2015-11-19 06:53:02

Hi Sam and everyone!
Rgarding of the bear that you've release at the main map.
I think It's should be more the same or increase.
Because the title of your game that's why.
People they have to learn the technique that how to make them survive.
Because you wanna let the all the players to learn how to live in that world that's why.
Even though I also got kill by bear yesterday.
I also did not complain anything or ask you to restore my thing back.
I said that thing it's not mean I'm the experience player or anything.
But thing nowaday it was so easy to find that's why.
Because it's should be survive game like that.
My Thai fellows also got kill on the fishing as well.
But she haven't complain anything to me.
She just did not know the technique to be did not movement only.
That's why she got caught by that.
By the way look like people seem to be enjoy that bear was hunting for them though.
So I don't know what you think.
But make people try too help themselves to be survive it's will be more fun and fun.
By the way I hope yuou will take some thinking about that.

No! Please don't get me wrong!
The wrong could be right! The right could be wrong.

2015-11-19 06:59:14

I don't play stw, but about animals, I will give you all of my ideas because you want to make a realistic game, so make it realistic as best as you can.
First, if you train a bear you will be able to control a bear. You will need to specify the name of the bear, and you will have to say your bear's name in your voice, and your bear will come to you. You need to train your bear like training your pupy in your home.
When you successfully trained a bear, the bear will not attack you, your bear will do your order, eat with you, and sleep with you, like a pupy. You can play with your bear, you can hunt other animals with your bear, etc.
And every character must have an age limit. If your age reaches 100, no matter what you do, you'll instantly die. Even if this is not good for players, you should add it because it is another life, right?

2015-11-19 07:29:53

The thing is bee, in a real life survival situation there arn't so many bears and they don't attack that much. Speaking of that, per the mijority's request, bears now don't attack as much anymore but even if it does... You can tell because instead of the detection saying a bear, it'll say a mad bear. Hope this helps!

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-11-19 08:01:35

hello sam,
the bears is awesome! even if I have got killed by them, I still use them as my toy ahahahaha big_smile now, since we can attract bears with flare, I'll enjoy stw more and more! thank you! big_smile

good day
sorry for my bad english

2015-11-19 08:52:29 (edited by Mayana 2015-11-19 08:54:49)

Thanks for the new update, Sam. Even 1 more reason to not use flears for me now. I think I will just burn them, thanks. smile
It might be possible to train a rabbit, but hard to code. Training a bear requires ... much more work and not getting killed. Wild animals in general are hard to train, because well, they are wild animals.
And for age limit: for that you would have to play 100 game years, and game time is a bit diferent than the real time. Unless you mean 100 days, which is just cruel.
So, Momo, I am not supporting your sogestions at the moment.

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2015-11-19 14:55:49

oh, mayana, just saying, flairs only attact bears to that location. It should only be a problem on a couple maps, but on the island there are only a couple bears. They only go to whare the flair is, so if you like 20 tiles away from whare you launched it' you'd be fine.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-11-19 16:30:21

suggestion: what about make different forrests with different threes and plants in it.

2015-11-19 17:12:46

There are already quite a lot of diferent forests (pine forest, forest in the middle of nowhere, a beautiful forest landscape, main land). We don't really have menny diferent plants, but in the pine forest there is pine, so we could say there are pinetrees there. And then there are barriers and grass and weed and stuff like that.

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2015-11-19 18:28:01 (edited by Sean-Terry01 2015-11-19 18:39:06)

Hey Sam, my friend Shane just died again this morning. He and his wife are just wanting to find a place in the game where they can easily fish and do other things without being attacked by a bear so often. Is there anyway you can fix it so it's not so much so on the Forest mainland? Also, he says when he was  being attacked, he hit the arche and tried laying down, and nothing seemed to happen. He was still being attacked. He said he also tried running away, and wasn't able to do so either.  And, what about another feature suggestion. What about adding traps for bears and rabbits? I think it would be kind of neat and a bit realistic for that as well.

2015-11-20 00:20:05

So first, I've made it so that bears attack less, tell me if it still scemes to agressive. If he pressed r to lay down, he has to stay there. He will get attacked for a fiew seconds, then the bear will stop and go away. But it won't stop attacking that instant. I will probably add snares eventually, I have the sounds for it. It'll just take a little bit of coding which I will get done at some point.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-11-21 00:07:33

Hi Sam, Sean again. I have a few suggestions. What if, since the city is  all ready a radiated city, instead of adding bombs you could make it so that when you travel through the city, your health decreases because of the radiation.  Also, could you make a bit of a change to the logging on and off messages? What if you could set it so that you don't get the notifications at all, or the notifications you get will be everything, or only the people you and the other person trust when you trust each other you will get notifications when they come online.

2015-11-22 05:42:54

hi sam, have a suggestion. We can throw a spear, but why we can't throw a knife? i suggest add a throwing knives.

2015-11-22 22:51:27

I might add that some time. So guys, heres something to look forward to in this next update!

you are wearing some dusty_shoes on your feet, some torn_pants on your legs, a tattered_shirt, a dirty_sweater, a bear_tooth_neckless on your neck, and a string_hat on your head. you are also wearing warn_out_gloves on your hands, and a silver_ring.
Also theres genders! Most of you probably scene some of this, but it's 2 of the biggest reasons this update is jumping so high in version numbers!

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-11-23 00:38:04

ahaha. yeah. Nice job Sam! and I have a suggestion, now we have much ability that can we do with my hand, like, throwing, punching and anything els. but we have none for ability to control our feet. what do you think? for exampel may be you can add ability to kick? bwuahahahahaha!

I'm sorry for my english. Because it isn't my native language

2015-11-23 13:52:38

Greetings guys.
Maybe it will be a bit strange suggestion, or, request, how ever... I like to crash bike, but, we can't repare them, and honestly we wouldn't need to, if could be possible to add ring. Eg, someone is biking, and about 3 / 2 tiles before the tree / wall, his / her bike could give some warning, and he / she can choose: will stop, or crash it out! big_smile Cause I saw many people still don't know about camera, and, one more, when their bike crashed, they can't understand it and think, that bike just doesn't work and ask other players what to do.

Sincerely yours... Lucy.

2015-11-23 22:27:11

darth scorp wrote:

alright, let's continue!
the first thing about gifts: it seems, we had a nice gifts system earlier, didn't we? every day a gift spawns somewhere on random map at random coords. and it isn't so bad if noone will find it, they'll find it someday. and they'll probably find a lot of them. for making this gifts more wanted, they'll contain only items which don't have another way to get: i mean find or craft. for example hammocks or boomerangs. but we'll never find shotguns or chips in the gifts. this will force the people to move around and search everywhere.
second, about pk: well, i understand that alotta players were killing for fun, not for getting stuff. that's why the pk system deserves to exist. the first way is the safezone which most players don't want, i don't know why. i love this idea. the second is to a little improve the system we have, cause it's possible to cheat even right now, time penalty helps but not too much. now listen. when you enter /pk into the radio chat, the 5 secs timer starts. everyone around can hear this timer and prepair them selves for you are ready to kill. when the time is out, your pk turns on and you are able to shoot. shoot players with their pk on of course. that will solve the problem who will be the first turning the pk on. as you may know, a player who enabled pk first is in danger because he doesn't know when his opponent is going to enable it also and begin to attack. well, we decided to be a killer. and that's why we won't be able to disable pk till we die. killers must be destroyed.

I personally don't like the pk on until you die idea, but the time limit before your pk is turned on idea is very good, in my opinion, and maybe you should implement it, sam. Sure, not menny people use pk, but some do, and lets make it fear for those, too.

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2015-11-24 02:45:37

That's one of the new features in this huge update. It's about 165 megs, btw, and there will be a lot of new things, clothing and gender just being part of it. And btw in the future when creating accounts, it will ask a gender, instead of nagging like it does now. But unfortionatly that is client side, so i'll do that when the update comes out.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-11-24 22:56:16

Currently I find it annoying that if I am wearing 1 baseball_hat but have 20 of them, I can't give someone 1 until I stop wearing the one I am wearing, because it will prevent me from using all 20. Could you fix that in the next update, so eather it automatic stops wearing the hat if you have nun, or dissalous you from droping or giving away a hat if you are wearing it and have just 1.

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2015-11-26 07:16:40

Nice job with the animals Sam. However, I feel there are a few things that need to be said about the bears.

First of all, this game is called survive the wild; it's suppose to be difficult. Making bears weaker and weaker makes no sense whatsoever. Second of all, if anything, bears should be the ones that attack you and run away and wolves should be the ones that streight up attack. Bears typically run away from loud noises and typically attack if their cubs are being threatened. Seriously though, I really like the animal AI, it gives a whole new aspect to the game.

I also had a few suggestions. The first is, don't you think the way the bikes work should be changed? I understand and agree that bikes should break when hitting a tree, butperhaps there could be a radar when you're on the bike so you can dodge trees? That just seems the most practical  way of doing this.

The second thought I had. I know you want the goal of this game to be as realistic as possible. That being said, what if survive the wild was in real time? So it would take a real life day for the sun to rise and set. This would also mean that hunger and thirst would go up a lot slower. Again, like you siad, you want the game to be as real as possible, and it isn't realistic to think that a person could drink that much water and eat that much food without being seriously obese.

What does everyone else think of this?

2015-11-26 12:13:25

ross wrote:

Nice job with the animals Sam. However, I feel there are a few things that need to be said about the bears.

First of all, this game is called survive the wild; it's suppose to be difficult. Making bears weaker and weaker makes no sense whatsoever. Second of all, if anything, bears should be the ones that attack you and run away and wolves should be the ones that streight up attack. Bears typically run away from loud noises and typically attack if their cubs are being threatened. Seriously though, I really like the animal AI, it gives a whole new aspect to the game.

I also had a few suggestions. The first is, don't you think the way the bikes work should be changed? I understand and agree that bikes should break when hitting a tree, butperhaps there could be a radar when you're on the bike so you can dodge trees? That just seems the most practical  way of doing this.

The second thought I had. I know you want the goal of this game to be as realistic as possible. That being said, what if survive the wild was in real time? So it would take a real life day for the sun to rise and set. This would also mean that hunger and thirst would go up a lot slower. Again, like you siad, you want the game to be as real as possible, and it isn't realistic to think that a person could drink that much water and eat that much food without being seriously obese.

What does everyone else think of this?

Can't be disagree about the wolfs, but some correct about the bears: bear can do and strate long attac, because when they protecting their children, eg, they never will runn away.  And, I think I already said almost the same thing about bikes, so I'm glad that I see here a houman which has same thoughts. And, You're right about thirst and hunger, but for me it's not so important how fast it's going up, because now we have a bunch of food, even on the ground. And Sam made it slower, I think. Same case about water, just need be more careful.

Sincerely yours... Lucy.

2015-11-26 15:55:25

Like allways, nice work, Sam! Like the new sounds a lot!
I will agree with the bike thing, it should give us a worning so we don't crash without knowing we will

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
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2015-11-26 19:00:13


Yeah about the food and water. It doesn't really bug me, and I didn't notice that he lowered the rate in which they go up. But if Sam is going for realism, then maybe that's something for him to consider.

2015-11-26 19:25:45 (edited by Sam_Tupy 2015-11-26 19:27:23)

The reason I don't have stw in realtime is that it would be for one timezone. So if someone in one continent played, they might only be able to play durring the night time in stw. That would kind of suck. Thirst and hunger do go up very slowly, thirst goes up every 8 seconds and hunger goes up every what was it... 30 seconds? Something like that. I will probably add a radar on bikes, but i'm not sure when As for the obese situation, I will before 1.0 first make it so you have to go to the bathroom, at least somehow. A bit grose but kind of nesasary. With that I can limit how much the person can actually eat until they let what they got in there system out. I will probably just have a key like control B make you go to the bathroom or something on that tile. Unless someone else has a better way of doing this? Also, bears wern't intended to get weaker, I think that I screwed up the AI a bit so they don't start running at you when there supposed to. I'll look into it though and hopefully get it fixed.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-11-26 21:15:25

O yeah, I didn't really think about people in other time zones; good point.

2015-11-26 21:18:55

I present... more descriptions!
dead rabbit: What a poor thing! Oh well, in this world you eat what you kill, and this corpse better not go to waist.
dead bear: Quite heavy, but could probably give you a lot to eat if you cooked it.
Gutted rabbit: The fur is removed, but in order to cook it you would need to get rid of the head and tale as well.
Raw rabbit: With Fur, internal organs, head and tale removed, this is now perfect for cooking.
Eddable rabbit: A fully fried and prepared rabbit ready for eating. Too bad there's no bbq sauce around here...
Durty water: Ug, you don't even want to look at this, much les drink it.
Dusty shoes: Their a bit dusty, but you could still wear them. Anything to stop your feet from getting wet.
Soft pants: Some pants to cover your legs and... other assets. Quite soft on your feet.
Thin shirt: The shirt's quite thin. It won't protect you much from attacks or the weather, but its clothing and you'll take it.
Baceball cap: With a logo of the local sports team on the front.
Large soft jacket: This jacket is quite soft. Its a bit too large on you, but it'll keep the rain from getting on your skin.
Small ring: A plane small ring that could fit around your middle finger.
Perl neckless: Its quite nice, actually. You could hang this around your neck.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.