2018-10-16 20:48:00

@3,123, it is possible to use the keyboard yes, but it's not as easy as the mouse. Many people are under the assumption that the mouse is a sighted-only device, but Aprone's designed the interface of Swamp to track mouse movements accurately via sound instead of on-screen visual output. I don't play much Swamp anymore because of the mouse's causing problems with my wrist, and I tried playing with keyboard only and it was far too cumbersome.

@3,126, how would I go about setting up a joystick to work with Swamp? I think a joystick would be more tolerable for my wrist then a mouse. Who knows, if it works well enough, might even be worth getting a gamer account finally, since I'd presumably be able to play more. smile

AKA president731

2018-10-16 22:21:39

I'm not sure what the best way is. I've just used Joy2key and assigned shoulder buttons to mouse movement. There is probably a more analogue solution somewhere, but I don't know it.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2018-10-16 23:02:50

If you have the Dualshock 4, mouse emulation (via programs such as JoyToKey) is not necessary. Installing the Input Mapper virtual driver will allow the touch pad on the controller to function as a track pad, removing the need to calibrate the analog sticks (in order to fine-tune mouse movement). That leaves the rest of the controls for other functions. Pressing the touch pad down even works as a left click, allowing that to be a definable key within swamp itself.


Spill chuck you spots!

2018-10-17 12:39:48

I'm having touble using the input mapp I cannot seem to navigate the program.  Must I buy a PS4 controller before using this program? I ask because x'r rather expensive.

2018-10-17 18:25:34

I wrote this in the redspot topic on audiogames.net so here it is.

i have a problem with swamp though. its not the deseign, movement system, key commands, the costamizability, the way weapons work, the sounds, no, its the hole pay to play online thing. I get it, it helps hackers stay away, but thtat means  either people in some countries can't play the game online, or people who can't buy it at all, either because they are not 18, or their parents won't buy it for them, they can't play online, talk to there friends, level up, and find weapons on different maps.

2018-10-17 19:09:41

Do you have a solution that solves both problems? I don't think "use volunteer moderators" is going to work. Not only would this fail to stop hackers as effectively as a paywall, but it will take approximately five minutes for a "this mod is evil please unban me!" threads to start popping up like Hydra-heads. If you have something that might work, I imagine it would be considered. But I don't speak for Aprone, JTBC.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2018-10-18 18:51:05

A friend has just returned to Swamp but cant play as most of the sounds are missing.  He's got the latest patch.
I don't know what to advise so any help welcome.

2018-10-18 19:00:12

Maybe an error with the download, or he only got the patch? I'm not sure what the current solution to Yahoo! throttling the download is, but I think there's a mirror somewhere, and if that fails, IIRC people have had success with download managers in the past.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2018-10-20 01:18:33

Hi, Phoenix here. I cannot play online for some reason. It says that the server appears to be offline. Does this mean Aprone is working on the big update?


2018-10-20 03:23:17

if you need a full patched version I have a zip and a self installer depending which one you want.

zip file:

self installer:

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2018-10-20 17:52:24

SirBadger you are a star!  And a very kindly one at that!  He had success imediately with the self installer.  His game name is Deadman and he asked me to send his thanks for your help.

2018-10-22 10:37:15

Bad news for customers of the FreeKyMartRepairShop.  It has been continually wrecked by very bad people.  No goods are safe and staff have left.  Boris is back on the bottle and talking of KyMartFreedomFighters or even branching out with ReignOfBoris.  Meanwhile the self styled Moloh TovCocktail has set fire to the vault and completely wrecked the hospital.  The only thing left intact is Darkness.

Try my free games and software at www.rockywaters.co.uk

2018-10-25 16:21:02 (edited by flackers 2018-10-25 16:32:43)

Just a quick suggestion. What if every time you completed a weapon specific quest, as well as gaining 1 quest credit, it also permanently added 1 skillpoint to the mastery of that weapon category. This makes sense and would give greater meaning to the quests.

2018-10-25 22:39:43

flackers, your idea sounds pretty good actually. but i haven't seen aprone replying to this thread since some time, so i am not sure if he saw people's posts.

2018-10-26 05:13:33

Flackers, I like that idea too. very cool! and I hope all is well with Aprone!

2018-10-26 05:18:01

Actually I took the week long vacation from work, and have been trying to get coding done on Swamp.  Today I literally had the thought, "Holy crap it's Thursday already?!"... which is a hint about how much progress I've actually been able to make.  Coding for the next update is taking Much longer than I would like, and sadly I still feel very far from having anything ready.  I still have the next 3 days to code, so hopefully things will turn around and I'll start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Flackers, the problem with such an idea is that people would quickly have so many points in their weapons that it would unbalance everything.  Not that things are perfectly balanced now, but you'd have people with hundreds of extra skill points in their weapons just because they did weapon quests, and that doesn't seem at all equal to the effort people would have put into gaining hundreds of levels to get those same skill points.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2018-10-26 11:53:35

hi aprone,

i do get what you mean accept that you can only do x amount of quests per day and as such weapons quests don't always come up. so yes i can see what you're saying from a balance issue but equally if you wanted a weapons quest which is my favourite of them even without this idea, you can keep all your quest slots free but you may not get a weapons quest for a few days. so i don't see how a player could get hundreds of skills in a particular weapon. that is of course assuming that for example each weapons quest you get a shotgun for the next 2 or 3 quests. they are pretty evenly spread out.

2018-10-26 16:00:21 (edited by flackers 2018-10-26 20:43:10)

If you got one mastery skillpoint for every weapon quest, I think the most you'd ever get is around 4 or 5 a week. I don't know about people who are really high level, but you can get loads more than that doing missions. And you tend to favour one or two specific weapons so all those mission skillpoints would be going into one or two categories rather than being spread across them all. Let's say you wanted to boost shotgun mastery: you could add 100 points in a relatively short period doing missions, but it would take years to get those doing quests. I don't think a new player could ever overtake an old player by getting points from quests because the old player would be getting them too. They could only ever catch up by doing missions. I like doing the quests, I just wish there were more meaningful rewards for completeing them.

2018-10-26 17:50:33

Rather than as a permanent bonus (if such a weapon bonus is even to be considered), how about making it last only your daily resets are restored, or until you die? In this way, you could make the bonus a random between +1 and +10, as well as setting an appropriate character flag. At the time the server resets skill points (be it via death or daily reset), the flag is cleared and the bonus is removed. In this way, a person can only ever get one bonus for the day, rather than stacking up +100 to beebee gun mastery, forever.


Spill chuck you spots!

2018-10-26 23:54:33

how about this idea, the you to use quest credits or lootpoints for other things than storing items in locker, such as use loot for extra xp?  Just a thought

2018-10-27 12:43:31

Aww, I definitely hope to have our lockers back one day, that was terrific when that was finally set up. But as far as weapon points per death span, that'd work nicely! IMHO! Good thought there. smile

2018-10-28 04:48:59

In my oppinion, the crate bug should be looked into before anything else, unless it already is of course.  If you kill zombies and then drop right after it usually counts but not always.

2018-10-28 13:11:52 (edited by flackers 2018-10-28 15:17:38)

Don't know if this is significant, but I've only ever seen the crate bug happen on missions involving multiple players. I've done hundreds of missions solo, and dropped thousands of crates, and none has ever failed to drop. As a newb, I never felt comfortable with waiting in the truck, so when I heard someone mention how doable 180 basics or fierce is for a low level player, and how much EXP you get for it, that's all I've been doing since. I've only ever seen the crate bug happen to others on the few multi player missions I've been on. I've noticed other little buggy behaviour on those missions too, such as lag, and my char running slower. I never have any issues when I'm on my own. I wonder if others have had the bug while on solos. I've seen it happen several times on a single 200 crater with multiple players, so I'd have thought it would have happened by now having done loads of 100 craters solo. I used to drop them 10 at a time just in case, but now I collect all 100 in a single go, so I'd be well pissed if they ever didn't drop, but it hasn't happened as yet.

2018-10-28 14:24:17

How anyone has the patience to solo a 100 crate mission is beyond me. I get tired of running in circles before 30 if nothing more interesting is happening.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2018-10-28 15:09:41 (edited by flackers 2018-10-28 15:13:11)

It is pretty mindless, and I wish there were more interesting ways to earn skillpoints, but it only takes about 15 minutes, and I only do it at most once a day. I just got tired of asking others to do missions to help level me up as it mostly involved hanging around the SZ with nothing to do, then standing in the truck for 10 minutes, again with nothing much to do. Once I found there was a more proactive way to level up, it seemed the only option. It's just you do have to do 100 or it's not worth it. It's a dull way to progress in a game, but it suits my personality more than the other option. I've never been much of a team player or chatter, so I'm glad there's a way to play this game solo, even if it is at times a bit dull. I'm sure my interest in this game will wane a lot sooner than it would for someone who's more into the team aspect, but I'm still enjoying it for now. In a perfect world Swamp would have grand theft auto style storyline missions that are heaps of fun to do over and over, but the resources will never be there for that, so I'll get what I can as long as it lasts. It's still one of the great audio games whatever.