2015-12-25 03:17:58

Well, a bear just killed me, and now I lost everything. I can recover most everything, but why I cannot recover pots, bike helmet, skilllets and some meddles? I have 1200 meddles. but when I died, only eatable fish and other things that I can recover. is it a bug or something?

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2015-12-25 08:15:50

Hi, How do you activate the in-character chat?
If I press /, nothing happens
I have had this problem since I created my character a few months ago, so it is not related to the latest version of STW. And it doesn't matter whether I use JAWS or NVDA.
For example, the game is announcing about setting the gender every 10 seconds.
If I try to press / and then type / setgender it doesn't work.
Instead when I press s, it tells my thirst, so pressing / does not activate the in-character chat
Thanks for any help in advance!

2015-12-25 09:13:48

When Sam said /, he ment the / on English keyboard, which means that / will be the key that is on its place. for me, for example, that was -. I think you can also use shift +\ to open the radio.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2015-12-27 13:33:27

hi all and sam I speak english a little, but I try tell something about game.  I not ok very much, because most admin add item to inventory, and send item to another gamer. I like to buy Item. Why admin to do this?  I like your game, but I'm not ok very much. Sometime admin gamer is femail, admin send gift for her. Please check because I'm not ok.

2015-12-27 13:43:02

hi all How can I do? I can not backslash  \ to open out of character shat. but I can shift+slash open out of character shat . Why I cann't backslash. backslash began forward of shat. Sorry for my spelling.

2015-12-27 14:50:31

I don't know what happened here, but the server lag very much. my internet is working fine...

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2015-12-27 19:49:51

Sam, I sent you a pm on this forum, it is very important, please check it out.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2015-12-28 17:05:07

Hey sam, I sent you a contact request on skype. I have a few things to talk out with you consirning stw, ordering and admins, and a few other things. I rather this be private between the two of us and not gather too much atention so I thaught a skype call would be the best place to do that.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-12-30 12:51:17

Hi Sam

First off, a really good job well done with the game. I've been having a lot of fun with it, and it absorbs all my free time currently... A few things I would like to say though:
- The bears (at least to my mind) are a bit overkill. It's one thing to get hit, even a few times, but a totally different thing to be hit until you dy. The problem i'm having is that you get hit so often that it's difficult to either run away, or get orientated in time to get it killed. I did survive, but only because i had full health (it did cost me 900 health)...
- The out of char chat should be cleaned up: a lot of non english people are on the english channel, wich is very annoying.
- I also would like to suggest that the spacebar would be holdable. Try to get 7500 grass, to get 300 strings, by constantly pressing it, it's even painful.
- A minor bug: for some odd reason my inventory suddenly got carved clay and procarious water. I did drop them, but thought you had to know...
- The fish seem to hate me: they break my string from my fishingpole constantly, even though i am not going too fast. Seems some times the time to get your second hand empty is a bit too short...

This is all for now
Thanks a lot for this much entertainment, it's really truely and honestly apriciated.

PS: if someone can tell me how to make a fishing net, I'd be greatful, either on here or in a pm ...

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2015-12-30 19:16:42

critikview, when you get attacked by a bear, simply run into one direction and never stop untill the attack noise stops. Get a safe distance away, then eether run away or face it so you can kill it. For a fishing net, you need 8000 Grass. Make 320 strings out of that, and then keep combining those strings untill you get a bunch of tied strings, combien those into heavally tied strings, then combine them into woaven strings. And then, combine those into heavally woaven strings, and combine the 2 heavally woaven strings you should have into a broken net. Now make a frame, and combine the frame and the broken net.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-12-31 17:00:48


Thanks for the help with the net, It's propperly created, and fully opperational. I found one very intresting bug though: if you build a fire with say 500 health, after a while a tree will be there in its place and you can interact with it, However even though the fire is still burning, you cannot do anything with it anymore. So, either there has to be a limit for how much wood you can throw on a fire, or a tree shouldn't grow there if the tile is occupied by something else.
That's all for now

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2015-12-31 18:51:36

Hey guys, Sam's STW store seems to be unable to accept money from Paypal. I was trying to buy some teleporters and a couple other things, and I wasn't able to.

2016-01-01 10:10:31

Hi all. I can’t seem to log in to the server. Is the server down now? Or it’s just my client having this issue? Thanks for your responses.

2016-01-01 10:46:20

@Jonathan, it is not your client problem. the server has been down I'm afraid.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2016-01-01 11:45:39

Thanks for that response Socheat.

2016-01-01 11:46:09

Hi Guys, AKA Michael209 here. I was on the game earlier yesterday, and someone was helping me regenerate my inventory since I got killed earlier due to something happening to make me die, and I think the surver cut off or something. I am writing this to request that when the surver comes back on line, I will need help restocking. I cant remember who it was that was helping me, but It was an Admin. I hope you will remember me whoever you are. Thanks guys for all your help with the game. being a newbee, it is so nice to know that there are fokes who will help..Sam, this is such a cool game..You have done well with it, and I greatly enjoy it..Keep up the good work!. Lookin forward to meeting new people on here, and makin new friends..This game is awesome..Ps. any new tips for makin idoms would be very much appreciated, and Oh, one morequestion, When you get a a aultra gift pack from the store, does it automatically go into your inventory, or do u just add them as you need them? Thanks again guys for all your help..God bless all, and Happy New Year..

2016-01-01 11:51:44

You're welcome. I hope the server will back up soon. because this game is freaken awesome.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2016-01-02 19:49:33

Hello all.
wow, this game is exactly the type of game i've been looking for. Absolutely awesome. Been playing for the past 2 days, and its my new favorite. Just wanna say a very good job to Sam, and I look forward to playing it in the future.

2016-01-04 10:22:29

Hi again

The more I play this game, the more awsom it becomes big_smile I've been having great fun hunting for a few items, and the discovery of the giftshop was amazing. I found an issue though that when you're tracking an item, and someone picks it up, you don't stop tracking it. A message saying: "The item was pickd up by someone else, stop tracking." would be very helpful and save some energy.
Then, for some new items:
- A paddle weal: a bike combined with a few paddles, to make using a boat speed up. If you want to go from the main land to the village, it takes quite some time. I have nothing against that, except that since there's a bike for walking, something should be there for roaing too.
- A butcher's knife: combine two knives to get from captured fish to raw fish in one move, or from dead rabit to raw rabit in one move. Also would enable you to gut wolves and bears to eat them.
- A way to sharpen axes and spears: currently you can only do this with a knife
- A use for pen and paper to create, or the inclusion of, a map: this would at least give people an idea of what goes where, and combined with a compas would increase mobility. (survive without a map seems kinda odd, unless you couldn't find one in your hurry to escape)
- A penalty for stealing someone elses food, or ruining a fire or so: "in your hurry to pick up some eatable speared fish, some items fell out of your bag. Why? Because it seems unfair to me that, while you're preparing say 10 speared fish, it's kinda hard to hear when one is ready to be picked up. And if there's one golden rule if you don't have much to begin with: it's all mine mine and mine alone. If later on you expand your inventory, you can start helping out, but in the beginning you need every single bith of wood or food you can get. Also, other people throwing mud on a fire you started, is to my mind, lame, and senceless too. it might have been because I dropped a courpse in the gasstation to have some fun, but hey no one got hurt by that, while doucing a fire is kinda painful when in need of food.

Enough of my rambeling ...
Time, to, survive, the, wild!

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2016-01-04 10:37:22

server is down?

2016-01-04 11:39:22


omer wrote:

server is down?

Yes! What happened to the server?
Happy New Year!

Regards, Adil.

2016-01-04 13:08:07

Hi survivors

The server is back up, so you can go ahead an "survive some more".

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2016-01-04 15:02:02

@Post 1639, speaking of throwing mud onto a fire deliberately, I actually remember one day trying to help someone who started a fire to add more items to it, so I dropped some watches along with other stuff, not knowing at the time that watches help extinguish fires. Any reasons for this, btw?

There is one rule above all others for being a man.  Whatever comes, face it on your feet.
@bcs993 on twitter, feel free to follow!

2016-01-04 17:30:53


I've been thinking some things over, and came up with a very intresting solution in the deliberate extinguishing of fires: if you throw mud, water, or dirty water (or anything else liquid for that matter) on a burning fire, there's a very good chance you might slip and fall on your face, preferably in the fire. This will prevent you from moving five seconds, taking health during the process. At that time, you will also be open for any kinds of attacks, thus risking to be killed by bears, bombs, or angry people whos fire you attempt to nullify. Since there's no way you can punsh people in the face to leave you alone, that's the only workable alternative I found.

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2016-01-06 12:17:09

Hi survivers!
This game is ausam
I have tried it
I want to know that in island main land where can I find a metal?
How to make a boat?
also how to make a compass and a speer?
sam I love your acting and voice.

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!