2014-08-29 09:42:53

thanks jayde.

spoiler again.

but what about her demon form? i seem to have not enough health to last through while i slowly decrease her health.

2014-08-29 10:19:32

Hi there.
Phew. that was a tricky battle, but I killed them in the end. Jason and his statue.
After the fight, one of the member of my party said let's go back to the paladin ruins.
so I made my way to the place in the paladin ruins where I started from originally.
Where should I go next? I've already killed the ruin guard in an earlier battle.

2014-08-29 16:49:04

Yes you can find them all on one page at:

Now just a question (late game spoilers follow):
Did anybody ever kill one of the assassins in the Halfling distruction HQ and then absent-mindedly leave without picking up the key fragment?
I almost did this just recently. Thankfully I only got a few steps away before realizing it or it would have confused me to no end when I was still unable to unlock the door.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2014-08-29 19:59:56

I'm posting this for Aaron, if he ever reads this forum topic.
The bug I talked about a few posts ago regarding the ruin guardian seems to only happen when I start with Stella
No matter who is used at the end of the fight before all turns run out, that person is the only one I have when I get returned to my cabin.
This happens consistently, and I'm worried that the bug will trip when I beet said boss as well.
Also, It would be nice if the L and Shift L keys were changed a bit.
L could say something like "Ross is level 99", and shift L could say "Ross needs 29,300 experience points to reach level 100", or something like that..
I'm posting this because labor day is coming up, and this may be Aaron's last chance to work on the game for a while.

2014-08-29 20:39:37

I can asure you that the problem you describe won't manifest if you defeat the boss.
I guess I never noticed it because I just reset if I lost.
Aaron has been in school for a couple of weeks actually, that's probably why he hasn't been around much. Here in Canada (and I'd imagine in some other countries too) school doesn't start until after labour day, but it's my understanding at least that most school in the states commences mid august.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2014-08-29 22:36:32

Ok I'm confused. Isn't there a stack of 200 coins in the Gateway Lounge? If so I can't seem to find them, but I know they're there from Trajectory's recording.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2014-08-30 00:31:29

Hello BrianP,
What you want to do is take 4 steps right from the right edge of the entryway and then head straight up. It's hidden so you have to tap C, Space or Enter as you walk.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2014-08-30 01:49:30

I knew it was hidden. I just couldn't figure out where.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2014-08-30 20:05:02

I'm still stuck on this stella fight. I really, really really wish final shot wasn't stupidly random. Not sure if I can beat this because I don't have the fastest reflexes.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2014-08-30 21:24:31

Hey guys,
I'm stuck in the electronics section in teh gaming center. I know there is supposed to be something that happens, and I've been through the maze completely (I'm at the top left of the maze where there is a notch or small room, but I need a hint on why I'm not finding this whatever to progress the game.  Can someone help?


2014-08-30 21:48:37

spoiler space
I am really stumped now.
I killed Jason and his statue, and I killed the titanic tyrant in the kingdom of fragments.  Now I tried entering the hell on earth, but it says the area is strictly off limits to humans.
What do I do?

2014-08-30 22:12:51

Hi. This is my first post to this forum. I am quite frankly an old guy not good at these games, but I sure love trying. My question is, I need to find the drunk guy Burt. Went to hidden pub, talked to bartender who said I can't help you. Cecil says let's find Jayden I think his name is. Now the only time I've ever encountered him is in Kelly's dream. How do I find him, or the drunk guy? Thanks. Awesome game, well worth the $30 investment. I like the wall tones although some do not. Think it's a clever mapping system.

2014-08-30 23:23:50

It's Jason you have to find, not Jaden. Go back near the entrance to the second recreation level and you should find it.

Regarding the other question about hell on earth: you also have to defeat the second Protector (southeast in the ruins), DJ Rocky (floor 3 of ghostly chamber) and Sanctuary Guardian (or Otherworldly Guardian, whatever her name is) in the Disturbed Sanctuary level 3. If you do all of that and then go to hell on earth, you should be able to progress.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2014-08-30 23:40:19

Spoiler regarding virus
Looking for the employee key card.  Ross or someone in the party says "wonder if someone could help us?"  So who am I looking for?  Went to the hidden florr but no one seems to be there, figure to look for simon maybe but where?
Everyone is almost at level 100, figured I should take the time to do so.  Stella battle, kellies second dream and protector battle in the holding area were actually fun.  Still slightly challenging but had plenty of health so plenty of times to fail a scroll and practice.  Love death dimension and toxic storm, wish there was a spell combining both, damage of death with just a little more poison damage.

2014-08-31 01:41:22

Your post is confusing me.

The employee keycard is part of the storyline, and if you've done some of the endgame content in the ruins then you can't have missed it.
If not, then the protector fight is the first (there are two), and you should check the employee lounge on floor 4. It was off limits before this point, but it's now open for your looting pleasure.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2014-08-31 06:59:51

when you say southeast in the paladin ruins, do you mean on the first level or the second level.  There's someone who I run into who says, I have nothing against you, please leave. Is this who you mean?
I've killed DJ rocky, the ruin guardian, someone in the ghostly chamber, and the first protector, nancy or whatever her name is.

2014-08-31 15:31:51

spoiler again.
how do i kill the demon form a second time? when i killed the first form of it, it asked me a question and i choose one of the answer, the one not to condamn my own kind of course, but after that i had to fight it again and my health seems to never be enough to kill it as it's health is super high.

2014-08-31 16:22:22

Okay, I finally made it to Hell on earth, and I still have to say that Aaron needs to do Something about Final Shot.
The fact that it is random is destroying my chances at finishing this, um level?
I thought this was supposed to be a dungion, but I guess not.
Anyway, for a quick fix, final shot could be made to act more like Final Corruption.
That way, we could at least do it.
Either that, or give us a little leeway on responding to the beeps, as we can't tell when they will come.
An option to use the right alt key would be good to.
Now, when you do get a sound librairy or something, you could do a system where we can get some kind of indecation as to how long the gap between beeps will be, or something.

2014-08-31 17:04:05

This is why this system actually is good but in my opinion, totally bad implemented.

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759

2014-08-31 18:18:45

She has nothing against you because you haven't found her first fight yet. This means you also don't have Stella.

slight spoilers

Go back to that place you get to by going down the stairs on wing 1. Lower Chamber or whatever it's called. Go to the second area, and get to the top edge. You'll find a ton of potions, plus one hidden item. Try and grab it for your first fight.
If you don't do this, you won't be getting into Hell on Earth.

And incidentally, I hated that area. After the boss rush thing, there are like twenty walls you have to "break" as in Infinite Matrix, and some of the freaking scrolls you have to use are obnoxious. Like ten seconds of dead air obnoxious, followed by three quick beeps and then another eight seconds followed by the final beep.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2014-08-31 18:45:52

And Aaron's made it abundantly clear that he will never make changes to that. I personally like the magic system, just not the way it's implemented for some spells. Fifteen to twenty seconds of silence at the beginning? That's going a bit too far. I paid for the ame because I really hope to see the hinted at sequels someday.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2014-09-01 01:42:35

I'm not quite sure what to do in the disturbed sanctum area or ghostly chamber. 

    *Spoilers Ahoy!*

     All I see int he ghostly chamber is an empty room with what I assume is the ghost of the music guy from gateway.

   And Disturbed sanctum has the four switches on each floor, but I didn't notice anything different on either floor when I looked around.   

   And lastly...there's a second floor to the ruins?  I thought it was one giant destroyed mess as one floor.

    ...And another lastly, is there anyone who serves as a coin trasferer/stat shop in the ruins, I haven't found an npc who would do this yet.  Though surprised I find the music guy.

2014-09-01 02:08:24


1. For the sanctuary, try setting all the switches the same way. If they all started off, turn them all on. On the first floor, the teleporter to the second floor is considerably north of your starting point, but the area is a huge open space, so you're golden. On floor 2, the same goes, but the teleporter is near the northwest switch.
In Ghostly Chamber, talk to the ghost and get him to change the tune. Then check the teleporter way to his left. Eventually you will stumble on the tune which makes the teleporter send you to the second floor.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2014-09-01 03:35:37

One thing that I'd like aaron to change that I think he should be able to change, is the ability to not only turn the volume of the music up and down, but to mute it completely.  Of course, this need not apply to the music in the lounges.
I think this is why sometimes people aren't able to concentrate on getting the timing right when casting complicated scrolls, because the background music is a bit distracting at times.

2014-09-01 04:13:40

I'd like some guidance here. I played a lot more last night, and am now at the following point...


I've just entered God's Palace, and have instructions to do the four towers, first is the Tower of Judgment? Justice? Whatever. What kinds of things will I be doing in these towers? Any general hints would be appreciated so I know what I'm getting myself into before I get into it!