2018-05-14 14:58:22

Hi! Do you know of any accessible port forwarding program to open ports on your router? I know that, in theory, you can open them using the web browser and your ip address, but, I don't know why, my server doesn't respond when I try to go to it that way. Thank you!

2018-05-14 17:13:54

There is one thing that does it, Mason's got this thing but I don't know where you get it. I also don't know how it works since I do it manually.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-05-15 17:35:22

there you go
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fKmZ8 … fyM5NGTOcN

2018-05-17 10:33:11

Thanks Revan! I''m downloading it now.

2018-05-17 13:06:56

it might not work since it uses upnp to forward y our ports. if UPNP isn\t enabled on your router you won\t be able to use that port forwarding thing

2018-05-17 17:28:40

yeah then you would have to log in and turn it on, if it can be, which is determined by part if you have a router of your own, or if you're using the ISP router and they let you. I would say go into the router and figure it out yourself, that way you don't need to rely on some other program, but people seem averse to trying anything. While it is true that there area really no one set of directions, the basics are this, go into a command prompt with cmd at the run dialog and type ipconfig. Look for default gateway under the network adapter you're using under IpV4, so in otherwords, if you're connected through WiFi, don't look under ethernet, it all should be the same anyway, but you never know. Once you got that address, type it into your browser and you should get a page. Here's where the issues come in though. At first, you will probably need sighted help, but that is why they make apps like be my eyes, who have volunteers that will help you. You need the username and password off the bottom sticker of the modem / router combo, or the router if you're using a separate router. My advice is do not just put that password in the router, but write it down in notepad and save that to your dropbox or google drive. The reason is that while you can change the password once logged in, if you ever had to factory reset your router, you're gonna need its default password again. Once you're in the router, look around examine the menu structure and what pages load when you press on menu options. A lot of times, port forwarding will be under a category called advanced, so you click that and it will expose the menu options under it. Some routers have really good web software that is easy to use, some have convoluted pieces of crap. Generally, each change that you make on a particular page, there is a save changes button, so if you accidentally type something into a field you didn't mean to or something like that, don't worry about it, just don't save the changes.

To actually open a port, you need a few details. A service name, which you can ake up, and its just so you know what it is. Whether you want TCP/IP and UDP, just UDP, or just TCP/IP, most of the time you want TCP/IP and UDP. You will need your internal IP address, which is another thing you can get by looking under your network adapter under IpV4. It is usually in the format 192.168.1.xxx where the last digits after the final dot is really all you need to worry about. Some routers wil fill this in, others won't, which I have no frigging clue why they wouldn't, because there's really no reason not to except some coder got lazy somewhere. You need a start and end port. This makes up a range. If you put the same port in for both, only that port will open, but if you wanted to open say, 10330 to 10335 etc. you could do that by putting the first in start port and the second in end port. Some routers have the external IP there as well, if you see external IP as a field but its not filled in, again, what the actual... but you can find it by using one of the tools out there, just google how to find external Ip. Though, you want the IpV4 one, not the 5, the way to tell is the 4 is like groups of digits separated by dots. 6 will look something like this:  fe73::5953:eade:b1ad:1f9b%11

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-05-17 18:16:47

what model router you using?
if you using tplink,  their interface is fully accessible

2024-02-25 02:38:12

can someone resend this?

2024-02-25 03:02:13

Sorry, this file is infected with a virus.
Only the owner is allowed to download infected files.

2024-02-25 10:52:31 (edited by StormProductions 2024-02-25 10:53:29)

I don't think it's available now. It's almost 7 years since it's been shared last time, so good luck finding it. Anyway, check @6, GCW made it so easy to understand and perform. The steps you need to take now are pretty much the same.

Wanna chat? Hit me up on Telegram – it's the best way! Discord works too if you catch me there (StormProductions). If all else fails, just drop me an email at [email protected]. You’ve got options!

2024-02-25 17:33:11

If your internet happens to be within the CGNAT, it will not be possible to open ports on the router, even if you want to. you will have to ask your ISP for an IPV4 outside of the IPV4 pool. Given that IPv4s are scarce, I highly doubt they'll give you one without paying, lol. alternatively you can use cloudflare tunnel 0trust. where you just have to have a domain to configure everything

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