2012-03-12 21:32:54

"MBA Business research group at Texas Tech University is looking for blind gamers using trading card games or poker, etc. card games to review an exciting new technology that allows direct play with sighted players without use of computer or sighted speaking partner. Contact Ed Miller at [email protected], or 806-777-9259...please pass it on we need to do market research to bring this amazing technology to market. Thanks"

2012-03-13 10:52:36

Are you a spambot?
BTW, this tech already exists...

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2012-03-13 13:36:33

can you get a braille poker set?
only i'm definitely getting a normal pack, as then i won't be lied to by my mates and have to drink every time. tongue

2012-03-13 14:06:13

no, this isn't a spambot, it's someone working out some new tech reearch.

I'm interested, but I'd want to know a little more about how this would work, and also whether you need to be in america, sinse if it is some sort of hard ware device, getting it around the world could be difficult (this is after all a completely international forum). Also, how much would it cost? These days you stick the word accessibility onto anything, and you can add another zero.

Braille packs of cards for instance are about 15 pounds, that's around 25 dollars over here, where as you can get a standard printed pack for next to nothing, and when the device is some sort of electronic systems that price can go exponential, ---- look at the prices of braille displays for example.

As regards poker, even if you don't count blind adrenaline cardroom, Quentin C playroom and All in play which let you play accessible poker online, you can play poker and other standard card games quite successfully with a normal pack of braille cards, indeed that was how I started myself, playing poker for pennies at school with a load of sighted friends, ---- indeed I was the only vi student at that school.

When I noticed people were playing poker I thought I'd take along a braille pack and try myself and this worked very well.

I do however find the idea of a device that could read ccg (collectable card game), cards interesting. My brother is an international standard ccg player and has frequently gone to tournaments around the world to play ufs (universal fighting system), wwe roar, and occasionally other games like pokemon or magic the gathering as well.

I'd be interested in a machine that could read cards as played, sinse obviously even brailling my own! cards wouldn't help because I'd still need to read those of my opponent, and as there are thousands of cards per game with new ones being released continually, it'd be very time consuming to try and braille them all.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2012-03-15 14:15:31

Well, I thought he was talking about braille cards... smile
Hmmm... I'm interested to hear more about that kind of tech you're talking about, Dark - that would be nice... big_smile

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2012-03-19 16:46:46

We've tried playing uno with fatih without brailling the cards. There were different kind of cards, but it was not exactly a UNO game. We  drawn random cards from the box and we did our process according to the card. There were not uno cards either.
For example, there were bigger cards than the others, we called them draw 4. And there were very little cards and we called them draw 2 I think, and we called the normal sized cards normal cards like green 8. I  know, it is not interesting much, but it was fun for us. Then we lost the cards. LOL.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2012-04-25 00:15:16

Hey...please let us know if this tech exists in some format, what your aware of. This will be more of a system that is affordable with numerous functions. We need hard facts as feedback and some way to find a number of blind gamers that are out there, not just playing video games but how many play trading card games, role playing games, table games, miniatures war games...seperately. This information seems very difficult to find or assess. We are for real research on a real product. This coordination with the university allows technology to come to market in an affordable way. Your help and comments are appreciated. Please contact us if you are willing to do an online survey. Thanks, TTU group

2012-05-06 16:59:45


2012-05-08 18:37:16 (edited by minis for sale 2012-05-08 18:38:07)

Deciding to purchase one of the many used small excavators minis for sale can be the best way for you to go

2012-05-16 03:21:18

I can't  help this guys since I am from Brazil, but I would like to tell you my experience on that.

I used to play magic, the gathering. I bought a card protector, witch is basically a piece of plastic that you put your card into. I wrote a braille code on each card protector, and memorized what each code meant. my opponent's card I couldn't know what it really was. But as I was always playing with friends, I trusted them and they always told me the card that they were playing.

I also tried to play mage knight, a miniature game. The miniatures are amazing, and I loved them since I touched one of those. I couldn't play this one due to the constant need of measuring the distance between your miniatures and your opponent's.

Warhammer 40 k, another miniature game, I didn't even try. You have to paint your own miniatures to represent something that I don't know, so I stopped there.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with stranger aeons, even Death may die.

2012-05-16 16:55:58

we have to spam bots here.

I'm gone for real :)

2024-05-02 19:41:12
