2024-04-15 12:59:38

How do you aim, fire, and stuff like that , I can't seem to get it to work even though I've gotten movement down.

Hi there, if you wanna find me on twitch, you can do so at Twitch.tv/LeonianUniverse and on YouTube at the same channel name. I stream Hearthstone and other games and love to chat with people, so if you like my content, feel free to subscribe or follow me.

2024-04-15 13:15:48

Use stick in gamepad to aim.
Also for me it doesnt reads menus too.

2024-04-15 14:07:45

ah so you need a controller? Good to know.

Hi there, if you wanna find me on twitch, you can do so at Twitch.tv/LeonianUniverse and on YouTube at the same channel name. I stream Hearthstone and other games and love to chat with people, so if you like my content, feel free to subscribe or follow me.

2024-04-15 14:22:24

Anyone figure out how to fix the "Steam not found" issue? I dont know what could be the issue.

End of Post!
Leos signing off.
CFN ID: LeosKhai. (Always looking to fight people)
Discord: leos_khai

2024-04-15 16:48:14 (edited by Strilin 2024-04-15 16:52:35)

the menus are not read by TTS, presumably this problem will be fixed in the future.
According to my experience with a controller, it is more comfortable, but it can also be played with a mouse and keyboard
Restart the Steam.

2024-04-15 17:17:22

Hello all.
Just installed guide play, but will have to wait for the end of the month to install counterstrike.
Has anyone tried sharing feedback?
Also, does the app have the ability to autoupdate?

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2024-04-15 17:23:59

please recording

2024-04-15 20:22:11

Ah, so you need a controller. I'll try again.

2024-04-16 08:34:06

Steam Patch Failed
Error parsing Steam local config
Well it cant parse this now. damnit.

End of Post!
Leos signing off.
CFN ID: LeosKhai. (Always looking to fight people)
Discord: leos_khai

2024-04-16 09:00:40

Hey all. so, I got the game via Steam and I have installed GuidePlay. But, when I launch Guideplay, I get the Steam Patch Failed error. Unable to either connect to or find steam. The main error a few others were having. What can I do to fix this? I can't find the answer if it was said before. Also, I had my sighted wife try clicking on the gear icon. but, for some reason, she wasn't able to click it with the mouse.

2024-04-16 13:44:25

when i press on the program shortcut i getting this error
Unhandled exception in script Failed to execute script 'guiBeta' due to unhandled exception: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType

battle.net tag abdallah#22878 the new one because i lost my previous account
my facebook

2024-04-16 14:19:37

Wonder if it could be related to a language setting or a non-standard character possibly?  I personally got it to run on a Win 10 machine (though haven't been able to fully try everything)

Sightless Kombat.
***If you wish to refer to me in @replies, use Sightless***

2024-04-16 15:46:35

yea, I have the same error of both posts 37 and 61. Probably might be a language thing. I will have to switch my pc to english... that sucks

Sorry for my english

2024-04-16 16:13:30

The operating system is the problem. Guide play only works with Windows 11. And it doesn't really matter what language the machine is in, or whatever, it's Hungarian for me, but the guide play speaks English

2024-04-16 16:40:04

na, is not the problem. I have windows 11 latest version so that's not the problem

Sorry for my english

2024-04-16 17:05:02

I have encountered the same error while I was trying to set Guide Play up. I just uninstalled Guide Play, Counter Strike 2, and Steam completely, then reinstall them one by one and all in the C drive only because at first, my Steam was installed in my D drive causing the error.

Without the past, you will never be who you are today.

2024-04-16 20:44:43

The game, steam, and Guide Play are all installed on my C drive. But, I still have that odd steam error. Mine isn't a language issue as everything is English by default.

2024-04-16 23:16:32

i have the saim error
Unhandled exception in script Failed to execute script 'guiBeta' due to unhandled exception: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType

2024-04-25 21:01:05

Hi guys,
Any new updates on this one?
Is the accessibility thing  getting better?
Can't wait to what comes of it!

Often we have no time for our friends, but all the time in the world for our enemies.

2024-06-08 19:02:38

Anything new with this one, guys?

Often we have no time for our friends, but all the time in the world for our enemies.

2024-06-08 19:45:29

I tried to use it and I got an error that it couldn't find steam and failed to patch it. They plan to open source it and it still gets  updates but more games will be able to natively impliment it into their games. I wonder how this goes honestly.