2014-09-19 01:48:52

Hi Philip,
Thank you for the help. I'm also wondering something else: I was looking at the security functions, and I wondered if it was possible to encrypt entire folders? I'd just love to encrypt the entire sounds folder and be done with it, so I can then load it into a pack file. I suppose if I wanted to encrypt multiple files using the file_encrypt function, an array would come in handy so that I don't have to ecentially call 31 file_encrypt functions for the music folder, etc? The music folder is what I'd like encrypted and packed especially, even though it's freely available the content does have a licence where it can't be used commercially, so wouldn't want people taking music from my exe and putting it in their own games and selling it, since I'd have to buy a commertial licence for it.
Plus, it'd be nice to know how to do this in the future anyhow.

Anyway, here is my updated BGT script. Changing one brace came up with two more errors lol, so I changed it back to just one because I don't know exactly which brace is either missing or contains an extra brace where there shouldn't be one. Hopefully I'll get to grips with that with the other two "Programming in Practice" tutorials and practice in general.

2014-09-19 02:53:34

@Orin: I have now gone through and fixed the problems in your code. You had a few missing exclamation marks resulting in reversed conditionals, you had some misplaced brases, you were passing tbt and tbi backwards so that the sequence played back slowly while the player had a fairly short amount of time to react, and a few other details. They were mainly related to typos. I also made one other change, namely that the array called music is now gone. There is no need to set up sound objects for all of the music tracks since you don't ever want to play them simultaneously. Instead, you now have a single sound object called music which is used to play both the menu music and one of the 30 random tracks.

The link to the updated code is:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/512 … Deluxe.bgt

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall