. If your player, the leader of the gang, gets taken by the police or killed, you're still responsible for paying the other members of your gang. At least, that's how it appears, because no leader is elected. This should probably be fixed, as it's not realistic at all.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-04-29 20:02:10 (edited by defender 2015-04-29 20:11:05)


Here's my thoughts on the game both good and bad.

At first, after playing the game only 2 or 3 times and not really knowing what I was doing, I thought it was a total ripoff to even buy in the first place, but after playing it more, and actually understanding what I was doing, I now realize that it's still a ripoff price wise, but that it's also reasonable to pay for it in the first place, especially considering the voice work, music, and sound effects.

It's also just plane fun, and really gets your heart going with it's use of fast paced action, high impact sound effects, intents music, and split second decision making in the heat of the moment.

I wish that more people would have done the same thing before posting here and letting their opinions be known, because allot of the criticisms that I'm seeing seem kind of unfounded, and are mostly based on the price of the game verses the replayability, rather than the game it's self, and even though that's an important factor, for obvious reasons, it isn't the only one, and it's usually somewhat negotiable anyway.

I especially didn't like how some of the developers on this forum reacted to the game, calling it extremely limited, boring, and an unfinished waste of time, which, I find to be highly hypocritical, considering that most of those same people's own projects were either similar or not as good as this one, being distinguished only by the fact that they were free, which, isn't really a very good excuse in my eyes, since you'd expect someone who actually cares about the community to, if not expend the same level of effort on, than at least to use a similar work ethic with a free game as they might with a payed one.

Either way, at this point, I'd like to see more platforming and climbing elements, such as those that were shown in the Perilous Hearts concept demo that everyone was so excited about for exactly those reasons in the game before I'd consider it to be worth even 20 dollars, and for screen reader support to be integrated, or at least to have more control over SAPI speech rate and pitch within the game, along with a fuller storyline if possible, and a bit more work on the AI, to make the game a bit less spammy and beatemup.

That said, I'd pay 5 dollars easy for this game at the moment, and 10 dollars with out too much trouble, and even though I feel bad about that, considering the quality of the voice acting, music, and general idea for the game, I don't think that expecting people to pay 25 dollars for a game that, for all intents and purposes, would have been better off released either when it was a more polished product, or as an Alpha/Beta with the possibility to preorder, is either fare or realistic.

That said, I can feel the level of work that was put into this game, and what is actually there, seems solid enough, excluding a few things that seem easy enough to remedy with a bit of work, so despite what some people are saying, weather out of ignorance or frustration, I encourage you to soldier on, because the community will thank you for it, and you will be more likely to cover your production costs and have the chance to make some money for your hard work in the process.

2015-04-29 21:12:55

hello, I for one have bought the game, and I haven't been disapointed for the 2 days I've had it, not even once. but I only have one point of critasism about this. I just had a level 7 character who I wanted to get up to level 17, because my AI people were stupid enough to destroy a wooden door before actually going after the iron one so I got this low level girl. So I gave her a pistol and sent her into the bar to do some killing, and in about 30 seconds everyone in the place was dead and I would just stand by the door and cops would die in about 2 seconds after entering. so, maybe there should be a level restriction for weapons? if not a level restriction, then a third stat should be added, intelegence. if you have enough intelegence you can start using better and better weapons. Mines and bombs would also need a sertain intellegence level, but that  should be fairly low sinse their consumable items. and that idea about corrupting cops isn't bad. maybe at the start of a mission you would be given the option to pay off the cops, giving you some extra time before they start showing up, depending on how much money you gave them. of course, there should be a limit to this, sinse if you have like 5000000 in cash you could probably stay in there till you got bored smile. ither that or making the costs of bribing the cops so high that you wouldn't be able to aford it untill a long way into the game. Hope my contribution helps move this project forward because it has amazing potencial and this could turn into something awesome.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-04-29 21:17:02

I currently am addicted to this game. so Much. I play it after my jobs to get rid of agression!
I have my main char at level 55, one char at 31, another at 28, another at 47, and another at 20.
So I played this game extensively. Here are a few points I realized. Some might be repeated here but it's worth noting!!!
1. Prison: Did you know you can jump over people you pass? If you don't want to kill them, just jump over a bunch of people with the up arrow and tapping of the right arrow as you land. You will get to a door quicker in the prison this way.
2. Go to the bar right away after you are out of the party. You can visit the factory for bombs (watch for the fence you jump),  but every single leveling up will delay you from ever having a chance to free a wooden sell (not a metal one)
3. Also worth to note: Train your other people in the gang up alongside you. I made the mistake of not doing this, and now the two girls who I had are level 29/27, while I'm 55. To train, use the bar and take them solo. You could take them all together which works but I found me manually training chars is a good way to do it.
4. Unless you have 2 or 3 chars at the same level of character strength and stats, do not, I repeat, do not take them to the bank. Either go to the bank solo or take only the highest characters.
5. Jumping up and down can actually help you during a battle, like if you are opening a bank vault.
6. After a specific trigger, the game will allow you a very special mode that's not mentioned in the manual. This I do not know what triggers but I got access to it. I won't spoil the mode unless Philip tells us. Sorry. It's super cool though and makes this game worth $89 even.
7. Food is important. Keep your people's loyalty high by feeding them often (and checking the rassions) and paying them after each mission. Also know that they will get bored if you just take yourself solo. I have one character at 100% loyalty, others are in their 90s.
8. The steel shield is more worth at higher levels when you can rob banks easily. I have $8k in cash right now and I gave all of my characters a steel shield.
9. Drugs suck. I had someone die because of them. They're cool, but I like how it's implemented and done.
's a quality I would only expect from someone like BGT, and this game probably took a long time to create. Months.



2015-04-29 21:19:07

Police station: Remember that the police station ends when you kill everyone in the station. It's kind of like the party at the game's beginning. Trick is to kill everyone, there's only about 10, so it's limited. Once you killed everyone the char gets released.



2015-04-29 21:20:26

Love the game! Got no complaints

2015-04-29 22:15:34

Wow, now i am excited about this new secret mode you discovered. Thanks for the tip. The game is funny so far.

2015-04-29 22:41:34

Ah, another Idea Comes to my mind. In some games, i knew this from GTA ronly, you can get quests wich you can do for others. Foexample, another criminal wants you to place a bomb inthe car of another competitor to kill  him, because, let's say this competitor killed the Family of thegangster who gives you the quest. Maybe that could be another Thing for the future? Just na suggestio.

2015-04-29 22:43:03

Re: police station, I experienced something different.  If I get my control character to the end of the level, it seems to free the prisoner.  I don't know, maybe my minions did kill everyone behind me.
Tip: play the lowest level character you take on a mission, as this allows you to know when to scarper.
Being able to send out your minions on independent missions makes having a larger gang make sense.  I liberated seven criminals before level 17 and it did make some things better, such as when I lost entire parties to the cops.
I often have trouble hearing the SAPI voice over the mayhem and have to read the log after the mission to hear what I missed.
Loyalty appears simple: pay 'em, feed 'em and you'll get 100% loyalty.  I had that across the board.

2015-04-29 23:04:47

can you do other things to your oponent like throing bottles from the bar of them?

2015-04-30 01:58:15

So I like the concept behind this game. I'm just wondering something. How do you make NPC AI to respond the way they do?

John Follis
Check out my YouTube Channel.

2015-04-30 08:01:37 (edited by Shadowcat 2015-04-30 08:12:47)

okay so I've just started playing this, its surprisingly fun in small bursts in its current form but a couple suggestions and a question or two
has anyone actually tried the shotgun? if so is it worth it? seems to me to be relatively useless right now because the revolver can do the same amount of damage but for less money, because shotgun shells have to be bought as far as I can see
how effective are missions where you're not actually on them, do your people actually do better than they usually do? or do they just end up getting arrested
now, suggestions
commands for the AI you could use to control what they're doing, would take some coding but would make them much better to actually fight with
suggested commands: all out attack, melee only for doors and things, stay close/cover, flee which could have your party leave the stage entirely, wait, clear out which would make them get away from you quickly if you want to plant bombs, and regroup which would have them immediately break off whatever they were doing and come to your location
second suggestion/another question, what's with the prison sentences? a lot of them seem to be just random weird things that don't actually make much sense, well i suppose they do but it takes away from the atmosphere of the game because whenever I look at one of them its just like, what the hell?
lastly, would it be possible to speed up regeneration times in the base? seeing as most times you rest you might want to rest to full health anyways, why make the high level players wait the unnecessarily long time it does take to get back to full health

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