2012-02-12 15:30:25

Brad, I've done that, actually. smile
I feel the heat more than the magnet-like force, but that's certainly there as well.
I took a Tai Chi class for a semester. My schedule didn't work out so that I could commit to the intermediate class, unfortunately. (I kinda wish it had, simply because that class got into weapons, and I would have liked to have had knowledge of the weapons styles for one of my games.).

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2012-02-12 15:46:19 (edited by brad 2012-02-12 17:11:59)

ahh yes see people will feel chi or ki differntly. for you it is heat an maganetness. lol i no that isn't a word but for me it is just maganet feeling. although before the voice came into my life i could feel the heat as well. damn it was amazing. oh yeah kei what is your ttake on the voice. do you think i am crazy? lol. i swair i herd it. but what can i do to sence ki better now that i can't cence it as much as before?

I'm gone for real :)

2012-02-12 18:55:07

I haven't read the article earlier posted, but qi/chi is something I've been working with for more than 25 years since I began studying Aikido, a japanese martial art with links to feudal Japanese martial arts and a dose of very newagey spirituality mixed in.  It's very difficult to translate these word concepts directly into English, but likening the japanese sense of ki to the Force is pretty spot on I think.  Given sufficient time and training, one learns to feel the energy of (sense the ki of) an incoming attack.  Everyone manifests this differently, for me, it's a pressure of a sort that, if I'm on my game and relaxed, I just let my body follow a sort of contour line and I'm in the exact right place at exactly the right time to make contact in a way that leads the energy of the attack into the ground, or dissipates it harmlessly, or gives it to me to amplify something I'm going to do.  This is the basic approach of Aikido from a martial standpoint.

I've also made use of this energy in my work as a massage therapist.  To sense it, one must let go of the desire to sense it, a typically paradoxical statement, but nonetheless true.  If you approach another human thinking that you're going to sense what's going on, you get in the way.  If you simply open yourself to whatever impressions come, and learn to trust what you feel, you can do some fairly amazing things, like resetting a dislocated finger to bring relief to back pain, or laying a hand along a woman's collarbone, only to have her dissolve into tears as she recovers (and can now resolve) a memory of being sexually abused as a child.  In neither of the mentioned cases did I expect any such outcome, i simply followed my energetic nose, so to speak to a point where the person I was working with needed my intervention.

So this stuff is real and present in my world.  These were in fact my first exposure to what others might call magical phenomena, and the reason i state my own belief in magic.  To Brad, i would say to trust your own experience above what anyone else says about it, with the proviso that you've actually done some work to understand what you experienced.  I have experienced things that others might decide were delusions or all in my head.  I find a greater value in living them as I experienced them though, so that opinion holds no weight with me other than to know that everyone has their own lens through which they view the world.

2012-02-12 19:49:07

I think this is a spambot so. This really tempts me to make a kill the spambots game or something. Why are they even spamming us? It's not like we're actually going to listen to them so it seems pointless.

About beliefs. I personally don't follow a religion, rather take certain concepts from certain religions. For example for Budhism, think that's how to spell it, I believe in the cycle of birth and death thing.

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

2012-02-12 20:44:12

Violinist, I actually reference my Aikido class briefly in my paper, though I admit I didn't do a good job of it.
Actually, the one time we did a blindfold session in there was when we got to talking about ki and me specifically. The problem is that our teacher is ninja enough that no one saw his attacks coming (even me).

One of the last classes I got to go to, he had me work on aiming with a katana. I was surprised at how well that went.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2012-02-12 22:09:13

CAE_Jones, I agree that the concept of free will is flawed, and I think that is due in part because the people who support free will probably don't look at it rationally. A lot of things happen in our lives that we absolutely have no control over, and we react to those events in a way that is often in our own best interests. Not always, but usually there really is only one choice or outcome that makes any logical and rational sense.

For example, a number of years ago I lost my sight. Obviously it was against my will, I had no control over it, but in theory I had a choice how to react to my blindness. I could have killed myself, but in most human beings the instinct to survive is greater than the desire to kill oneself. I could have decided to be depressed, felt miserable for myself, but the state of self-pitty is not one a rational thinking human being would entertain for any length of time. The only option I had was to accept what had happened and move on. Therefore I didn't really have free will in either the problem or the choice I made, because the alternatives to accepting my blindness were far worse than learning to live with it.

In the religious context I think free will is often an excuse to get God off the hook for questions that the religious texts do not answer without a lot of beating around the bush. The people who believe in free will often claim we have free will even when it clearly is not the case. If someone is raised to be Hindu, never is taught to believe in the Christian God, how can he or she be punished for breaking the first commandment when they don't know they are breaking it? More over, if Jesus is the one and only way to salvation then how are people who never heard of Jesus or was not raised to believe in that doctrine suppose to be saved?

themadviolinist, you are absolutely right. It does seem irrational to believe in supernatural and apparently invisible beings simply because its not based on empirical proof that science and reason require when attempting to derive or discover truth. At least not empirical truth that is consistent for every person who tries to access the truth in that way. that's why there are two other modes humans attempt to discover truth.

The first is myth. By myth I mean a story that is not true, but the moral of the story is intended to hold some moral truth. The parables in the bible fit this description, because when Jesus tells his followers about the Good Samaritan, the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, the Good Sower, etc the stories themselves aren't meant to be taken literally but the moral of the story is meant to be taken as truth.

Next, we have religion. Here we have stories that claim to be true, are based on someone's personal experience rather than empirical evidence. The writings of St. Paul fall into this category because he claims to have seen Jesus on the road to  Damascus, was blinded, and later healed after he converted to Christianity. Its not something we can prove or disprove in any scientific way, and we either believe or don't believe his story.

Finally, we have reason. Its both the best and worst method for us because it has had so much success over the last three centuries or so in terms of advancing science and technology, but because religion and myth often come to truth from a totally different approach science tends to ignore anything that can not be tested with consistent results.

Fact is all three ways of looking at the world have strengths and weaknesses, and all we can do is attempt to be open minded and use a combination of these three ways to get an idea of what is or is not true. Even though I consider myself a rational person I also have experienced things in my life that science does not yet acknowledge as fact. Most people would call me crazy if I were to tell them some of the weird things that has happened in my life that defy scientific explanation.

brad, I certainly do not think you are crazy. As I just mentioned before I have had my share of personal experiences that defy any kind of logical or scientific basis. Telling people about it makes people think I'm crazy. Yet, I experienced it all the same.

As for qi one of the things I did in college is I took a few classes on comparitive studies. One of the religions we studied at length is Daoism or Taoism depending on which translation you read. The thing is we studied qi at some length and I actually did feel some kind of force or energy and was able to do some things with it. I didn't study it well enough to manipulate objects with my qi, but there is definitely something to it.

Today there is a group of people who run an organization called Quantum Touch which claims to be able to heal people using their force or qi, and to remove pain etc. In talking to the people who do the Quantum Touch demos etc they agreed that its basically the same thing that various religious groups have been doing all along, that it is what the Chinese call qi, and their aspect is to try and put a more scientific spin on it. I don't think these people are nuts, and my view of qi is simply that its something science hasn't accepted yet.

As for the voice you heard that's hard to say for any certainty. I will say I do believe you as I've had some pretty unusual experiences myself, and not all of them good. My wife and I have been interested in doing ghost walks, have entered haunted houses, etc and have actually encountered spirits. People would say I am nuts, but I have personal experience with beings that science says should not and does not exist.

For example, a few blocks away from where I live there is an old Victorian house. It is said to be the most haunted place in Millersburg. I've been in there at times and have not felt or experienced anything unusual. However, a year ago I was in there and my wife and I encountered two different spirits on the same night.

We walked into the master bedroom and I felt an instant chill, and my wife claims she saw a spirit of an old woman laying on the bed. When I reached towards the spirit my hand became ice cold and she vanished. The second she did all the heat flooded back into the room as though someone turned the heat back on.

In another case we were walking through a room and my wife was looking in a large floor to ceiling mirror when she saw an old man standing behind her. When she turned around there was nothing there. However, as with the old woman I felt like I was being watched and the air was colder than the rest of the room.

Another time we took a digital recorder with us to a haunted place, and were planning to record any unusual sounds or voices that perhaps we couldn't hear. In one case my wife asks if there is anyone there, any spirits that want to say something, we got a voice on the recording that clearly stated "get out!"

The point of this rambling is if you heard a voice it doesn't mean you imagined it. My wife and I have had enough encounters with ghosts, for lack of a better term, to dismiss that sort of thing out of hand. As with qi I think spirits, ghosts, etc are something scientists don't acknowledge simply because you can not get consistent results through testing, and even if they can its easier to doubt it than to accept something is real.

Thomas Ward
USA Games Interactive

2012-02-12 22:22:23

Brad, doubleposting is a no no in the FAQ.  I don't want to act upon it, but I will if I must.

And now, to more pleasant matters.

Part of the problem with skeptics is that we tend to use the mind which is mean, and it wanders, and it makes a person think logically.  Since my path of logic is different from everyone elses etc, it is more likely that I will try to make sense of this story or that one because for me, everything has to have some sort of explanation.  There is a slight difference between myself and other skeptics though; I accept truth, regardless how far fetched and outrageous it may be, because in the case of truth, accepting is more important than understanding as far as I'm concerned.  After all, the truth won't change regardless if you understand it or not; it is simply that, truth, reality, cold hard fact.

I have never had anything supernaturally affect me that I know of.  For every strange thing that has occured in my life there has been explanation to consider.  I've not encountered ghosts, spirits, beings, apparations, nothing of that nature.  Does that mean they don't exist?  No.  It means simply what I said, that I have not witnessed them.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2012-02-12 22:29:05

I read an article that suggested that some ghost phenomena can be attributed to sound falling between 15 and 19 hz. They've done studies that show that sounds in that range cause people to feel uncomfortable, and sometimes it can resonate with the eye to cause weird images to show up.
That really doesn't explain everything that people have reported, but I do find it intersting.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2012-02-13 04:14:08

Lucid dreaming is when you can recognize when you're having a dream, and in some cases control it.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2012-02-13 23:06:30 (edited by brad 2012-02-13 23:08:53)

at blindcool.
i mean magnettic force  as in magnettic force.
like a maganet has been pressed between your hands. or to be more acuret that a force is in the middle of your hands and you can pull-push manipulate it. if you want to you can look up how to make a chi ball on google.
ok let me tell everyone what just happened to me about ten mins ago. well it was over the span of half an hour but anyway.
i was talking to amin when i felt a energy tingaly feeling in my hands and arms. hmm like little aros where being shot into my arms. ok a better way of explainning it would be pins and needles but on the outside and in sted of zooming around your arms or legs they keap dropping onto you and stinging you but it doesn't hert just tingles.
anyway i told amin about this and we wondered for a while what it could be. so i put my hand out to see if i could see anything and i did!
there was a bar of energy slash chi reaching from my flore to my sealing. yeah the lite was on but it wasn't that. it was near the lite so i think it was trying to "trick" me into thinking it was the lite so i would leave it alone. but i didn't want to. it was sooo cuute. i couldnt leave it alone. and it was kind of its falt for wanting to play, what i mean buy play is bee there one minit and gone the next just to apire behind me as a warmth. like a scaff rapped around your neck.anyway i put my head into the tingling energy, bad moove! hahhaha i found out the hard way you do not do that. well you can if you want to feel tingleing all over your body including, hands,legs, head and other places. oh and i felt lite headed for a bit lol and erm i might have laughed a bit crazy like...  muahahhahahhahhahha ahahahhahah ahahh heheheh he heh yeah, erm i was a bit well drunk on the lite. forget drinking lol use chi. so yeah that's my day of using chi over i think.
i didn't even notis i had dubble posted sorry. i deleted it.

I'm gone for real :)

2012-02-14 03:29:47

Re: 34 hey Blindncool, seems a bit impolite to ask others to talk about something you are unwilling to talk about.  If it's too personal for you to discuss, why ask the original question?

2012-02-14 04:26:36

Sorry, I'm just wierd like that.

“Can we be casual in the work of God — casual when the house is on fire, and people are in danger of being burned?” — Duncan Campbell
“There are four things that we ought to do with the Word of God – admit it as the Word of God, commit it to our hearts and minds, submit to it, and transmit it to the world.” — William Wilberforce

2012-02-17 11:00:04 (edited by drums61999 2012-02-17 11:15:00)

Okay I only made it to post twenty-two before I need to reply. I was raised Luthran, but ever since I was thirteen and read an anne rice novel, I was really interested in things like Astral projection, ki, etc. that lead me to websites which lead me to books which lead me to the a strange all-encumpassing belief system. I'll try to be brief.

I believe we aren't a random accident caused by the mother of all explosions. I believe everything is connected, call it what you will, superstring theory law of one, whatever. I believe your beliefs determine your reality, so what may be true for you isn't true for me. for me, Buddhist thought is very appealing, but so are some Christian thoughts, some hindu, some wicca, Cabbala, etc.

People were talking about the Bible, and as far as it goes, I do have several problems with it contradicting itself, not to mention that it's hinted in the Bible, and stated in other sources that early christians believed things that are edited out of the official beliefs. Keep in mind the Bible was compiled in the time of diocletian, and many things were edited to fit in with the majority of the roman culture. christmas is actually a pagan holiday that was stolen. the Resurrection theme was used in other religions as well as the virgin birth. granted I'm not saying none of this didn't take place I wasn't there, and I'm sure other holy books have similar issues I'm just not as well versed in them, get it versed?

anyways, back to the basics, I would probably say I'm a very spiritual person who doesn't particularily like organized religion, I do what feels right for me and don't do what doesn't, but isn't that what we all should do?

brad, I have felt ki movements many times, and I have been able to demonstrate it to others as well. It's quite a phenomenon. I've seen some other really neat things to which, in the United States, are not really considered the normal christian things to be involved or interested things, none of which was any way a negative experience.

My friend said it best.

"god is love, and love is blind. I am blind; therefore, I am God."

Just kidding, sort of.

this is really hard to put into a post in some kind of reasonable length. so I'll stop at this brief miniscule overview.

Okay I read more, I feel like saying more, hahaha. I read somewhere, I think it was a book called, "Magical use of thought forms" that when two martial arts masters met for a competition, all they did was bring their hands together. the one said something like, "You win you're looser, and that was it. I love the paradoxical phrases of eastern thought, or even Shamanic thought, "do by not doing," "stopping the world," etc. If you're more into Western thought you can look up the psychologist Carl Jung and his thoughts of syncronicity.

I haven't really practiced ki movement religiously, get it, for a while I've been focusing on meditation, but As I have experienced, I lost some of the feeling in the energy movement for a while, but I don't think it was really lost so much as I became used to that type of thing, which acording to Robert Bruce, an Australian mystic and author, means your "energy body" is developing.

I've always wanted to take Tai Ki or something similar but never had the time or the money to do so, and I'm worried that the people around here teach the moves and not the meaning. Honestly for the moment, my days include gaming, job searching, and thinking about spirituality, hahaha, what a mix.



2012-02-17 12:49:29

Hi. drums 36 ahahah yes i agree with all of that.i go with what feels rite to me and not with any sertan relijun.
i like all relijuns they can all teach us something.
hmm wika is cool. but i never really looked into it but i should. oh nooo if i do then maybe i might do something scary like erm blow up the univerce. ahahha good buy crule world!
na just kidding. but that would be cool wouldn't it?
you go into a party and say "hey look at this new party trick!" so everyone gathers around you and you put your handsup forming a chi ball spear or what ever shape you want and go "buy buy" boom everything blows up and erm  we all die. ahahah sorry for this random post and sorry if i anoyed anyone .
yeah chi is cool and you really can feel it. i've never felt anyone elce using chi but i no i can but i don't no what to do with it.
i hate websites that say imajon chi coming from your stenum because 1 i can't picture and 2 ijust can't picture things. so it is hardfor me to do that. so could someone give any good sites for chi usege. thanks

I'm gone for real :)

2012-02-17 19:30:45

does this energy have to do with the spiritual awakening of 2012?

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2012-02-17 19:47:38

Re: Bible Contradictions. There is so much figurative language and cross-referencing in there that you can probably fine someone with an explanation for everything that looks like a contradiction. Also, it is extremely clear from just the little that I've read that early christians believed much differently from modern christians. (Judgment immediately upon death? Did they even read more than two verses? Only one comes anywhere close to saying that, and it's pretty vague with regards to time.)

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2012-02-17 20:08:42

i believe so.
well no actually the energy has always been there but people will feel it more in 20 12 and beyond than before. now i could be rong but that is what i think. well i am going to try to meditate more and use more herbal remadys to clear out my body and eat more fresh food in sted of prepacked rubbish. (oh buy the way i hate pre packed food.) not only will it help with cclearing all the crap from the body but it will let energy flow easyer. do i know that for a fact? nope but i'm taking a whiled guess and liking the resolts. also fresh ror garlic and other things like that can oxijenate (that isn't a real word well the word is real but the spelling isn't) the body to and help with blood sells.
i think.
could someone help me with that. i mean tell me if i am rong or rite. or what they think?
oh yeah i know i've asked this before but could someone give me a good site for learning more about how to use chi. thanks.

I'm gone for real :)

2012-02-20 22:31:41

About fresh foods, your right about that Brad. It will help oxygenate the body.

“Can we be casual in the work of God — casual when the house is on fire, and people are in danger of being burned?” — Duncan Campbell
“There are four things that we ought to do with the Word of God – admit it as the Word of God, commit it to our hearts and minds, submit to it, and transmit it to the world.” — William Wilberforce