2012-02-10 15:14:33

Hi all.
I'd like to start off with some background first:
So, I've just started with my first year at University, studying for a BMUS degree.
Before this, I went to a school for the blind, [since mainstream schools in South Africa can't accomadate blind students yet].
So, as you can imagine, this new mainstream life needs getting use to.
Before this, I had some sighted friends, but they usually understood me well. Only occasionally, did I need to answer a lot of questions about how I live, etc.
And now, all of a sudden, I'm almost overwelmed by these questions.
But there was one thing in particular that happened today that inspired me to post this topic.
I was sitting in the class, listening to a professor's lecture, when he suddenly moved over to the board, and asking me if I could hear what he was doing.
Naturally I said yes, thinking that he just wanted to know if I could still hear him, since he moved away from me, and my recorder. [I always make sure that I record these things.]
Then he started writing something on the board, and everything went very quiet. Then, to my shock, I fully realized what he was doing. He thought that it was possible for me to hear what he was writing! I was just so shocked, that for a moment I couldn't say anything.
Afterwards, when I spoke to him about it, he said that he dealt with some [blind] people who could hear what someone was writing on a board, which I found extremely interesting.
I've had my fare share of strange questions/assumptions on my blindness before, but this one just tops them all!
So, I'd like your thoughts on this.
Also, it would be interesting if you can share your experiences, and particular strange questions you had from sighted people before.

There is one rule above all others for being a man.  Whatever comes, face it on your feet.
@bcs993 on twitter, feel free to follow!

2012-02-10 18:38:32

Yeah, that's quite weird.  Reminds me of the conversation my then girlfriend was having with a friend of hers.  Said friend apparently did a lot of giggling and eventually asked if we were having sex.  G/F responded in the affirmative and friend then asked her how it was possible.  G/f told her that I could in fact have sex without seeing.  Friend responded in awe, "He can?"

When G/F told me of this, I about fell on the floor laughing, wondering whether friend always left the light on or something.  We do get the weirdest questions.

2012-02-10 19:42:19

yeah, i have faced wierdest of the questions myself in the smaller grades, because it is a general curtacy that the senior students are more mature and not disappoint blind persons here by asking questions about their living, but they rather try to vollinteer them in their work...

i remember when i was in grade 4, around 8 years old, some random child would ask me, tell me how many fingers are there , to which i simply reply that i cant see.
then some random fellow bring their wristwatch and try to ask me the time, perhaps they would make smaller groups and make fun of it.

and once in grade 4, probably the first days, some teacher asked me, are you able to do things on your own, like a normal person  ..

and perhaps once upon a time, i was walking on the staircase, when i noticed the sounds of a ladies sandles  walking behind me through the stairs, and i felt someone's hand above my bag..
though slightly confused anyway
i said , "good morning, ma'am"
and after that she replied, "oh! good morning", "you are an excelent person, your ability to identify people by feeling  just their hands  is rather worthy"

lol now that's too funny, though later i told my friends that first there was a sound of the sandles, ( those wooden kind of back heals... ), and the smell of the perfume... lol!


He picked up the wrench and broke the guy’s wrist with it, one, and then the other wrist, two, and turned back and did the same to the guy who had held the hammer, three, four. The two men were somebody’s weapons, consciously deployed, and no soldier left an enemy’s abandoned ordnance on the field in working order.

2012-02-10 21:20:27

Heh, that reminds me of that time during assassin's week that I ... well, I'll paste my account that I wrote on the pacmate right after it happened:

8:24PM 10/23/2011: Again with the freakin' essays.
Heh. And I've been playing Aprone's new Zombie-shooting game. And it's late and I haven't written a bloody thing. So I decided to try going outside, partly to help with my chances of actually getting started, and partly so I wouldn't have to worry about Darryl showing up or calling.
... Remembering that it's Assassins week and people are usually out at night, I brought my sword. I head for the pecan pit, and that boulder I usually use (when it isn't freezing... should have worn more than just a jacket. .. on top of normal stuff. .. yeah... ).
Well, I think I hear someone moving about somewhere, but what really tips me off is that as I get close to the rock, I start to smell something distinctly human in origin. I'm going to pull my sword out of my jacket anyway to cilmb on the rocket, but decide to do so in the most deliberate fashion possible. Wise decision, given that a nearby merc then mentioned that my instincts serve me well.
I get the feeling he's going to send someone my way.But in the m
ean time. Tale of Genji.

Typoes left intact. tongue

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2012-02-11 09:40:10

assassin's  week? lol sounds fun.

I'm gone for real :)

2012-02-11 15:43:14

Well, here's me soloing an entire team, not that it's easy to tell what's going on: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16520690/CaejWins.mp3

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2012-02-12 08:16:27

Wow, some of these are hilarious.
That hearing people write is strange, i've never come across it before.
I have received some questions that people ask such as How do you eat, how do you sleep, or use the restroom, etc and I tell them, but sometimes I just have to wonder why people ask me all these. I offen find myself thinking that the world should know more about blind people, that we are people like them, just with visual impairments. It amazes me how much this world uses nothing but sight to take in information. When there is no light, people freak out and sometimes i think everyone should learn how to navigate in the dark. Same with the mouse. Tons and tons of people only know how to use a computer by the mouse, and not by the keyboard. I also believe most people don't know how to type on a computer keyboard. They always have to look at the keys and they type slower. Hahahahaha I was in a typing class at my public school and they had covered the computer keys so people had to learn the positions. Hahahaha that was great.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2012-02-12 14:37:57

I've tried figuring out what was being written based on the sound.... I have nowhere near the patience and concentration necessary to figure that out. And this was just based on one person's writing style.

One that always got me when I was younger was buckling seatbelts. My (fully sighted) sister would complain whenever we were going somewhere at night that she couldn't see to buckle up. I still had enough vision in my right eye at the time to play high-contrast 2d video games, and even then this just confused me incredibly.
Something that does annoy me is that every time we go to a new place, like a hotel or someone else's house for a trip or something, people feel the need to show me where everything is in the bathroom.
Or, in the most recent cafeteria, where it was pretty well impossible for me to serve myself without sticking my hands in everyone's food, once I'd get everything, someone would usually tell me where everything was located on my tray. I usually just tuned that out.

Ah, and then there was the time I was shadowing at the math and science school, which is residential. So I was sleeping on a matress in the floor of someone's room, and when I needed to use the restroom I tried to be all ninja about it. But even though it was like four in the morning, this guy woke up and felt the need to show me everything. -_-

And then people like to tell me how many steps there are on a staircase. Bleh, it won't hurt if I don't know when I'm at the bottom, and the worse that happens at the top is I do a weird highstep and get slightly more exercise out of it.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2012-02-12 18:37:43

I love martial arts classes where they take sight away, it's my opportunity to be the deadly ninja with all the advantages.  I've actually taught students this way to emphasize connection and learning to know where an opponent's body is from any point of contact, much faster than visual processing.  It's a tremendously useful skill in martial situations.

2012-02-12 20:17:40

bladestorm360 wrote:

You know, this might come off as offensive to some people, but the one that really, really gets me is when sighted people ask me how a blind person can wipe their own ass? I don't get it. I mean it's painfully obvious, even to me, someone who's been completely blind since birth, that you don't crane your head around trying to look at your ass every time you have to wipe. So I just don't understand where it comes from. It's like people are so used to doing everything with their eyes, that they can't imagine doing something without them, even something that doesn't involve their eyes. But for some reason that one seems to come up particularly often.

Haha one time when I was in about fifth grade, I actually got asked by a girl if my mom helped me take a shower. Awkward, anyone?

Ahahahahhaa, I thought i was the only person that got asked the wiping my own ass one... Guess not. And yeah, having mom help you shower could be a bit odd to say the least.

Another one was I went to a friends house, that she had just gotten. One of those "Hey, my first place on my own, that I own, come look" deals. I was sitting on her sofa, drinking all night (Diet Mountain Dew, nothing alcoholic) and had to use the restroom, and never being in this place before, asked her to show me to it. Here is what I remember of the conversation...

Her: "Miller, how do you pee?"
Me: "Well, guys were born with a thing, called a (spelled wrong here to pass the effect through text) PEE NIS, and that's what I pee out of."
Her: "No, I mean how do you know where to pee?"
Me: "Well, you see, when I was really young, my mom and dad potty trained me, now can you pllleeeeeeeease show me the bathrom, I really gotta piss."
Her: "No, I mean I know you weren't always blind, so how do you know where you're peeing now that you can't see?"
Me: "Oh, *starting to laugh at this point* that's easy. I pull it out, start to let a little out, and spin in a circle until I hear water on water. Once I hear that, I know I'm either peeing in a toilet, sink, or tub, so either way it doesn't matter. Now can you show me the bathroom, so I can go please? *a little more stress in my words here*"
Her: *very seriously, and somewhat angrily* "You're not using my bathroom!"

After that I threatened that if she didn't show me I would whip it out and use her couch. *shrugs* she didn't believe me, adn I had to go so bad at that point, almost a 2 liter of diet dew in my bladder now, plus dinner pressing on my stomach, that if I had to, I would have... So I started to pull it out...

Needless to say, after she saw that I wasn't joking, and really needed to use the bathroom, she showed me the bathroom.

Another one is that I am somewhat good with colors. For example, my girlfriend asks for an orange popsicle, and most of the times, it's what she gets first shot. Now mind you, I'm total, so no shadow, no way to cheat without takign a pic or asking someone the color. I was doing this one day for a friend, and he asked me how in the hell I did that. So, I shrugged, and tol dhim I can smell colors. He asked me what color his shirt was, and since I had his arm earlier to get through somewhere, I knew that it was a plain white t-shirt already. So, I tol dhim that... To this day though, several years after that, he still believes I can smell colors...

I figure that if people can ask some quite odd, and some quite stupid questions, then it is okay by me to answer the same way I was asked. Just like the old proverb, ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.


Visit my site at VI Tek Talk.
A discussion forum for cross platform, cross device adaptive tech as well as adaptive tech insociety and different cultures.

2012-02-12 20:25:35

Ravager I laughed SO hard at your spinning part!  I absolutely loved it!
Your VI Tek Talk link seems to be broken, just in case you hadn't noticed yet.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2012-02-12 21:12:10

Lol! I'll definitely remember the bathroom one.
I love some of these stories.
I have a few more stories to add to the mix, although none are as good as those.
I was at an NFB convention a few months ago. I don't really like a lot of the NFB's beliefs but that's a whole other topic entirely. Anyway, at this convention, we had several meetings, and right in the middle of one of the meetings when they were describing assistive technology and the IPhone was brought up, some sighted kid raised his hand and asked how on earth can a blind person use an IPhone if it only has one button.
after the whole convention was over we had about a half hour where people could ask questions. That same kid asked which Jaws is better, the older or the newer? And we all thought he meant the screen reader but he was referring to the movie...
And someone else said that a college professor told him that typing on his note taker was making too much noise in the classroom! I hope that professor never, ever gets to hear an old braille embosser...
And in seventh grade we were taking a spelling test, and I didn't realize they cared about capitalization, so I just wrote the words in lower case. The teacher didn't know I could write capital letters, and that I was just saving a little dot 6 every now and then.
As for weird questions, I've gotten lots. The writing one actually came up recently. They also think I count steps down the halls at school. Once I had someone apologize for distracting me from my so-called step count.
Something I have been working on is handwriting a signature. Which reminds me I have to figure out how to put one in my profile eventually. I really don't like handwriting. It wouldn't be so bad if the  below were not to happen.
When there comes a time when I have to sign something, I always ask a person, like my escort, especially if it's someone I know well, if it's readable. And they always say yes, and then the person who really needed the signature in the first place just goes off. "Wow!" he says, "That was a great signature! I didn't know you could write. I'm amazed!" And they treat me with more openness after that. Is that really how things have to be? I guess.
Anyway, I'm done. i'll let someone else tell some more interesting tales.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
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2012-02-12 22:33:22

I wonder if we could pitch an article to cracked.com: "The top ten most ridiculous things you probably believe about blind people (that are complete bs)".
There'd be people in the comments section whining about how they don't want to hear about anyone's lives, but eh, who needs 'em?

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2012-02-17 05:23:01

As far as the whole how many fingers am I holding up thing goes, I'd like to either A. break the fingers of whoever is saying it or B. proceed to hold up my middle finger and say, "how many fingers am I holding up?" Usually people who do that are completely ignorant assholes.
By far the weirdest question I've ever been asked was on a day about 6 years ago I was walking down the street, minding my own business, when a woman came up to me and said, "Excuse me, does your stick have magnets in it?" When I just stared blankly at her, she said, "Well, there has to be some way you can tell where the curb is!" I still don't have the faintest idea where she was going with that one.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2012-02-17 09:28:20

Heh, I've done the middle finger thing before, though only to people I already knew. I've never been asked the writing question, or indeed a lot of the questions I've seen here. I do get asked how I use the computer and the iPhone, and about counting steps.

It's strange where people come up with some of these ideas magnets in the cane when gravity works so well? I just try to keep in mind that when they ask, most of the time they're genuinely curious, and since I'm a teacher, I have the tendancy to answer as honestly and straight forward as I can and don't get to use all the sarcastic remarks that pop into my head.



2012-02-17 19:55:30

Somehow that reminds me of an incident where I was talking to a class (this is the one where  I demonstrated mota). For just showing how the cane is used, I did a little two-point, then pointed out that I usually just use diagonal. Then proceeded to diagonal my way into the corner of a desk. It was... actually kinda hilarious. XD

And somehow talking about that makes me want to play mota.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2012-02-19 04:18:27

most of these, if not all, have been asked to me as well.
well, the most anoying have been the finger stuf.
I don't understand why these people ask us such questians, when they know perfectly that we can't answer it?

another thing that I've noticed is, many people come and ask me, "do you know who I am?"

most often, I can answer it, but sometimes, it does anoy me!

thinking about strange insidents, I've had one in third grade.
well, we, that is, me and my friends, where walking through the school, when a 2 rupee coin fell out of one of my new friend's hand.
I picked it up, intending to help him.

suddenly, he yelled out, "he's not blind!"
I told him that I could do such things by the help of sound, but it took a teacher's help to convince him that I can't, actually see.

come and join my
facebook group!

2012-02-19 06:47:29

All of this reminds me of a time, where me and one of my many, many, many cousins were at the mall. This is what I remember from the experience. I was hungry, but not quite ready for lunch. I decided I wanted some candy of some kind. So, I asked her to take me to a food court or something. She said, "Okay!", and took me to the nearest one. I ordered something that I can't remember, and we started walking down the hall again. I am going to get to the point now. She was watching me eat. I can tell, because as we were doing sighted-guide, she was sort of half turned. I was like, "What in the world are you doing?". She said, "Wondering how you eat?" I was like, "Well, I take the food, put it in my mouth, chew it, and then finally I swallow it."! It made her so mad. it was very, very, funny.
Also, I was in a store once, and a little kid saw me and went over to his mom. "Hey mommy! That's a blind person." The mother was trying to shut him up because he was making a scene. And, she apologized to me, because she thought it offended me. I just spent the whole time laughing.

Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. - Mark Twain

2012-02-20 06:45:16

Lol, I would have said the same thing if someone asked me how I eat. Honestly, the things some people think of...

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2012-02-20 11:40:33

I recall reading somewhere that the guy behind IC2D (which apparently got stuck in limbo) was once at a restaurant, and heard a girl telling her mother that she wanted to see if he could find his face.
*Checks to see if IC2D is or is not dead*

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2012-02-21 21:53:25

One of the strangest things about me is that I can feel people's emotions, without them saying a word! Though, it's something I can't do every day. They don't even have to make a sound and I can tell how they are feeling.
As for strange questions, well someone once asked me how could I drink without missing and spilling it. And I told them quite calmly that I drank just like sighted. I also hate when a little kid comes up to me and asks me how many fingers they're holding up. Makes me want to grab my hyper hammer and...
Woopse! Methinks I've been playing bk II too much! Lol.
Well as for using the restroom, well, what happens there, stays there. So I won't share unless I get that much! Popular demand for it.

2012-02-22 07:03:21

I have mastered the inate ability to side step out of the way of students while walking down the halls.  This, however, made too many people wonder why the hell I'm considered blind if I could dodge and walk so well  (and arrive at class in time).  (So, the loud and annoying talking they do isn't enough to have someone do this blindfolded?)  So, a few students argued with the principal saying I wasn't blind and said I could easily dodge them.  When I was called down to explain, I sort of pissed off one of the students, who took a swing at me.  (In front of the principal....you could imagine how this student's day ended).  His friend was standing behind me, and I felt the motions he was telegraphing (he was being loud) and the look out mesage, I side stepped the blow, and his friend twisted himself out of the way, forcing the idiot to punch the principal. 

    Best....day.....ever....   I had to explain they were making way too much noise and was easily detctable by sound....a conceptthat seemed new to them on their reaction.

2012-02-22 10:16:54 (edited by CAE_Jones 2012-02-22 10:45:19)

I think every cane I've broken has been because someone was running across my path recklessly.
Well, other than the one where the elastic broke after about eight years because I was tossing it in the air when I was bored. But I don't count that as broken. tongue

Something that really gets on my nerves is when people freak out when they see me walking alone and decide to grab my elbow and "guide" me... in the same direction I was already going.
At one point I got fed up enough that I grabbed the person's hand and turned around and glared at him. At which point he followed me to class and apologized profusely. So... after that I decided to just try very hard to ignore such people.
... not that doing so is always possible. The silent elbow people appear more often in crowded hallways. Outdoors, people are more likely to actually try to talk to me in the process.
One rather short conversation went like this:

Him: Hey, where are you going?
Me: This way.

I once had someone run up to me and ask how the cane works. I... had a very hard time forming a coherent sentence to answer with. It hits stuff?
I think I indirectly convinced him that it helps me echo locate.

When people deliberately try to run me into stuff for being a smartass, I think we've gotten to a quasi-intelligent point of communication. smile
One such incident happened the day of a gladiators show I was involved in (Actually, I think it's on youtube, but it's really difficult to make sense of what's going on by the audio... maybe I'll post it just for Aprone. tongue. ).
The guy ran me into a parking lot light-post in such a way that my knee was a little unhappy for a few minutes. His girlfriend promptly slapped him, and he did eventually ask to be sure that it wasn't serious.
At which point I reminded him that in a few hours, I would be using that leg to kick his sword out of his hand.

Heh, the one hickup in my part of that performance happened well after the sword-out-of-hand-kicking, when he tackled me and my weapon went flying out of my hand. We had rehearsed it so that it would not, in fact, be lost, and I would break free and stab him. I'm not entirely sure how we managed to pull that off without the audience catching on. He managed to tell me to just punch him, and we managed to separate long enough for him to come at me with another weapon that I was able to steal and finish the scene correctly.

So I guess my point is "Yay violence!". smile

Umm, here are those videos. The audience was primarily a group of a couple hundred or more drunk college students, so I'm sure you can imagine that some of their shouts warrant a language advisory.

And, yeah, it's pretty near impossible to tell what's going on by sound, especially over the audience.
Before the races...
First race
First gladiator battle and second chariot race
Of Gladiators and gods
And the gods battle
Gladiator Finalli

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2012-02-22 18:17:56 (edited by lauren.downie96 2012-02-22 18:19:45)

Wow! I love topics like this, where I can just listen and laugh at the things sighted people ask us. Honestly!

Well, yesterday I was in the hall at school, eating lunch, and someone came over. He was a year 7, a new person at our school, well relatively new anyway. He said "who am i?" I said "Peter." I know his name, because he talks to one of my friends some times. smile Well, he kept at it, until I was in the corridoor today, going out of school. He said "who am i?" and I retorted, "well, you should know who you are! Maybee you should go see someone if you don't." I appologised today, because I felt really bad, but I told him "please, I know who you are, now don't ask me that again!" TBH, I don't really know why he kept asking me! big_smile

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. -Abraham Lincoln

2012-02-22 18:48:04


Well, that question is stupid. I mean...
"So, who am I?"
Either I come up with some amazing, know them, or just say "You".

I was waiting for a friend. Since I have sight left, I know where I'm going. Or in this case, standing. Then that guy comes up, just grabs my arm and pulls me over the street.
Me: "Where are we going?"
Him: "Your destination".

I mean, I was at my destination already. I was waiting there for a reason. I'm sure I made it obvious too, as I was sort of leaning against a wall. Come on peeps?

Same thing for people who think they can tackle or hit me, just because they think I can't see them. Either it's their cry or just noise which ends up being their fault of failure. Yeah, I return. tongue

Makes me laugh.

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